TeXhax Digest Friday, December 5, 1986 Volume 86 : Issue 11 TEXHAX11.861205 Editor: Malcolm Brown Today's Topics: Problems with VAX/VMS Pascal compiler Re: John pavel's query German hyphenation fig_height for cmss9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 2 Dec 86 13:16 EST >From: KARNEY%PPC.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: Problems with VAX/VMS Pascal compiler A couple of warnings about the version V3.4-114 of the VAX/VMS Pascal compiler: (1) Pascal detects the uninitialized use of ready_already in TeX and METAFONT. The fix is to initialize this variable with: @x @!ready_already:integer; {a sacrifice of purity for economy} @y @!ready_already:integer:=0; {a sacrifice of purity for economy} @z (2) Earlier versions of this compiler gave errors when using the optimizer with METAFONT (with PASCAL/OPT MF). This version gives no errors, BUT METAFONT apparently goes into an infinite loop when running. (With MF CMSS8, it gets no further than printing out "The letter A" after 4 CPU hours.) The fix is to continue to compile METAFONT with /NOOPT. ---Charles Karney Karney%PPC@LLL-MFE.ARPA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Dec 86 22:58:48 PST >From: Bruce Langdon To: lamport@decwrl.DEC.COM, texhax@score.stanford.edu Emacs has such trouble displaying 80 column lines on 80 column terminals that someone of Lamport's skill is driven to plead for line width of 79 characters?? And I had been thinking I ought to learn Emacs! How could the great Emacs have such a profound ineptitude? Or have I fallen for a Joke? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Langdon L-472 langdon@lll-lcc.ARPA Physics Department "langdon#bruce%d@lll-mfe.ARPA" Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA 94550 (415) 422-5444 UUCP: ..{ihnp4,qantel,ucdavis,pyramid,styx,topaz}!lll-lcc!langdon ..{gymble,ll-xn,seismo}!lll-crg!lll-lcc!langdon ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Dec 86 09:34:32 pst >From: lamport@decwrl.DEC.COM (Leslie Lamport) To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: Re: John pavel's query In response to John Pavel's query: The input \begin{enumerate} \item \begin{enumerate} \item Item 1a ... logically specifies an enumeration whose first item is an enumeration. It seems to me that the correct way to format this is 1. (a) Item 1a (b) Item 1b The output 1. (a) Item 1a (b) Item 1b seems weird; it looks like item 1 begins with some blank text and then contains an enumeration. And, indeed, it is easily produced in exactly this way, by typing \begin{enumerate} \item \mbox{} \begin{enumerate} \item Item 1a ... By analogy, the input \begin{description} \item[Label] \begin{itemize} Item1a ... should produce Label *Item 1a *Item 1b However, because of the way the description environment is defined-- a definition needed to handle labels of arbitrary size, this probably winds up as Label *Item 1a *Item 1b I don't remember exactly how the environment is defined, but it's clear that something like this is the best that can be done if the label is long. To get Label *Item 1a *Item 1b you simply type \begin{description} \item[Label] \mbox{} ... Leslie Lamport ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Dec 86 10:46:25 PST >From: Reply-To: PEB%DM0MPI11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu To: TEXHAX@score.stanford.edu Subject: NOTE from PEB Date: 3 December 1986, 13:44:01 GMT >From: Peter Breitenlohner (089) 31893-412 PEB at DM0MPI11 To: Malcolm Brown TEXHAX at SCORE Subject: Reply to Emma Pease (Yr 86 Issue#6) Remark: This is a copy of a file I have sent directly to Emma but the first point may be of general interest 1. german TeX There is a german TeX version available, i.e. german hyphenation patterns. The file starts with: % this is GHYPHEN.TEX in text format, as of Sep 8, 1983. %hyphenation patterns for the german language (without umlaute) %this file is maintained by the % INSTITUTE OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, UNIV. BONN % Please send all questions and comments to: % Bernd Schulze % Inst. of Applied Math. % University of Bonn % D-5300 BONN 1 % West Germany \message{german hyphenation patterns} \patterns{ % just type if you're not using INITEX .ab5an ends with 2z1z } and is read instead of the original english patterns. 2. endnote macro We use a format package which (optionally) prints footnotes at the end. The user chooses one of the options \footbot (footnotes as footnotes, default) of \footend (footnotes at the end, as required by some journals, e.g. Phys. Rev.) At the end of the manuscript you say \footout which will print all footnotes collected so far (or do nothing if \footbot was chosen.) Unfortunately this is part of a rather large package and it is hard to cut out the footnote part alone. I shall, however, try to give you some code and the basic idea. (Everything is defined with \catcode`\@=11 as in PLAIN) \def\glet{\global\let} \let\vfootn@te=\vfootnote % this is plain's vfootnote \outer\def\footbot{\glet\vfootnote\vfootn@te} \outer\def\footend{\glet\vfootnote\foot@store} \def\foot@store#1{\read@store{\@store4{#1}}} % the 4 refers to footnotes % 1 is for figure captions,... % foot@store will % 1. read the footnote text with \catcode`\~~M=\active % and % 2. depending on storage management options chosen % 1. save the footnote text as a new paragraph in a \vbox % or % 2. save the tex in a macro definition containing the list % of all footnotes defined so far % or % 3. write it to an external file. Here you need the % \catcode`\~~M=\active in order to produce newline % characters at the appropriate points. % Since all this is tied together with similar mechanisms for % figure and table captions, references and entries for a table % of contents, the actual part of code is somewhat involved. % Moreover we have the possibility to process only a part % (say the first part) of a manuscript and save everything % collected so far on an external file. % You can then process the second part of the manuscript % and start with restoring all the saved information. % This saved information will, among many other things, % contain the text for saved footnotes. %*** active characters `:,`; and `~~M *** \begingroup \catcode`\:=\active \lccode`\*=`\\ \lowercase{\gdef:{*}} % `: -> `\ \catcode`\;=\active \lccode`\* `\% \lowercase{\gdef;{*}} % `; -> `% \catcode`\~~M=\active \glet~~M=\space % `~~M -> \space \endgroup % Note: The text for figure captions, table captions, references, % table of contents and (if applicable) footnotes must be read % from the input file, i.e. tokenized, via \read@store \def\read@store{\bgroup \@read@store} \def\@read@store#1{\def\n@xt{\egroup \toks@store\toks@i #1\ignorespaces}% \catcode`\~~M\active \afterassignment\n@xt \global\toks@i} % \toks@store and \toks@i are token list registers % in subcase 3. above (write to an external file) the % \@store will eventually lead to a \file@store with appropriate % arguments. The following definition contains some file management % commands but the essential part should be clear \begingroup \catcode`\:=\active \gdef\file@store#1#2#3#4{\if0#3\expandafter\file@open\the\file@list \@@#1#2\fi {\newlinechar`\~~M\immediate\write#2{::{#4}{\the\toks@store}}}} \endgroup % argument #4 contains the footnote marker (e.g. * ) % I add the corresponding definitions for the other two subcases \def\box@store#1#2{\global\setbox#1\vbox {\ifvbox#1\unvbox#1\fi \@style \f@rm@t{#2}{\the\toks@store}}} % argument #1 contains the box register, #2 the footnote marker \def\list@store#1#2{\toks@\expandafter{#1\\}% \xdef#1{\the\toks@ {#2}{\the\toks@store}}} % argument #1 contains a macro name (initially =\empty), #2 the footnote marker %***************************************************** I am not sure whether this is what you wanted and whether the information I gave you is sufficiently complete. If you are interested I could also send you the complete source but this is quite a lot and moreover distributed over many files. Best regards Peter Breitenlohner ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Dec 86 11:44:11 +0200 >From: Tor Lillqvist To: texhax@score.stanford.edu Subject: fig_height for cmss9 In Volume E, the value of fig_height for cmss9 is 236 (the same as cmss10's value), which is higher than its cap_height! The other point sizes of cmss have fig_height lower than cap_height. Is this a bug? \tml ------------------------------ End of TeXhax Digest ************************** ------- -------