Biber UTF-8 ↔ LaTeX macro decoding/encoding map

If you are using PDFTeX as opposed to a native UTF-8 engine like XeTeX or LuaTeX, you will have to load some extra packages to use macros in this section. See the "symbols" document that comes with TeXLive for a comprehensive list of symbols and the packages you need for PDFTeX (run "texdoc symbols" to see this document on a TeXLive system).


Excluded from encoding (ignore LaTeX special chars)


letters (sets: base,full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\AA ��C5
\AE ��C6
\DH ��D0
\O ��D8
\Thorn ��DE
\TH ��DE
\ss ��DF
\aa ��E5
\ae ��E6
\dh ��F0
\o ��F8
\textthorn ��FE
\textthornvari ��FE
\textthornvarii ��FE
\textthornvariii ��FE
\textthornvariv ��FE
\th ��FE
\DJ ��110
\dj ��111
\textcrd ��111
\textHbar ��126
\textcrh ��127
\texthbar ��127
\i ��131
\j ��237
\IJ ��132
\ij ��133
\textkra ��138
\L ��141
\textbarl ��142
\l ��142
\NG ��14A
\ng ��14B
\OE ��152
\oe ��153
\textTbar ��166
\textTstroke ��166
\texttbar ��167
\texttstroke ��167
\textcrb ��180
\textBhook ��181
\textOopen ��186
\textChook ��187
\textchook ��188
\texthtc ��188
\textDafrican ��189
\textDhook ��18A
\textEreversed ��18E
\textEopen ��190
\textFhook ��191
\textflorin ��192
\textGammaafrican ��194
\texthvlig ��195
\hv ��195
\textIotaafrican ��196
\textKhook ��198
\textkhook ��199
\texthtk ��199
\textcrlambda ��19B
\textNhookleft ��19D
\OHORN ��1A0
\ohorn ��1A1
\textPhook ��1A4
\textphook ��1A5
\texthtp ��1A5
\textEsh ��1A9
\ESH ��1A9
\textlooptoprevesh ��1AA
\textpalhookbelow ��1AB
\textThook ��1AC
\textthook ��1AD
\texthtt ��1AD
\textTretroflexhook ��1AE
\uhorn ��1B0
\textVhook ��1B2
\textYhook ��1B3
\textyhook ��1B4
\textEzh ��1B7
\texteturned ��1DD
\textturna ��250
\textscripta ��251
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\textbhook ��253
\texthtb ��253
\textoopen ��254
\textopeno ��254
\textctc ��255
\textdtail ��256
\textrtaild ��256
\textdhook ��257
\texthtd ��257
\textreve ��258
\textschwa ��259
\textrhookschwa ��25A
\texteopen ��25B
\textepsilon ��25B
\textrevepsilon ��25C
\textrhookrevepsilon ��25D
\textcloserevepsilon ��25E
\textbardotlessj ��25F
\texthtg ��260
\textscriptg ��261
\textscg ��262
\textgammalatinsmall ��263
\textgamma ��263
\textramshorns ��264
\textturnh ��265
\texthth ��266
\texththeng ��267
\textbari ��268
\textiotalatin ��269
\textiota ��269
\textsci ��26A
\textltilde ��26B
\textbeltl ��26C
\textrtaill ��26D
\textlyoghlig ��26E
\textturnm ��26F
\textturnmrleg ��270
\textltailm ��271
\textltailn ��272
\textnhookleft ��272
\textrtailn ��273
\textscn ��274
\textbaro ��275
\textscoelig ��276
\textcloseomega ��277
\textphi ��278
\textturnr ��279
\textturnlonglegr ��27A
\textturnrrtail ��27B
\textlonglegr ��27C
\textrtailr ��27D
\textfishhookr ��27E
\textlhti ��27F
\textscr ��280
\textinvscr ��281
\textrtails ��282
\textesh ��283
\texthtbardotlessj ��284
\textraisevibyi ��285
\textctesh ��286
\textturnt ��287
\textrtailt ��288
\texttretroflexhook ��288
\textbaru ��289
\textupsilon ��28A
\textscriptv ��28B
\textvhook ��28B
\textturnv ��28C
\textturnw ��28D
\textturny ��28E
\textscy ��28F
\textrtailz ��290
\textctz ��291
\textezh ��292
\textyogh ��292
\textctyogh ��293
\textglotstop ��294
\textrevglotstop ��295
\textinvglotstop ��296
\textstretchc ��297
\textbullseye ��298
\textscb ��299
\textcloseepsilon ��29A
\texthtscg ��29B
\textsch ��29C
\textctj ��29D
\textturnk ��29E
\textscl ��29F
\texthtq ��2A0
\textbarglotstop ��2A1
\textbarrevglotstop ��2A2
\textdzlig ��2A3
\textdyoghlig ��2A4
\textdctzlig ��2A5
\texttslig ��2A6
\textteshlig ��2A7
\texttesh ��2A7
\texttctclig ��2A8
\hamza ��2BE
\ain ��2BF
\ayn ��2BF
\textprimstress ��2C8
\textlengthmark ��2D0

diacritics (sets: base,full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\` ��300
\' ��301
\^ ��302
\~ ��303
\= ��304
\u ��306
\. ��307
\" ��308
\h ��309
\r ��30A
\H ��30B
\v ��30C
\| ��30D
\U ��30E
\G ��30F
\M ��322
\d ��323
\c ��327
\k ��328
\b ��331
\B ��335
\t ��311
\textvbaraccent ��30D
\textdoublevbaraccent ��30E
\textdotbreve ��310
\textturncommaabove ��312
\textcommaabove ��313
\textrevcommaabove ��314
\textcommaabover ��315
\textsubgrave ��316
\textsubacute ��317
\textadvancing ��318
\textretracting ��319
\textlangleabove ��31A
\textrighthorn ��31B
\textsublhalfring ��31C
\textraising ��31D
\textlowering ��31E
\textsubplus ��31F
\textsubbar ��320
\textsubminus ��320
\textpalhookbelow ��321
\textsubumlaut ��324
\textsubring ��325
\textcommabelow ��326
\textsyllabic ��329
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\textsubw ��32B
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\textsubcircnum ��32D
\textsubbreve ��32E
\textundertie ��32E
\textsubarch ��32F
\textsubtilde ��330
\subdoublebar ��333
\textsuperimposetilde ��334
\textlstrokethru ��336
\textsstrikethru ��337
\textlstrikethru ��338
\textsubrhalfring ��339
\textinvsubbridge ��33A
\textsubsquare ��33B
\textseagull ��33C
\textovercross ��33D
\overbridge ��346
\subdoublebar ��347
\subdoublevert ��348
\subcorner ��349
\crtilde ��34A
\textoverw ��34A
\dottedtilde ��34B
\doubletilde ��34C
\spreadlips ��34D
\whistle ��34E
\textrightarrowhead ��350
\textlefthalfring ��351
\sublptr ��354
\subrptr ��355
\textrightuparrowhead ��356
\textrighthalfring ��357
\textdoublebreve ��35D
\textdoublemacron ��35E
\textdoublemacronbelow ��35F
\textdoubletilde ��360
\texttoptiebar ��361
\sliding ��362

punctuation (sets: base,full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\- ���2010
\- ���2011
\textendash ���2012
\-- ���2012
\textendash ���2013
\-- ���2013
\textemdash ���2014
\--- ���2014
\textquoteleft ���2018
\textquoteright ���2019
\quotesinglbase ���201A
\textquotedblleft ���201C
\textquotedblright ���201D
\quotedblbase ���201E
\dag ���2020
\ddag ���2021
\textbullet ���2022
\dots ���2026
\textperthousand ���2030
\textpertenthousand ���2031
\guilsinglleft ���2039
\guilsinglright ���203A
\textreferencemark ���203B
\textinterrobang ���203D
\textoverline ���203E
\langle ���27E8
\rangle ���27E9

symbols (sets: base,full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\textquotedbl "22
\textdollar $24
\textpercent %25
\textampersand &26
\textquotesingle '27
\textasteriskcentered *2A
\textless <3C
\textequals =3D
\textgreater >3E
\textasciicircum ^5E
\textasciigrave `60
\textbraceleft {7B
\textbar |7C
\textbraceright }7D
\textasciitilde ~7E
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\textyen ��A5
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\S ��A7
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\textordfeminine ��AA
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\textasciimacron ��AF
\textdegree ��B0
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\P ��B6
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\textonesuperior ��B9
\textordmasculine ��BA
\guillemotright ��BB
\textonequarter ��BC
\textonehalf ��BD
\textthreequarters ��BE
\textquestiondown ��BF

symbols (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\textg g67
\textdiv ��F7
\div ��F7
\texttimes ��D7
\times ��D7
\textmu ��B5
\mu ��B5
\textpm ��B1
\pm ��B1
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\lnot ��AC
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\texteuro ���20AC
\textnumero ���2116
\texttrademark ���2122
\leftarrow ���2190
\uparrow ���2191
\rightarrow ���2192
\downarrow ���2193
\leftrightarrow ���2194
\updownarrow ���2195
\leadsto ���219D
\rightleftharpoons ���21CC
\Rightarrow ���21D2
\Leftrightarrow ���21D4
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\partial ���2202
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\set ���2205
\Delta ���2206
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\notin ���2209
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\prod ���220F
\coprod ���2210
\sum ���2211
\mp ���2213
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\surd ���221A
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\iiint ���222D
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\geq ���2265
\leqq ���2266
\geqq ���2267
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\gneqq ���2269
\ll ���226A
\gg ���226B
\between ���226C
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\ngtr ���226F
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\ngeq ���2271
\lesssim ���2272
\gtrsim ���2273
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\gtrless ���2277
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\subseteq ���2286
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\uplus ���228E
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\sqsubseteq ���2291
\sqsupseteq ���2292
\sqcap ���2293
\sqcup ���2294
\oplus ���2295
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\otimes ���2297
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\odot ���2299
\circledcirc ���229A
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\boxminus ���229F
\boxtimes ���22A0
\boxdot ���22A1
\vdash ���22A2
\dashv ���22A3
\top ���22A4
\bot ���22A5
\Vdash ���22A9
\Vvdash ���22AA
\nVdash ���22AE
\lhd ���22B2
\rhd ���22B3
\unlhd ���22B4
\unrhd ���22B5
\multimap ���22B8
\intercal ���22BA
\veebar ���22BB
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\bigwedge ���22C0
\bigvee ���22C1
\bigcap ���22C2
\bigcup ���22C3
\diamond ���22C4
\cdot ���22C5
\star ���22C6
\divideontimes ���22C7
\bowtie ���22C8
\ltimes ���22C9
\rtimes ���22CA
\leftthreetimes ���22CB
\rightthreetimes ���22CC
\backsimeq ���22CD
\curlyvee ���22CE
\curlywedge ���22CF
\Subset ���22D0
\Supset ���22D1
\Cap ���22D2
\Cup ���22D3
\pitchfork ���22D4
\lessdot ���22D6
\gtrdot ���22D7
\lll ���22D8
\ggg ���22D9
\lesseqgtr ���22DA
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\gnsim ���22E7
\precnsim ���22E8
\succnsim ���22E9
\ntriangleleft ���22EA
\ntriangleright ���22EB
\ntrianglelefteq ���22EC
\ntrianglerighteq ���22ED
\vdots ���22EE
\cdots ���22EF
\ddots ���22F1
\lceil ���2308
\rceil ���2309
\lfloor ���230A
\rfloor ���230B
\Box ���25A1
\spadesuit ���2660
\heartsuit ���2661
\diamondsuit ���2662
\clubsuit ���2663
\flat ���266D
\natural ���266E
\sharp ���266F
\tone5 ��2E5
\tone4 ��2E6
\tone3 ��2E7
\tone2 ��2E8
\tone1 ��2E9

negatedsymbols (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\asymp ���226D
\lesssim ���2274
\gtrsim ���2275
\subset ���2284
\supset ���2285
\ni ���220C
\simeq ���2244
\approx ���2249
\equiv ���2262
\preccurlyeq ���22E0
\succcurlyeq ���22E1
\sqsubseteq ���22E2
\sqsupseteq ���22E3

superscripts (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\0 ���2070
\i ���2071
\4 ���2074
\5 ���2075
\6 ���2076
\7 ���2077
\8 ���2078
\9 ���2079
\+ ���207A
\- ���207B
\= ���207C
\( ���207D
\) ���207E
\n ���207F
\SM ���2120
\h ��2B0
\j ��2B2
\r ��2B3
\w ��2B7
\y ��2B8

cmdsuperscripts (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\texthth ��2B1
\textturnr ��2B4
\textturnrrtail ��2B5
\textinvscr ��2B6

dings (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\21 ���2701
\22 ���2702
\23 ���2703
\24 ���2704
\25 ���260E
\26 ���2706
\27 ���2707
\28 ���2708
\29 ���2709
\2A ���261B
\2B ���261E
\2C ���270C
\2D ���270D
\2E ���270E
\2F ���270F
\30 ���2710
\31 ���2711
\32 ���2712
\33 ���2713
\34 ���2714
\35 ���2715
\36 ���2716
\37 ���2717
\38 ���2718
\39 ���2719
\3A ���271A
\3B ���271B
\3C ���271C
\3D ���271D
\3E ���271E
\3F ���271F
\40 ���2720
\41 ���2721
\42 ���2722
\43 ���2723
\44 ���2724
\45 ���2725
\46 ���2726
\47 ���2727
\48 ���2605
\49 ���2729
\4A ���272A
\4B ���272B
\4C ���272C
\4D ���272D
\4E ���272E
\4F ���272F
\50 ���2730
\51 ���2731
\52 ���2732
\53 ���2733
\54 ���2734
\55 ���2735
\56 ���2736
\57 ���2737
\58 ���2738
\59 ���2739
\5A ���273A
\5B ���273B
\5C ���273C
\5D ���273D
\5E ���273E
\5F ���273F
\60 ���2740
\61 ���2741
\62 ���2742
\63 ���2743
\64 ���2744
\65 ���2745
\66 ���2746
\67 ���2747
\68 ���2748
\69 ���2749
\6A ���274A
\6B ���274B
\6C ���25CF
\6D ���274D
\6E ���25A0
\6F ���274F
\70 ���2750
\71 ���2751
\72 ���2752
\73 ���25B2
\74 ���25BC
\75 ���25C6
\76 ���2756
\77 ���25D7
\78 ���2758
\79 ���2759
\7A ���275A
\7B ���275B
\7C ���275C
\7D ���275D
\7E ���275E
\A1 ���2761
\A2 ���2762
\A3 ���2763
\A4 ���2764
\A5 ���2765
\A6 ���2766
\A7 ���2767
\A9 ���2666
\AA ���2665
\AC ���2460
\AD ���2461
\AE ���2462
\AF ���2463
\B0 ���2464
\B1 ���2465
\B2 ���2466
\B3 ���2467
\B4 ���2468
\B5 ���2469
\B6 ���2776
\B7 ���2777
\B8 ���2778
\B9 ���2779
\BA ���277A
\BB ���277B
\BC ���277C
\BD ���277D
\BE ���277E
\BF ���277F
\C0 ���2780
\C1 ���2781
\C2 ���2782
\C3 ���2783
\C4 ���2784
\C5 ���2785
\C6 ���2786
\C7 ���2787
\C8 ���2788
\C9 ���2789
\CA ���278A
\CB ���278B
\CC ���278C
\CD ���278D
\CE ���278E
\CF ���278F
\D0 ���2790
\D1 ���2791
\D2 ���2792
\D3 ���2793
\D4 ���2794
\D6 ���2194
\D7 ���2195
\D8 ���2798
\D9 ���2799
\DA ���279A
\DB ���279B
\DC ���279C
\DD ���279D
\DE ���279E
\DF ���279F
\E0 ���27A0
\E1 ���27A1
\E2 ���27A2
\E3 ���27A3
\E4 ���27A4
\E5 ���27A5
\E6 ���27A6
\E7 ���27A7
\E8 ���27A8
\E9 ���27A9
\EA ���27AA
\EB ���27AB
\EC ���27AC
\ED ���27AD
\EE ���27AE
\EF ���27AF
\F1 ���27B1
\F2 ���27B2
\F3 ���27B3
\F4 ���27B4
\F5 ���27B5
\F6 ���27B6
\F7 ���27B7
\F8 ���27B8
\F9 ���27B9
\FA ���27BA
\FB ���27BB
\FC ���27BC
\FD ���27BD
\FE ���27BE

greek (sets: full)

MacroUnicode characterUnicode hex value
\alpha ��3B1
\beta ��3B2
\gamma ��3B3
\delta ��3B4
\varepsilon ��3B5
\zeta ��3B6
\eta ��3B7
\vartheta ��3B8
\iota ��3B9
\kappa ��3BA
\lambda ��3BB
\mu ��3BC
\nu ��3BD
\xi ��3BE
\omicron ��3BF
\pi ��3C0
\varrho ��3C1
\varsigma ��3C2
\sigma ��3C3
\tau ��3C4
\upsilon ��3C5
\varphi ��3C6
\chi ��3C7
\psi ��3C8
\omega ��3C9
\Alpha ��391
\Beta ��392
\Gamma ��393
\Delta ��394
\Epsilon ��395
\Zeta ��396
\Eta ��397
\Theta ��398
\Iota ��399
\Kappa ��39A
\Lambda ��39B
\Mu ��39C
\Nu ��39D
\Xi ��39E
\Omicron ��39F
\Pi ��3A0
\Rho ��3A1
\Sigma ��3A3
\Tau ��3A4
\Upsilon ��3A5
\Phi ��3A6
\Chi ��3A7
\Psi ��3A8
\Omega ��3A9