This software is an attempt to provide a program that manages BibTex-Databases. Although there are a number of such attempts, I decided that I have to try to implement features that are not present in other programs. Since the most complicated part seemed to be the database-handling, I was happy to find the BibTool package by Gerd Neugebauer that did this for me. I merely added a graphical user interface. To install qbibman, you need Gerd Neugebauer BibTool package too from CTAN:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool/BibTool-2.44.tar.gz Features - Browse lists for names and journals - Search using regular expressions - Automatic recoding of ISO-Characters to latex style* - Reading of Auxfiles* - Support for @string to enter a reference to a @string use "@": e.g. you defined a string @STRING{ssj="Some stupid journal"} in your database, then you can refer to it by using "@ssj". - Automatic key generation* - Selection of multiple items with <Control> Left Mouse Button Clicking without <Control> switches back to single item mode - Printing (parts of) the database with customizable latex file In single item mode the whole database is printed otherwise only the selected items If there is a latex file ".qbibman" in your home directory, it will be used for generating screen and printer output. Just put "%CITATION" (no spaces) on a line by its own into the file. It will be replaced by "\nocite{...}" of [selected | all] items and the command "\bibliography{...}". If this file is missing, a simple default is used. - Keys of selected items can be put into X clipboard or into Lyx file (via Lyx Server) using context menu (right mouse button click on the list). *These features are present in BibTool. The programm seems to be stable and does what I want. So I figured that there might be other people who would like to use it. Ralf Goertz <> 2000-09-05