Date: Wed, 8 Feb 89 12:21:00 EST From: Mark Bramwell 519 661-3714 Subject: mods database To: Ham Radio List I have a small server program running here at the Business school. It accepts message as MAIL only. To retreive a file, send a message to BITLIB@UWO.CA The subject should be: MODS The main body of the message could be as follows: SENDME RADIO MODS SENDME TH215 MODS SENDME ALLBAND MODS Please send any additions or changes to me: or, If you have any, please send them along for others to enjoy....... ** Since I do not personally own every piece of radio equipment available, I can not insure how accurate are the various mods. Questions with specific mods should be directed to the original poster. Bitnet: MBRAMWEL@BUSINESS.UWO.CDN Packet: VE3PZR @ VE3GYQ