-- zrlistttc.lua -- Copyright (c) 2019 Takayuki YATO -- Modified by Hironobu YAMASHITA -- This software is distributed under the MIT License. prog_name = 'zrlistttc' version = '0.4' mod_date = '2019/08/31' ---------------------------------------- verbose = false ttc_index = nil content = { 6 } langid = nil ttc_file = nil ---------------------------------------- do local reader_meta = { __tostring = function(self) return "reader("..self.name..")" end; __index = { cdata = function(self, ofs, len) return make_cdata(self:read(ofs, len)) end; read = function(self, ofs, len) self.file:seek("set", ofs) local data = self.file:read(len) sure(data:len() == len, 1) return data end; close = function(self) self.file:close() end; } } function make_reader(fname) local file = io.open(fname, "rb") sure(file, "cannot open for input", fname) return setmetatable({ name = fname, file = file }, reader_meta) end end ---------------------------------------- do local cdata_meta = { __tostring = function(self) return "cdata(pos="..self._pos..")" end; __index = { pos = function(self, p) if not p then return self._pos end self._pos = p return self end; _unum = function(self, b) local v, data = 0, self.data sure(#data >= self._pos + b, 11) for i = 1, b do self._pos = self._pos + 1 v = v * 256 + data:byte(self._pos) end return v end; _setunum = function(self, b, v) local t, data = {}, self.data t[1] = data:sub(1, self._pos) self._pos = self._pos + b sure(#data >= self._pos, 12) t[b + 2] = data:sub(self._pos + 1) for i = 1, b do t[b + 2 - i] = string.char(v % 256) v = math.floor(v / 256) end self.data = table.concat(t, '') return self end; str = function(self, b) local data = self.data self._pos = self._pos + b sure(#data >= self._pos, 13) return data:sub(self._pos - b + 1, self._pos) end; setstr = function(self, s) local t, data = {}, self.data t[1], t[2] = data:sub(1, self._pos), s self._pos = self._pos + #s sure(#data >= self._pos, 14) t[3] = data:sub(self._pos + 1) self.data = table.concat(t, '') return self end; ushort = function(self) return self:_unum(2) end; ulong = function(self) return self:_unum(4) end; setulong = function(self, v) return self:_setunum(4, v) end; ulongs = function(self, num) local t = {} for i = 1, num do t[i] = self:_unum(4) end return t end; } } function make_cdata(data) return setmetatable({ data = data, _pos = 0 }, cdata_meta) end end ---------------------------------------- do local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil local function div(x, y) return floor(x / y), x % y end local function utf16betoutf8(src) local s, d = { tostring(src):byte(1, -1) }, {} for i = 1, #s - 1, 2 do local c = s[i] * 256 + s[i+1] if c < 0x80 then d[#d+1] = c elseif c < 0x800 then local x, y = div(c, 0x40) d[#d+1] = x + 0xC0; d[#d+1] = y + 0x80 elseif c < 0x10000 then local x, y, z = div(c, 0x1000); y, z = div(y, 0x40) d[#d+1] = x + 0xE0; d[#d+1] = y + 0x80; d[#d+1] = z + 0x80 else sure(nil) end end return string.char(unpack(d)) end local file_type = { [0x74746366] = 'ttc'; [0x10000] = 'ttf'; [0x4F54544F] = 'otf'; [0x74727565] = 'ttf' } function otf_offset(reader) local cd = reader:cdata(0, 12) local tag = cd:ulong() local ftype = file_type[tag]; info("type", ftype) if ftype == 'ttc' then local ver = cd:ulong(); info("version", ver) local num = cd:ulong(); info("#fonts", num) cd = reader:cdata(12, 4 * num) local res = cd:ulongs(num); info("offset", stt(res)) return res elseif ftype == 'otf' or ftype == 'ttf' then return { 0 } else sure(nil, "unknown file tag", tag) end end local function otf_name_table(reader, fofs, ntbl) local cd_d = reader:cdata(fofs + 12, 16 * ntbl) for i = 1, ntbl do local t = stt({-- tag, csum, ofs, len cd_d:str(4), cd_d:ulong(), cd_d:ulong(), cd_d:ulong() }) if t[1] == 'name' then info("name table index", i) return reader:cdata(t[3], ceil(t[4] / 4) * 4) end end sure(nil, "name table is missing") end local function otf_name_records(cdata) local nfmt, nnum, nofs = cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort() sure(nfmt == 0, "unsupported name table format", nfmt) local nr = stt({}) for i = 1, nnum do nr[i] = stt({ -- pid, eid, langid, nameid, len, ofs cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort(), cdata:ushort() + nofs }) end return nr end function otf_name(cdata, nr, nameid) local function seek(pid, eid, lid) for i = 1, #nr do local t = nr[i] local ok = (t[4] == nameid and t[1] == pid and t[2] == eid and t[3] == lid) if ok then return t end end end local rec if langid then rec = seek(unpack(langid)) else rec = seek(3, 1, 0x409) or seek(3, 10, 0x409) or seek(1, 0, 0) or seek(0, 3, 0) or seek(0, 4, 0) or seek(0, 6, 0) end info("name record", rec or 'none') if not rec then return '' end local s = cdata:pos(rec[6]):str(rec[5]) return (rec[1] == 3) and utf16betoutf8(s) or s end function otf_list(reader, fid, fofs) local cd_fh = reader:cdata(fofs, 12) local tag = cd_fh:ulong(); info("tag", tag) local ntbl = cd_fh:ushort(); info("#tables", ntbl) local cd_n = otf_name_table(reader, fofs, ntbl) local ext = { id = fid; type = file_type[tag] or '' } local nr, val = otf_name_records(cd_n), stt({}) info("font", otf_name(cd_n, nr, 6)) for i = 1, #content do local key = content[i] val[i] = (type(key) == 'string') and ext[key] or otf_name(cd_n, nr, key) end io.stdout:write(concat(val, ",").."\n") end end ---------------------------------------- do unpack = unpack or table.unpack local stt_meta = { __tostring = function(self) return "{"..concat(self, ",").."}" end } function stt(tbl) return setmetatable(tbl, stt_meta) end function concat(tbl, ...) local t = {} for i = 1, #tbl do t[i] = tostring(tbl[i]) end return table.concat(t, ...) end function info(...) if not verbose then return end local t = { prog_name, ... } io.stderr:write(concat(t, ": ").."\n") end function abort(...) verbose = true; info(...) os.exit(-1) end function sure(val, a1, ...) if val then return val end if type(a1) == "number" then a1 = "error("..a1..")" end abort(a1, ...) end end ---------------------------------------- do local function show_usage() io.stdout:write(([[ This is %s v%s <%s> by 'ZR' Usage: %s[.lua] [-v] [-c <spec>] <ttc_file> -v be verbose -i show only one font with a specified index -c content specification; comma-separated list of items, where an item is either 'id', 'type', or an name-ID ]]):format(prog_name, version, mod_date, prog_name)) os.exit(0) end local function langid_spec(str) local p, e, l = str:match('^(%d+),(%d+),(%d+)$') sure(p, "invalid langid spec", str) return { tonumber(p), tonumber(e), tonumber(l) } end local function content_spec(str) local t, repo = {}, { copyright = 0; family = 1; subfamily = 2; fullname = 4; version = 5; psname = 6; url = 11; license = 13; tfamily = 16; tsubfamily = 17; id = -1; type = -1; } for k in str:gmatch('[^,]+') do local v = (k:match('^%d+$')) and tonumber(k) or repo[k] sure(v, "unknown content key", k) t[#t+1] = (v < 0) and k or v end return t end local function ttc_index_spec(str) local p = str:match('^(%d+)$') sure(p, "invalid ttc_index spec", str) return tonumber(p) end function read_option() if #arg == 0 then show_usage() end local idx = 1 while idx <= #arg do local opt = arg[idx] if opt:sub(1, 1) ~= '-' then break end if opt == '-h' or opt == '--help' then show_usage() elseif opt == '-v' then verbose = true elseif opt == '-i' then idx = idx + 1; sure(arg[idx], "ttc_index spec is missing") ttc_index = ttc_index_spec(arg[idx]) elseif opt == '-c' then idx = idx + 1; sure(arg[idx], "content spec is missing") content = stt(content_spec(arg[idx])) elseif opt == '-l' then idx = idx + 1; sure(arg[idx], "langid spec is missing") langid = stt(langid_spec(arg[idx])) else abort("invalid option", opt) end idx = idx + 1 end sure(#arg == idx, "wrong number of arguments") ttc_file = arg[idx] end function main() read_option() local reader = make_reader(ttc_file) local tofs = otf_offset(reader) if ttc_index then if ttc_index < 0 or ttc_index > #tofs - 1 then abort("non-existing ttc_index", ttc_index) end otf_list(reader, ttc_index, tofs[ttc_index + 1]) else for i = 1, #tofs do otf_list(reader, i - 1, tofs[i]) end end reader:close() end end ---------------------------------------- main() -- EOF