Directory nazca/tnc/ffsk9600 =========================== G3RXFIL.BMP G3RUHモデムボード 受信フィルタ周波数特性 G3RXFIL2.BMP G3RUHモデムボード 受信フィルタ周波数特性 特性改善後 G3TXFIL.BMP G3RUHモデムボード 送信フィルタ周波数特性 C6000RX4.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Standard C6000 430MHz Unit RX C6000TX4.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Standard C6000 430MHz Unit TX C6000RXG.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Standard C6000 1.2MHz Unit RX C6000TXG.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Standard C6000 1.2GHz Unit TX FT712RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Yaesu FT-712 430MHz RX FT712TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Yaesu FT-712 430MHz TX FT726RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Yaesu FT-726 RX FT726TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the Yaesu FT-726 TX IC1200RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1200 1.2GHz RX IC1200TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1200 1.2GHz TX IC1201RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1201 1.2GHz RX IC1201TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1201 1.2GHz TX IC120RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-120 1.2GHz RX IC120TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-120 1.2GHz TX IC1271RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1271 1.2GHz RX IC1271TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1271 1.2GHz TX IC1275RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1275 1.2GHz RX IC1275TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-1275 1.2GHz TX IC2500AR.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-2500 430MHz RX IC2500AT.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-2500 430MHz TX IC2500BR.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-2500 1.2GHz RX IC2500BT.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-2500 1.2GHz TX IC275RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-275 144MHz RX IC275TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-275 144MHz TX IC339RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-339 430MHz RX IC339TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-339 430MHz TX IC371RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-371 430MHz RX IC371TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-371 430MHz TX IC375RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-375 430MHz RX IC375TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-375 430MHz TX IC3GRX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-3G 430MHz RX IC3GTX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the ICOM IC-3G 430MHz TX TM221RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-221 144MHz RX TM221TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-221 144MHz TX TM421RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-421 430MHz 4X TM421TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-421 430MHz TX TM521RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-521 1.2GHz RX TM521TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-521 1.2GHz TX TM531RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-531 1.2GHz RX TM531TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-531 1.2GHz TX TM741ARX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 28MHz Unit RX TM741ATX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 28MHz Unit RX TM741BRX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 50MHz Unit RX TM741BTX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 50MHz Unit RX TM741CRX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 144MHz Unit RX TM741CTX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 144MHz Unit RX TM741DRX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 430MHz Unit RX TM741DTX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 430MHz Unit RX TM741ERX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 1.2GHz Unit RX TM741ETX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TM-741/841 1.2GHz Unit RX TR50RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-50 1.2GHz RX TR50TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-50 1.2GHz TX TR751RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-751 144MHz RX TR751TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-751 144MHz TX TR7700RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-7700 144MHz RX TR7700TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-7700 144MHz TX TR851RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-851 430MHz RX TR851TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-851 430MHz TX TR9300RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-9300 50MHz RX TR9300TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-9300 50MHz TX TR9500RX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-9500 430MHz RX TR9500TX.BMP 9600bps Modifications for the KENWOOD TR-9500 430MHz TX