% +AMDG  This document was begun on 6 Aug 11EX, the Feast of
% the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the
% commemorations of St Xystus, PM, and Felicissimus and
% Agapitus, MM, and it is humbly dedicated to them and to
% the Immaculate Heart of Mary for their prayers, and to the
% Sacred Heart of Jesus for His mercy.

beginchar(oct"275",em#+2ss#,cap#,0); "old-style fraction 1/2";

pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
top rt z0 = (w-ss-pwid,h);
bot lft z1 = (ss,0);
draw z0--z1;

fill one scaled 0.85 shifted (0,h/2);
fill two scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2-pwid/2,0);


beginchar(oct"274",em#+2ss#,cap#,dep#); "old-style fraction 1/4";

pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
top rt z0 = (w-ss-pwid,h);
bot lft z1 = (ss,0);
draw z0--z1;

fill one scaled 0.85 shifted (0,h/2);
fill fourfill scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2-pwid/2,dep/2);
unfill fourun scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2-pwid/2,dep/2);


beginchar(oct"276",em#+2ss#,cap#,dep#); "old-style fraction 3/4";

pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
top rt z0 = (w-ss,h);
bot lft z1 = (ss+pwid,0);
draw z0--z1;

fill three scaled 0.85 shifted (0,h/2+pwid/2);
fill fourfill scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2,dep/2);
unfill fourun scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2,dep/2);


beginchar(oct"304",em#+2ss#,cap#,dep#); "old-style fraction 1/3";

pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
top rt z0 = (w-ss-pwid,h);
bot lft z1 = (ss,0);
draw z0--z1;

fill one scaled 0.85 shifted (0,h/2);
fill three scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2-ss,dep/2);


beginchar(oct"305",7em#/6+2ss#,cap#,dep#); "old-style fraction 2/3";

pickup pencircle scaled thinl;
top rt z0 = (w-ss-pwid,h);
bot lft z1 = (ss+pwid,0);
draw z0--z1;

fill two scaled 0.85 shifted (0,h/2);
fill three scaled 0.85 shifted (w/2,0);
