UKTeX V88 #38 Friday 18 November 1988 ucthesis change/pagestyle Ln03R + psprint Re: UKTeX V88 #37 May I offer this hyphenation howler? No Subject Request for assistance, on behalf of third party. BibTeX change file for VMS (follow-up) Does anyone have MacBibTeX? chelgraph typesetter/cmr fonts Source code for TeX PhDTeX cyrillics, euler etc pxl files for vaxvms Style files, and headsfoots. VorTeX reference Separate Chapter Bibliographies with LaTeX & BibTeX Editor Peter Abbott The files in [public.trevorrow.pyramid] have been updated to version 3.0. This means that the UNIX and VMS versions of PSPRINT and DVITOVDU are at the same revision level. [public.texstatus]message_009.14_nov_88 has arrived from Barbara Beeton [public.decus]decus_tape_list.07_oct_88 is a listing of the save set on the tape. Copies of the tape are available under the usual terms. I may be able to copy the backupsave set into the archive, if so a notice will be published. [public.utilities] contains ispell.shar and dict.shar, spell for UNIX systems I have `ftp'ed a copy of sbtex.arc from yale to London and it is now queued for transmission to Aston. It should be available in the archive early next week. sbtex.arc is TeX for MS DOS systems. The distribution of TeXhax has moved from score and 99 is still the latest issue. Issue 100 will be distributed once the US sites are back to normal after the virus attack. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #99 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V2N5 --------------------------------- To: Subject: ucthesis change/pagestyle From: Sender: Message-ID: <> A couple of weeks ago I updated my copy of ucthesis.sty from the archive and now find that the page number on a chapter start appears on the top right all alone in a white space, instead of centered on the page base. Does anybody know if this was a deliberate change, it certainly looks odd. It seems as if I will have to change the pagestyle order to do this, does anybody know of an example pagestyle from another style? Ian W Moor. Department of Computing Imperial College London SW7 UK --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9210; Sat, 12 Nov 88 08:37:59 GM Received: from ASTRPD.INFNET by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0444; Sat, 12 Nov 88 08:37:57 G Message-id: <6526> Date: Sat, 12 NOV 88 09:36 N From: Reply-To: Subject: Ln03R + psprint To: X-Original-To:, FISICA I have installed a Ln0R laserprinter and I am using Psprint (version 2.0) by A. Trevorrow. It works perfectly. Just use in Psprint.cld: psprinter type LW as if it were an apple. Max Calvani --------------------------------- Date: Sat, 12 Nov 88 12:22:05 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz To: Subject: Re: UKTeX V88 #37 a) two people asked about VorTeX; I haven't got it, but I have read about it, and got details from Berkeley. Whatever else it may do, it doesn't help with the graphics problem. To paraphrase a letter I wrote to someone else last week, graphics needs can be met in three ways i. assuming LaTeX picture, epic etc are no good (they are very limited), use PiCTeX, which doesnt have so many limitations but is crippling in speed and TeX memory need ii. generate your pictures with a decent drawing/ plotting program, get PostScript output, and include that in your TeX - but this way, you get no ability to typeset lettering \`{a} la TeX iii. write yourself a set of macros which do what you want (maybe LaTeX picture would do), but implement them as PostScript (or other) \specials, so as to remove the need for either PiCTeX dottery or silly LaTeX picture fonts I have recently come to the conclusion that (iii) is the only way forward, implementing a decent graphics language in TeX (maybe modelled on 'pic'), but relying on PostScript to do the work. One could use 'tpic' and the \specials associated with it, but thats rather clumsy. b) Phil 'I love VMS' Taylor wants a difference applier. If he were using Unix, he would find that the widely-used `patch' program can read a Unix-style `diff' listing and apply or unapply it to his source, doing what he wants with his Web sources. Doubtless one could rewrite patch under VMS to read VAX `compare' output. c) someone wanted `' from SIlvio Levy's Greek. I have had no problems with Levy's fonts, and I append to this message - maybe Peter could put it in the right place in the archive Sebastian Rahtz, Computer Science, Southampton ---------- Levy's ------------------------------------- if unknown gen_sigma: readfrom("gen_sigma") fi def dims = 8.5u#,asc_height#,0 enddef; def ital = 0 enddef; def fit_params = 0,0 enddef; def gen_letter = pickup fine.nib; top y1r=vround(if not monowidth:.95 fi x_height+oo); x1r=.5w; %top of loop x5r=.5w; bot y5r=-oo; %bottom of ditto lft x3r=w-rt x7r=hround(.75u); y3r=y7r=.5[y1r,y5r]; %left and right bulge filldraw stroke gr_arc.e(1,2,3)(vair,stem,.5otilt) %three quadrants of loop & gr_arc.e(3,4,5)(vair,stem,.5otilt) & gr_arc.e(5,6,7)(vair,stem,.5otilt); %we now draw the hook z8..z9..z10. It must satisfy the following constraints: %its outer contour is symmetric with respect to some axis containing z9l; %one end is known, the width there is thin_stem, and the width at z10 %is, ideally, stem. (But since we may have to change that we call it Stem.) z8l=z1l; numeric thin_stem, med_stem; thin_stem=.7[hair,Stem]; %the aperture, measured perpendicular to the axis, equals Stem numeric apert; apert=2Stem+thin_stem-currentbreadth; %apert=length(z10l-z8l); numeric left_goal; lft left_goal=vround(lft x3r+.5u); %leftmost tangent known numeric top_goal; top top_goal=h+oo; %highest tangent known %if by taking Stem=stem we got apert > top_goal-y1l, the problem might %not have a solution with a horizontal tangent; in that case the %constraint is on apert: if 2stem+.7[hair,stem]-currentbreadth>top_goal-y8l: apert=top_goal-y8l; else: Stem=stem; fi %we first estimate the slope of the axis by imagining that, in the vicinity %of z9l, the hook looks like a semicircle of diameter apert/2. %(this value is empiric, but reasonable because the tension is high) z0l=(left_goal+.25apert,top_goal-.25apert); %center of semicircle numeric axis; axis=angle(z0l-z8l)+angle(length(z0l-z8l)+-+.5apert,.5apert); z9l=z0l+(.25apert,0)rotated(axis); z10l=z8l+(0,-apert)rotated(axis); %we now iterate, correcting z9l until the tangencies are satisfied path hook; numeric left_real; numeric top_real; forever: hook:=z8l{dir(axis)}..tension 1.5..z9l..tension 1.5..{-dir(axis)}z10l; if directiontime up of hook=-1: left_error:=0; message "hook has no vertical tangent!"; else: left_error:=xpart directionpoint up of hook-left_goal; fi if directiontime right of hook=-1: top_error:=0; message "hook has no horizontal tangent!"; else: top_error:=ypart directionpoint right of hook-top_goal; fi %message "top_error:"; show top_error; message "left_error:"; show left_error; exitif (abs(left_error)<.05) and (abs(top_error)<.05); x9l:=x9l-left_error; y9l:=y9l-top_error; axis:=angle(z9l-z8l)+angle(length(z9l-z8l)+-+.5apert,.5apert); x10l:=x8l+apert*sind axis; y10l:=y8l-apert*cosd axis; endfor pos8(thin_stem,axis-90); pos10(Stem,axis+90); pos9(.3[hair,Stem],axis+180); filldraw stroke z7e{z7'e}..{dir axis}z8e..tension 1.5..z9e..tension 1.5..{-dir axis}z10e; enddef; cmchar "Lowercase delta"; beginchar("d",dims); this_letter; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar; if boolean barebones: picture savedpicture; endinput; fi cmchar "Lowercase sigma followed by delta"; begindoublechar(oct"004",dim_sigma); mid_sigma; middoublechar(dims); this_letter; endchar; picture savedpicture; --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1265; Mon, 14 Nov 88 01:37:51 GM Received: from CARLETON.BITNET by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2497; Mon, 14 Nov 88 01:37:50 G Received: from WSSCAT by CARLETON.BITNET on 13 Nov 88 18:31:47 EST X-Msg-id: <13183131_CU02> Date: 13 Nov 88 18:28:00 EDT From: Christina Thiele To: Subject: May I offer this hyphenation howler? It appeared about two years ago in the local paper, the Ottawa Citizen. .............. ba- throom........... I kid you not. Christina Thiele --------------------------------- Date: Mon Nov 14 10:31:32 1988 From: "P.McGrath" To: Subject: No Subject X-Org: Leeds Polytechnic, Faculty of Information & Engineering Systems RE: DVI to Brother HL-8 Driver UKTeX #37. fao Dave Osborne I was confronted by the same problem, in utilising PCTeX to our Brother HL-8. Expediency drove me to try a couple of drivers on the PC, one from PCTeX & the other from Arbortext. The former behaved in a totally erratic manner whilst the latter behaves itself when utilising Brother's HPLJ+ emulation with everything I've tried so far. Whilst I found Brother helpful, I have not yet got to grips with establishing why the PCTeX driver failed. Any info on this & other drivers for the HL-8 would be gratefully received. The agent in the UK for the Arbortext driver is: Ewart North, Unitex Systems 12 Dale View Road Sheffield S8 OEJ 0742-351489 Arbortext's number in the states is 010-1-313-996-3566, with a five hour delay as at November. I believe they produce drivers on different kit - all at a price! Paul McGrath Department of Computing Science, Leeds Polytechnic --------------------------------- Date: 14-NOV-1988 14:09:08 GMT From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA To: Info-TeX@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Request for assistance, on behalf of third party. Sender: JANET"CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA" Message-Id: <21A0329E_0019AB4C.0091BD9FC1401FE0$37_2@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA> Originally-to: $UK-TEX Originally-from:CHAA006 "Philip Taylor (RHBNC) " Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988) At the recent inaugural meeting of TuG-UK, Malcolm Clark reminded us of the difficulties faced by non-academic TeX users, in that they typically have no access to InterNet e-mail. After the meeting, I was approached by one such person, who said that he would dearly like to be able to access the InterNet TeX mailing lists and servers, and asked if I knew how he could do so. We discussed the technicalities and financial implications, and it seems that it would not be possible for his site to provide the necessary Greybook and X.25 software, but he does have access to the PSS system, and can therefore make X.29 calls, via the London or Rutherford gateways, into Janet. I undertook to ask on his behalf if there is any Janet site that would be prepared to offer him a guest account, such that he could access the Aston TeX-server and subscribe to the various TeX- related mailing lists. If there is, could someone from that site please contact: Paul L. Allen, T.E.G. Lab, Ferranti Defence Systems, Ltd., Robertson Avenue, Edinburgh, Scotland. Tel: 031 337 2442 Ext: 3246 ** Phil. --------------------------------- Received: from by scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa19866; 14 Nov 88 17:26 GMT Date: Mon, 14 Nov 88 17:22:28 GMT From: R Fairbairns To: Subject: BibTeX change file for VMS (follow-up) Message-ID: <8811141726.aa19866@scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK> Some while ago I asked if anyone knew of a BibTeX 0.99c change file for VMS. I had some responses (thak you everyone), which enabled me to get off the starting block (of a TANGLEd source that didn't compile). However, a new BibTeX.VMS_CHANGES is now to be found in [.SCORE.BIBTEX] in the archive. This even has a foreign command interface (which I don't think we've ever had for BibTeX before). I commend it to VMS users everywhere... Robin Fairbairns Laser Scan Laboratories --------------------------------- Received: from by; Mon, 14 Nov 88 18:45:03 GMT From: Mark Plumbley Date: Mon, 14 Nov 88 18:44:34 GMT Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Does anyone have MacBibTeX? On TeXHaX from around 20th October (I can't remember which issue), a message was posted from Michael Kahn about a public domain version of BibTeX for the Macintosh. Does the Aston archive, or anyone else out there, have a copy of this which can be transfer'd? Thanks, Mark. +--------------------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Mark Plumbley | Cambridge University | | JANET: | Engineering Department, | | ARPANET: | Trumpington Street, | | | Cambridge CB2 1PZ | | Tel: (0223) 332754 Fax: (0223) 332662 | UK | +--------------------------------------------+---------------------------+ --------------------------------- Date: 14 Nov 88 20:03:22 gmt From: G.Toal @ Subject: chelgraph typesetter/cmr fonts To: Message-ID: <14 Nov 88 20:03:22 gmt 050494@EMAS-A> I hear a rumour that someone has managed to get cmr fonts into the chelgraph phototypesetter's internal outline representation: is this rumour in fact the truth? If so how on earth did you do it and may I have a copy please please please!!! Graham. (with my Informat hat on) --------------------------------- Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4424; Tue, 15 Nov 88 14:31:09 GM Via: UK.AC.NSP.CR83; 15 NOV 88 14:30:51 GMT Date: 15-NOV-1988 14:26:15 From: EETFD@UK.AC.NORTH-STAFFS.CR83 To: INFO-TEX-REQUEST@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Source code for TeX Dear Peter, Can you tell me if I can get the Modula-2, Pascal or C source code for TeX from you at Aston via FTP ? The current price of TeXtures for the Mac is rather steep compared to the TooLs gmbh version for the Atari ST and I feel that it would be a good project for a number of us Mac hackers here at Staffs Poly. Hope you can help. Regards. Fraser Dickin [Janet: EETFD@STAFFS-POLY.CR83] --------------------------------- To: Phone: +44 753 34511 x312 Subject: PhDTeX Date: Wed, 16 Nov 88 10:53:05 +0000 Message-ID: <> From: Alan Young I am looking for is a macro package called PhD TeX. Do you know of it? Thanks, Alan Young. --------------------------------- Date: 9-NOV-1988 13:57:19 GMT From: TEX@UK.AC.LANCASTER.PHYSICS.VAX1 To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: cyrillics, euler etc pxl files for vaxvms Message-Id: <21A002F2_000A270C.0091B9B04293A4C0$17_1@UK.AC.LANCASTER.PHYSICS.VAX1> Originally-to: JANET%UK.AC.ASTON::ABBOTTP Originally-from:TEX Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.1 (19-Aug-1988) Department of Physics University of Lancaster LANCASTER LA1 4YB From: Gareth Hughes Tel 0524-65201 Xtn 4114 9-NOV-1988 13:52:15 Hello Peter I have sent off the save set for the Euler, Symbol, Cyrillic fonts .TFMs .PXLs etc off to SPOCK (IMPORT) The save set is eu_and_cyr_pxl.vms_save The rest of this note is just a list of the save-set. Gareth From GH@LANCS.PH.V1 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Listing of save set(s) Save set: A.SAV Written by: SYSTEM UIC: [000001,000004] Date: 9-SEP-1988 12:41:01.22 Command: BACKUP [TEX...]MCY*.*.*,[TEX...]MS*.*.*,[TEX...]EU*.*.* A.SAV/SAVE Operating system: VAX/VMS version V4.6 BACKUP version: V4.6 CPU ID register: 02006278 Node name: _LAVA:: Written on: _LAVA$DUA0: Block size: 32256 Group size: 10 Buffer count: 3 [TEX.FONTS]MCYB10.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:21 [TEX.FONTS]MCYB8.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:21 [TEX.FONTS]MCYB9.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:21 [TEX.FONTS]MCYR10.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:21 [TEX.FONTS]MCYR6.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:21 [TEX.FONTS]MCYR7.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MCYR8.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MCYR9.TFM;1 4 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYB10.PXL;2 30 8-SEP-1988 10:47 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYB8.PXL;2 24 8-SEP-1988 11:03 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYB9.PXL;1 27 8-SEP-1988 10:56 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYR10.PXL;2 30 19-AUG-1988 15:56 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYR6.PXL;3 18 8-SEP-1988 11:34 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYR7.PXL;2 21 8-SEP-1988 11:30 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYR8.PXL;3 23 8-SEP-1988 11:39 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MCYR9.PXL;1 27 8-SEP-1988 11:17 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYB10.PXL;1 34 8-SEP-1988 10:47 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYB8.PXL;1 27 8-SEP-1988 11:03 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYB9.PXL;1 30 8-SEP-1988 10:56 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYR10.PXL;1 33 19-AUG-1988 15:58 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYR6.PXL;2 20 8-SEP-1988 11:35 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYR7.PXL;1 23 8-SEP-1988 11:30 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYR8.PXL;2 27 8-SEP-1988 11:39 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MCYR9.PXL;1 30 8-SEP-1988 11:18 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYB10.PXL;4 40 8-SEP-1988 10:48 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYB8.PXL;1 29 8-SEP-1988 11:03 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYB9.PXL;1 33 8-SEP-1988 10:57 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYR10.PXL;2 40 19-AUG-1988 16:00 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYR6.PXL;3 22 8-SEP-1988 11:35 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYR7.PXL;1 26 8-SEP-1988 11:31 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYR8.PXL;2 29 8-SEP-1988 11:39 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MCYR9.PXL;1 33 8-SEP-1988 11:18 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MCYB10.PXL;2 52 8-SEP-1988 10:48 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MCYR10.PXL;1 52 19-AUG-1988 16:02 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MCYR7.PXL;2 34 8-SEP-1988 11:31 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MCYB10.PXL;2 70 8-SEP-1988 10:49 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MCYR10.PXL;1 69 19-AUG-1988 16:04 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MCYR7.PXL;2 43 8-SEP-1988 11:31 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MCYB10.PXL;2 95 8-SEP-1988 10:49 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MCYR10.PXL;2 95 19-AUG-1988 16:13 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MCYR7.PXL;2 57 8-SEP-1988 11:32 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MCYB10.PXL;2 130 8-SEP-1988 10:50 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MCYR10.PXL;1 129 19-AUG-1988 16:16 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MCYR7.PXL;2 80 8-SEP-1988 11:32 [TEX.PIXEL.4479]MCYB10.PXL;2 177 8-SEP-1988 10:51 [TEX.PIXEL.4479]MCYR10.PXL;2 175 19-AUG-1988 16:17 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM10.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM5.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM6.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM7.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM8.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSXM9.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM10.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM5.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM6.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM7.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM8.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.FONTS]MSYM9.TFM;1 2 2-MAR-1987 13:22 [TEX.KERMIT]MSKERM.DOC;1 241 11-DEC-1986 21:20 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM10.PXL;2 36 8-SEP-1988 12:06 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM5.PXL;2 21 8-SEP-1988 12:19 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM6.PXL;2 23 8-SEP-1988 12:18 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM7.PXL;2 25 8-SEP-1988 12:14 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM8.PXL;2 28 8-SEP-1988 12:13 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSXM9.PXL;2 33 8-SEP-1988 12:11 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM10.PXL;3 35 8-SEP-1988 12:49 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM5.PXL;2 21 8-SEP-1988 13:03 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM6.PXL;2 24 8-SEP-1988 13:02 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM7.PXL;2 26 8-SEP-1988 12:58 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM8.PXL;2 29 8-SEP-1988 12:57 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]MSYM9.PXL;2 32 8-SEP-1988 12:55 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM10.PXL;1 40 8-SEP-1988 12:06 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM5.PXL;1 22 8-SEP-1988 12:19 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM6.PXL;1 24 8-SEP-1988 12:18 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM7.PXL;1 27 8-SEP-1988 12:15 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM8.PXL;1 33 8-SEP-1988 12:13 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSXM9.PXL;1 36 8-SEP-1988 12:12 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM10.PXL;2 39 8-SEP-1988 12:50 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM5.PXL;1 23 8-SEP-1988 13:04 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM6.PXL;1 26 8-SEP-1988 13:02 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM7.PXL;1 29 8-SEP-1988 12:59 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM8.PXL;1 32 8-SEP-1988 12:57 [TEX.PIXEL.1643]MSYM9.PXL;1 35 8-SEP-1988 12:56 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM10.PXL;3 46 8-SEP-1988 12:07 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM5.PXL;1 24 8-SEP-1988 12:20 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM6.PXL;1 27 8-SEP-1988 12:18 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM7.PXL;1 33 8-SEP-1988 12:15 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM8.PXL;1 35 8-SEP-1988 12:14 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSXM9.PXL;1 40 8-SEP-1988 12:12 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM10.PXL;3 42 8-SEP-1988 12:50 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM5.PXL;1 25 8-SEP-1988 13:04 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM6.PXL;1 28 8-SEP-1988 13:03 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM7.PXL;1 32 8-SEP-1988 12:59 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM8.PXL;1 35 8-SEP-1988 12:58 [TEX.PIXEL.1800]MSYM9.PXL;1 39 8-SEP-1988 12:56 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSXM10.PXL;1 79 8-SEP-1988 12:07 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSXM5.PXL;1 29 8-SEP-1988 12:20 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSXM7.PXL;1 41 8-SEP-1988 12:15 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSYM10.PXL;1 82 8-SEP-1988 12:51 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSYM5.PXL;1 29 8-SEP-1988 13:04 [TEX.PIXEL.2160]MSYM7.PXL;1 40 8-SEP-1988 12:59 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSXM10.PXL;1 94 8-SEP-1988 12:08 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSXM5.PXL;1 36 8-SEP-1988 12:20 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSXM7.PXL;1 69 8-SEP-1988 12:16 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSYM10.PXL;2 101 8-SEP-1988 12:51 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSYM5.PXL;1 35 8-SEP-1988 13:05 [TEX.PIXEL.2592]MSYM7.PXL;1 74 8-SEP-1988 13:00 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSXM10.PXL;1 122 8-SEP-1988 12:08 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSXM5.PXL;1 60 8-SEP-1988 12:21 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSXM7.PXL;1 85 8-SEP-1988 12:16 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSYM10.PXL;1 126 8-SEP-1988 12:52 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSYM5.PXL;1 63 8-SEP-1988 13:05 [TEX.PIXEL.3110]MSYM7.PXL;1 91 8-SEP-1988 13:00 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSXM10.PXL;1 174 8-SEP-1988 12:09 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSXM5.PXL;1 77 8-SEP-1988 12:21 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSXM7.PXL;1 110 8-SEP-1988 12:17 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSYM10.PXL;1 172 8-SEP-1988 12:53 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSYM5.PXL;1 82 8-SEP-1988 13:06 [TEX.PIXEL.3732]MSYM7.PXL;1 115 8-SEP-1988 13:01 [TEX.PIXEL.4479]MSXM10.PXL;1 245 8-SEP-1988 12:10 [TEX.PIXEL.4479]MSYM10.PXL;1 255 8-SEP-1988 12:54 [TEX.FONTS]EUFB10.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:52 [TEX.FONTS]EUFB5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:52 [TEX.FONTS]EUFB7.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:52 [TEX.FONTS]EUFM10.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:52 [TEX.FONTS]EUFM24.TFM;1 2 23-AUG-1988 15:26 [TEX.FONTS]EUFM5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EUFM7.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURB10.TFM;2 3 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURB10.TFM;1 3 19-AUG-1988 14:28 [TEX.FONTS]EURB14.TFM;1 3 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURB5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURB7.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURB8.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURM10.TFM;1 3 19-AUG-1988 14:53 [TEX.FONTS]EURM14.TFM;1 3 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EURM24.TFM;1 3 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EURM5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EURM7.TFM;1 1 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EUSB10.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EUSB5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EUSB7.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:54 [TEX.FONTS]EUSM10.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:55 [TEX.FONTS]EUSM5.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:55 [TEX.FONTS]EUSM7.TFM;1 2 19-AUG-1988 14:55 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFB10.PXL;1 25 19-AUG-1988 15:20 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFB5.PXL;1 14 24-AUG-1988 17:46 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFB7.PXL;1 18 24-AUG-1988 17:44 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFM10.PXL;1 25 19-AUG-1988 15:20 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFM24.PXL;2 95 24-AUG-1988 14:48 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFM5.PXL;1 14 24-AUG-1988 17:45 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUFM7.PXL;1 18 24-AUG-1988 17:44 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURB10.PXL;2 29 19-AUG-1988 15:19 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURB14.PXL;1 49 24-AUG-1988 16:35 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURB8.PXL;1 23 24-AUG-1988 17:44 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURM10.PXL;1 28 19-AUG-1988 15:21 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURM14.PXL;1 48 24-AUG-1988 17:21 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURM24.PXL;1 122 24-AUG-1988 15:41 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EURM5.PXL;1 18 24-AUG-1988 17:46 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSB10.PXL;1 15 19-AUG-1988 15:21 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSB5.PXL;1 9 24-AUG-1988 17:46 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSB7.PXL;1 11 24-AUG-1988 17:45 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSM10.PXL;1 15 19-AUG-1988 15:22 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSM5.PXL;1 9 24-AUG-1988 17:46 [TEX.PIXEL.1500]EUSM7.PXL;1 11 24-AUG-1988 17:45 Total of 165 files, 6471 blocks End of save set +++Editor - The file is [public.texvms.tex.pixel]eu_and_cyr_pxl.vms_save +++ --------------------------------- Date: 17-NOV-1988 11:15:01 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA To: INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL TeXperts or just showing your ignorance? we old-timers started out with `TeX and MetaFont, New Directions in Typesetting', where we read (p.10) `Such style-defining control sequences are usually defined once and for all by TeXperts skilled in the lore of control-sequence definition, and novice TeX users don't have to worry about the job of defining any new control sequences;' in the following paragraph DeK refers to `TeXnical typist'. i guess these are the original references to both TeXpert and TeXnical. (purists will argue that the references also appear in `TeX, a system for technical text' which was first published by the AMS in June 1979. `TeX and MetaFont' is a collection of this manual, the MetaFont manual and the text of Knuth's Gibbs Lecture (still worth reading). now to Exercise 1.1 in the TeXbook. as many of us come to realise, there is more to TeX than only mastering the TeXbook. by the time you have done that, you should also be a TeX Master (pp 245 & 253), and even a Grandmaster (p 253). but lets not forget Exercise 27.5 `Find all the lies in this manual, and all of the JOKES' (my capitals). malcolm clark (TeXpert systems) (for those of you still too slow, the name TeXpert systems is a sort of pun on `expert systems' but with TeX brought in. geddit? my brain hurts.) --------------------------------- Date: 17-NOV-1988 14:40:35 GMT From: CENSWM@UK.AC.HW.VAXB To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON.CLUST Subject: Style files, and headsfoots. I have a problem with D. Vavasours {headsfoots} pagestyle command, When I use this in conjunction with our altered article.sty, I cannot get the footer to print on the first page of a document, instead all I get is the pagenumber. There is obviously some conflict going on. Any help/clues from some texnician would be appreciated. My style file is as below: ------------------------------------------------------------------- % Heriot-Watt Header % % \input article.sty\relax % % Allows us to set up larger headers and footers, by creating the new % pagestyle (\ps) hwfoots. % \def\ps@hwfoots#1#2{\renewcommand{\@evenfoot}{% \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth} #1 \end{minipage}} \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{% \begin{minipage}[b]{\textwidth} #2 \end{minipage}} } % \def\docnum#1{\gdef\@docnum{#1}} \renewcommand{\@maketitle}{\newpage \newdimen\longindent \longindent=6truein \null {\Large \begin{minipage}[t]{4.5in} \underline{Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh} \\Computer Centre \end{minipage} } {\normalsize \leftskip=\longindent \raisebox {-.5cm} { \begin{minipage}[t]{3in} \begin{tabular}{ll} Author: & \@author\\ Date: & \@date\\ Document: & \@docnum \end{tabular} \end{minipage}} } \vskip 1.5em \begin{center} {\large\bf\underline{\@title}} \end{center} \vskip 1.5em \hrule height .9pt } % % Now alter the sectioning commands to put numbers in the margin, and % change the fonts % \renewcommand{\section}{\@startsection {section}{1}{-4.0ex}{-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}{\large\bf}} % \renewcommand{\subsection}{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{-4.0ex}{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}{\bf}} % \renewcommand{\subsubsection}{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{-4.0ex}{-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\bf}} % % % % Alter some of the text parameters for twosided docs only % \textwidth 468pt \textheight 628pt \oddsidemargin 7pt \evensidemargin 14pt \marginparwidth 10pt \parindent 0pt \topmargin 0pt \parskip 10pt ============================================================================== Stuart Munn. --------------------------------- Date: Thu, 17 Nov 88 17:29:03 GMT From: Ian Moor To: Subject: VorTeX reference Message-ID: <> I found the following two papers on VorTeX while browsing in our library, I think they may be rather out of date, but they give some idea of what it can do. Both are in `TeX for Scientific Documentation' Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science no 236 1986 Authors of both are Chen Harrison McCarrel Coker and Procter 1) An Improved User Environment for TeX 2) The VorTeX Document Preparation Environment 1) Describes a previewer (dvitool) for TeX which understands \specials indicating source line numbers and file names, the previewer has the ability to search the DVI file for such things such as values of \count's. There is also a suite of elisp programs for GNU emacs to provide latex, tex and bibtex mode. I am not clear if information can be sent back from the previewer to emacs, it seems like a useful thing to do -- you could get the editor display to stay in step with the previewer. 2) Discusses the need for an intermediate data structure between TeX source and DVI to make feedback from the display easier. There are references to Berkeley technical reports, I'm sure that there must be some more recent reports or publications. --------------------------------- Date: 17-NOV-1988 17:30:21 GMT From: RM028A@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.CDVC To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Separate Chapter Bibliographies with LaTeX & BibTeX Looking through back issues of UKTeX, I've seen various requests for macros to allow separate chapter bibliographies using LaTeX and BibTeX. It happens that I needed just such a facility, so here's a LaTeX style file which seems to do the job. It only works if the chapters are \include'd but it should provide food for thought. - --------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------- %************************************************************************** % CHAPTERBIB.STY 17-NOV-1988 % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Allow LaTeX & BibTeX to produce separate bibliographies for each % chapter. % % Each part of the document requiring its own bibliography must be % \include'd (not \input'ed) by a `master' file. For example, consider % the following trivial example: % %======================================================================= % main.tex \documentstyle[chapterbib]{article} % \begin{document} % \include{ch1} % \include{ch2} % \end{document} %======================================================================= % ch1.tex \chapter{The First Chapter} % \cite{citation1} % \bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % \bibliography{mybibliography} %======================================================================= % ch2.tex \chapter{The Second Chapter} % \cite{citation2} % \bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % \bibliography{mybibliography} %======================================================================= % % 1. Run LaTeX on main.tex, producing main.aux, ch1.aux and ch2.aux as % expected, but the \bibliography commands will try to read in ch1.bbl % and ch2.bbl NOT main.bbl. % 2. Run BibTeX on ch1 and ch2, producing ch1.bbl and ch2.bbl. % 3. Run LaTeX on main.tex twice more to resolve cross references. % % At the end of chapters 1 and 2 will be a bibliography listing formatted % in accordance with the document and bibliography styles. If you are % fortunate to have the Unix MAKE utility or an equivalent (e.g. DEC MMS % for VAX/VMS), produce a Makefile. It will save a lot of time later! % %************************************************************************** % AUTHOR: Niel Kempson, % School of Electrical Engineering and Science, % Royal Military College of Science, % Shrivenham, SWINDON, SN6 8LA % United Kingdom % % Telephone: Swindon (0793) 785687 (UK) % +44-793-785687 (International) % JANET: %************************************************************************** % % Keep track of the file that's currently being used for input. Initially % it's the main file. % \def\currentipfile{\jobname} % % Redefine the \include macro (taken from LATEX.TEX of 25-JAN-1988) % so that \currentipfile is updated whenever a file is \include'd. % \def\include#1{\clearpage \edef\currentipfile{#1} %%% NEW LINE \if@filesw \immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\@input{#1.aux}}\fi \@tempswatrue\if@partsw \@tempswafalse\def\@tempb{#1}\@for \@tempa:=\@partlist\do{\ifx\@tempa\@tempb\@tempswatrue\fi}\fi \if@tempswa \if@filesw \let\@auxout=\@partaux \immediate\openout\@partaux #1.aux \immediate\write\@partaux{\relax}\fi\@input{#1.tex}\clearpage \edef\currentipfile\jobname %%% NEW LINE \@writeckpt{#1}\if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@partaux \fi \let\@auxout=\@mainaux\else\@nameuse{cp@#1}\fi} % % Redefine the \bibliography macro to read \currentipfile rather than % \jobname for the .bbl data. % \def\bibliography#1{\if@filesw% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibdata{#1}}\fi \@input{\currentipfile.bbl}} - --------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------- --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest [public]000aston.readme !! [public]000directory.list !! [public]000directory_dates.list !! [public]000directory.size !! [public]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.9 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.3 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD VAX SUN 2/3 Pyramid Sequent SYS V: 3B2 Tar 1600 bpi blocked !! 20 1 file dated 26 may 1988 (from - Later one on its !! way. !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. !! !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue