2005-05-07 Alexej Kryukov  <basileia@yandex.ru>

        * New major release: version 0.5 is out.
        * Added a set of Central European Type 1 fonts (with the
        windows-1250 encoding) in order to cover some T1 glyphs which
        otherwise had to be faked. These fonts also include capital
        accents (just because there was no better place for them:)
        * The slanted and upright italic shapes are now supported for 
        Roman and Typewriter fonts (previously was always substituted 
        with Italics).
        * Added sets of virtual fonts in OT1 and OT2 encodings (for those
        who still have to use 7-bit fonts).
        * The building scripts are now distributed together with the
        font package, so that anybody can rebuild the fonts from scratch.
        * The Euro glyph is now taken from the CB Greek fonts, where it has
        a better shape than in the TC font set (TS1 encoding).
        * The Greek guillemets and theta glyphs in the Regular and Bold
        serif Greek fonts are replaced with those taken from the Ibycus
        package. (Although I like the "script" theta, in CB fonts it
        surely looks less elegant than original Silvio Levi's closed-shape 
        glyph.) The CB theta is preserved as uni03D1 and available under
        this Unicode value in Unicode virtual fonts (but not in 8-bit LGR
        * Glyph names for Greek acrophonic numerals from the LGR
        encoding are corrected according to the recent changes in
        the Unicode standard (which now supports these glyphs in its
        10140--1018F block).
        * Once again corrected the ellipsis glyph (this time in the
        proportional fonts, where it was too wide).
        * Installation instructions updated according to the actual state
        of the MikTeX, fpTeX, teTeX and VTeX/Free distributions.

        * Some minor bugs have been fixed and probably lots of new
        ones have been introduced :-)

2004-10-06 Alexej Kryukov  <basileia@yandex.ru>

	* Version 0.3.1. released.
        * Fixed problem with wrong kerning pairs (exported from small caps
        fonts) in Unicode virtual fonts. The problem was reported by
        Alexander Lee <alexlee@uchicago.edu>.

        * The "angleleft" and "angleright" glyphs (present in Greek
        and Cyrillic fonts) are now recognized as aliases for angbracketleft
        (U+2329) and angbracketright (U+232A) while building Unicode
        virtual fonts.

2004-04-27 Alexej Kryukov  <basileia@yandex.ru>

	* Version 0.3. released.

        * The EC-styled germandbls glyph replaced with the glyph taken
        from CM fonts.
        * Corrected position of the macron and breve accents (again, 
        EC-styled glyphs replaced with CM versions).
        * Corrected ellipsis in the monospaced fonts (which was 3
        characters width in previous versions).
        * Added ligatures allowing to obtain single quotes in Greek fonts.
        * Added *.inf files allowing to install fonts under MS Windows.
        All fonts have been tested and found really installable.
        * Since Windows seems to have troubles when installing fonts
        which have too many kerning pairs in afm files, I tried to reduce
        the number of kerning pairs in Greek afm files by removing useless
        autogenerated kerning pairs which never occur in real text.

2003-08-31 Alexej Kryukov  <basileia@yandex.ru>

	* Version 0.2.1. released.
        * Fixed bug with optional argument of \ProvidesFile in the style
        * Fixed bug with incomplete *.fd files for Computer Modern Sans
        and Computer Modern Typewriter.
        * Fixed bug in the UT1 encoding: wrongly positioned dagger and
        double dagger.
        * Virtual fonts regenerated with Fontinst 1.926.

2003-03-20 Alexej Kryukov  <basileia@yandex.ru>

	* Version 0.2 released: first public release.