Here are some informationen about the RXCLUS-software ! Please don't send any kind of requests to me !!!!! Please send all requests to HB9BZA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 73 de Dieter, DF4RD DXNEWS @EU de:HB9BZA 24.12.93 13:31 30 4107 Bytes RXCLUS:Cluster DX RX pgm de HB9BZA @ LX0PAC.LUX.EU to DXNEWS @ EU RXCLUS 5.0 - CLUSTER INFORMATIONS RECEIVE PROGRAM The french versions of this program have been developed for nearly 2 years and were uploaded about every 6 monthes to the french speaking area's BBS's. For the first time, the version 5.0 includes a multilanguage support, so this version is uploaded @EU to see if there is interest for such a program in a wider area. As an introduction, here is the beginning of the user documentation : 1.0. PURPOSE This program RXCLUS is used to receive informations transmitted on the PacketCluster system without having to establish a connection to a cluster node. It identifies the frames sent to cluster users, and also those exchanged between two cluster nodes with a special protocol. This possibility is especially interesting during the night time as it allows you to receive cluster informations with no connection even if no user is connected on the local cluster node ! DX, WWV and ANN informations are recognised among all the frames heard on the monitored frequency and are the only ones to be displayed. Of course, each information is displayed only once, even if it is repeated many times on the frequency because several users are connected. So you get the same result as if you would be connected to the cluster, but without additional traffic on the air and with no link failures problems. It is not a problem if the monitored frequency is shared with other packet services (Mailbox, and so on). There is of course a limitation: if you are not connected to the cluster, you cannot send informations requests ! But RXCLUS can attenuate strongly this problem: DX et WWV informations can be stored in databases on disk and you can recall them using different search criterias. Furthermore, a world countries database allows the program to give many informations and make some calculations like a cluster node: prefix allocation, WAZ and ITU zones of a country, azimut and distance, local time. 1.1. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS : V4.0 : new search criteria in the DX database: in the comment field and by logger, choice of the bands you wish to receive the DX spots on, support added for 23 cm spots, more versatile structure of the configuration file, screen saver. V5.0 : multilanguage support (english, french and german provided, translation in other languages by the user is possible), world countries database. 2.1. HARDWARE REQUISITS. - An IBM compatible computer (PC/XT/AT), monochrome or color. A harddisk is strongly recommended if you wish to store the informations. - A TNC on the serial port of the PC. This TNC must make itself the frames assembly/desassembly (TNC-2, PK-88, PK-232, KAM, and so on). Internal cards (for example DRSI) or modems requesting a specific driver (like BayCom) are not supported. - A receiver able to receive a frequency used for cluster traffic (to users or between two cluster nodes). The program with its english documentation is beeing uploaded to IBM @ EU as a self-extracting archive file RXCLU50.EXE encoded with 7PLUS in 16 parts about 4700 bytes in length. Please send .ERR files, if any, to HB9BZA @ HB9IAP. Comments and suggestions for improvements are also welcome. Vy 73 and good DX to all Robert - HB9BZA @ HB9IAP /EXIT