TeXhax Digest Sunday, Novenber 3, 1991 Volume 91 : Issue 049 Moderators: Tiina Modisett and Pierre MacKay %%% The TeXhax digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %%% %%% in cooperation with the UnixTeX distribution service at the %%% %%% University of Washington %%% Today's Topics: Comments on Review: Michael Doob's A Gentle... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1991 15:22 MET From: CGL@RUGR86.RUG.NL Subject: Comments on Review: Michael Doob's A Gentle... Keywords: Michael Doob, Kees van der Laan %I received your comments. I'll assume that you sent them to me for %comments; in any case, here they are, each on a comment line %intersepersed with your article: %CGL I replied to incorporate them as footnotes, 16/10/91 \documentstyle[twocolumn]{article} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \begin{document} \title{Review: Michael Doob's A Gentle \ldots} \author{Kees van der Laan} \date{October 1991} \maketitle \section{Compliments} To start with I like it, it is easy reading. We redistribute it! It is at TeX-nl@hearn among others, and reprinted in RUG Report 25. As always with introductions the challenge is not to lie too much, when telling the incomplete story. So my review will have the structure of enumerating, with annotations, what is treated in the self-study manual and what I missed. Of course the latter is a matter of taste. \\ My comments and suggestions are about the September 89 draft. Michael Doob's reactions to that are supplied in footnotes starting with `MD:'. An easy observation is that {\em this\/} manual does not treat \TeX\ version $\pi$. Does this mean that the manual is outdated? In my opinion not, but it is certainly incomplete with language specific issues.% \footnote{MD: Actually, there is not much that has been outdated by later versions of \TeX. This is because most of the material covered is so elementary that it isn't complicated enough to require the use of \TeX~3.xx.} Furthermore, the manual is restricted to references to pages in the \TeX book; no references to other work has been made. This is understandable from the viewpoint of an introduction.% \footnote{MD: But you do indicate later that a reference to Swanson and/or Cheswick. actually, since your brought it up, it probably would have been better to mention Swanson. } \section{Getting started} Essentially it is told how to get text processed via \TeX\ by the system you are working with. \\ Strong points at the end of the section are the discussion of weak areas of \TeX, although a lot of attention has been paid to those issues since then. (Encapsulated PostScript and Hoenig's work with respect to text with curved baselines.) \subsection{What I missed} I missed the whole concept of Document Preparation Workbench, with among others spelling (style) checker, \TeX\ intelligent editor, and previewing tools.% \footnote{MD: But these are UNIX-type tools. I went to some effort to make the intro machine independent. I could have created the table of contents by generating an aux file, but that code wouldn't have worked on all machines. I think my source code runs on {\em any} machine. } \section{All characters great and small} This is all about inputting the characters and what you can obtain finally in print: the variety of characters and sizes. Also punctuation and how to handle accents is treated. For Latin languages this might be sufficient, for other classes of languages it is not.\footnote{The accents issue was one of the reasons why virtual fonts were introduced in \TeX~3.0.} % Weren't virtual fonts introduced with \TeX\ 3.0? Also, to my eye it's a % little nicer to have a space between \TeX\ and 3.14. OK, Kees. I would suggest to complicate ex 2.9, the Dutch sentence, into \begin{verbatim} ,,M\'{\i}\'{\j}n idee\"en worden niet be\"{\i}nvloed'', zei hij. \end{verbatim} % Don't you want a dotless i in the word Mijn? Yes, typo, sorry The difficulties here are (lower) opening quotes, which should not influence line distance and should be similar to the closing quotes. About the `ij', see the contribution of David van Leeuwen, elsewhere in this MAPS91.2. What I typed verbatim is not nice, neither is kerning. A hidden difficulty is that with hyphenation after `be-' the separator \verb="= on \"{\i}nvloed on the next line has to disappear and the normal \verb=i= has to be used.% \footnote{MD: Of course you are right that \TeX\ has problems with foreign languages, and maybe even at this level this should be pointed out. But do remember The audience at which this document is aimed. } \subsection{Fonts names} I would like to see the essential groups named and the generally available other sizes mentioned. %That reduces the size of the table. \subsection{What I missed} The whole concept of hyphenation and the need of hyphenation tables is missing here, although the explicitit use of the hyphenation command is given on p 28.\footnote{MD: This is also more important with the 3.xx versions of \TeX. Multiple languages are possible for one document. Nonetheless, for this audience minimal introduction is probably enough. } \section{The shapes of things to come} This is essentially about the page shape and the document structure. How to obtain various paragraph shapes with open space to include other elements is nicely treated. The left-, right- and centerline are also explained. The parameters to control the page apearance are given. They range from the offset to interline distance and the like. \subsection{What I missed} I missed in the {\em text\/} how to put elements in the margin.% \footnote{MD: This is actually in the macros at the beginning of the source. I wrote that section to help the newer user to see what can be done with relatively simple macros. } In relation to headlines and footlines I would like to see an example of more than one line in the headline. By use of \verb=\vbox to 0pt=, or \verb=\vtop=, with \verb=\vss=. Perhaps it should be mentioned here as a wish and referred to the section on boxes, where it could be treated as an example. On the one hand we have the structure entities: chapter, section etc.\ and on the other hand we have the page elements: headline, text on the page and footline. These issues should have been separated. Page make-up and descriptive mark-up can better be treated separately. % \section{$\Bigl\{$Groups, $\bigl\{$Groups, $\{$and More Groups$\} \bigr\}\Bigr\}$} Here the narrowing of a paragraph is treated as example. Also the problem of matching braces has been paid attention to. The usefulness of the empty group is also mentioned. A bit misplaced seems to me the handling of `iff' sometimes used in math for if and only if.\footnote{ The more so when it is not used as such on p 46, where no {\tt\char92 quad} is used either.} % It would seem that something is missing in the \verb construction. A mistake is \begin{quote} `\ldots when a control word like \\ \verb=\centerline= acts on text following it in, that {\em text is implicitly in a group.}' \end{quote} Not true!\footnote{With this command it is accidently the case because it contains a box. \\ MD: %}\footnote{MD: You're right, of course. I considered this a little fib, but Anne Br\"uggemann-Klein convinced me that I had overstepped the bounds of literary license. I changed that section. } \subsection{What I missed} If matching braces is felt difficult to adhere to, it would have served the purpose to mention special tools for verifying that, for example as part of a \TeX-intelligent editor, for example Nelson Beebe's tailored EMACS for \LaTeX. % \section{No math anxiety here!} This chapter consists of examples how to mark up various math constructs. Also the spacing in math mode is detailed with. \subsection{What I missed} The concept of formula classes is missing. Not in the least the empty formula of class 0. Also pitfalls such as a relational `$:$' takes a different command than the interpunctional `$:$,' are missing. The relational $:$ is also lacking in the table with relations. A reference to the complete tables in the \TeX book should have been made, especially when the tables given are incomplete. How to mark up the various O's in math should have been treated.\footnote{ See my Math into BLUes paper, for more \TeX falls.} I also missed the use of \verb=\l(r)angle= for meta-linguistic variables. That displays will yield centered results is fine with me, but it should have been mentioned that it depends upon the format used. In general how to treat long formulas ---hyphenation of math--- is neglected, as is automatic numbering and symbolic referencing. Agreed symbolic referencing is not part of plain, but needed in practice nevertheless. Furthermore, attention should have been paid to math typesetting tradition, independently of \TeX. For example the use of \verb=\quad=s. A reference to Swanson's work is the least that could have been done. %\footnote{MD: % This is a good point. Incidently I think you want "Swanson's" here.} % Yes, of course, not a native speaker, sorry once again. \section{All in a row} The typewriter tabbing is dealt with. So are simple tables and lined tables. The centering of the tables is done in a curious way, see p 52; Not by the D\lower.5ex\hbox{E}K method of putting a \verb=\vbox= around the table and use this within a math display. \subsection{What I missed} The warning that this treatment is very elementary is needed. Furthermore, the SGML like structuring approach: header rows and contents rows, could have been incorporated. I would also like to see an example with a cell element restriced to a certain `hsize', via a \verb+\vbox{\hsize=... etc.}+. I would welcome an example of a table with a note. These notes can be attached easily to the table as last rows, eventually separated by a (blank) row. % This is English and not French. I think you want "blank". I would also like to see how similar tables in subsequent sections can be forced to have the same shape. I mean putting hboxes in the template lines. This is useful when reporting financial matters and having a section with income matter treated and another with expenses. \section{Rolling your own} This section deals with elementary macro writing. \section{To err is human} Treated are errors due to: omitting bye, various misspelled command and font names, mismatched math (omitting \$'s), mismatched braces. \def\AMSTeX{{$\cal A$}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {$\cal M$}\kern-.125em{$\cal S$}-\TeX} \section{Digging a little deeper} Treated are how to split up large documents, and incorporation of large macro packages as format. Along with the latter \LaTeX, and \AMSTeX\ % Maybe you want to use. Yes but too lazy. Thanks % \def\AMSTeX{{$\cal A$}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox % {$\cal M$}\kern-.125em{$\cal S$}-\TeX} are mentioned. Then a curious treatment of hrule, vrule and the building of boxes, with the creation of a magic square as an example. Also \verb=\hrulefill= and \verb=\dotfill= are touched upon, in relation to % Don't you mean \verb=\dotfill=? Yes, typo. sorry table of contents creation. \section{Control word list} A reference to Cheswick's permuted index for \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ would have been appropriate, prior to the enumeration of the control symbols and commands treated in the syllabus. The formatting in rows is unusual but avoids the balancing of columns problem. \section{I get by with a little help} The answers to most ---not all--- of the exercises are given. The answers are not numbered, nor are the groups (of section of occurrence) clearly separated.\footnote{ I would consider it good practice to use {\tt\char92answer} from the the manmac collection. All at hand at the right moment.} It occurred to me that it was intended to serve as stand-alone examples as well. \subsection{What I missed} The magic square could have been handled more robust by the lined table approach given at p 53; the given solution does not easily extend to magic squares of higher order. % \\ % The solutions to the de-ligature of `iff' are wrong.\footnote{MD: % What's wrong with them? They work without any problem for me. % } \end{document} Furthermore, I missed the mentioning of formula classes, which is a very important concept. For more pitfalls when \TeX ing math, I refer to my Math into BLUes paper. % \subsection*{Line drawings} How to handle simple graphics, for example line drawings, with \TeX\ as integral part of the document deserves attention. The two ways to do this could have been mentioned: via encapsulated PostScript, and via PIC\TeX, Capture, or the use of Spivak's line-fonts. % \section*{Some more wishes} \subsection*{Variables} I would like to see the concept of variables treated. For example counter, string and units (skip), in order that in writing \TeX\ more use is made of the variables. Of course the `dereferencing operator' for printing, \verb=\the=, should be explained. % \subsection*{Referencing} I would also like to see how cross-referencing is done in \TeX, especially symbolically, so that by modification (insertion or deletion) the numberin g will be adapted automatically. Agreed if tables are not numbered there is no need to update numbering, but in reality items are numbered. A similar aspect concerns the list of references and referring to the list . I think some macros are suitable for providing the information per item in the list (Procedural mark-up). These macros hide the markup (Italics where? Where do we place year etc.? How are the items punctuated? How are the items labeled? ) These macros, as part of a format file, can take another body for another journal, so the copy does not have be re-edited.\\ Next there is the citation in the text. It would be nice to have that, also in a procedural mark-up way. By the way a literature list, for further reading, is missing. % \subsection*{Index etc.} It is very elegant to have a control word list horizontally ordered, and it avoids problems of balancing columns, but it is not generally used. So that is not what people need. Amy Hendrickson, and Michael Spivak have developed some flexible multicolumn macros as part of their packages. % \section*{About the tools} I would welcome a closing section about the tools with which the manual itself is made. Only 4 pages of macros to produce this Gentle Intro were needed. Neat! They are elegant, understandable and therefore adaptable. When I compare this with the more powerful --- but complicated --- \LaTeX, I know what I like better and what is productive. Just a handful of macros with some discipline for their use, and \ldots, not to strive after complete automatisms. Know where to stop! \\[1ex] On the other hand one could have started from Manmac or from the TUGboat.s ty files. %So I like them and will take them over as a starter. %Make from it for myself an empty `report', % which can be filled in over and over. %I'm just a novice \TeX ie, although I use \LaTeX\ as a tool. \subsection*{But, \ldots} I don't like how unnumbered sections are treated. %Can you make a separate %unnumbered section or adhere to \LaTeX's *? (With \verb=\=futurelet %and when * is used take a different action.) I would welcome a slightly more general \verb=\marginpar= macro than \TeX ref. What about a (long def) macro which takes as parameter the text to be displayed literally as well as the results of it? %Now you %have that text {\em twice\/} %in your manuscript (Provide a macro which `stores' the `value' %of the parameter. This macro must then be called in showing the effect, %either within %the long def macro or globally.) This may also make the separation between `literal' and `user' environment superfluous? (The @endliteral is not that difficult to remember.)\\ I don't like the \verb=\\= within user, although it is a simple solution. \end{document} % The things on your "wish list" are perfectly reasonable, Kees. It is % {\em very} hard to keep the number of topics small and at the level % appropriate for a new user. I originally wanted to end up with a 50 page % document; I obviously missed the mark in that respect. Also, I % originally didn't include answers (for pedagogic reasons); I got so % tired of requests for answers that I gave in and tacked them onto the % and. I don't want the user to quickly flip to the back of the book for % the answer to the exercise. You learn to use TeX by running it! % My comments are meant to be helpful. I hope that they are taken in that % spirit. By the way, what is happening for the Eindhoven TeX days. I % would really love to be there (both because of TeX and because my Dutch % is really down the tubes---ah to get a chance to practice a bit.) % Besten groeten, % Michael ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Further information about the TeXhax Digest, the TeX %%% Users Group, and the latest software versions is available %%% in every tenth issue of the TeXhax Digest. %%% %%% Concerning subscriptions, address changes, unsubscribing: %%% %%% BITNET: send a one-line mail message to LISTSERV@xxx %%% SUBSCRIBE TEX-L % to subscribe %%% or UNSUBSCRIBE TEX-L %%% %%% Internet: send a similar one line mail message to %%% TeXhax-request@cs.washington.edu %%% JANET users may choose to use %%% texhax-request@uk.ac.nsf %%% All submissions to: TeXhax@cs.washington.edu %%% %%% Back issues available for FTPing as: %%% machine: directory: filename: %%% JUNE.CS.WASHINGTON.EDU TeXhax/TeXhaxyy.nnn %%% yy = last two digits of current year %%% nnn = issue number %%% %%%\bye %%% End of TeXhax Digest ************************** -------