/pub/packclus dxstat.zip: dxstat.exe scans DX.DAT, clears any dupe and wrong entries, creates some statistics on DX-announcements (DJ6RX). Still waiting for documentation on that. fbbfilt.zip: utility to strip R: lines from incoming mail. fixlog.exe: checks for valid PC.LOG file and repairs it if damaged (DJ6RX). forward.zip: Create a database from FORWARD.DAT and erase deleted entries on the fly logstat.zip: logstat.exe scans pc.log and creates by user statistics in a PacketCluster database (DJ6RX). Still waiting for documenation on that. rxclu*.* program by HB9BZA to monitor PacketCluster without being in the cluster. util1.zip: utilities to manage FILTERS.DAT and OPERNAM.DAT (DL1SBR+DJ6RX). whoswho.zip: creates a WHO-IS-WHO database from any number of bulletins scanned (DL6RAI). The following files were collected and uploaded by Mike, EA1DOF: alloc.zip Database: Table of official prefixes (in german). japan.zip Database: Departments in Japan (in german & spanish). oper.arj Program to deal with the OPERNAM.DAT file. estadis.arj Makes statistics dealing with DX.DAT. zbang!.zip Makes statistics dealing with DX.DAT. ftz.zip Database: Display propagation for a CQ zone (needs WWV.DAT). Vy good. dcl.zip Edits OPERNAM.DAT, DX.DAT & WWV.DAT files. dx2db.zip Extracts QSL info from DX spots. log2asc.zip Converts PC.LOG to a readable form. logstat.zip Statistics with PC.LOG. chkcmd.zip Checks for a correct USERCMD file. chkcrash.zip Checks for a crash ???? Not sure... chkhome.zip Checks HOMENODE.LST file. chklst.zip Checks *.LST files. cracom.zip Split and join files. cronexe.zip Executes a program every day, hour, week... Vy good. dbstrip.zip Deletes records in DX, WWV, ANNOUNCE or WX files. dupes.zip Look for dups on a database file. fixlog.zip Checks PC.LOG. formatdb.zip Uses a database file... keys.zip Searches a database file for keys, and sorts them. movtofil.zip Move files from one directory to another. oper2asc.zip Unloads OPERNAM.DAT into an ASCII file. opernam.zip Kills from OPERNAM.DAT any users which doesn't connect ofenly. refresh.zip Clean deleted records from a database file.