
Common Greek font encoding definitions

2.5 (changelog)

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This file provides definitions that are shared between font encodings providing Greek characters.


This file is input by the font encoding definition files lgrenc.def. and tuenc-greek.def.



  [2023-09-12 2.5 Common Greek font encoding definitions]

ensuregreek, greekscript

Provide ���empty��� encoding-specific definitions for \ensuregreek and \greekscript. The definitions in this file make the font encoding fit for use with the Greek script. (See textalpha.sty for default definitions.)

The \ensuregreek macro can be used to ensure that its argument is set in a font encoding with support for Greek. If the active font encoding supports it, kerning between adjacent command calls (e.g. \ensuregreek{A}\ensuregreek{\Upsilon}) is preserved. This allows, e.g., wrapping of compound Unicode character definitions.


The \greekscript declaration switches to a font encoding supporting the Greek script, if required. The following definition announces the \LastDeclaredEncoding as Greek-supporting:



Aliases are defined via DeclareTextCommand so that up/downcasing works without the need for additional @uclclist_ entries.

Names matching mathematical variant symbols:

% \var... matching GREEK ... SYMBOL
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarbeta}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textbetasymbol}   % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarkappa}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textkappasymbol} % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvartheta}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textthetasymbol} % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarpi}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textpisymbol}       % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarrho}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textrhosymbol}     % ��
% \var... matching GREEK LETTER ...
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarTheta}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textTheta}       % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarepsilon}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textepsilon}   % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarphi}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textphi}           % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\textvarsigma}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textfinalsigma}  % ��

Compatibility aliases for hyperref���s puenc.def:



Names from babel and teubner (do we want to define them here as alias?)

\DeclareTextCommand{\anwtonos}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textdexiakeraia}     % ��
\DeclareTextCommand{\katwtonos}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\textaristerikeraia} % ��

Two Unicode code points and names for one character:


Symbol macros for the breathings:

Moved to textalpha.sty to avoid clashes with local definitions of \< and \> in documents using LGR or babel-greek. (Bugreport David Kastrup). If you want to use the short macros without loading textalpha, you can define them in the document preamble like


Or use alternative symbols for the breathings (cf. X compose table, LCI encoding)?


Composite diacritics

Composite accents can be input as sequence of simple diacritics (in arbitrary order) via named macro, symbol macro and ���transliteration characters���, e.g. one of

\"'\textupsilon, or

Separate definitions for the supported variants of the second input token are required as composition is based on the non-expanded input

The composition with simple ���transliteration characters��� must also be defined for the symbol macros, otherwise it fails with \Makeuppercase.

For Unicode encodings (where they do not resolve to Greek named macros), composite definitions starting with standard macros are requried:







Also define the combinations with ���capital��� accent macros:

\ProvideTextCommand{\accACUTE}{\LastDeclaredEncoding}{\@tabacckludge '}




Case changing

UPPERCASE (all-caps) is generated with \MakeUppercase. The implementation of this command changed in June 2022 [ltnews35].

According to Greek typographical tradition, diacritics (except dialytika) are placed before capital letters in Titlecase and dropped in UPPERCASE.

Different conventions exist for the treatment of the mute iota with uppercase letters. The traditional typographic form and the most common used in Greece is a subscript, corresponding to the COMBINING GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI (U+0345). Even if the pre-composed characters are named ��� WITH [��� AND] PROSGEGRAMMENI, capitalization should not use the GREEK PROSGEGRAMMENI (U+1FBE) [Nicholas-03], [Haralambous-98]. Upper case glyphs with adscript are a stylistic choice, provided by the font. In the CB Fonts, a small capital adscript iota is used.

The ���Latin��� diacritics macron and breve are used to denote the length of vowels. They are sometimes used in dictionaries and textbooks but not part of the Greek orthography. There is no established rule regarding their handling in uppercase. LaTeX used to keep them but the Unicode reference implementation drops them.

Up to 2022/06, macro substitutions in the \@uclclist could be used to get the expected behaviour:

@uclclist extension

Based on Werner Lemberg���s 2008 babel patch and fontenc.sty.

The definition of an auxiliary, self-resetting macro makes this idempotent (only the first use of this function will expand the @uclclist). The second and third lines are TeX���s way of writing @uclclist += ���

Since 2022, \MakeUppercase expects the default for ambiguous mappings in first position, the old in last position.

The \LGR@��� auxiliary macros are defined below.

    \accdasia           \LGR@accdropped
    \accdasiaoxia       \LGR@hiatus
    \accdasiavaria      \LGR@accdropped
    \accpsili           \LGR@hiatus
    \accpsilioxia       \LGR@hiatus
    \accpsilivaria      \LGR@hiatus
    \acctonos           \LGR@hiatus
    \accoxia            \LGR@hiatus
    \accvaria           \LGR@accdropped
    \accdialytikatonos  \LGR@accDialytika
    \accdialytikaoxia   \LGR@accDialytika
    \accdialytikavaria  \LGR@accDialytika
    \accperispomeni    \LGR@accdropped
    \LGR@ypogegrammeni \prosgegrammeni
    \textalpha         \textAlpha
    \textbeta          \textBeta
    \textbetasymbol    \textBeta
    \textvarbeta       \textBeta
    \textgamma         \textGamma
    \textdelta         \textDelta
    \textepsilon       \textEpsilon
    \textepsilonsymbol \textEpsilon
    \textvarepsilon    \textEpsilon
    \textzeta          \textZeta
    \texteta           \textEta
    \texttheta         \textTheta
    \texttheta         \textThetasymbol
    \texttheta         \textvarTheta
    \textthetasymbol   \textTheta
    \textvartheta      \textTheta
    \textiota          \textIota
    \textkappa         \textKappa
    \textkappasymbol   \textKappa
    \textvarkappa      \textKappa
    \textlambda        \textLambda
    \textmu            \textMu
    \textnu            \textNu
    \textxi            \textXi
    \textomicron       \textOmicron
    \textpi            \textPi
    \textpisymbol      \textPi
    \textvarpi         \textPi
    \textrho           \textRho
    \textvarrho        \textRho
    \textrhosymbol     \textRho
    \textautosigma     \textSigma
    \textfinalsigma    \textSigma
    \textvarsigma      \textSigma
    \textsigma         \textSigma
    \texttau           \textTau
    \textupsilon       \textUpsilon
    \textphi           \textPhi
    \textphisymbol     \textPhi
    \textvarphi        \textPhi
    \textchi           \textChi
    \textpsi           \textPsi
    \textomega         \textOmega
    \textkoppa         \textKoppa
    \textqoppa         \textQoppa
    \textstigma        \textStigma
    \textvarstigma     \textStigma
    \textsampi         \textSampi
    \textdigamma       \textDigamma
    % Repeat default for ambiguous mappings for pre-2022 MakeUppercase:
    \textbeta          \textBeta
    \texttheta         \textTheta
    \textkappa         \textKappa
    \textpi            \textPi
    \textrho           \textRho
    \textautosigma     \textSigma
    \textstigma        \textStigma

Expand the @uclclist using the just defined macro:


Substitution macros

Drop diacritics. The argument passing ensures that kerning is preserved and allows definition of CompositeCommands (cf. [fntguide]) Composite definitions with the tilde prevent errors in monotonic Greek where the character ~ maps to a no-break space.


Keep dialytika: Define a dummy alias so that downcasing with \MakeLowercase does not convert a simple dialytika to a composite accent:


The prosgegrammeni (adscript iota) is used only with capital letters. We define a dummy macro to enable the conversion of \prosgegrammeni to \ypogegrammeni (subscript iota) but not vice versa:



Tonos and psili mark a hiatus if placed on the first vowel of a diphthong (����, ����, ����). A dialytika must be placed on the second vowel if they are dropped (���������� ��� ����������, ���������� ��� ����������, �������� ��� ��������, ������������� ��� ������������).

The @uclclist extension converts tonos, psili, and psili-oxia accents to \LGR@hiatus. They should be dropped (as well as the second character of composite diacritics like \'< or \>~).

If the next character is an Alpha or Epsilon, we call commands that place a dialytika on a subsequent Iota or Upsilon (defined in the font encoding files). The font encoding file must also handle the cases when \LGR@hiatus is followed by literal characters for Alpha or Epsilon (see lgrenc.def) for an example).


Test next character

The following macro can be used to test if the next character is an Alpha or Epsilon. As \@ifnextchar gobbles spaces the lookahead macro definition from amsgen.sty is used:

This macro is a variant of LaTeX���s \@ifnextchar, macro that does not skip over spaces.

  \let\reserved@d= #1%
  \ifx\@let@token\reserved@d \let\reserved@b\reserved@a \fi




code ���outsourced��� from lgrxenc.def



composite definitions starting with standard accent cmds



\greekscript TextCommand



Remove symbol macros for breathing accents.



No @uclclist entry for ypogegrammeni/prosgegrammeni.



@uclclist entry for \prosgegrammeni.



\textKoppagreek and \textstigmagreek aliases.



Alias definitions matching mathematical variant symbols.



Add missing accent composite commands.



@uclclist entry for \accoxia, prevent downcasing \textStigma to \textvarstigma.



@uclclist entries for symbol variants.



Fix @uclclist_ for ambiguous mappings.

Composite commands for ���captital��� macros and ~.



\textvarTheta is now an alias for \textTheta (the math command varTheta set the letter Theta in italic shape).



LaTeX3 Project Team, LaTeX2�� font selection.


Yannis Haralambous From Unicode to Typography, a Case Study: the Greek Script, 1998.


LaTeX Project Team LaTeX News 35, June 2022.


Nick Nicholas Titlecase and Adscripts 2003.