Below follows the original README of the version 2.0 of the Sauter package.
Please read also the release notes of the later releases and the file 


See the Makefile for the version number.  Send comments/bugs/questions

Metafont may give `Strange path' or `angle(0,0) is taken as zero' errors
on some fonts at some sizes.  Don't worry about these; they're symptoms
of too complex a shape being drawn in too few pixels.  They don't unduly
affect the output.

John Sauter has prepared a bunch of ``alternate parameter files'' that
make it possible to generate the Computer Modern fonts at any point
size. I've looked at some of the fonts, and I think they're pretty good.
(Better than the magnified versions!)

The basic idea is to interpolate a parameter file, say, instead
of making it by hand a la DEK. The c-* and b-* files in this directory
compute all the parameter values; doing `make-mf cmr 31' will generate (in the mf subdirectory). `make-mf cmr 31 37' will generate and

Once the .mf files have been produced, we have to run Metafont, and,
since PK fonts are better than GF fonts, gftopk.  Running makemake-pk
produces a script make_pk_files which does this for all files in the mf

make-latex-mf runs make-mf on all the fonts needed to support LaTeX in
sizes up to huge.  The file ./lfonts.true is lfonts.tex from the LaTeX
distribution, modified to preload true-size fonts, instead of magnified
ones.  The files tryfonts?.in are input you can feed to tryfonts.tex in
the LaTeX distribution; they exercise every point size.  In order to get
LaTeX to use the true-size fonts, you must rebuild the .fmt file.

The file ./MakeTeXPK is a version of MakeTeXPK distributed with Tom
Rokicki's dvips which tries to build magnifications true-size fonts when
necessary.  You will probably need to modify the definition of
sauterdir, as well what modes you support, etc.  (It can also make a
font from Sun's F3 format.  If you want the conversion program, let me

`make-mf' translates point sizes of 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, and 30 into
their appropriate power of 1.2. In other words, `make-mf cmr 11'
generates a font with a design size of 10.954451 (10*sqrt(1.2)) instead
of 11. If you want to make a true 11-point font then you have to change

The distribution also includes driver files to create the LaTeX symbol
fonts, contributed by Fritz Haubensak (, and
the Glonti/Samarin Cyrillic, contributed by Wayne Sullivan

The latter fonts were created by Nana Glonti and Alexander Samarin at
the Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, USSR.


Repositories for Glonti/Samarin cyrillic:

Glenn Thobe ( provided Sauter parameter files in a
RUSTEX-L message.  Those included here were adapted by Wayne Sullivan
and renamed by Karl Berry at Wayne's suggestion.  See the file
`make-cyr' for the meanings of the font names.  The
non-typeface-specific Cyrillic files are:        assign character positions        driver file + kerning table         lower case italic letters            lower case letters            upper case letters        driver file for italic