TeXhax Digest Sunday, March 18, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 31 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Permuted Index of TeX and LaTeX Commands MF settings for write-white engine (wanted) a way to keep citations from extending into the margin Re: PostScript previewer? (Ghostscript) Dataproducts LZR 1260 printer Putting Postscript Bitmaps Into LaTeX Documents array environment refer->bibtex conversion refer->bibtex conversion Bold math font Problem with fonts 8bit input PostScript cmr fonts on Aston archive Re: mssymb and 11 point LaTeX articles don't mix Rotated fonts for y-axis labels in LaTeX graphics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 11:11:29 EST From: ches@research.att.com Subject: Permuted Index of TeX and LaTeX Commands Keywords: Information The Permuted Index of TeX and LaTeX commands is back from the printer (finally!) If you have asked for copies you should be receiving them in the next week or two. Copies may be requested without charge. Ask for CSTR 145 from neera@research.att.com Work has started to make it available through TeXniques. Bill Cheswick ches@research.att.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 09:52:02 EST From: ches@research.att.com Subject: MF settings for write-white engine Keywords: MF, write-white Does anyone have useful metafont settings for the write-white engine in the DEC LPS-20? Thanks! Bill Cheswick ches@research.att.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 14:23:52 EST From: rmt <@unh.edu:rmt@maxfli.unh.edu (Roy M. Turner)> Subject: (wanted) a way to keep citations from extending into the margin Keywords: BibTeX I use BibTeX to put citations in LaTeX files. From time to time the citation extends out past the right margin; telling it how to hyphenate the names doesn't seem to help. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks Roy M. Turner Department of Computer Science and Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory Kingsbury Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 Internet: rmt@unh.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 12:47:31 CST From: hrp@boring.cray.com (Hal Peterson) Subject: Re: PostScript previewer? (Ghostscript) Keywords: previewer, Ghosrscript Be aware that a new release of Ghostscript, version 1.4, is currently in beta test and should be generally available soon. The new version fixes a number of bugs, adds some new device drivers, and includes the standard fonts. Hal Peterson Domain: hrp@cray.com Cray Research Old style: hrp%cray.com@uc.msc.umn.edu 1440 Northland Dr. UUCP: uunet!cray!hrp Mendota Hts, MN 55120 USA Telephone: +1 612 681 3145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 09:28:09 EST From: smith%zeus@harvard.harvard.edu (Steven Smith) Subject: Dataproducts LZR 1260 printer Keywords: printer Has anyone experience with the Dataproducts LZR 1260 printer? We would appreciate any comments about your experiences with its quality, maintenance schedule, METAFONT mode_def, etc. Steven Smith smith@zeus.harvard.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 17:37:19 EST From: sdm@cs.brown.edu Subject: Putting Postscript Bitmaps Into LaTeX Documents Keywords: PostScript, bitmap, LaTeX I'm having trouble putting bitmaps into latex documents. The bitmaps are X11 window dumps, which I create as follows: xwd | xpr -scale 1 -psfig -compact -device ps > filename.ps I then include this in my document using the psfig macros as follows: \mbox{\psfig{figure=filename.ps}} Most of the bitmaps I have are oriented "landscape," and when the document prints the bitmap is rotated 90 degrees with respect to the document, i.e., it's printed as if the document were oriented landscape on the paper even though the document is oriented portrait. Bitmaps that are oriented "portrait" are printed correctly in the document. Interestingly, texx2 displays a rectangle where the bitmap is supposed to go, and that rectangle is always oriented properly. I tried to force the landscape bitmaps to rotate by specifying -portrait to xpr, i.e.: xwd | xpr -scale 1 -portrait -psfig -compact -device ps > filename.ps but then when I tried to print the latex document, I got an error from the printer: ERROR: rangecheck OFFENDING COMMAND: putinterval The area of the bitmaps never exceeds 7 by 5 inches, so they should definitely fit on the page in portrait orientation. This is remarkably vexing. If you know how I can solve this problem, please mail to me directly, as I don't usually read this digest. Thanks, Scott Meyers sdm@cs.brown.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 06 Mar 90 11:38:58 MST From: Frank Whetten Subject: array environment Keywords: LaTeX array environments I have noticed that the ARRAY environment is not equivalent to the EQNARRAY environment when the matrix elements consist of fractions, integrals, or summation symbols (and probably more that I haven't tried). The difference seems to be that the ARRAY environment assumes a math environment, while the EQNARRAY results in the equation environment. My problem is that I require a matrix within a matrix, something that EQNARRAY will not do, but I dislike the squashed looking equations that ARRAY produces. I have tried changing the size of the font, using mbox's, and everything else that came to mind, to no avail. If anyone can tell me how to generate a normal looking fraction or summation in the ARRAY (or matrix) environment I would be grateful. Thanks in advance Frank Whetten Arizona State University Telecommunications Research Center Tempe, AZ 85282 (602) 965-1636 AGFLW @ ASUACAD.BITNET AGFLW @ ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 11:48:44 EST From: toms@ncifcrf.gov (Tom Schneider) Subject: refer->bibtex conversion Keywords: refer2bibtex Carl Staelin: > Is there a program which converts refer databases to bibtex databases? I have a Pascal program, ref2bib.p which I wrote to convert myself over. I have made it available to everybody by anonymous ftp at ncifcrf.gov in the pub/delila directory. The file to pick up is ref2bib.p.Z - since it is compressed. Tom Schneider National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Mathematical Biology Frederick, Maryland 21701-1013 toms@ncifcrf.gov --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 02:24:05 -0500 From lwvanels@ATHENA.MIT.EDU Mon Mar 5 23:24:18 1990 Subject: refer->bibtex conversion Keywords: BibTeX, refer2tex There's a program called "refer2tex" that David Kotz (dfk@duke.cs.duke.edu) submitted to comp.sources.misc a while back, whcih should take care of your refer->bibtex conversion. It's available for public ftp from ns.uu.net; it was in volume #2, issue 97. There's also a set of tools for manipulating bibtex files written by Kannan Varadhan (kannan@osc.edu); they include a program for easily creating & manipulating bibtex entries, as well as programs to search bibliograhy files using regular expressions. This is also on ns.uu.net, under comp.sources.misc/volume9/bibtools.Z. These have cut down on my work quite a bit- hope they can help you similarly! Lucien Van Elsen MIT Project Athena lwvanels@athena.mit.edu or mit-eddie!mit-athena!lwvanels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 15:45:27 -0800 From: dbailey@ew11.nas.nasa.gov (David Bailey) Subject: Bold math font Keywords: fonts, bold math I am trying to find out how to invoke the bold italic font in LaTeX. In particular, I want to have a mathematical symbol in an eqnarray construct appear in bold face. When I insert the string {\bf x}, all I get is bold Roman font, not the bold Italic font. A friend of mine said that this topic was discussed once before in Texhax. Could someone respond with the answer? David H. Bailey NASA Ames Research Center dbailey@ew11.nas.nasa.gov dbailey@orville.nas.nasa.gov -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 6 Mar 90 11:25:58 +0100 From: "ir. Jian Luo" Subject: Problem with fonts Keywords: fonts I'm a new user of TeX/LaTeX. I use DVIALW (PC version from Dr. Beebe) to create PS files. The Laser Printer we have is a TI. I was informed that this is a White-write engine printer. So when I print the output produced by DVIALW I get spotty letters, except the ones in VERBATIM font. I was also informed that this problem has been discussed a long time ago (1987, 1988) and the result was that some new fonts must be re-created. Since I'm a new user, I haven't subscribed TUGboat yet although I'm going to do so very soon. My question: How can I solve the above problem? Is there somewhere a FTP site from which I can get these fonts? Many thanks for your help if you could give me some instructions. Greetings. Jian. Jian@Hdetud11.BITNET / Luo@Dutepp1.Tudelft.NL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 07 Mar 90 09:18:54 +1000 From: Christopher JS Vance Subject: 8bit input Keywords TeX, fonts Does the advent of Tex 3.0 and the ability to do 8bit input mean that we can expect to have a flurry of related new fonts? What I mean is: if I am in a country in the ISO Latin-1 (IS 8859-1) area, should I expect to be able to use something called, say, l1r10 where I used to use cmr10. What about if I also want to use Greek, should I be able to use lgr10 (or l7r10), and get Latin-Greek (IS 8859-7)? If my source character set has all sorts of accented characters, I would expect to be able to use them for input and have all the hyphenation work properly (once someone has built the right tables). Or, the other alternative: should I expect instead to be able to use the character set IS 6937/2 where the accents are (almost) all separate non-spacing characters, but where the collection of combinations possible far exceeds 256? Please enlighten me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 06 Mar 90 20:07:10 gmt From: G.Toal%EDINBURGH.AC.UK@UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU Subject: PostScript cmr fonts on Aston archive Keywords: PostScript, fonts For those of you who haven't spotted them yet, there are a set of 76 cm fonts on the Aston archive in PostScript outline format. I put them there (well, Phil Taylor did the schlepping...) some time ago but didn't announce them as I was worried they might not be good enough to use. I've since had a couple of people test them successfully, so now a wider testing might be worthwhile. The fonts were converted from a 3000dpi bitmap by tracing the outlines with a program written by Neil Raine at Acorn Computers Plc. My thanks to Neil for his personal effort in helping the TeX community. Neil isn't able to distribute his program however, so please don't try to contact him about it -- send any comments to me first please. There are two known problems with these fonts: the first is an actual bug, the second is scope for improvements. Firstly, a *few* characters have a *thin* horizontal line sticking out in places. This happens to approximately 1 character in every three fonts or so. I've corrected the ones I've spotted by hand, but I would appreciate reports of any others you might spot. This was caused by an obscure bug in the raster to spline conversion code which Neil doesn't have the time to track down. So I'll be content just to fix these outlines by hand if I know what needs fixing. Secondly, Nelson Beebe pointed out that the postscript style is a bit verbose; there are all sorts of tricks which could be used to compress the size of a font description and thus get more of them into any one laser printer/typesetter. Unfortunately we also don't have time *at the moment* to work on that either; although perhaps it will be done later. These fonts should be treated as NOT cm fonts, ie they shouldn't be used in circumstances where people could look at them and say 'I didn't realised TeX was so crummy' :-) Use them for experimenting with, or as stand-in fonts when you don't have a particular magstep available as a pixel font. By all means modify your drivers to use such fonts. A 'verified' release will be available some day... Peter - would you put this mail into a readme file and put it in the archive please? Also add an editors note here to say where in the Archive the files are stored? US archive maintainers - could one of you fetch the set to the current major US tex archive, whereever it is :-) (Is it clarkson now?) Graham Toal PS. because of postscripts rounding problems, they have the same weight visually on a 300dpi laser as say TimesRoman would; however on a high-resolution typesetter they are (to my eye) indistinguishable from bitmapped fonts. The only problems with typesetters so far have been that Linotron PS setters (at least the one I've used) don't have enough spare memory to hold more than a couple of fonts at once... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 00:36:39 -0100 From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Re: mssymb and 11 point LaTeX articles don't mix Keywords: LaTeX, point size In you write: ` `I have the following in the beginning of a LaTeX file: ` `\documentstyle[11pt,twocolumn,proc,equation]{article} `\input mssymb `\def\reals{\Bbb R} ` `Although the entire article is in 11pt style, any $\reals$ will be `from the 10pt font!! ` ` `Anybody out there have any better solutions? ` I changed mssymb.tex such that it automatically adapts itself to the LaTeX point size. It is a bit of hackery in that it depends on the Latex font names being 'cmrxx' (or any other 3 letter name followed by the point size). So it might not work with changed or future versions of Latex Here is the beginning of the file: (the rest is the same as the original) % ***** MSSYMB.TeX ***** 4 Nov 85 % Changed by Piet van Oostrum (piet@cs.ruu.nl) % % This file contains the definitions for the symbols in the two % "extra symbols" fonts created at the American Math. Society. \catcode`\@=11 \def\msy@@ #1#2#3#4#5\cr#6{ms#6m#5} \def\msy@@@#1#2#3{\font\@msy\expandafter\msy@@\fontname\expandafter\the#22\cr#1#2#3=\@msy} \def\msy{\expandafter\ifx\the\textfont2\msy@font\else\msy@init\fi \the\textfont\msyfam\fam\msyfam} %\font\tenmsx=msxm10 %\font\sevenmsx=msxm7 %\font\fivemsx=msxm5 %\font\tenmsy=msym10 %\font\sevenmsy=msym7 %\font\fivemsy=msym5 \newfam\msxfam \newfam\msyfam \def\msy@init{\expandafter\let\expandafter\msy@font\the\textfont2 \msy@@@ x\textfont\msxfam \msy@@@ x\scriptfont\msxfam \msy@@@ x\scriptscriptfont\msxfam \msy@@@ y\textfont\msyfam \msy@@@ y\scriptfont\msyfam \msy@@@ y\scriptscriptfont\msyfam} %\textfont\msxfam=\tenmsx \scriptfont\msxfam=\sevenmsx % \scriptscriptfont\msxfam=\fivemsx %\textfont\msyfam=\tenmsy \scriptfont\msyfam=\sevenmsy % \scriptscriptfont\msyfam=\fivemsy \msy@init \def\hexnumber@#1{\ifnum#1<10 \number#1\else \ifnum#1=10 A\else\ifnum#1=11 B\else\ifnum#1=12 C\else \ifnum#1=13 D\else\ifnum#1=14 E\else\ifnum#1=15 F\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} Note: there is also an amssymbols.sty file in the archives. Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31-30-531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet Telefax: +31-30-513791 Internet: piet@cs.ruu.nl (*`Pete') ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 12:29:01 EST From: rdkeys@ccvr1.ncsu.edu (Bob Keys) Subject: Rotated fonts for y-axis labels in LaTeX graphics. Keywords: LaTeX, fonts Sir: I have been wondering if you might know of any 90 degree counterclockwise rotated cmr fonts. I have great need to use such a font in trying to get reasonable y-axis labelling in graphics embedded in LaTeX documents. I have heard that this has been thrashed about a bit before, but was never fully resolved. I am of the opinion that TeX/LaTeX should not really care about what the actual orientation of a font is, as long as it knows that a box of size x,y is being put a coordinates x1,y1. If this is indeed so, then surely there must be a way of rotating fonts (not as a postscript exercise) by doing some sort of raster xy swap conversion of the image of the font. Then when a rotated font is required, as in a vertically labelled y-axis (really about the only time it would commonly be used, except for some offbeat tables) the font only needs to be called by perhaps a \yr declaration (for y-axis-rotated roman, etc). If you could shed some light on this, it would be most appreciated. Unfortunately, I am unable to change my peers in the botany field into accepting non-standard labelling in y-axes. LaTeX is too much a golden opportunity for us non-computer jocks who need to do reasonable typesetting, to give up on this one. There has got to be some fix (not postscript), somewhere. Most appreciatively, and hoping you havent chuckled too much at my ramblings, I remain, Most Sincerely Robert D. Keys, Assoc. Prof. Department of Crop Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7620. (919)737-3267 rdkeys@ccvr1.ncsu.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------