*                                                                            *
*                        BaKoMa Fonts Collection                             *
*                        ======= Level C =======                             *
*                                                                            *
*                  AMS fonts: Euler family and symbols                       *
*                         Version 1.2/19-Jan-95                              *
*                                                                            *
*      Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, Basil K. Malyshev. All Rights Reserved.     *
*                                                                            *

This font software package is the second part of the BaKoMa Font Collection.
The package includes the most usefull AMS fonts: Euler family and symbols.
Totally, 52 fonts are included into BaKoMa/AMS font software package.

The fonts are in a ATM compatible PostScript Type 1 font format (PFB+AFM+PFM)
as well as in a TrueType font format (TTF).

This font set can be used for:

 - printing on a PostScript printer by using, for example, Rokiki's DVIPS;
   Note: Downloading of the entire fonts requires a lot of printer memory.
         To reduce memory required for printing you can use 
	 'Partial Font Downloading Utility' which is available from

 - printing on a wide set of matrix printers by using DVIPS and GhostScript.

 - slides drawing on HPGL vector plotters by using the 'ps2hpgl' utility.
   It is available from 'ftp.mathworks.com:/pub/contrib/tools'.

 - document viewing  under MS Windows by using TrueType version of
   those fonts or by using PostScript version with ATM.
   For this case, fonts have specific encoding. Please read
   section about font encoding before using these fonts with MS Windows.

*                           Licensing agreement                              *

Licence has been changed 15-Jun-2005.
Read the file `LICENCE' in the same directory.

********* List of fonts included in BaKoMa/AMS software font package *********

msam	5	6	7	8	9	10
msbm	5	6	7	8	9	10
euex			7	8	9	10
eufm	5	6	7	8	9	10
eufb	5	6	7	8	9	10
eurm	5	6	7	8	9	10
eurb	5	6	7	8	9	10
eusm	5	6	7	8	9	10
eusb	5	6	7	8	9	10

*                          Encoding in these fonts.                          *

Main encoding problem is that TeX standard fonts have characters
in position from 0 upto 127.
However MicroSoft Windows software don't like fonts with characters
in 0..31 positions. These BLUE characters break normal functionality
of the set of programs.
So, ATM, version 2.0 will not show characters at position 0.
If you will use ATM, version 2.6 you will look this characters 
but some printer drivers will not work correctly when will try to use
characters with codes from 0 to 31.

The obvious solution of this problem is reencode a font
such that characters from positions 0..31 will be moved 
to something other positions.

Of course, you can always reencode this fonts such as you want
but in this collection I use special encoding hack such that
you can use this fonts in DPS, PostScript printer, ps2pk program
and ATM under MS windows or even convert this fonts via FontMonger program
into TrueType format without any font reencoding.

So, PFB files have following encoding vector:

/Encoding 256 array
0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for
dup 32 /space put	% position 32 is filled by space. Don't use it !
dup 33 /exclam put
dup 34 /quotedblright put
dup 35 /numbersign put
dup 36 /dollar put
dup 37 /percent put
dup 38 /ampersand put
dup 39 /quoteright put
dup 40 /parenleft put
dup 41 /parenright put
dup 42 /asterisk put
dup 43 /plus put
dup 44 /comma put
dup 45 /hyphen put
dup 46 /period put
dup 47 /slash put
dup 48 /zero put
dup 49 /one put
dup 50 /two put
dup 51 /three put
dup 52 /four put
dup 53 /five put
dup 54 /six put
dup 55 /seven put
dup 56 /eight put
dup 57 /nine put
dup 58 /colon put
dup 59 /semicolon put
dup 60 /exclamdown put
dup 61 /equal put
dup 62 /questiondown put
dup 63 /question put
dup 64 /at put
dup 65 /A put
dup 66 /B put
dup 67 /C put
dup 68 /D put
dup 69 /E put
dup 70 /F put
dup 71 /G put
dup 72 /H put
dup 73 /I put
dup 74 /J put
dup 75 /K put
dup 76 /L put
dup 77 /M put
dup 78 /N put
dup 79 /O put
dup 80 /P put
dup 81 /Q put
dup 82 /R put
dup 83 /S put
dup 84 /T put
dup 85 /U put
dup 86 /V put
dup 87 /W put
dup 88 /X put
dup 89 /Y put
dup 90 /Z put
dup 91 /bracketleft put
dup 92 /quotedblleft put
dup 93 /bracketright put
dup 94 /circumflex put
dup 95 /dotaccent put
dup 96 /quoteleft put
dup 97 /a put
dup 98 /b put
dup 99 /c put
dup 100 /d put
dup 101 /e put
dup 102 /f put
dup 103 /g put
dup 104 /h put
dup 105 /i put
dup 106 /j put
dup 107 /k put
dup 108 /l put
dup 109 /m put
dup 110 /n put
dup 111 /o put
dup 112 /p put
dup 113 /q put
dup 114 /r put
dup 115 /s put
dup 116 /t put
dup 117 /u put
dup 118 /v put
dup 119 /w put
dup 120 /x put
dup 121 /y put
dup 122 /z put
dup 123 /endash put
dup 124 /emdash put
dup 125 /hungarumlaut put
dup 126 /tilde put
dup 160 /space put	% space. Using of this position is prefrable.
dup 161 /Gamma put	% Original position 0
dup 162 /Delta put
dup 163 /Theta put
dup 164 /Lambda put
dup 165 /Xi put
dup 166 /Pi put
dup 167 /Sigma put
dup 168 /Upsilon put
dup 169 /Phi put
dup 170 /Psi put	% Original position 9
dup 173 /Omega put	% Original position 10
dup 174 /ff put
dup 175 /fi put
dup 176 /fl put
dup 177 /ffi put
dup 178 /ffl put
dup 179 /dotlessi put
dup 180 /dotlessj put
dup 181 /grave put
dup 182 /acute put
dup 183 /caron put
dup 184 /breve put
dup 185 /macron put
dup 186 /ring put
dup 187 /cedilla put
dup 188 /germandbls put
dup 189 /ae put
dup 190 /oe put
dup 191 /oslash put
dup 192 /AE put
dup 193 /OE put
dup 194 /Oslash put
dup 195 /polishlcross put % Original position 32	
dup 196 /dieresis put	% Original postion 127 
% There is PostScript instructions to copying(duplicating) BLUE characters 
% to its original positions 0..32, and 127.
dup dup 161 10 getinterval 0 exch putinterval dup dup 173 23 getinterval 10 exch putinterval dup dup 127 exch 196 get put readonly def

 - PostScript printers and interpreters (like DPS) will found
   BLUE characters in both positions in 0..32 and in 161..196.
 - ps2pk program uses encoding from AFM-file. AFM-file contain
   standard TeX encoding.
   In this reason it will generate fonts with BLUE characters
   in positions 0..32 (standard TeX encoding).
 - ATM and FontMonger program will look BLUE characters only in positions
   161..196. In this reason PFM encoding vector contains BLUE characters
   only in positions 161..196. This is good because ATM loads to printer 
   all characters from font. And once appearence of the BLUE characters 
   in font will save printer memory.
   It is actual, for example, for HP LaserJet/PCL printers.

  Don't use space in position 32 if you print documents on PS printer
  by using Type 1 fonts because this position will be filled by 'polishlcross'.

*                    Font production technology remarks                      *

 This font collection have been produced from METAFONT code
 by using original algorithms developed by collection author.

 In comparison with previous package (BaKoMa-CM, issued 12-Nov-94)
 these fonts created by using more improved autohinting algorithms,
 that is most important for exotic shapes of the Euler fonts.
 So, most noticeable difference is that in this fonts hint replacement 
 facility is used.

*                 Author location and bug report address                     *

If you have some remarks about fonts shape quality, encoding or compatibily
with different software you can notify author:

 Basil K. Malyshev
 Moscow Region
 142281 PROTVINO

 E-Mail:	bakoma@mail.ru
      or	malyshev@mail.ihep.ru

Happy TeXing with my fonts.
Basil K. Malyshev, 20-Jan-1995, Geneva, Switzerland.

*                        End of BaKoMa-AMS.Fonts file.                        *