UKTeX V88 #31 Friday 30 September 1988 PICTEX.SHAR Thesis Regulations Multi-Page tables from LaTeX Mistranslation, truncation after 80 chars Re: Mixed Adobe and Metafont? AMS fonts for higher resolution printers milstd.tex, for use with `milstd' logical symbols font Re: A4 paper in a LaserWriter From Bitnet to Janet --------------------------------- Editor Peter Abbott The LaTeX style collection is being relocated in the directory [public.clarkson]. The US version has been moved from Rochester to Clarkson and an announcement will appear shortly in TeXhax. I shall be receiving updates as they take place in the US so that the two collections should remain in step. The subdirectory is available now but not all items have yet been updated. Once this has taken place 000aston.readme will be updated and the older subgroup removed. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #84 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V2N5 --------------------------------- From: Clark Adrian Date: Mon, 26 Sep 88 10:28:43 GMT To: Cc: Subject: PICTEX.SHAR Yup, it's corrupt. But the DVI file is binary; surely no-one expects it to be usable! I'm keen to have the missing components, too: I'll get in touch with Michael Wichura and ask for another copy, which I'll pass on to the archive. **Adrian. Adrian F. Clark JANET: ARPA: BITNET: Smail: Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K. Phone: (+44) 206-872432 (direct) --------------------------------- Via:; Mon, 26 Sep 88 10:57:12 GMT (NMPA/19.302r) Date: Mon,26 Sep 88 10:51:58 BST From: Subject: Thesis Regulations To: Message-ID: <26 Sep 88 10:51:58 A103F1@UK.AC.Nott.Usys> People faced with the question of "shall I or shall I not modify (La)TeX's normal line-spacing for a thesis?" may be interested in the following. A precedent: The University of Oxford regulations say that "... if the device produces an imitation of letterpress then the layout may be that of a well-designed book". As I understand it, the relevant Proctors have approved a sample of LaTeX 12pt report style (as it stands, with no increase in line-spacing). Forthcoming British Standard: Apparently the British Standards Institution is in the process of revising "BS 4821: Recommendations for the presentations of Theses, ... ". One of the bodies represented on the relevant committee is the University of Reading, and Paul Stiff (of Reading's Dept. of Typography and Graphic Communication) brought a copy of the "draft for public comment" to one of the pre-conference workshops at the Exeter TeX conference. The draft contains the sentences: In text produced on a typewriter or word processor, one-and-a-half line spacing should normally be used. In closer spacing, the space between lines at any point should be not less than the space between words. My interpretation of what Paul said is that he believes that the second of these sentences allows standard typesetting practice (i.e. no need to attempt to simulate one-and-a-half line spacing when you're using (La)TeX). During the public comment period, I wrote to the BSI suggesting that they should modify the "In closer spacing ... " sentence so that it states explicitly that, in "typeset" theses, the line-spacing traditionally used by good-quality typesetters is allowed (otherwise any "British Standard University" official who receives the thesis may not realise the significance of the "In closer spacing ... " sentence). I've since rung Miss Jenkins (the BSI's committee secretary for this standard). She said that the committee is likely to finish its re-drafting work by the end of this year, but that the revised standard is unlikely to be published before Summer 1989. David Rhead --------------------------------- From: Clark Adrian Date: Mon, 26 Sep 88 10:43:48 GMT To: Subject: Multi-Page tables from LaTeX There was a `supertabular' style file floating around earlier this year (or maybe late last year) which supported multi-page `tabular's. I don't know about running heads or if you could put them into `table' environments. I'm sure it was distributed via UKTeX, so it should be somewhere in the archive. Although it's a bit of a kludge, I think it'll do what Mark Hewitt wants. Adrian F. Clark JANET: ARPA: BITNET: Smail: Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K. Phone: (+44) 206-872432 (direct) --------------------------------- Message-id: <26 Sep 88 16:41:13 BST US@UK.AC.RL.IB> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 88 16:41:13 BST From: US x6111 (US at UKACRL) To: abbottp @ aston Subject: Mistranslation, truncation after 80 chars Although in theory there could be big problems with EBCDIC as there are two character sets, in practise the characters you mention seem to be the main problem. I have mailed the USA and other sites to find out what goes on, but this is only the second time anyone has told me what the local character sets are. The first reply came from Italy too. We seem to have opted for slightly the wrong table when we determined what the JANET ASCII/EBCDIC translation was going to be. The table we use is published in the Blue Book standard - I have yet to see an alternative table. There is, however a utility from the USA which takes account of the mistranslation so I suspect that we are not alone in our mistake. The cure would be to throw away our JANET compliance and adopt a table used in America which we have yet to see documented, so I don't think there will be any alteration to our tables. The restriction on record size in mail is caused by the underlying RSCS file transfer protocol, so that problem will also have to be fixed by EARN. Sorry to be so negative, but since mail was never designed to carry much more than the most basic text, there was never any intention to carry this kind of traffic. When the X400 mail service comes along, support for weird text in the body will be part of the standard and the problem will cease to exist. regards Phil Overy user support RAL tel 0235 21900 x6780 --------------------------------- Received: from (m_mushroom) by; Mon, 26 Sep 88 19:09:58 BST From: Mario Wolczko Message-Id: <> Date: Mon,26 Sep 19:26:31 1988 To: paul@uucp.moncam Cc: Subject: Re: Mixed Adobe and Metafont? Check out PS-LaTeX from the Aston archive. It changes all the relevant parts of latex to use Adobe fonts (including as much of the math set as is reasonable). There's also a version of dvi2ps with it that can make use of the Adobe fonts. Directory $1$DUA14:[PUBLIC.TEX.PSLATEX] (my slightly out-of-date listing) BUGS.;2 FNTCHOICE-B.TEX;1 FNTCHOICE-H.TEX;1 FNTCHOICE-N.TEX;1 FNTCHOICE-P.TEX;1 FNTCHOICE-T.TEX;1 FONT-TABLE.;1 FONTS.TEX;1 LFONTS.TEX;1 MAIL.MAI;1 MAKEFILE.;1 MAKEFONTS.PS;1 PSFONTS.DIR;1 PSLATEX.TEX;1 PSLPLAIN.TEX;1 README.;1 Mario Wolczko ______ Dept. of Computer Science Internet: /~ ~\ The University USENET: mcvax!ukc!man.cs.ux!mario ( __ ) Manchester M13 9PL JANET: `-': :`-' U.K. Tel: +44-61-275 6146 ____; ;_____________the mushroom project____________________________________ --------------------------------- +++Editor - Corrected order form as requested +++ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % max: here is the current order/information on stephan's book % ANOTHER LOOK AT TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % insert your local offsets: \hoffset=0.5truein \voffset=1truein %% vuvaxcom.bitnet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % You are allowed to print as many copies of this note as you want. But % you are not allowed to change the text in anyway. \def\today{August 29, 1988} \def\version{3.9} \def\ExpirationDate{December~31, 1988}% Expiration date of form \def\ShippingDates{September~15, November~15, 1988 and January~15, 1989} \def\PriceUSMail{\$57.00} \def\PriceUPS{\$59.00} \def\PriceUPSHawaiAlaska{\$68.00} \def\PriceCanada{\$61.00} \def\PriceSurface{\$62.00} \def\PriceAirMail{\$102.00} \def\NetworkAddress{integin!} \def\CompanyName{Integrated Computer Software, Inc.} \def\Street{2119 Old Oak Drive} \def\City{West Lafayette, IN 47906} \font\sc = cmcsc10 \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\PS{{\sc PostScript}} \def\Title #1{\par\bigskip\leftline{\bf #1}\nobreak} \def\Address{ \line{{\bf Stephan v. Bechtolsheim}\hfil (317) 463 0162} \leftline{\CompanyName} \leftline{\Street} \leftline{\City, USA} } \def\OrderTable{ $$ \vbox{ \tabskip = 0pt \def\CR{&&&\cr\noalign{\hrule}} \offinterlineskip \halign{ ##\strut& % 1 ##\vrule \tabskip = 10pt& % 2 ##\hskip 40pt& % 3 ##\vrule& % 4 ##\hfil& % 5 ##\vrule& % 6 \hfil##& % 7 ##\vrule& % 8 \hfil##& % 9 ##\vrule \tabskip = 0pt % 10 \cr \noalign{\hrule} && \omit\hfil\bf \#\hfil&& \omit\hfil\bf Form of shipment\hfil&& \omit\hfil\bf Price\hfil&& \omit\hfil\bf Price * Copies\hfil&\cr\noalign{\hrule} &&&&US Mail: US, book rate&&\PriceUSMail\CR &&&&UPS: continental US&&\PriceUPS\CR &&&&UPS: Hawai, Alaska&&\PriceUPSHawaiAlaska\CR &&&&US Mail: Canada, book rate&&\PriceCanada\CR &&&&US Mail: international, book rate (by boat\dots)&&\PriceSurface\CR &&&&US Mail: international, book rate (by plane\dots)&&\PriceAirMail\CR &\omit&\omit\bf\hfil SUM\hfil&\omit&\omit&\omit&&& \omit\hskip 10pt\bf\$\hfil&\cr \omit&\omit&\omit&\omit&\omit&\omit&&\multispan{3}\hrulefill\cr } } $$ } \Address \vskip 0.5in \centerline{\bf Note on ``Another Look at \TeX''} \parskip = 4pt plus 1pt \parindent = 20pt \Title{Introduction} This note gives you a short overview of my two-volume series called ``Another Look at \TeX''. \Title{What is ``Another Look at \TeX''?} I have been a teacher and consultant for \TeX{} for over two years now. During that period I began putting my own class notes together. And whenever I had an interesting problem to solve in one of my consulting jobs I asked my customers for permission to include the problem and the solution into the books. Most of them have allowed me to do so. Therefore, teaching and consulting are the two main sources for my books. A consequence of this is that the books have a {\bf strong tutorial aspect}. They are literally {\bf loaded with tons of real life examples} (well, some academic ones too, of course). For example, the chapters on tables built with {\tt \string\halign} contain about 100 sample tables. The book also contains various macros which can be used in plain \TeX{} as well as in \LaTeX. I would like to mention though that the books do not try to present another macro package---instead they try to give you the necessary material to put your own macros together. The books deal with {\bf all aspects of \TeX}, starting with simple boxes to very complicated output routines. Coming back to the issue of examples: there are about a dozen fully worked output routines in the books. \Title{The State of the Books, Publisher} Writing these books took me quite a bit longer then I had anticipated. One of the reasons for this is that I am trying to be complete, and really cover ``all of it''. Most of you know that \TeX{} is quite complicated, which accounts for the length of the books. What started out as some ten page-long summaries about various subjects is now divided into two volumes, together about 975 pages long. I am still writing, although things are finally coming to an end. The books are being reviewed by Addison-Wesley. I have not made any real efforts to contact other publishers, because I would like to finish the books first. \Title{Pre-release Copies Are for Sale} Right now {\bf I sell pre-release copies of the books}. As I pointed out, this is not the finished version. If you buy a pre-release version {\bf you are obligated to buy the final copies}. This seems to be, at least in my eyes, a reasonable request especially with regard to the fact that I am close to the end. To put it differently: I am really only interested in selling the final books! {\bf You are not allowed to make any additional copies}. Please contact me if you would like to make copies of the books or parts of them. Some people have shown interest in using the books for teaching \TeX{} classes. We certainly can work out something. \Title{Next Printings} The next printings are planned for the following dates: \ShippingDates. It is essential that you contact me before the respective dates because I only print the number of copies ordered. I don't keep a stock! As soon as I have received orders for ten copies or more I will get these copies done and mail them out regardless of the printing dates announced in the previous paragraph. So it is in your own interest to get in your order as early as possible. Prices can be found on the order form. \Title{Payment} Prepayment is required, check or money order. No exceptions, no phone orders. Please keep the first two pages of this flyer, and return only the order form (last page). \Title{Your Postal Address} If you have received this flyer through regular mail please check carefully your address as I printed it. Drop me a note immediately in case there is an error. Tell me your network address if you have one---even better reply to this letter via network mail. My network address is {\tt \NetworkAddress}. There was an error in a recent issue of TUGboat (April%88) which gave a wrong network address of me. Please correct and only use the email address given in the letterhead or in this paragraph. Even if you had an email address of mine, please write down the new one, because it changed recently! Mail directed to my old address is forwarded. \Title{Feedback} When you read the books and you have comments {\bf please let me know what you think about the books}. As of now don't bother about spelling errors and other ``small details''. It's too early in the game---% which is not a great excuse, I know. If you have any examples which you think I should include drop me a note! For any questions, corrections or other correspondence, please use the address given in this letter head. \Title{Expiration Date} This offer and the order form expire \ExpirationDate. Please contact me directly for a new form after that time. You may duplicate this flyer as long as you don't change its text in any way. \Title{Sales Pitch} I own a consultant company dealing, among other things, with computerized publishing. I have experience in \TeX{}, \PS, SGML, UNIX and I am always looking for work. I also teach \TeX{}, \LaTeX{} and \PS{} classes. Give me a call if you are interested! \Title{Thank You} Thank you all for being so supportive of this project. \vfill \leftline{This form is invalid after \ExpirationDate{} (ask for a new form if necessary)} \leftline{\tt Version \version} \eject \nopagenumbers \vbox to 0.5in{} \centerline{\bf Order Form} \bigskip I hereby order the following number of copies of the two volume-series ``Another Look at \TeX'': \OrderTable Prices include everything, obviously. Please also observe that shipping is {\bf at your own risk}. The books will {\bf not be replaced if lost in the mail}. If you would like to insure the books choose UPS please. There is currently now way to insure books mailed outside the U.S. I enclose \$\ \vrule width 30pt height 1pt depth 0pt\ (check or money order only). Prepayment is required, in U.S.%funds drawn on a U.S.%bank. Make checks payable to ``\CompanyName''. Send your order to: \CompanyName, \Street, \City. Please observe that this address has recently changed. I promise to uphold the copyright of the books. I will not make any copies unless specifically authorized in writing to do so. The copyright includes the macros presented in the books. Furthermore, {\bf I hereby promise to buy the final copy of the books}; I am aware of the fact that what I buy right now are pre-release versions of the books. Please also check one of the following: (%)%I would like to receive a receipt as soon as you receive my order, (%)%I would like a receipt when the book is mailed to me, (%)%I don't need a receipt. \bigskip \def\xx{% \hbox{% \hskip 1.75in \vrule width 3.5in height 1pt depth 0pt }% } \baselineskip = 17pt \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\hbox to 0pt{Name:\hss}\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\hbox to 0pt{Address:\hss}\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\hbox to 0pt{(please print)\hss}\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\hbox to 0pt{Phone:\hss}\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in\hbox to 0pt{Electronic mail address:\hss}\xx} \leftline{\hskip 0.75in (include network specification, please)} \vskip 30pt % \signatureline % ============== % Generate a signature line of length #1, with the name in #2 % centered below the line. % #1: overall width % #2: name \def\signatureline #1#2{% \hbox{% \vrule width #1 height 0.6pt depth 0pt \hskip -#1 \lower 10pt \hbox to #1{\hfil #2\hfil}% }% } \leftline{\hskip 3.0in \signatureline{2.5in}{(Signature)}} \vfill \baselineskip = 12pt \leftline{This form is invalid after \ExpirationDate.} \leftline{The order must be {\bf received} before that date.} \leftline{\tt Version \version} \medskip \hrule \medskip \leftline{\tt CUN:\hskip 1.0in BK:\hskip 1.0in CHK:\hskip 1.0in SHIP: \hskip 1.0in} \eject \end --------------------------------- Received: from clan by Robin.Cs.Nott.AC.UK id aa16540; 27 Sep 88 11:59 BST Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 12:01:19 BST From: David Osborne To: UKTeX , TeXhax cc: Subject: AMS fonts for higher resolution printers Message-ID: <8809270401.aa08450@Clan.Nott.AC.UK> i see in the latest Unix TeX distribution (May 1988) that the AMS fonts (Cyrillic and Euler) in subdirectory amsfonts/gf are available in three different resolutions of 118, 200 and 300 dpi. i know these are not available in METAFONT source form, so i can't build the fonts for higher resolution printers myself (we're expecting a 400 dpi Agfa P3400 soon). is it possible to use these fonts on higher resolution devices, such as Agfa P400s, Linotronic and Autologic typesetters, etc (all of which use a higher, sometimes much higher, res than 300) ? any advice welcome. David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK (Phone: +44 602 484848 x2064) JANET: BITNET: Internet: , or: UUCP: {...!mcvax}!ukc!nott-cs!dao --------------------------------- Received: from clan by Robin.Cs.Nott.AC.UK id aa17961; 27 Sep 88 14:06 BST Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 14:08:30 BST From: David Osborne To: UKTeX Subject: milstd.tex, for use with `milstd' logical symbols font Message-ID: <8809270608.aa16552@Clan.Nott.AC.UK> as has been pointed out to me by Jonathan Bowen , i omitted to send the character definitions file, `milstd.tex' to accompany Rick Simpson's `' METAFONT source file posted in issue 88 #30 of UKTeX (23 Sep.) here it is, anyway. it's intended for use with LaTeX, but plain TeX users should change the \newfont command to \font\milstd=milstd dave. -------------------------------cut here---------------------------------- % milstd.tex % % Special characters for logic diagrams (as in MIL-STD 806) % \newfont{\milstd}{milstd} % \def\BusWidth{{\milstd\char0}} % '/' for bus width notation \def\ANDr{{\milstd\char1}} % AND gate facing right \def\ANDd{{\milstd\char2}} % down \def\ANDl{{\milstd\char3}} % left \def\ANDu{{\milstd\char4}} % up \def\NANDr{{\milstd\char5}} % NAND gate facing right \def\NANDd{{\milstd\char6}} \def\NANDl{{\milstd\char7}} \def\NANDu{{\milstd\char8}} \def\ORr{{\milstd\char9}} % OR gate facing right \def\ORd{{\milstd\char10}} \def\ORl{{\milstd\char11}} \def\ORu{{\milstd\char12}} \def\NORr{{\milstd\char13}} % NOR gate facing right \def\NORd{{\milstd\char14}} \def\NORl{{\milstd\char15}} \def\NORu{{\milstd\char16}} \def\BUFr{{\milstd\char17}} % Buffer facing right \def\BUFd{{\milstd\char18}} \def\BUFl{{\milstd\char19}} \def\BUFu{{\milstd\char20}} \def\INVr{{\milstd\char21}} % Inverter facing right \def\INVd{{\milstd\char22}} \def\INVl{{\milstd\char23}} \def\INVu{{\milstd\char24}} % -----------------------------end of milstd.tex----------------------------- --------------------------------- Received: from memex by; Tue, 27 Sep 88 19:18:09 BST Received: by (5.52/memex_11) id AA13890; Tue, 27 Sep 88 15:20:43 BST Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 15:20:43 BST From: (Peter Ilieve) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: A4 paper in a LaserWriter In answer to Dunstan Vavasour, here are the notes I wrote after I had worked out how to tell the LaserWriter to use a real A4 page size, rather than just an A4 paper tray with letter size used by PostScript inside. It came as a real shock to find when we got our LW (about 2 1/2 years ago) that it did not know about A4. If you use this you won't need to correct your layout and can print on the full length of the page. ----- % This is a documented version of the A4 setup word we use for the LaserWriter. /a4 { [4.16667 0 0 -4.16667 -72 3416 ] % the transformation matrix for the % framedevice operator. % 4.16667 is 300/72, the ratio between % the device resolution and the default % user space resolution. % -72 is the x offset in device pixels % between the origin of the device % coordinates and the bottom left % corner of the actual physical page. % 3416 is the y offset. % the device origin is the top left % corner of the imageable region. 292 3324 % 292 is the width in bytes of the % imagable bit map, ie. one eighth % of the pixel size. % 3324 is the height of the bit map % in pixels. % this is a size of 7.79 by 11.08 in. % now the procedure argument to % framedevice. % this gets called as part of showpage. {statusdict /jobstate (printing) put % say we are actually printing. statusdict begin 0 setblink % stop flashing the light. margins exch 161 add exch 243 add 8 div round cvi % 161 is the top margin. % 243 is the left margin. % the margins are the offsets in device % pixels between the fixed printer % origin and the device origin (the % top left corner of the imageable % region). frametoroket % ship it out, roket as the Adobe % controllers are named after early US % rockets, Atlas and Redstone are known statusdict /jobstate (busy) put % as we are not printing any more 1 setblink end } % start flashing again % the next bit of code is what is % executed when a4 is called. { framedevice % takes all the preceding stuff off % the stack and sets the o/p device. 60 45 { dup mul exch dup mul add 1.0 exch sub } setscreen % halftoning definition. % 60 dots per in. at 45 degrees. {} settransfer % gamma correcting function, null here. initgraphics erasepage } % start with a clean slate. exec } def % The one fixed thing is the printer origin. This is referenced to the top % right hand corner of the page. This is the corner of the paper in the fixed % corner of the paper tray. This origin is 70 pixels above the paper and 2651 % pixels to the left of the right hand edge (although the V3.1 LaserPrep file % seems to assume 2664 pixels). This coordinate system has X increasing to % the right and Y down the page. % Given a new paper size first calculate its size in device pixels. % The imageable area can then be chosen more or less arbitrarily and this % sets the size numbers. % The margins can then be calculated as the coordinates of the device origin, % the top left hand corner of the imageable region you have chosen, with % respect to the fixed printer origin. % The transformation matrix can now be calculated as the coordinates of the % bottom left corner of the physical page (or wherever else you want the % PostScript user space origin to be) with respect to the device origin. % Values for the three built in paper types and for the above A4 are shown % below. % % Letter: Matrix: [4.16667 0.0 0.0 -4.16667 -75.0 3288.0] % Size: 300 3276 % Margins: 82 176 % % Legal: Matrix: [4.16667 0.0 0.0 -4.16667 -267 4050] % Size: 252 3900 % Margins: 220 368 % % Note: Matrix: [4.16667 0.0 0.0 -4.16667 -123 3174] % Size: 288 3048 % Margins: 196 224 % % A4: Matrix: [4.16667 0.0 0.0 -4.16667 -72 3416] % Size: 292 3324 % Margins: 161 243 ----- Peter Ilieve --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8074; Thu, 29 Sep 88 09:17:56 BS Received: from ASTRPD.INFNET by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8073; Thu, 29 Sep 88 09:17:56 B Message-id: <1957> Date: Thu, 29 SEP 88 09:16 N From: Reply-To: Subject: From Bitnet to Janet To: X-Original-To:, FISICA Peter, in one of the latest Uktex, somebody mentioned the problem of getting wrong ascii codes (e.g. curly brackets). We wrote a fortran program to read a file and convert it. I do realize that it will get to you with wrong codes, but perhaps it can be of help. Here it comes: Max ---- cut here ---- C C REFORMAT NON-SOURCE TYPE FILES C INTEGER INPUT/11/,OUT/22/ INTEGER ARING/197/ ! A* = { 1, IGRAV/204/ ! I` = } CHARACTER LINE*1000,NAME*40 C 1 FORMAT(A) 2 FORMAT(1H$'FILE ERRATO RIPETERE >') 3 FORMAT(1H$'NOME FILE >') C 80 WRITE(5,3) 100 READ(5,1,END=500) NAME OPEN(UNIT=INPUT,FILE=NAME,ERR=1000,READONLY,STATUS='OLD') ISTAT=STR$TRIM(NAME,NAME,JEND) NAME=NAME(:JEND)//'_RES' OPEN(UNIT=OUT,FILE=NAME,STATUS='NEW' 1,CARRIAGECONTROL='LIST') C 200 READ(INPUT,1,END=80) LINE ISTAT=STR$TRIM(%DESCR(LINE),%DESCR(LINE),JEND) DO 300 K=1,JEND IF(ICHAR(LINE(K:K)).EQ.ARING) THEN LINE(K:K)='{' ELSE IF(ICHAR(LINE(K:K)).EQ.IGRAV) THEN LINE(K:K)='}' ENDIF 300 END DO WRITE(OUT,1) LINE(1:JEND) GO TO 200 500 STOP 1000 WRITE(5,2) GO TO 100 END ---- end of program --- --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest [public]000aston.readme !! [public]000directory.list !! [public]000directory_dates.list !! [public]000directory.size !! [public]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.9 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.3 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD VAX SUN 2/3 Pyramid Seqeunt SYS V: 3B2 Tar 1600 bpi blocked !! 20 1 file dated 26 may 1988 (from !! !! I have the facilty to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. !! !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue