% We start by making some default catcode assignments, in case we are 
% using ini\TeX{}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \package{fontinst} uses some unusual, but convenient, settings of 
% |\catcode|. |@| and |_| are made letters, |~| is made a space, and 
% space and newline are ignored. Before setting those however, we save 
% the current values of the catcodes, so that they can be restored at 
% the end of \texttt{fontinst.sty}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\spacecatcode{\the\catcode`\ }
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\catcode`\ =9
%    \end{macrocode}


% \begin{macro}{\a_read}
% \begin{macro}{\b_read}
% \begin{macro}{\a_filelineno}
% \begin{macro}{\b_filelineno}
%   These control sequences are used for keeping track of the ``physical'' 
%   side of the two input files. |\a_read| and |\b_read| are the stream 
%   numbers. |\a_filelineno| and |\b_filelineno| are the respective 
%   line numbers of the lines most recently read from these files.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\a_lineno}
% \begin{macro}{\b_lineno}
% \begin{macro}{\a_bufbase}
% \begin{macro}{\b_bufbase}
% \begin{macro}{\a_bufmid}
% \begin{macro}{\b_bufmid}
% \begin{macro}{\a_buftop}
% \begin{macro}{\b_buftop}
%   These count registers are used for managing the buffert of lines 
%   that are read from the input files when a match between lines is 
%   being looked for. This buffert consists of lines which are saved in 
%   the macros
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\|\meta{letter}|_saved-|\meta{ofs}
%   \end{quote}
%   where \meta{letter} is |a| or |b| and \meta{ofs} is an integer, 
%   being the index into the buffert. |\a_bufbase| and |\b_bufbase| 
%   contain the \meta{ofs} of the first line currently in the buffert, 
%   whereas |\a_buftop| and |\b_buftop| contain the \meta{ofs} of the 
%   last such line. |\a_bufmid| and |\b_bufmid| hold the buffert 
%   positions of the lines which are currently considered the next by 
%   |\get_next_line|. If \(\mathtt{buftop}<\mathtt{bufmid}\) then the 
%   buffert is empty. |\a_lineno| and |\b_lineno| are the respective 
%   line numbers of the |\a_bufbase| and |\b_bufbase| lines.
%   All these registers should be set globally.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcount\a_lineno   \newcount\b_lineno
\newcount\a_bufbase  \newcount\b_bufbase
\newcount\a_bufmid   \newcount\b_bufmid
\newcount\a_buftop   \newcount\b_buftop
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro}
% \end{macro}\end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\get_next_line}
%   The |\get_next_line| macro is called as
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\get_next_line|\marg{letter}
%   \end{quote}
%   where \meta{letter} is |a| or |b|. This sets the 
%   |\|\meta{letter}|_line| macro to the next line of that file and 
%   updates the value of |\|\meta{letter}|_lineno|.
%   The ``next line'' is normally read from input stream 
%   |\|\meta{letter}|_read|, but if a line mismatch recently occured 
%   then it might happen that the next line has already been read from 
%   the file, and in that case it is taken from one of the 
%   |\|\meta{letter}|_saved-|\meta{ofs} macros.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \ifnum \csname#1_buftop\endcsname<\csname#1_bufmid\endcsname
      \ifeof \csname#1_read\endcsname
         \read\csname#1_read\endcsname t\x_cs{o}{#1_line}
         \global\advance \csname#1_filelineno\endcsname \@ne
      \expandafter\let \csname#1_line\expandafter\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\end_of_file_line}
%   This macro expands to the text \verb*|(ENDOFFILE) | with the 
%   catcodes it would have if read from an input file. It is used as an 
%   end-of-file marker.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\the_line}
%   The |\the_line| macro is called as
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\the_line|\marg{letter}\marg{ofs}
%   \end{quote}
%   where \meta{letter} is |a| or |b|, and \meta{ofs} is a \TeX\ number. 
%   It expands to the control sequence |\|\meta{letter}|_saved-|^^A
%   \meta{ofs}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\initialise_search}
%   The |\initialise_search| macro sets everything up for a search for 
%   a match between lines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \global\advance \a_bufmid \@ne
   \global\advance \b_bufmid \@ne
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\add_to_buffert}
%   The |\add_to_buffert| macro is called as
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\add_to_buffert|\marg{letter}
%   \end{quote}
%   It adds the line returned by |\get_next_line| to the corresponding 
%   buffert (if it wasn't already there) and updates the counters for 
%   that buffert. After this, the line following the line being put into 
%   the buffert will be the line that |\get_next_line| returns.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \ifnum \csname#1_buftop\endcsname<\csname#1_bufmid\endcsname
      \global\advance \csname#1_buftop\endcsname \@ne
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}


% \begin{macro}{\match_lines}
%   The |\match_lines| macro tests if two lines can be considered the 
%   same (up to metrics changes, which need not be small). It is called as
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\match_lines|\marg{line a}\marg{line b}
%   \end{quote}
%   \meta{line a} and \meta{line b} may be any amount of text which 
%   eventually expands to the lines in question. |\match_lines| returns 
%   its answer by setting the |_a_| switch to |false| (if the lines 
%   match) or |true| (if the lines don't match).
%   |\match_lines| also causes the |\first_dimen| and |\second_dimen| 
%   registers, as well as the |_histogram_dimen_| switch to be updated, 
%   so it can be immediately followed by a test of the metrics.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \expandafter\ifx \csname cmd-+ \expandafter\endcsname
      \csname cmd--\endcsname
   \else  \_a_true  \fi
   \ifnum \first_integer=\z@ \else  \_a_true  \fi
   \ifnum \second_integer=\z@ \else  \_a_true  \fi
   \expandafter\ifx \csname string-+ \expandafter\endcsname
      \csname string--\endcsname
   \else  \_a_true  \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\try_matching}
% \begin{macro}{\a_bufP}
% \begin{macro}{\b_bufP}
%   The |\try_matching| descends through the buffert until the |_a_| 
%   switch gets |false| or it has tried the bottommost lines in the 
%   buffert. Since |\body| is already defined by the |\loop| in 
%   |\process_lines|, |\try_matching| uses an explicit end recursion to 
%   make the loop.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \global\advance \a_bufP \m@ne
   \global\advance \b_bufP \m@ne
%    % Begin debug
%    \wlog{a_bufbase:~\the\a_bufbase\space\space\space
%          b_bufbase:~\the\b_bufbase}
%    \wlog{a_bufmid:~\the\a_bufmid\space\space\space
%          b_bufmid:~\the\b_bufmid}
%    \wlog{a_buftop:~\the\a_buftop\space\space\space
%          b_buftop:~\the\b_buftop}
%    \wlog{a_bufP:~\the\a_bufP\space\space\space
%          b_bufP:~\the\b_bufP}
%    \begingroup
%       \def\do_left_paren{(}\def\do_right_paren{)}
%       \wlog{a_line:~\a_line}
%       \wlog{b_buf_line:~\the_line{b}{\b_bufP}}
%       \wlog{b_line:~\b_line}
%       \wlog{a_buf_line:~\the_line{a}{\a_bufP}^^J}
%    \endgroup
%    % End debug
      \if_a_ \else
   \ifnum \a_bufP>\a_bufbase \if_a_
   \fi \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\report_mismatch}
%   The |\report_mismatch| macro does precisely what it says. It also increases 
%   the \texttt{bufbase} and \texttt{lineno} registers to point at the 
%   matching lines.
%    \begin{macrocode}
      \ifnum \a_bufbase<\a_bufmid
         \global\advance \a_bufbase \@ne
         \global\advance \a_lineno \@ne
      \ifnum \b_bufbase<\b_bufmid
         \global\advance \b_bufbase \@ne
         \global\advance \b_lineno \@ne
   \ifnum 4>\compared_status
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

   \ifx \encoding_name\empty_command
      \ifnum \m@ne<\last_character
         \ifnum \last_character=\m@ne
            \csname name-\encoding_name-\the\last_character\endcsname
% \begin{macro}{\compared_status}
%   |\compared_status| is a \meta{chardef token} which stores the 
%   current status of the comparision, according to the following table
%   \begin{enumerate}
%     \item[0] The property lists are equal---there may be checksum 
%       differences, but nothing else.
%     \item[1] The property lists are almost equal---there are 
%       differences in the metrics, but these are within the |\tolerance| 
%       level.
%     \item[2] The property lists are essentially equal---there are 
%       differences in the metrics, but these are within the |\tolerance| 
%       level, with the exception of some \texttt{CHARHT}, 
%       \texttt{CHARDP}, and \texttt{CHARIC} values.
%     \item[3] The property lists have metric differences---there are 
%       metric differences not with category 2.
%     \item[4] The property lists are not completely matched.
%   \end{enumerate}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\step_linenos}
%   The |\step_linenos| macro increments the |_lineno| line numbers. If 
%   the current line was fetched from the buffert, then it also 
%   increments the |_bufmid| and |_bufbase| registers, and checks 
%   whether the buffert ended (in which case it is normalized to its 
%   starting position, to conserve hash table space).
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \global\advance \a_lineno \@ne
   \ifnum \a_bufmid=\a_buftop
   \else\ifnum \a_bufmid<\a_buftop
      \global\advance \a_bufmid \@ne
      \global\advance \a_bufbase \@ne
   \global\advance \b_lineno \@ne
   \ifnum \b_bufmid=\b_buftop
   \else\ifnum \b_bufmid<\b_buftop
      \global\advance \b_bufmid \@ne
      \global\advance \b_bufbase \@ne
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}


% \begin{macro}{\clear_histograms}
%   This macro clears all the histograms.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \enc{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\present_histograms}
%   This macro writes the histogram data to the log file.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \wlog{\string\tolerance*~\space CHARHT~\space CHARDP~\space CHARIC}
   \wlog{~\space\space 1--~\space\space 10\hist_to_eight{ht}{i}
   \wlog{~\space 10--~\space 100\hist_to_eight{ht}{ii}
   \ifnum #1<\@M
      \ifnum #1<\one_hundred
         \ifnum 10>#1 ~\fi
      \else \ifnum #1<\one_thousand \space\fi \fi
      \ifnum 1000000>#1
         \ifnum 100000>#1 ~\fi
      \else \ifnum 1000000>#1 ~\fi \fi
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

% \begin{macro}{\metric_statistics}
% \begin{macro}{\metric_origin}
%   The |\metric_statistics| macro takes care of comparing the metrics 
%   by inspecting the values of |\first_dimen| and |\second_dimen|. It 
%   has four classes of differences, which are represented by 
%   |\compared_status| values 0--3: no difference, tolerable (almost no)
%   difference, histogrammed (essentially no) difference, and 
%   non-tolerable difference. If a non-tolerable difference is found, 
%   then the current lines are written to the log file. Histogrammed 
%   differences causes the corresponding 
%   |\|\meta{type}|_hist_|\meta{group} register to be incremented, and 
%   tolerable differences only affect the value of |\compared_status|.
%   The |\metric_origin| macro contains the \meta{type} of the metric 
%   data. It is usually empty, but PL properties with metrics that have 
%   histograms set it so that the correct histogram is updated.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \ifdim \first_dimen<\z@ \first_dimen=-\first_dimen \fi
   \ifdim \first_dimen=\z@
   \else\ifdim \first_dimen<\tolerance
      \ifnum 1>\compared_status
   \else\ifx \metric_origin\empty_command
      \loop\ifdim \a_macro\tolerance<\first_dimen
         \edef\a_macro{\a_macro 0}
         \advance \a_count \@ne
      \if_undefined{\metric_origin _hist_ \romannumeral\a_count}\then
         \global\advance \csname \metric_origin _hist_ 
            \romannumeral\a_count \endcsname \@ne
         \ifnum 2>\compared_status
   \ifdim \second_dimen<\z@ \second_dimen=-\second_dimen \fi
   \ifdim \second_dimen=\z@
   \else\ifdim \second_dimen<\tolerance
      \ifnum 1>\compared_status
   \else\ifx \metric_origin\empty_command
      \loop\ifdim \a_macro\tolerance<\second_dimen
         \edef\a_macro{\a_macro 0}
         \advance \a_count \@ne
      \if_undefined{\metric_origin _hist_ \romannumeral\a_count}\then
         \global\advance \csname \metric_origin _hist_ 
            \romannumeral\a_count \endcsname \@ne
         \ifnum 2>\compared_status
      \ifnum 3>\compared_status
            and~\the\b_lineno\space respectively:}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}\end{macro}



% \begin{macro}{\process_lines}
%   The |\process_lines| macro is the cheif executive in the comparision. 
%   Its normal mode of operation is to retrive the next two lines from 
%   the input files, match them, and update the metric differences 
%   statistics. If the lines do not match, however, it starts building a 
%   buffert of lines in which it searches for two matching lines. When 
%   these two lines are found the mismatching portions of the files are 
%   written to the log file, and the metric difference statistics are 
%   updated for the two lines that matched.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   Now the process of trying to find a match begins. At each step of 
%   the search for a match, it tries all possible matches with the 
%   lines read so far that haven't been tried at an earlier step.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%       \tracingmacros=\@ne\tracingcommands=\tw@ % DEBUG
         \global\advance \a_bufmid \@ne
         \global\advance \b_bufmid \@ne
         \ifnum \a_bufmid>\sixt@@n 
         \fi % DEBUG
%       \tracingcommands=\z@\tracingmacros=\z@ % DEBUG
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \par % DEBUG
   \if \ifx \a_line\end_of_file_line 
      \ifx \b_line\end_of_file_line 1\else 0\fi\else 0\fi 0
   % then
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}


% \begin{macro}{\comparePLs}
%   The |\comparePLs| command compares two property lists files. It is 
%   geared against verifying that two different such files are as good 
%   as equal, and it might take a very long time before it gives up on 
%   trying to find any resemblance between them. It is furthermore only 
%   meant to be used on (V)PL files generated by \package{TFtoPL} or 
%   \package{VFtoVP}, because it assumes the property lists follow a 
%   stricter syntax than \package{PLtoTF} and \package{VPtoVF} requires 
%   them to. Finally it needs to be said that the comparision is rather 
%   stupid in many respects, as it is completely line-oriented and 
%   takes no notice of what kind of property list it is reading. This 
%   may in some cases cause it to find ``matches'' between lines which 
%   for syntactical reasons alone cannot match.
%   |\comparePLs| is called as
%   \begin{quote}
%     |\comparePLs|\marg{first PL}\marg{second PL}\marg{encoding}
%   \end{quote}
%   where \meta{first PL} and \meta{second PL} are the complete names 
%   (including extensions) of the files to compare. \meta{encoding} is 
%   the name of the encoding to use when translating slots to glyph 
%   names; leave it empty if you don't want to specify one. (One could 
%   use the \texttt{CODINGSCHEME} property to determine the encoding in 
%   that case, but this is not currently done). The slot to glyph 
%   translation is only done to make it easier to locate the position of 
%   some mismatch; it has not effect on the actual comparision.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \immediate\write\sixt@@n{#1~and^^J #2}
   \ifcase \compared_status
   \ifnum 1<\compared_status
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}   

   \catcode`\(=13 \catcode`\)=13
      \catcode`\(=13 \def({\do_left_paren}
      \catcode`\)=13 \def){\do_right_paren}

      \csname pl-#1 \expandafter\endcsname
      \csname pl-#1 \expandafter\endcsname \csname pl-#2 \endcsname

\newdimen\tolerance  \tolerance=110sp

% The following is for gobbling to the next unmatched right parenthesis. 
% The |\catcode| trick used by the PL-to-MTX converter's 
% |\ignore_parens| cannot be used since the characters are already 
% tokenized, but one can do something similar with an |\edef| since one 
% does not have to worry about the PL files containing material which 
% expands in an undesirable way.
% The |\line_stop| is so that linebreaks in the parenthesis being 
% gobbled will not cause total havok (although the parenthesis won't be 
% gobbled completely). It inserts end-of-group tokens until the |\edef| 
% is terminated, and then the |\afterassignment| token will close the 
% group and restore the normal definition.

%    \end{macrocode}
   \expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\def 
      \csname string-\sign \expandafter\endcsname 

\newdimen\hundred_pt  \hundred_pt=100pt

% Convert a PL int to a \TeX{} int, assuming it's prefixed
% by |C|, |D|, |O|, or |H|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \sign \ifx#1C `#2
   \else\ifx#1D #2
   \else\ifx#1O '#2
   \else\ifx#1H "#2
   \else -1\errmessage{Unknown~PL~number~prefix~`#1'}
%    \end{macrocode}

%    \begin{macrocode}
\pl_def_p{NEXTLARGER}(#1~#2){\advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \pl_let{CHECKSUM}{VTITLE} 
% % Not really a string, but unsigned numbers can become too large for TeX.
% Commented out since checksums vary too much.
\pl_def_p{FONTAT}(R~#1){\advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#1}}
   \advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#1}
   \advance \second_dimen \pl_real{#2}
%    \end{macrocode}


   \advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}
   \advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#3}





   \ifx \a_macro\boundarychar_name
      \def\a_macro{\csname pl-LABEL(i\endcsname #1~}
   \advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}
   \advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}
   \advance \second_integer \pl_int{#3}{#4}


% \def\pl_lig#1~#2~#3~#4~#5~{
%    \x_cs\def{string-\sign}{#1}
% \def\LIG#1~{
%    \if\ifx #1C 0
%       \else\ifx #1D 0
%       \else\ifx #1H 0
%       \else\ifx #1O 0 \else 1\fi\fi\fi\fi 0
%    % then
%       \expandafter\both_of_two
%    \else
%       \expandafter\first_of_two
%    \fi{\pl_lig LIG}{~}#1~
% }
% \def\/{\pl_lig/}


   \advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}
   \advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#1}
   \advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#1}
   \advance \first_dimen \pl_real{#1}


\pl_def_s{MAPFONT}(#1~#2){\advance \first_integer \pl_int{#1}{#2}}

%    \begin{macrocode}
\catcode`\ =\spacecatcode
%    \end{macrocode}