# Yu-fonts Windows/MSOffice version

### JAPANESE ###

# Note about Windows:
#   yugothi{b,c,l}.ttf
#   yumin.ttf, yumin{db,l}.ttf
# are bundled with Windows 8.1.
#   YuGoth{B,L,M,R}.ttc
#   yumin.ttf, yumin{db,l}.ttf
# are bundled with Windows 10.
# are bundled with "Yu Font Pack for MSOffice 2010/2013".
#   YuGothic.ttf
#   YuGothic-Bold.ttf
# are bundled with VS2013 or later versions.

# Note about MSOffice:
#   YuGoth{B,L,M,R}.ttf
#   yumin.ttf, yumin{db,l}.ttf
# are bundled with Office for Mac 2016.

# In the following database, Yu Font Pack entries do not appear
# as separate lines, but they are implied by Windows 10 entries
# since win32 is case-insensitive.
# Currently we don't add VS2013 YuGothic.ttf (YuGothic) and
# YuGothic-Bold.ttf (YuGothic-Bold) on purpose, because these files
# are smaller than Windows 8.1 yugothic.ttf and yugothib.ttf

Name: YuMincho-Regular
Class: Japan
Provides(90): Ryumin-Light
Provides(90): RyuminPro-Light
Provides(90): HiraMinProN-W3
Provides(90): HiraMinPro-W3
TTFname(20): yumin.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuMincho-Regular.ttf # never existed

Name: YuMincho-Light
Class: Japan
TTFname(20): yuminl.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuMincho-Light.ttf # never existed

Name: YuMincho-Demibold
Class: Japan
Provides(90): FutoMinA101-Bold
Provides(90): FutoMinA101Pro-Bold
Provides(90): HiraMinProN-W6
Provides(90): HiraMinPro-W6
Provides(90): MidashiMin-MA31
Provides(90): MidashiMinPro-MA31
TTFname(20): yumindb.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuMincho-Demibold.ttf # never existed

Name: YuGothic-Regular
Class: Japan
Provides(90): GothicBBB-Medium
Provides(90): GothicBBBPro-Medium
Provides(90): HiraKakuProN-W3
Provides(90): HiraKakuPro-W3
TTFname(25): yugothic.ttf
TTCname(20): YuGothR.ttc(0)
TTFname(40): YuGothR.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuGothic-Regular.ttf # never existed

Name: YuGothic-Medium
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothM.ttc(0)
TTFname(40): YuGothM.ttf

Name: YuGothic-Light
Class: Japan
TTFname(25): yugothil.ttf
TTCname(20): YuGothL.ttc(0)
TTFname(40): YuGothL.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuGothic-Light.ttf # never existed

Name: YuGothic-Bold
Class: Japan
Provides(90): FutoGoB101-Bold
Provides(90): FutoGoB101Pro-Bold
Provides(90): HiraKakuProN-W6
Provides(90): HiraKakuPro-W6
Provides(90): MidashiGo-MB31
Provides(90): MidashiGoPro-MB31
Provides(90): HiraKakuStdN-W8
Provides(90): HiraKakuStd-W8
Provides(90): Jun101-Light
Provides(90): Jun101Pro-Light
Provides(90): HiraMaruProN-W4
Provides(90): HiraMaruPro-W4
TTFname(25): yugothib.ttf
TTCname(20): YuGothB.ttc(0)
TTFname(40): YuGothB.ttf
#TTFname(50): YuGothic-Bold.ttf

# Yu-UI-fonts (Windows only)

Name: YuGothicUI-Semilight
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothR.ttc(1)

Name: YuGothicUI-Regular
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothM.ttc(1)

Name: YuGothicUI-Light
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothL.ttc(1)

Name: YuGothicUI-Bold
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothB.ttc(1)

Name: YuGothicUI-Semibold
Class: Japan
TTCname(20): YuGothB.ttc(2)