LHA.EXE ver 2.13 recent revisions July 20, 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HISTORY OF REVISIONS, after optimized with Assembler. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ver 2.13 Extracting with /m2 option should creates new extensions with the same FILENAMEs. LHA changed the FILENAME in some cases. 20 Jul 91 ver 2.13c Test version Key-board buffer is flushed when LHA asks [Y/N]. Added /s option to suppress "Skipped FILENAME.EXT newer or.." message. VZ editor failed to memorize console outputs of LHA with /l0 option. An additonal routine specific to VZ editor. 13 Jul 91 ver 2.12b Test Version. LHA sometimes failed to recognize 2 bytes Kanji-code. Ignore Ctrl-C press while 'Copying TMP to ARC...." Chnged error-level return 1 when LHA failed to create files. LHA used to return error-level 0. 3 Jul 91 ver 2.12a Test Version. LHA recognized erroneously parent directory name '..' as '_.' With option /i2, LHA now stores pathnames in underscore. 15 Apr 91 ver 2.12 '/-' option has now takes three values [0|1|2] so that only the letter '@' is recognized as the firsst charcter of a file name. The motivation for the change is to let Environmental string enable to set responce file. The limitation on the number of environmetal sstrings, 64, is removed. In the process of dearchiving with wildcard specification, LHA sometimes forgot the number of files dearchived. In some cases, SFX file aborts without warning message. LHA.doc has certain missing informations, like /a switch of SFX, and so on. 21 Mar 91 ver 2.11 When a group of archives are specified with wild card, and when LHA fails to find specified file name in some of them, LHA neglects further search with 'e','x','p' and with 's' options. With detecting Disk Full warning, in some cases LHA leaves the old archive with the name LHTMP)1(.LZH. If there is a certain path names with 2 bytes (Japanese KANJI) characters, LHA archives in strange path name with /i0 option. The SFX routine may corrupt after auto-execution. These bugs were fixed. 3 Mar 91 ver 2.10 The first general public release since LH113c in mid-1989. In some cases, even with the /i0 switch, path names in under_score were recorded. This bug was fixed. In the making- SFX routine, /m1 option could not shut up asking [Y/N]. With applying the 't' command to the archive having extension LZH, LHA checks for the bytes padded before the files. You can now specify extensions for the files to be archived with no compres- sion if using the '/z' option, to distinguish the original and the one which is archived. 24 Feb 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ver 2.06 You can add or delete files from an executable SFX.EXE while preserving the SFX feature. LHA also accepts a file names like FILE.TAR.Z, with more than two 'periods' inside the file name made on other OS. The display routine for 'm' and 'u' is fixed. There were files on which LHA would hang without compressing. LHA sometimes failed to check 'disk full' and caused a FAT allocation error. These bugs were fixed. 16 Feb 91 ver 2.05b The routine making SFX had a minor bug. Fixed. 7 Feb 91 ver 2.05a The environmental variable is correctly set to LHA from LH. Removed a bug when some extra code is appended after the end of the archive. Display for the 'u','m' commands and 'Skipped' file warnings are showed explicitly. The time stamp works after 2038 A.D. Changed the /@ option to /- following GNU's convention. The /a option for attributes when dearchiving, is corrected. Previously checks whether a new archive can be created. Under the environment 'APPEND' command of MS-DOS was issued, some files could not be opened. This bug was fixed. When there are no files to be archived, LHA will exit with ERRORLEVEL=2. When some of the file names are not actually used, LHA warns against the filename, with ERRORLEVEL=1. 6 Feb 91 ver 2.05 Changed the name of the program to LHA. (IBM is using LH for DOS 5.0, etc. as "Load High.") Fixed a bug in the compression process. A bug in memory management with 4KB dictionary is fixed. LHA now checks strictly the end of the archive. A new checking routine is included to know the end of compression with corrupt files. New '/@' option is added. English BETA version (LHA205) is released. 1 Jan 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ver 2.04a Fixed a bug in the display if using the /o option. Fixed a bug in the CRC checks right after testing authenticity. A new improvement in the compression speed. 20 Jan 91 ver 2.04 LH displays the state of action. An additional information option /l is available. LH recognizes '@' written in the response file as the first letter of the file name. LH never removes the temporary working file when LH can't execute the entire process. LH had a bug which erased them on some occasions. Temporary files are named 'LHTMP)1(.LZH' and 'LHTMP)2(.LZH'. Fixed bug LH may take a header of level 2 for the end of archive. Fixed bug that caused some confusion when printing more than one file with the 'p' command. The routine to compute the room that is left on a disk is corrected for the older DOS version 2.xx.. The buffer size was extended, decreasing the number of disk accesses used. 18 Jan 91 ver 2.03a Some improvements in the SFX header size, with some bugs fixed. 4 Jan 90 ver 2.03 A new SFX routine was added. 3 Jan 90 ver 2.02f Fixed a bug in archiving files when LH was unable to compress. 29 Dec 90 ver 2.02e Bug in ompression routine is fixed. LH prevents panic even if some of the decoding information is not present. The stack size is changed to the default value of the "LSIC" compiler. 27 Dec 90 ver 2.02d LH breaks off immediately after the first hit of ^C. Dear- chiving routine of '*.LZS' files is made straight. LH changed attribute with option /a0. Fixed a serious bug if using the 'f' command. 25 Dec 90 ver 2.02c Bug fixed for checking disk full when LH is archiving. Made 'x' command equivalent to 'e' command with option /x1m1. 3 Dec 90 ver 2.02b Made its first public appearance in the accompanying disk of C-Magazine. LH changed the routine to suppress the extra ^M, when LH makes an output with DOS redirection. 21 Nov 90 ver 2.02a The first version of LH-series with some routines in .ASM machine code. LH starts to check its' own authenticity from this version on. 18 Nov 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NIFTY-Serve SDI00506 | PFF00253 Haruyasu Yoshizaki ASCII-pcs pcs02846 Yoshi PC-VAN FEM12376 Haruyasu Yoshizaki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - end -