TeXhax Yr 86 Issue #7 texhax07.861120 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Date: Mon 10 Nov 86 13:31:30-MST >From: "Nelson H.F. Beebe" Subject: LaTeX float [h] option query The [h] option on LaTeX figure and table environments does not always force the figure out ``here''. The problem is illustrated by the following simple test: ------------------------------------------------------------ % -*-LaTeX-*- \documentstyle[]{article} \newcommand{\thefig}{% \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{4in}% \begin{picture}(1,1)% \put(0,0){\line(1,0){1}}% \put(0,1){\line(1,0){1}}% \put(0,0){\line(0,1){1}}% \put(1,0){\line(0,1){1}}% \end{picture}% \end{center}% } \begin{document} This document tests the [h] table option. Table 1 is here. \begin{table}[h] \thefig \caption{Table 1} \end{table} blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Table 2 should be here, but ends up on the next page. \begin{table}[h] \thefig \caption{Table 2} \end{table} blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah \end{document} ------------------------------------------------------------ There are situations where I would rather accept additional whitespace at the bottom of a page, in order to get the text close to the figure. If you extend the above example with extra figures, the first comes out at the top of the page, and all the remaining ones appear on separate float pages. In actual manuscripts, they may float many pages later in the document to the end of the current section or chapter. On pp. 175-176 of the LaTeX book, the criteria for float placement are enumerated; they seem to permit this action of allowing [h] to float later into the output, so I am not suggesting a bug, I just need different behavior. I have examined the float section of LATEX.TEX, and it appears that no matter what [] option is specified, the float object is appended to a list, with a \@floatpenalty value depending on the particular [] option. The output section of LATEX.TEX, where the box list is pulled apart and pages are shipped out, occupies 1300+ lines; any modification of it is likely to break something else, and really cannot be considered unless issued by L. Lamport himself. Does anyone understand this well enough to know what parameters to tweak to force [h] to really be ``here''? In the meantime, I am getting by with judicious use of \clearpage following figures and tables that I really want to be ``here''. A second possibility might be to define a new environment which would handle the definition and output of the caption, but not attach the object to the float list; that is more complex, and I have not yet attempted it. ------- Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 16:16:19 PST >From: alex@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU (Alex Quilici) Subject: tex/latex for apollos here at ucla, we are trying to get tex/latex for our apollos. does anyone out there know where we should go to get it? how much does it cost? are we stuck with porting the version we have running on our vaxes? please respond to me personally as i am not on this mailing list. thank you, alex (alex@locus.ucla.edu) ------- Date: Mon, 10 Nov 86 21:13 EDT >From: Organization: University of Louisville Subject: LN01 wailing Greetings! A very nice person in netland sent me the driver code for the DEC LN01 laser printer (dvi2lng version 2.6 with ln03 v0.9 and TOPP version 1.88). I've run into some problems and I would very much like to find..... 1. A newer version of the LN01 driver code 2. How about a bug list/fix list for the LN01 code 3. A source of the TOPP program 4. The current mailing address of Flavio Rose.... 5. A program to convert metafont fonts(gf or pxl) to LN01 font files If you've got any of the above I'd appreciate hearing from you! By the way my LN01 problems seem to revolve around the DVI 'maxh' parameter being larger than the allowable 'maxh'. Has anyone gotten the tek4014 mode of DVItoVDU working? I've tried several re-link attempts with no success. I'm also trying to track down a program that converts DSR to TeX. Can anyone send that to me? Mark Hittinger/systems programmer iv/ocis south center University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky 40292 sysmsh%ulkyvx.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu Hypocrisy is the vaseline of social intercourse. ------- Date: Mon 10 Nov 86 19:57:08-PST >From: TEX Guests Subject: Re: Infelicity in plain.tex the absence of \global in the definition of the active _ (in plain and lplain) has been recognized as a bug by knuth. he posted the correction to the errata list for the texbook (it occurs in appendix b, although i can't find the page reference at the moment) on 13 october; there's a concurrent change to \fmtversion, to 2.1. i believe this is the only change made to plain since 2.0 was released. -- barbara beeton ------- Date: Thu, 13 Nov 86 10:20 N >From: Subject: Canon-8A2 driver Is there anybody out there who can help me find a driver for a Canon LBP-8 A2 laserbeamprinter? We are running TeX on a VAX-8600 under VMS 4.1. I have already scanned the TUG membership-list to see is anyone used such a driver. Two letters to Japan, where Canon A2 were said to be in use, did not give me any answer, let alone a way to find a driver. Please let me know if you use such a driver or know of a way to obtain one. Herman F. Vogt Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Postbus 800 NL-9700 AV GRONINGEN THE NETHERLANDS Earn/Bitnet: VOGT@HGRRUG5 Phone: +31-50-633440 ext 3399 ------- Date: Thu, 13 Nov 86 10:30:17 PST >From: tclass19 Subject: ifnum bug? Please try the following TeX code -- it will print x is 1, not 2. That, I think, is a bug. While a space after a constant is recommended, it doesn't say, that it is necessary. So \fi should act as a legal delimiter to a constant. Credit for finding this goes to Gary Benson, Los Alamos Nat. Lab. Please reply to me: i5f@l.cc.purdue.edu, NOT to the address in the header of this mail -- I will be here only for the next 2 days. I tried this on various (actually 3 different) TeX implementations, so it doesn't look like a PASCAL compiler bug. Stephan Bechtolsheim Purdue Statistics Dep \newcount\x \x = 0 \ifnum\x=0 \x=1\fi \ifnum\x=1 \x=2\fi \write16{x is \the\x} \bye ------- Date: 14 Nov 86 06:58:00 EST >From: "CUGINI, JOHN" Subject: previewer for Tektronix terminals We're running LaTex/Tex on a VAX 11/780 under VMS. I recently got a Tektronix 4111 terminal to do some graphics work and was wondering if there is any software available which will let me preview my x.DVI files on the terminal, rather than having to lase it out to the QMS. Thanks for any help, advice, pointers, etc... John Cugini (phone (301) 975-3248) ------ Date: Sat, 15 Nov 86 16:49 EST >From: David J. Braunegg Subject: Latex errata Is the errata and changes sheet for LaTeX available online anywhere? The only place I've seen it mentioned is on the publications order form that I received with my TUGBOAT and free TeXBOOK errata sheet from the AMS. Thanks, Dave ------- Date: Sun, 16 Nov 86 10:26 CST >From: Kissel@HI-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Device driver for a Ricoh LP4081R? Does anyone have a device driver for this device? It seems to be a pretty standard 300 dpi laser printer. I am specifically interested in the model which is OEM'ed by Honeywell which has model number LP4081R. I don't know if this is any different from their standard models. Thanks for any info. ------- Subject: Contents of LaTeX Style repository, 16th Nov 1986 Phone: (716) 275-2569 (office), (716) 244-3806 (home) Date: Sun, 16 Nov 86 23:41:35 -0500 >From: SKY The following files are available for anonymous ftp from Rochester.Arpa in directory public/latex-style. You should retrieve the file 00index first to obtain a brief description of directory contents. 00directory layout.tex slem.sty 00index newalpha.bst spacecites.doc 00readme nopagenumbers.doc spacecites.sty acm.bst nopagenumbers.sty suthesis.doc deproc.sty siam.bib suthesis.sty deprocldc.tex siam.bst texnames.doc docsty.c siam.doc texnames.sty docsty.doc siam.sty vdm.doc doublespace.sty siam.tex vdm.sty drafthead.sty siam10.doc vdm.tex fullpage.doc siam10.sty ws87.p fullpage.sty siam11.sty wsltex.c ieeetr.bst siam12.sty wsltex.p layout.doc slem.doc Please note I cannot satisfy requests by mail due to lack of time. More submissions are very welcome. Ken LaTex-Style@Rochester.Arpa ------- % %\bye % -------