- the LaTeX classes for the journals "Agricultural Economics" (agecon.cls),
  "Applied Economics" (apecon.cls), "Economica" (ecca.cls),
  "European Review of Agricultural Economics" (erae.cls),
  "International Tax and Public Finance" (itaxpf.cls),
  "Journal of Rural Studies" (jrurstud.cls), "Regional Studies" (regstud.cls),
  and "World Development" (worlddev.cls) no longer load the "csquotes" package
- the LaTeX classes for the journals "Agricultural Economics" (agecon.cls),
  "American Journal of Agricultural Economics" (ajae.cls)
  "Applied Economics" (apecon.cls),
  "European Review of Agricultural Economics" (erae.cls),
  "Journal of Rural Studies" (jrurstud.cls), and
  "Regional Studies" (regstud.cls) no longer load the packages
  "fontenc" and "inputenc" so that the user can decide, which encoding
  (s)he uses
- the LaTeX classes for the journals
  "International Tax and Public Finance" (itaxpf.cls),
  "Post-Communist Economies" (pocoec.cls), and
  "World Development" (worlddev.cls) no longer load the "fontenc" package
- minor improvements in the LaTeX class for the
  "American Journal of Agricultural Economics" (ajae.cls)
- added LaTeX class for the NJF seminar 425 and hopefully also for other
  NJF seminars
- the BibTeX style for the"European Review of Agricultural Economics"
  (erae.bst) shows the DOIs now (if available)
- added example for a LaTeX document (apecon.tex) and a corresponding
  BibTeX data base (apecon.bib) that use the LaTeX class and the BibTeX style
  for the journal "Applied Economics"
- added LaTeX file (ier-bib-test.tex) and BibTeX data base (ier-ex.bib)
  to check the BibTeX style for the International Economic Review (IER)
- some example files load the packages "inputenc" and "fontenc" now, because
  these packages are no longer loaded by the corresponding class files
- the package includes the compiled PDF files of most example files now

- added BibTeX style for the Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE)
- slightly improved LaTeX class for Post-Communist economies (pocoec.cls)
- added slightly modified BibTeX style that can be used together
  with the LaTeX package "csquotes"

- added support for Agricultural Economics (AgEcon)
- added support for Applied Economics (ApEcon)
- added BibTeX style for the Journal of Political Economy (JPE)
- added support for the Journal of Rural Studies (JRurStud)
- added support for Post-Communist Economies (PoCoEc)
- added support for Regional Studies (RegStud)
- added support for the Tagungsband of the Austrian Association of Agricultural
  Economists (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Agraroekonomie, OeGA)
- added BibTeX style for "Reference Style X" of Taylor and Francis
- added support for World Development (WorldDev)
- this bundle is developed on Sourceforge.net now: