% lgrenc.def
% ***********
% LGR Greek font encoding definitions
% ===================================
% :Copyright: �� 2010 -- 2023 G��nter Milde
% :Licence:   This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%             conditions of the `LaTeX Project Public License`_, either
%             version��1.3 of this license or any later version.
% :Abstract:  The LGR font encoding is the de-facto standard for Greek
%             typesetting with LaTeX. This file provides a comprehensive set
%             of macros to typeset Greek with LGR encoded fonts. It works for
%             both, monotonic and polytonic Greek, independent of the `babel`
%             package.
% .. contents::
% Changelog
% ---------
% Development of this file started under the name "lgrxenc.def" as part of the
% lgrx_ bundle. With version 0.8, it moved to ``greek-fontenc/lgrx.def``.
% .. class:: borderless
% ====== ============  ========================================================
% 0.1    2010-03-31    initial attempt
% 0.2    2010-04-20    diacritics dropped in UPPERCASE.
% 0.3    2010-06-08    handle Titlecase and UPPERCASE extending
%                      ``\@uclclist``.
% 0.4    2010-06-15    more text symbols.
% 0.5    2010-08-27    support ``\textalpha`` ... ``\textOmega``.
% 0.5.1  2012-05-08    upload to CTAN.
% 0.6    2012-06-29    ``\TextGreek`` wrapper command,
% ..                   aliases for ``puenc.def`` compatibility.
% 0.6.1  2013-02-12    ``\@uclclist`` entries for `PU` aliases.
% 0.7    2013-05-13    documentation update, new accent macros names,
% ..                   ``\TextGreek`` renamed to ``\ensuregreek``.
% 0.8    2013-05-13    rename to lgrenc.def (superseding the babel_ version),
% ..                   move to greek-fontenc,
% ..                   drop the old (<0.7) internal accent macros names.
% 0.8.1  2013-05-22    auxiliary macro \update@uclc@with@greek,
% ..                   conservative naming: "text" prefix for archaic letters,
% ..                   "LGR@" prefix for internal commands,
% ..                   remove not required alias macros.
% 0.8.2  2013-05-23    fix name: ``\textpentehkaton`` -> ``\textpentehekaton``,
% ..                   fix ``\textperiodcentered``,
% ..                   add composite command for ��� (Rho with Dasia).
% 0.9    2013-07-16    move common definitions to ``greek-fontenc.def``,
% ..                   add composite commands for single quotation marks.
% 0.11.2 2014-09-04    remove duplicate code.
% 0.13   2015-08-04    Support for symbol variants.
% 0.13.1 2015-12-07    Fix `rho with dasia bug` (Linus Romer).
% 0.13.3 2019-07-09    Drop error font declaration (cf. `ltxbugs 4399`_).
% 1.0    2020-09-25    ``\textKoppa`` as alias for ``\textkoppa``
%                      (there is no capital Koppa in LGR).
% 2.0    2020-10-13    Move common alias definitions to ``greek-fontenc.def``.
% 2.1    2022-06-14    Support the correct spelling ``\guillemet���`` for �� ��.
% 2.2    2023-02-28    Fix character used for ano ``\textanoteleia`` and
%                      ``\textperiodcentered``.
% 2.3    2023-06-01    Fix Unicode errors with "new" ``\MakeUppercase``.
% 2.4    2023-08-15    Add LGR-specific definitions for "capital" accent
%                      for the ``\MakeUppercase`` fix in babel-greek_.
% 2.5    2023-09-12    Small formatting and documentation fixes.
% ====== ============  ========================================================
% Usage
% -----
% Load this file by calling fontenc_ with the ``LGR`` option
% or indirectly via the babel_, textalpha_ or alphabeta_ packages.
% Example:
%   Select font encodings `T1` (as default) and `LGR` (for Greek):
%     ``\usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc}``
% Implementation
% --------------
% Read this file only once
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% .. note:: The use of ``\@ifundefined`` has the side-effect that the tested
%    macro becomes defined and set to ``\relax`` (polluting the namespace and
%    interfering with tests via eTeX's ``\ifdefined``). However, in this case
%    no harm is done as the macro is defined by the identification_ below
%    anyway.
% ::

% read this file only once
  {\message{LGR font encoding definitions already loaded}
   \expandafter\endinput % "return"

% Identification
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% ::

[2023-09-12 2.5 LGR Greek font encoding definitions]
% Copyright �� 2010 -- 2023 G��nter Milde
% This file is part of the "greek-fontenc" package.
% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the "LaTeX Project Public License", either
% version��1.3 of this license or any later version.

% You can test the version date using
% .. code:: latex
%   \@ifl@ter {extension}{filename}{date}{YES}{NO}
% or using ltxcmds_' ``\@iffilelater``.
% Base setup
% ~~~~~~~~~~
% Declare the LGR font encoding and base substitutions::


% Text symbols
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~
% Greek Alphabet
% """"""""""""""
% Greek letters are accessible by the Latin transliteration, but the mapping is
% specific to the LGR font encoding.
% The LICR macros provide a way to access the symbols independent of the
% specific font encoding, in any font encoding supporting Greek. An
% alternative Greek font encodings is LGI (ibycus_). Greek script is also
% supported by the Unicode-based font encodings PU (`PDF Unicode` used by
% hyperref_ for PDF metadata), TU, EU1 (XeTeX) and EU2 (LuaTeX). The textalpha_
% package makes these macros available independent of the current font
% encoding.
% ::

\DeclareTextCommand{\textsigma}{LGR}{s\noboundary} % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textfinalsigma}{LGR}{99}       % �� final sigma
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textautosigma}{LGR}{115}       % �� (�� at end of word)

% Additional Greek symbols
% """"""""""""""""""""""""
% Ancient Greek Numbers (Athenian Numerals)
% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
% Names from ucs_ (``ucsencs.def``)
% (In ucs, five hundred is (wrongly?) named \textpentehkaton.) ::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpentedeka}{LGR}{2}    % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpentehekaton}{LGR}{3} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE HUNDRED
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpenteqilioi}{LGR}{4}  % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE THOUSAND
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpentemuria}{LGR}{5}  % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY THOUSAND

% Archaic letters
% '''''''''''''''
% Names after teubner_ and ucs_.
% �� (capital numeral koppa) not distinct in LGR but required for
% ``\Greeknumeral`` in babel-greek_
% (defining as alias command calling ``\textkoppa`` leads to an infinte loop
% with ``\MakeUppercase``)::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textstigma}{LGR}{6}       % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textvarstigma}{LGR}{7}    % stigma variant (CB.enc, teubner)
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textKoppa}{LGR}{18}       % �� Greek letter Koppa
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textkoppa}{LGR}{18}       % �� Greek small letter koppa
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textqoppa}{LGR}{19}       % �� archaic koppa
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textQoppa}{LGR}{21}       % �� archaic Koppa
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textStigma}{LGR}{22}      % �� in some fonts ���� ligature
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textSampi}{LGR}{23}       % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textsampi}{LGR}{27}       % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textanoteleia}{LGR}{59}   % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\texterotimatiko}{LGR}{63} % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textdigamma}{LGR}{147}    % �� (ucs) \digamma used by amsmath for math-macro
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textDigamma}{LGR}{195}    % �� (ucs)

% Numeral signs
% '''''''''''''
% See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals
% Names from ucs_::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textdexiakeraia}{LGR}{254}      % �� (Dexia keraia)
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textaristerikeraia}{LGR}{255}   % �� (Aristeri keraia)

% variant symbols
% '''''''''''''''
% Mathematical notation distinguishes variant shapes for pi, phi, rho, theta
% (small and capital), beta, and kappa (characters for the latter three
% symbols are not included in TeX���s math fonts). These variations have no
% syntactic meaning in Greek text and are not given code-points in the LGR
% encoding. Greek text fonts use the shape variants interchangeabely.
% However, as Unicode defines separate code points for the symbol variants, we
% provide fallback LICR macros with detailed error reporting::

  \PackageError{greek-fontenc}{character \string#1 not available \MessageBreak
    in 8-bit TeX}
    {Use XeTeX/LuaTeX if you need to distinguish the symbol from the letter.\MessageBreak
     The `normalize-symbols' option of babel-greek or package `textalpha'\MessageBreak
     maps the GREEK SYMBOL character to the corresponding GREEK LETTER.\MessageBreak
     Press <return> to proceed (dropping the symbol from the document).}

  \PackageError{greek-fontenc}{character \string#1 not available in text mode}
    {Use #2 or XeTeX/LuaTeX if you need to distinguish\MessageBreak
     the symbol from the letter.\MessageBreak
     The `normalize-symbols' option of babel-greek or package `textalpha'\MessageBreak
     maps the GREEK SYMBOL character to the corresponding GREEK LETTER.\MessageBreak
     Press <return> to proceed (dropping the symbol from the document).}

\ProvideTextCommand{\textbetasymbol} {LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolUnavailable{beta symbol}}  % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textkappasymbol}{LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolUnavailable{kappa symbol}} % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textThetasymbol}{LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolUnavailable{Theta symbol}} % ��

\ProvideTextCommand{\textthetasymbol}  {LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolOnlyMath{theta symbol}{$\vartheta$}}         % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textphisymbol}    {LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolOnlyMath{phi symbol}{$\phi$}}                % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textpisymbol}     {LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolOnlyMath{pi symbol}{$\varpi$}}               % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textrhosymbol}    {LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolOnlyMath{rho symbol}{$\varrho$}}             % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textepsilonsymbol}{LGR}{\LGR@TextSymbolOnlyMath{lunate epsilon symbol}{$\epsilon$}} % ��

% Other
% """""
% Characters that also exist in other font encodings:
% * define them for LGR if there is a matching glyph,
% * use established macro names that match with other ``*enc.def`` files and
%   ``textcomp.sty``.
% All encodings: See usrguide.pdf, chapter 3.14 ff::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textendash}{LGR}{0}          % EN DASH
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteleft}{LGR}{28}      % ���
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textquoteright}{LGR}{29}     % ���
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textperiodcentered}{LGR}{59} % �� = \textanoteleia
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textcompwordmark}{LGR}{118}  % ZERO WIDTH NO JOINER
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textemdash}{LGR}{127}        % EM DASH

% T1::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemetleft}{LGR}{123}     % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemetright}{LGR}{125}    % ��
% legacy names
\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotleft}{LGR}{123}     % ��
\DeclareTextSymbol{\guillemotright}{LGR}{125}    % ��

% TS1::

\ProvideTextCommand{\textasciibreve}{LGR}{\char30\textcompwordmark}  % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textasciimacron}{LGR}{\char31\textcompwordmark} % ��
\ProvideTextCommand{\textasciidieresis}{LGR}{"\textcompwordmark}     % "
\ProvideTextCommand{\textasciiacute}{LGR}{'\textcompwordmark}        % '
\ProvideTextCommand{\textasciigrave}{LGR}{`\textcompwordmark}        % `
\DeclareTextCommand{\textasciitilde}{LGR}{\char126\textcompwordmark} % ~
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textohm}{LGR}{87}            % ��� (Ohm sign -> Omega)
\DeclareTextSymbol{\texteuro}{LGR}{24}           % ��� \euro in greek.ldf
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textpercent}{LGR}{37}        % %
\DeclareTextSymbol{\textperthousand}{LGR}{25}    % ��� \permill in greek.ldf

% The micro sign 00B5 is defined in TS1 (textcomp) and PU (hyperref)
% as ``\textmu``. LGR uses ``\textmu`` for the similar looking
% small Greek letter mu.
% The alias ``\textmicro`` prints in a micro sign and does not upcase::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textmicro}{LGR}{109}         % ��

% T3 (tipa)::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\textschwa}{LGR}{26}          % ��

% T3 also defines some greek letters as well as Latin characters with Greek
% names:
% According to the Unicode standard, the following IPA characters are identic
% to the Greek letters:
% - 03B2 greek small letter beta
% - 03B8 greek small letter theta
% - 03BB greek small letter lamda
% - 03C7 greek small letter chi
% The following characters in the IPA block refer to Greek letters:
% - 0251  LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA ��� greek small letter alpha - 03B1
% - 025B  LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E = epsilon ��� greek small letter epsilon - 03B5
% - 0263  LATIN SMALL LETTER GAMMA ��� greek small letter gamma - 03B3
% - 0269  LATIN SMALL LETTER IOTA  ��� greek small letter iota - 03B9
% - 0278  LATIN SMALL LETTER PHI ��� greek small letter phi - 03C6
% - 028A  LATIN SMALL LETTER UPSILON  ��� greek small letter upsilon - 03C5
% `tipa` uses the macro names ``\textepsilon``, ``\textgamma``, ``\textiota``,
% ``\textphi``, and ``\textupsilon`` for the Latin characters. This is no
% problem with 8-bit fonts (set the font encoding to T3 vs. LGR to
% disambiguate), but leads to ambiguity with Unicode fonts. xunicode_ uses the
% ``gr`` infix and alias names to disambiguate:
% - 03B3 ``\textgrgamma``
% - 03B9 ``\textgriota``
% - 03C6 ``\textgrphi`` (see x0278 )
% but not for epsilon and upsilon (03C2 ``\textgrsigma`` is the final sigma).
% It also assigns alias names to the Latin counterparts, however not on a
% systematical basis:
% - 0194 ``\textGammaafrican``
% - 0196 ``\textIotaafrican``
% - 0251 ``\textscripta``
% - 025B ``\texteopen``
% - 0263 ``\textbabygamma``, ``\textgammalatinsmall``
% - 0269 ``\textiotalatin``
% - 028A ``\textscupsilon``  % TIPA-U
% Not implemented
% """""""""""""""
% The characters at position 16 and 17 are used in the ``\nexus`` macro
% of the teubner_ package to form an extensible, hat-like bracket. In
% ``CB.enc``, they are mapped to
% but according to the documentation of Werner Lemberg's `babel patch`_,
% they rather represent the left and right part of U+23E0 TOP TORTOISE
% Babel's ``lgrenc.def`` has some definitions to prevent surprises with
% macros that expect a Latin script. These definitions are problematic in a
% font-encoding definition file as they require ``\ensureascii`` which is
% defined in ``babel.def``. They were moved to ``greek.ldf``.
% Diacritics
% ~~~~~~~~~~
% This section defines `named macros`_ for Greek diacritics and standard
% `symbol macros`_ as alias for simple diacritics. Convenient input
% conventions for `composite diacritics`_ are defined as `composite
% definitions`_.
% Advantages:
% * input convention similar to LGR input encodings (just prepend a ``\``).
% * Access pre-composed characters without resorting to the
%   ligature mechanism (allows proper kerning, cf. teubner-doc_).
% * Named macros can be used to ensure a font encoding supporting Greek is
%   used. However, substitution with pre-composed characters works only for
%   the active font encoding (cf. textalpha_). Named accent macros can also be
%   used instead of the ``\@tabacckludge`` by to-LaTeX converters to ensure
%   working also inside the tabbing environment.
% * Named macros are required for upcasing according to Greek typesetting
%   conventions (cf. `UPPERCASE`_ below) and for composite diacritics.
% Named macros
% """"""""""""
% Definitions are based on the teubner_ package by Claudio Beccari, the ucs_
% package, and the `babel patch`_ by Werner Lemberg. Names are derived from
% the Unicode name with the prefix "acc" (cf. `How to name accent macros?`
% in the README_) reducing the probability of incompatibilities compared to the
% two-letter teubner_ diacritic macros or the "text" prefix used by ucs_.
% Simple Greek diacritics::

\DeclareTextAccent{\accdialytika}{LGR}{34} % ������������������ (diaeresis/trema)
\DeclareTextAccent{\acctonos}{LGR}{39} % ����������/������������ tonos/oxia (acute)
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdasia}{LGR}{60} % ������������� spiritus asper (rough breathing)
\DeclareTextAccent{\accpsili}{LGR}{62} % �������� spiritus lenis (smooth breathing)
\DeclareTextAccent{\accvaria}{LGR}{96} % ������������� (grave)
\DeclareTextAccent{\accperispomeni}{LGR}{126} % ���������������������� (circonflex/tilde)

% The `mute iota`__ is input after the base character. In LGR fonts, ligatures are
% defined for pre-composed characters, the postfix ligature does not interfere
% with kerning::

\DeclareTextSymbol{\prosgegrammeni}{LGR}{8}  % ��� adscript mute iota (spacing)
\DeclareTextSymbol{\ypogegrammeni}{LGR}{124} % �� subscript mute iota (combining)

% __ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iota_subscript
% Composite diacritics::

%                                                       Teubner name
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdialytikaperispomeni}{LGR}{32} % Cd
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdialytikatonos}{LGR}{35}       % Ad
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdialytikavaria}{LGR}{36}       % Gd

\DeclareTextAccent{\accdasiaperispomeni}{LGR}{64}     % Cr
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdasiavaria}{LGR}{67}           % Gr
\DeclareTextAccent{\accdasiaoxia}{LGR}{86}            % Ar

\DeclareTextAccent{\accpsiliperispomeni}{LGR}{92}     % Cs
\DeclareTextAccent{\accpsilioxia}{LGR}{94}            % As
\DeclareTextAccent{\accpsilivaria}{LGR}{95}           % Gs

% For classical Greek and linguistics, the LGR font encoding contains a number
% of additional diacritic symbols::

\DeclareTextAccent{\accinvertedbrevebelow}{LGR}{1} % INVERTED BREVE BELOW
\DeclareTextAccent{\textsubarch}{LGR}{1}      % (tipa)
\DeclareTextAccent{\accbrevebelow}{LGR}{20}   % BREVE BELOW
\DeclareTextAccent{\u}{LGR}{30}               % BREVE (Greek vrachy)
\DeclareTextAccent{\=}{LGR}{31}               % MACRON

% Symbol Macros
% """""""""""""
% The standard _`symbol macros` are exclusively used for Greek diacritics
% in LGR::


% The ``\uclclist`` extension in `babel-greek`_ converts standard symbol
% macros to "capital accents". In Greek typographic tradition they are
% dropped::


% Common Greek font encoding definitions
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% The file greek-fontenc.def contains font encoding definitions that are
% shared by font encodings providing Greek characters::


% Composite definitions
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% Composite diacritics
% """"""""""""""""""""
% Composite accents can be input as sequence of simple diacritics (in
% arbitrary order) via named macro, symbol macro and "transliteration
% characters", e.g. ``\accdialytica\accvaria\textalpha``, ``\"\'\textalpha``,
% ``\"'\textalpha``, or ``\'"\textalpha``.
% The actual declarations are part of the `common Greek font encoding
% definitions`_.
% Pre-composed letters
% """"""""""""""""""""
% Small letters with diacritics
% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
% (from teubner_ with changed names of the composite accents)::


% Pre-composed letters with diacritics + LICR macros::


% Capital letters with diacritics
% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
%  In Greek, diacritics are omitted in all-uppercase words, but kept as part
%  of an uppercase initial (written before rather than above the letter).
%  The diaytika should also always be used in all-uppercase words (even
%  in cases where they are not needed when writing in lowercase)
%  -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalization
% In Title Case, place diacritics before instead of above the base character::









% Except for the dialytika::


% Do the same for the LICR macros::









% Except for the dialytika::


% ~~~~~~~~~
% letters without pre-composed uppercase version
% """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
% The default ``\MakeUppercase`` (2022-version) emits "composing" Unicode
% characters for letters with diacritics but no matching pre-composed
% capital equivalent. We drop diacritics to prevent compilation errors.
% The ``\DeclareUppercaseMapping`` macro is new in the 2023 LaTeX release::

  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"0390}{\accdialytikatonos{\textiota}}             % ��
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"03B0}{\accdialytikatonos{\textupsilon}}          % ��
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1F50}{\accpsili{\textupsilon}}                   % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1F52}{\accpsilivaria{\textupsilon}}              % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1F54}{\accpsilioxia{\textupsilon}}               % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1F56}{\accpsiliperispomeni{\textupsilon}}        % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FB6}{\accperispomeni{\textalpha}}               % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FB7}{\accperispomeni{\textalpha}\ypogegrammeni} % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FC6}{\accperispomeni{\texteta}}                 % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FC7}{\accperispomeni{\texteta}\ypogegrammeni}   % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FD2}{\accdialytikavaria{\textiota}}             % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FD3}{\accdialytikatonos{\textiota}}             % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FD6}{\accperispomeni{\textiota}}                % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FD7}{\accdialytikaperispomeni{\textiota}}       % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FE2}{\accdialytikavaria{\textupsilon}}          % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FE3}{\accdialytikatonos{\textupsilon}}          % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FE4}{\accpsili{\textrho}}                       % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FE6}{\accperispomeni{\textupsilon}}             % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FE7}{\accdialytikaperispomeni{\textupsilon}}    % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FF6}{\accperispomeni{\textomega}}               % ���
  \DeclareUppercaseMapping{"1FF7}{\accperispomeni{\textomega}\ypogegrammeni} % ���

% Hiatus
% """"""
% The `common Greek font encoding definitions`_ in ``greek-fontenc.def`` extend
% the `uclclist` with Greek LICR macros. Here, we add LGR specific "hiatus"
% handling.
% Composite commands for Latin transliteration::


% TODO: What does the \LGR@hiatus command "see" if a Unicode literal follows?
% .. code:: latex
%   % \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@hiatus}{LGR}{\symbol{"ce}}{bluff}
%   % \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@hiatus}{LGR}{"cf}{blaff}
%   % \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@hiatus}{LGR}{��}{blaff}
% Look ahead and place a diaeresis on �� or ��::


% Unfortunately, the lookahead breaks kerning.
% Alternatives tried:
% * CompositeCommands fail at the end of a macro, e.g. ``\emph{\'a}``
%   .. code:: latex
%     \DeclareTextCommand{\LGR@A@hiatus}{LGR}{A}
%     \DeclareTextCommand{\LGR@E@hiatus}{LGR}{E}
%     \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@A@hiatus}{LGR}{}{A}
%     \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@A@hiatus}{LGR}{I}{A\"I}
%     \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\LGR@A@hiatus}{LGR}{U}{A\"U}
% * The glyph No 12 is a special "Upcase Alpha" that in ligature with Y
%   and I adds a diaresis to them. However, it seems that it has only
%   kerning definitions for I and Y (as it is not intended for direct
%   use)
%   .. code:: latex
%     \DeclareTextComposite{\LGR@hiatus}{LGR}{A}{12}
%   No such glyph exists for E but this is no problem as E does
%   not require kerning anyway.
% .. References
%    ----------
% .. _README: README.html
% .. _alphabeta: alphabeta.sty.html
% .. _athnum: https://ctan.org/pkg/athnum
% .. _Babel: https://ctan.org/pkg/babel
% .. _babel-greek: https://ctan.org/pkg/babel-greek
% .. _babel patch: http://www.eutypon.gr/eutypon/pdf/e2008-20/e20-a03.pdf
% .. _fntguide: https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/fntguide.pdf
% .. _fontenc:  https://ctan.org/pkg/fontenc
% .. _hyperref: https://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref
% .. _ibycus: https://ctan.org/pkg/ibycus-babel
% .. _LaTeX Project Public License: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% .. _lgrx: https://ctan.org/pkg/lgrx
% .. _ltxcmds: https://ctan.org/pkg/ltxcmds
% .. _teubner: https://ctan.org/pkg/teubner
% .. _teubner-doc:
%     https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/teubner/teubner-doc.pdf
% .. _textalpha: textalpha.sty.html
% .. _ucs: https://ctan.org/pkg/unicode
% .. _xunicode: https://ctan.org/pkg/xunicode
% .. _ltxbugs 4399:
%     https://www.latex-project.org/cgi-bin/ltxbugs2html?pr=latex%2F4399&search=