import sys import platform import json import logging SPLIT_KEY = '/ej/' ITEM_SEP = '\\hspace{0mm}\\\\' FILE_VERSION = '0.19' FILE_DATE = '2023/01/26' FILE_AUTHOR = 'Haruki Ejiri' FILE_URL = '' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def check_load_file(fn, asjson=False): """load file if exist else return -1. This code load text and json file if exist. If the file not exist, return -1 Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the file to load asjson : bool whether the fn should be loaded using json or normal text file Returns ------- int 0 if success """'-- Checking file %s, ' % fn) try: with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:'exist, load.') if asjson: return json.load(f) else: return except FileNotFoundError:'not found.') return -1 def save_pairs(fn, pairs): """save pairs to the JSON format file with the extensions of ".ejp". This code save the pairs to the file in JSON format. Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the file to write pairs pairs : list of two strings for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]] Returns ------- int 0 if success """'-- Saving found pairs to %s, ' % fn) with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(pairs, f)'done.') return 0 def divide_aux(fn, pairs): """divide comined citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file. This code divide the combined key(s) in aux file. For example, the following citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file -- \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16} -- will be converted to the following two divided citations and bibitems. -- \\citation{englishTest7,japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}{16} -- Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the aux file to proceess pairs : list of two strings for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]] Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success """ aux = check_load_file(fn) if aux == -1: # file not found return -1 # failed for k1, k2 in pairs: combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2]) # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"'-- Dividing %s into %s and %s' % (combi, k1, k2)) aux = aux.replace('%s' % combi, '%s,%s' % (k1, k2)) with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(aux) return 0 def divide_bbl(fn, pairs): """divide comined bibitem(s) in bbl file. This code divide the combined key(s) in bbl file. For example, the following combined bibitem(s) in bbl file -- \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\ ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- will be converted to the following two divided bibitems. -- \\bibitem{englishTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3) \\bibitem{japaneseTest5} ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the bbl file to proceess pairs : list of two strings for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]] Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success """ bbl = check_load_file(fn) if bbl == -1: # file not found return -1 # failed for k1, k2 in pairs: combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2]) # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"'-- Dividing %s into %s and %s' % (combi, k1, k2)) bbl = bbl.replace(ITEM_SEP, '\n\n\\bibitem{%s}' % k2) bbl = bbl.replace('\\bibitem{%s}' % combi, '\\bibitem{%s}' % k1)'-- Saving divided bbl to %s, ' % fn) with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(bbl)'done.') return 0 # successfully finished def find_pairs(fn, aux): """find english/japanese pair from string in aux. This code find and store english/japanese pair. Reading each line in aux strings, the engligh and japanese keys are extracted if SPLIT_KEY is in the line. If the combined english/japanese keys in the aux file, the pairs are stored to the external JSON file Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the aux file to proceess aux : strings in aux file loaded string Returns ------- int 0 if no combined keys found num-of-pairs if successfully processed """ pairs = []'-- ') for line in aux.split('\n'): if SPLIT_KEY not in line or '\\citation' not in line: continue # the line contains \citation and /ej/ for ln in line.replace('\\citation{', '').replace('}', '').split(','): # convert '\citation{hoge1/ej/hoge2}' to 'hoge1/ej/hoge2' if len(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY)) == 2: pairs.append(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY)) # store as ['hoge1', 'hoge2'] pairs'%s' % str(ln.split(SPLIT_KEY))) if len(pairs) == 0:'No combined keys found.') ret = 0 if len(pairs) > 0:' %d combined keys found.' % len(pairs)) ret = pairs save_pairs(fn, pairs) return ret def combine_aux(fn, pairs): """combine divided citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file. This code combine the divided key(s) in aux file. For example, the following two divided citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file -- \\citation{englishTest7,japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7,japaneseTest7}{16} -- will be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems. -- \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16} -- Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the aux file to proceess pairs : list of two strings for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]] Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success """ aux = check_load_file(fn) if aux == -1: # file not found return -1 # failed for k1, k2 in pairs: combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2]) # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"'-- Combining %s and %s to %s' % (k1, k2, combi)) aux = aux.replace('%s,%s' % (k1, k2), '%s' % combi)'-- Saving combined aux to %s, ' % fn) with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(aux)'done.') def combine_bbl(fn, pairs): """combine divided bibitem(s) in bbl file. This code divide the combined key(s) in bbl file. For example, the following two divided bibitem(s) in bbl file -- \\bibitem{englishTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3) \\bibitem{japaneseTest5} ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- will be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems. -- \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\ ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- Parameters ---------- fn : str Path to the aux file to proceess pairs : list of two strings for example: [["en1", "jp1"], ["en2", "jp2"], ["en3", "jp3"]] Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found, 0 if success """ bbl = check_load_file(fn) if bbl == -1: # file not found return -1 # failed for k1, k2 in pairs: combi = SPLIT_KEY.join([k1, k2]) # for example, combi is "engkey/ej/jpkey", wehere SPLIT_KEY is "/ej/"'-- Combining %s and %s to %s' % (k1, k2, combi)) bbl = bbl.replace('\n\n\\bibitem{%s}' % k2, ITEM_SEP) bbl = bbl.replace('\\bibitem{%s}' % k1, '\\bibitem{%s}' % combi)'-- Saving combined bbl to %s, ' % fn) with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(bbl)'done.') def divide_ej_key(bn): """divide combined english and japanese bibiteems in bbl and aux file. This code divide the combined key(s) in aux and bbl file. For example, the following combined bibitem(s) in bbl file -- \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\ ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- will be converted to the following two divided bibitems. -- \\bibitem{englishTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3) \\bibitem{japaneseTest5} ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- The following two combined citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file -- \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16} -- will also be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems. -- \\citation{englishTest7} \\citation{japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7}{1} \\bibcite{japaneseTest7}{16} -- The first process during LaTeX compile, there would no bbl file. If the bbl file not exist, the dividing process would be skipped. A list of english/japanese pairs will be extracted from aux file, and if will be saved in the JSON file with ".ejp" (english-japanese-pair) extension Parameters ---------- bn : str Target file to process without extension. if your target tex file is '/DIRNAME/main.tex' the bn would be '/DIRNAME/main' Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found 0 if no combined keys found num-of-pairs if successfully processed """'--')'-- Dividing combinecd keys.') aux = check_load_file(bn + '.aux') if aux == -1: # aux file not found return -1 # abort'-- Search combined keys from %s.aux.' % bn) pairs = find_pairs(bn + '.ejp', aux) if pairs == 0: # no combined keys return 0 # probably already divided divide_aux(bn + '.aux', pairs) divide_bbl(bn + '.bbl', pairs) return len(pairs) def combine_ej_key(bn): """combine english and japanese bibiteems in bbl and aux file. This code combine the divided key(s) in aux and bbl file. For example, the following divided bibitem(s) in bbl file -- \\bibitem{englishTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3) \\bibitem{japaneseTest5} ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- will be converted to the following two divided bibitems. -- \\bibitem{englishTest5/ej/japaneseTest5} I.~Yamada, J.~Sato, S.~Tanaka, S.~Suzuki: ``Article title'', Japanese Transaction, Vol.10, No.5, pp.45--60 (2016-3)\\hspace{0mm}\\\\ ������~���������������~���������������~���������������~������������������������������������ ������������������Vol.10���No.5���pp.45--60���2016-3��� -- The following two divided citation(s) and bibcite(s) in aux file -- \\citation{englishTest7} \\citation{japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7}{1} \\bibcite{japaneseTest7}{16} -- will also be converted to the following combined citations and bibitems. -- \\citation{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7} \\bibcite{englishTest7/ej/japaneseTest7}{16} -- Parameters ---------- bn : str Target file to process without extension. if your target tex file is '/DIRNAME/main.tex' the bn would be '/DIRNAME/main' Returns ------- int -1 if the file to process not found 0 if no combined keys found num-of-pairs if successfully processed """'--')'-- Combining divided keys.') pairs = check_load_file(bn + '.ejp', asjson=True) if pairs == -1: # file not found return -1 if len(pairs) == 0: # no combined keys return 0 combine_aux(bn + '.aux', pairs) combine_bbl(bn + '.bbl', pairs) return len(pairs) if __name__ == '__main__': logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) sh = logging.StreamHandler() logger.addHandler(sh) 'This is python version %s ' % platform.python_version()) ' version %s (%s) by %s.' % (FILE_VERSION, FILE_DATE, FILE_AUTHOR) )'See web site: %s' % FILE_URL) try: fname = sys.argv[1]'Target: %s' % fname) except IndexError:'Fatal error: You must assign target.') sys.exit(0) sk = divide_ej_key(fname) if sk > 0: # combined keys existed'-- Fin, %d keys were divided.' % sk) sys.exit(0) elif sk < 0: # Abort sys.exit(0) ck = combine_ej_key(fname) if ck != 0: # print('-- %d divided citation keys were successfully combined' % ck)'-- Fin, %d keys were combined.' % ck) sys.exit(0) with open(sys.argv[1] + '.ejp', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump([], f) '-- No cmobined nor divided citation key in the aux file') sys.exit(0)