Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1993 10:12:17 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: MFJ QRP KIT To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: IN%"" X-Vms-Cc: JMG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT All, Just finished putting together a 30 meter MFJ.... trying to convince them it would make a great kit. They originally designed it so it can be kitted. The reason that they haven't kitted it was that they can only sell it for about $20 less in the kit form than the built form, and figured no one would buy it. The only thing I had against my MFJs was that I didn't build them. I think for about $159 list and probably $139 selling it is a bargain. You can sit down on a rainy day and build the whole kit taking your time. The board is nicely silk screened. It is a nice double sided board with plated thru holes. The parts aren't too densly packed. Everything is on one board. The coils are pre-wound. There is even a fuse (trace on the board) in case the power decides to go the wrong way (I tested it out.. sure saved a bunch of parts). The parts were decent quality. Of course I didn't have any instructions..but things were still real easy. The built version has a schematic and voltages for the chips and transistors. There is also a complete parts list. The manual for the built version also has very clear step by step alignment procedures. I didn't have any problems getting it built or aligned. I talked with Toronto this AM and got a real good signal report. There was some QSB.. so don't know whether the VFO is drifting or the bands were bad. This version has a much quitier relay for TX/Rec. They are also working on a revision to correct the low audio output problem. The rig is very rugged and about perfect size for packing. I have used my other ones for hours on a 4 ah gel cell. A friend built a 4 position audio filter from the QRP handbook and fit it to the same place the MFJ version goes... inexpensive to build and very effective (when he sold his rig, I got the filter and I am going to put it in this rig). So what do you think? Think it may be worth MFJs while to kit this? 72 *now I have just started the ARK 40.. Best boards, best manual I have come across.. see review this months 73. Jeff, AC4HF