TeXhax Digest Sunday, April 21, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 020 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol style Turkish TeX users group 6TH EUROPEAN TeX CONFERENCE and GUTenberg'91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 3 Apr 91 17:46:04 PST From: "Don't hurry, be wacky 03-Apr-1991 2046" Subject: Re: single-col abstract and title in latex twocol style Keywords: LaTeX, two column, single column abstract Peter Flynn (CBTS8001%IRUCCVAX.UCC.IE@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU) asked in TeXhax V91 #16: >A user needs to use twocolumn output in article style, but needs the >title and abstract full width, above the start of the two column section. >This is (by observation) the normal layout foir academic articles, but >LL seems to have designed it out of LaTeX for some reason. Is there some >simple fix to make it work? The problem is that \maketitle doesn't have a provision for an abstract, and there doesn't appear to be a way (not that I'm any expert) to get a double-column float (other than the title stuff) onto the title page. So, I grunged around to see what \maketitle did, and came up with the following style file. Hope it's of use. --paulr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abstract.sty, generate a one-column abstract in a two-column article. % Use \abstract{text} like you would \author (i.e. before the \maketitle). % This works in either onecolumn or twocolumn mode. % You may want to futz with the sizes and spacing if you have particular % requirements; f'rinstance, in one-column mode the default LaTeX abstract % environment puts the "Abstract" and abstract text in \small. % This style file doesn't claim to meet anybody's format requirements. % Redefine \abstract to collect the text in a safe place. \def\abstract#1{\gdef\@abstract{#1}} % redefine \@maketitle to use the abstract \let\@oldmaketitle=\@maketitle \def\@maketitle{\@oldmaketitle \begin{center} \large\bf Abstract \end{center} \begin{quotation}\@abstract\end{quotation} \vskip 1.5em} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 3 Apr 91 09:05:25 +0300 From: akgul%TRBILUN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Mustafa Akgul) Subject: Turkish TeX users group Keywords: TeX, Turkish, users group YUNUS -- Turkish TeX Users Group and Discussion List I would like to announce formation of a BITNET List YUNUS as an informal and semi official publication of Turkish TeX Users Group with the purpose : To discuss, disseminate and exchange information about TeX typesetting system, its variants and especially Turkish TeX. YUNUS EMRE is a 15'th century Turkish poet and philosopher, who is one of the best users of turkish language. The list is named after him. List is located at TRMETU.bitnet. So so you can send post files to list by sending them to YUNUS@TRMETU.bitnet, and subscribe to List via a mail consisting of SUB YUNUS First_Name Middle_name Last_name to LISTSERV@TRMETU.bitnet. There is no language restrictions on the list. `Owners' of the list: * Owner= akgul@trbilun (Mustafa Akgul) * Owner= a07820@trmetua (Bulent Karasozen) * Owner= ZIYA@TRMETU (Ziya Karakaya) For ordinary mail use: Mustafa Akgul Bilkent University 06533 Bilkent Ankara Turkey. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 17:11:34 +0100 From: on%baobab.jouy.inra.fr@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU (Olivier NICOLE) Subject: 6TH EUROPEAN TeX CONFERENCE and GUTenberg'91 Keywords: conference, TeX, GUTenberg'91 ANNOUNCEMENT & REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE CIRCULATE AND POST 6TH EUROPEAN TEX CONFERENCE La Maison de la Mutualite Paris, 23-25 September 1991 Official languages are English & French. With support from: Imprimerie Louis-Jean - TEX Users Group - Institut Blaise Pascal - Ecole Normale Superieure (ulm) Preliminary programme - Russian TEX (A. Samarin) - TEX and Africa (J. Knappen) - TEX : the limit of multilingualism (M. Fanton) - Towards an arabicized versionof TEX (M. Fanton &al.) - TEXniques in Siberia (Th. Jurriens) - Babel, a multilingual style options system (J. Braams) - An international version of MakeIndex (J. Schrod) - AsTEX : An integrated and customisable multiwindow environment for scien- tific research (M. Lavaud) - Managing the interface to TEX (S. Larsen) - Shell for TEX (B. Malyshev) - ColourTEX (Ch. Cerin) - Making graphics in TEX, GWEZ buildstree structures and print them (B. Leguy) - Form letters in LaTEX with mailing label capability (J. Damrau) - Conversion of MicroSoft word into LaTEX (Bacsich &al.) - ScholarTEX : last enhancements (Y. Haralambous) - TEX dismembered (A. Wittbecker) - Maths into BLUes (K. van der Laan) - Organising a large collection of style files for different TEX macro pac- kages (A. Binding) - Typesetting SGML documents using TEX (A. Dobrowolski) Conferences will be simultaneously translated. Panels Chaired by well-known panelists, the panels will be for example: - Teaching (La)TEX to a diverse audience - (La)TEX in Europe BoFs Some sessions will be set-up on topics to be decided upon during the conferences. Exhibition Various hardware and software vendors will exhibit their latest products. A commercial session will be organised so they can talk freely about their products. Question Time A open "question time" session will take place during the congress. TUTORIALS Ecole Normale Superieure & Institut Blaise Pascal Paris, 17th-20thSeptember 1991 Tutorial I - Advanced TEX and TEX Macros Philip Taylor, rhbnc This course is intended to cover the more advanced features of TEX macro pro- gramming, including such esoteric aspects as \afterassignment, \futurelet, \expandafter, \uccode, etc. Some time will be devoted to the area of cross-referencing, both via external files and via control sequences, and the manipulation of \catcodes will be covered in some detail. Tutorial II - LaTEX Style Files Chris Rowley, Open University Ever wondered how to make LaTEX do what you wanted? This course will help you understand how to modify LaTEX style files to give quality typesetting, and may even give you the confidence to write your own. Some experience with LaTEX and TEX would be an advantage. Tutorial III - METAFONT Doug Henderson, Blue Sky Research Yannis Haralambous, Universite de Lille The course will cover the basics of METAFONT, but should provide participants with enough information to generate their favourite CM fonts at any design size, tinker with the multitude of parameters, and even start to design their own characters. Tutorial IV - Beginning and Intermediate LaTEX Malcolm Clark, pcl Become proficient in LaTEX in just four days! The course covers the fascinating world of LaTEX, concentrating on the joysof structured documentation, whilst trying to maintain a facade of quality typesetting. Suitable for technical and non-technical alike. Information about the tutorials The locations of the tutorials are different from the location of the congress. The tutorials will start on Tuesday, September 17th, at 9:30. Each tutorial will last four days. Tutorial will be supplemented with practical work on workstations. The number of participants to each tutorialis limited. Registrations will be taken in order. A discount of FF 500 applies to the registration tothe 6th European TEX Conference for the participants to a tutorial. WHAT IS TEX? TEX is a documents formatter especially designed for scientific texts. This conference is directed to scientists in research and academia, but also to publishing and printing professionals. About 250 participants will attend this congress. GUTenberg'91 La Maison de la Mutualite Paris, September 26th, 1991 Technical and Scientific Edition Conferences will be simultaneously translated. The day will be devoted more specifically to issues connected with the French language, selected topics will cover French publishing problems. The following topics are among the planned speeches. - TEXV3 ou MlTEX? - Les disquettes GUTenberg'91 (N. Brouard) - L'impression des formules chimiques (M. Laugier) - Un programme pour modifier les .dvi (M. Laugier & al.) Other conferences are under consideration but have not been yet finalised. A "Question Time" session about the networks is planned on this day. TEX DINNER La geode (cinema) Paris, Septemb er 24th, 1991, 19h A dinner will be held on Tuesday evening at the restaurant of the Villette center of Sciences and Industry. The dinner will follow the showing of a film using hightech sound and light systems on the geode's 1,000 m2 hemispheric screen. Special effects take the vieweron an imaginary journey to another place and time. A coach tour of Paris by night will conclude the evening. All those taking part in the congress will be admitted free.Guests are welcome to join in the evening's entertainment fora FF 270 charge. Please specify on the registration form the number of guests you will bring along. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Bernard Gaulle (GUTenberg, France) chairman Chris Rowley (Open Univ., United Kingdom) Kees van der Laan (ntg, the Netherlands) Joachim Lammarsch (Heidelberg Univ. Germany) Roswitha Graham (kth, Sweden) Michael Ferguson (inrs-Telecom.Canada) Nicolas Brouard (ined, France) Pierre Dagnelie (Sciences Agronomiques, Belgium) Maurice Laugier (Imprimerie Louis-Jean, France) Didier Collin (Toulouse, France) Denis Megevan (Observatoire Geneve, Switzeland) ORGANISATION COMMITTEE GUTenberg Olivier Nicole (inra) chairman Jacques Andre (inria-irisa) Philippe Louarn (inria-irisa) Malcolm Clark (pcl, UK) tutorials organiser Andre Desnoyers (Institut Blaise Pascal) Jacques Beigbeder (Ecole Normale Superieure) Michel Blanchard (Universite d'Orleans) Alain Posty (inra) CONTACT GUTenberg, 6th European TEX Conference BP 21 78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France Telephone: +(33 1) 34 65 22 32 Fax: +(33 1) 34 65 22 28 E-mail: on@jouy.inra.fr ADDRESSES Congress Maison de la Mutualite Metro:line 7 24, rue Saint Victor station Maubert-Mutualite Paris 5e arrondissement Buses: 47, 63,83 & 87 Tutorials Ecole normale superieure Metro:RER B 45, rue d'Ulm station Luxembourg Paris 5e arrondissement Buses: 21 & 27 Institut Blaise Pascal Metro: lines 7 & 10 Universite Pierre et Marie Curie station Jussieu 2-4, place Jussieu Bus: 67 Paris 5e arrondissement Registration form _____________________________________________ ! To be returned to: SCOIR -EuroTEX'91! ! 2 ter, ruede Chantilly! ! F-75009 PARIS - France! ! ! ! Tel: (331) 42 85 17 90 ! ! Fax: (33 1) 42 80!59 51 ! !____________________________________________! Full Name (Nom prenom) :.................................................. Company (Societe) :....................................................... Address (Adresse) :....................................................... ......................................................................... Post code (Code postal) :................................................. Town (Ville):............................................................. Country (Pays):........................................................... Tel. :................................Fax :............................... e-mail :.................................................................. Either: _ This registration is made in a personal capacity: _ Please find a cheque enclosed. _ Please charge my credit card: _ VISA, _ Euro/Mastercard, Number:......................... Expiry date:............................. Or: _ This registration is made in my official capacity, please find enclosed a purchase order from the Accounting department. Tutorial FF 2 500:........................................... Tutorial number:.... 6th European TEX Conference FF 1 700:........................ GUTenberg'91 FF 700:......................................... TEX Dinner, FF 270 per guest:................................ Number of guests:.... Discount for tutorial + 6thConference, FF 500:............... Discount for 6th Conference + GUTenb erg'91, FF 200:......... Discount for members of official groups GUTenberg, DANTE e.V., NTG, Nordic Group, Italic, ukTeXug or TUG or call the organisers Please circle the name of the group FF 200:...................................................... Subtotal:.................................................... 10%_extra_charge after June 30th:............................ Total:....................................................... Cheques should be made payable to SCOIR-CONGRES, stating EuroTEX'91 and the name of the participant. Transfers: to the order of SCOIR-CONGRES, post-office-cheque account: CCP Paris 2214965B020, code etablissement 30041, code guichet 00001, cle RIB 32. Fees will be returned subject to a cancellation charge of FF 400 for any written cancellation postmarked no later than August 15th.No refund will be made in respect of cancellations received after that date. In case of cancellation for reasons outside its control, SCOIRlimits its liability to the registration fees already paid. Please send me a _ railway, _ aeroplane conference discount form. Discounts are available on French domestic networks only. Date Signature & Stamp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% University of Washington %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% where xxx is the nearest geographical site in the %%% tree shown below %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% Here is the BITNET re-distribution tree as shown in a recent %%% REVIEW (The geography is guessed at from the subscription list) %%% %%% CLVM TAMVM1 FINHUTC %%% | | (Finland, UK, Scand, CERN) %%% | | | %%% TeXhax ----> UWAVM ----- MARIST ----- EB0UB011 ----- BNANDP11 %%% | (France,Italy,Spain) (Belgium) %%% | | %%% UBVM HEARN --- DEARN %%% (Netherlands) (Germany) %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% Please be sure you send a valid internet address!! %%% in the form name@domain or name%routing@domain %%% and use the style of the Bitnet one-line message, so that %%% we can find your subscription request easily. %%% %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% Previous years in TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.dir/ %%% %%% For further information about TeX Users Group services and publications %%% contact Karen at KLB@MATH.AMS.COM or write to TUG at %%% TeX Users Group %%% P.O. Box 9506 %%% Providence, R.I. 02940-9506 %%% Telephone (401) 751-7760 %%% %%% Current versions of the software now in general distribution: %%% TeX 3.14 metafont 2.7 %%% plain.tex 3.0 plain.mf 1.8 %%% LaTeX 2.09 (12/7/89) cmbase.mf see cm85.bug %%% SliTeX 2.09 (12/4/89) gftodvi 3.0 %%% tangle 4.2 gftopk 2.2 %%% weave 4.2 gftype 3.1 %%% dvitype 3.2 pktype 2.3 %%% pltotf 3.4 pktogf 1.1 %%% tftopl 3.1 mft 2.0 %%% BibTeX 0.99c VFtoVP 1.2 %%% AmSTeX 1.1d VPtoVF 1.3 %%% DVIcopy 1.0 %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------