#! /bin/sh # Bourne shell script to process the Beginner's LaTeX document # GNU Copyleft 2002, 2003 Silmaril Consultants (info@silmaril.ie) # This should probably be rewritten as a Makefile one day # Dependencies: cat, sed, saxon, java, awk, latex, bibtex, # makeindex, dvips, gs, gzip, xdvi, mv, bash echo WARNING: you must use Saxon 8 for this because earlier versions echo fail to handle nested parameter entity references correctly. #################################################################### # 1. Generate LaTeX source, switching any governing target to latex # Omit tugbook format now that it's been published for s in typebook; do sed -e "s+target \"html\"+target \"latex\"+" beginlatex.xml >beginlatex.XML saxon beginlatex.XML $s-latex.xslt beginlatex-$s.tex style=$s # 2. Process the LaTeX to DVI, iterating to resolve cross-references latex \\nonstopmode\\input beginlatex-$s.tex bibtex beginlatex-$s cp beginlatex-$s.bbl beginlatex.bbl latex \\nonstopmode\\input beginlatex-$s.tex latex \\nonstopmode\\input beginlatex-$s.tex makeindex -s indexhead.ist beginlatex-$s latex \\nonstopmode\\input beginlatex-$s.tex # pdflatex \\nonstopmode\\input beginlatex-$s.tex mv beginlatex-$s.pdf beginlatex-$s-pdflatex.pdf if [ "$1" = "short" ]; then exit; fi # 3. Generate PostScript and PDF rm -f beginlatex-$s.ps.gz if [ "$s" = "tugbook" ]; then dvips -t letter -o beginlatex-$s.ps beginlatex-$s gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter \ -sOutputFile=beginlatex-$s-psdvips.pdf -q - <beginlatex-$s.ps else dvips -t a4 -o beginlatex-$s.ps beginlatex-$s gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 \ -sOutputFile=beginlatex-$s-psdvips.pdf -q - <beginlatex-$s.ps fi gzip beginlatex-$s.ps # 4. Pop up the preview if it's not already there XDVI=`ps axu | grep xdvi | grep -v grep` if [ -z "$XDVI" ]; then xdvi beginlatex-$s & fi done if [ "$1" = "medium" ]; then exit; fi # 5. Do the single-file HTML sed -e "s+target \"latex\"+target \"html\"+" beginlatex.xml >beginlatex.XML saxon beginlatex.XML typebook-html.xslt beginlatex.html # 8. Do the multi-file HTML by passing the ID value of the prelims, # the chapters, the appendices, the bibliography, and the index # through to Saxon, where the XSLT stylesheet uses them to output # just that section. for id in `nsgmls -wxml -E 5000 -f/dev/null \ /usr/local/lib/sgml/xml/xml.dcl beginlatex.xml|\ grep -iE '^(Aid|\(chapter|\(appendix|\(preface|\(index$|\(bibliography)'|\ grep -v IMPLIED|\ awk 'BEGIN {z[1]="A";z[2]="B";z[3]="C"} \ /Aid/ {id=$3} \ {name=substr($1,2)} \ {if($1~"preface"){name=id}} \ {if($1~"chapter"){++c;name="chapter" c}} \ {if($1~"appendix"){++a;name="appendix" z[a]}} \ /\(/ {print name "," id}'`; do FRAG=`echo $id|awk -F, '{print $1}'` ID=`echo $id|awk -F, '{print $2}'` echo $FRAG \($ID\) if [ "$FRAG" = "preface" ]; then FRAG=$ID fi saxon beginlatex.XML typebook-html.xslt $FRAG.html fragment=$ID done # 9. Move the output to the parent directory and HTML directory echo Moving output files to the right place... mv -f beginlatex*.ps.gz .. mv -f beginlatex*.pdf .. mv -f *.html ../html cp -f *.png ../html exit 0