beginthaichar("OO", "D9", "oo", 0, 0, lvgap# + lvht#);
	q_def(1, thick, thick);
	penpos3(thick, 0);

	% without this adjustment, sometimes the base def is too close
	% to the q_def
	oo_adj := lvht - (cupht + 3thin + dia);
	oo_adj := lvht - (3thin + dia);
	% message decimal oo_adj;
	if oo_adj > 0: oo_adj := 0 fi;
	x2lft = x1l = x2rt - dia - 2thick;
	x2rt = x3r = -rightgap;
	y1top + oo_adj = y3 = -lvgap;
	y2bot = - lvgap - lvht;

	filldraw q_path(1) -- base_path_i(2) -- z3l -- z3r
		-- reverse base_path_o(2) -- cycle;