%% Please see the file LICENCE-wsuipa.txt for licensing information.
%% This is file `ipa.sty' 
%% Adapted from ipamacs.tex by D. Roegel (roegel@loria.fr)
%% and Andrej Brodnik (abrodnik@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca)                
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
\def\docdate {1994/07/16}
\ProvidesPackage{ipa}[1994/07/16 IPA macros package]
%% The following macro is necessary to place an accent over the
%% character definitions below. For example, you should say:
%%                \diatop[\^|\openo]
% \diatop is a slightly modified version of Christina Thiele's one.
% [From {\em TeX Users Group Eighth Annual: Conference Proceedings}
% Meeting, Seattle, August 24-26, 1987,  TeXniques no. 5, (Providence,
% 1988), p.11.]
    {\setbox1=\hbox{#1{}}% diacritic mark
     \setbox2=\hbox{#2{}}%  letter (the group {} in case it is a diacritic)
     \dimen0=\ifdim\wd1>\wd2\wd1\else\wd2\fi% compute the max width
        % the `natural height' of diacritics is 1ex; 
        % \dimen1 is the shift upwards
        % center the diacritic mark on the width of the letter:
     \setbox1=\hbox to\dimen0{\hss#1{}\hss}% 
     \leavevmode % force horizontal mode
     \rlap{\raise\dimen1\box1}% the raised diacritic mark
     \hbox to\dimen0{\hss#2\hss}% the letter

    {\setbox1=\hbox{#1{}}% diacritic mark
     \setbox2=\hbox{#2{}}% letter (the group {} in case it is a diacritic)
     \dimen0=\ifdim\wd1>\wd2\wd1\else\wd2\fi% compute the max width
        % \dimen1 is the shift downwards
        % center the diacritic mark on the width of the letter:
     \setbox1=\hbox to\dimen0{\hss#1{}\hss}%
     \leavevmode % force horizontal mode
     \rlap{\lower\dimen1\box1}% the lowered diacritic mark
     \hbox to\dimen0{\hss#2\hss}% the letter

%% As an alternative, you could uncomment the following two lines:
%% \catcode`"=\active
%% \def"#1#2{\diatop[#1|#2]}
%% And then you could place an accent over the ipa character by
%% calling the macro " which itself calls \diatop. For example, you
%% would say:
%%               "\^\openo
%% or even you could uncomment the following two lines:
%% \catcode`_=\active
%% \def_#1#2{\diaunder[#1|#2]}
%% And then you could place an accent under the ipa character by
%% calling the macro _ which itself calls \diaunder. For example, you
%% would say:
%%               _\open{r}

%%  THE FOLLOWING macros access the IPA chars from the WSU IPA font

% Decimal numbers were used rather than octal or hexadecimal
% numbers, in order to be sure than it worked everywhere,
% especially with the french package where
% quotes can be active. 

%% A-type shapes:
\def\inva{{\ipa\symbol{0}}}%         '000
\def\scripta{{\ipa\symbol{1}}}%      '001
\def\nialpha{{\ipa\symbol{2}}}%      '002
\def\invscripta{{\ipa\symbol{3}}}%   '003
\def\invv{{\ipa\symbol{4}}}%         '004
%% B-type shapes:
\def\crossb{{\ipa\symbol{5}}}%       '005
\def\barb{{\ipa\symbol{6}}}%         '006
\def\slashb{{\ipa\symbol{7}}}%       '007
\def\hookb{{\ipa\symbol{8}}}%        '010
\def\nibeta{{\ipa\symbol{9}}}%       '011
%% C-type shapes:
\def\slashc{{\ipa\symbol{10}}}%      '012
\def\curlyc{{\ipa\symbol{11}}}%      '013
\def\clickc{{\ipa\symbol{12}}}%      '014
%% D-type shapes:
\def\crossd{{\ipa\symbol{13}}}%      '015
\def\bard{{\ipa\symbol{14}}}%        '016
\def\slashd{{\ipa\symbol{15}}}%      '017
\def\hookd{{\ipa\symbol{16}}}%       '020
\def\taild{{\ipa\symbol{17}}}%       '021
\def\dz{{\ipa\symbol{18}}}%          '022
\def\eth{{\ipa\symbol{19}}}%         '023
\def\scd{{\ipa\symbol{20}}}%         '024
%% E-type shapes:
\def\schwa{{\ipa\symbol{21}}}%       '025
\def\er{{\ipa\symbol{22}}}%          '026
\def\reve{{\ipa\symbol{23}}}%        '027
\def\niepsilon{{\ipa\symbol{24}}}%   '030
\def\revepsilon{{\ipa\symbol{25}}}%  '031
\def\hookrevepsilon{{\ipa\symbol{26}}}% '032
\def\closedrevepsilon{{\ipa\symbol{27}}}% '033
%% G-type shapes:
\def\scriptg{{\ipa\symbol{28}}}%     '034
\def\hookg{{\ipa\symbol{29}}}%       '035
\def\scg{{\ipa\symbol{30}}}%         '036
\def\nigamma{{\ipa\symbol{31}}}%     '037
\def\ipagamma{{\ipa\symbol{32}}}%    '040
\def\babygamma{{\ipa\symbol{33}}}%   '041
%% H-type shapes:
\def\hv{{\ipa\symbol{34}}}%          '042
\def\crossh{{\ipa\symbol{35}}}%      '043
\def\hookh{{\ipa\symbol{36}}}%       '044
\def\hookheng{{\ipa\symbol{37}}}%    '045
\def\invh{{\ipa\symbol{38}}}%        '046
%% I-type shapes:
\def\bari{{\ipa\symbol{39}}}%        '047
\def\dlbari{{\ipa\symbol{40}}}%      '050  ``dotless bar i''
\def\niiota{{\ipa\symbol{41}}}%      '051
\def\sci{{\ipa\symbol{42}}}%         '052
\def\barsci{{\ipa\symbol{43}}}%      '053 ``barred small cap i''
%% J-type shape:
\def\invf{{\ipa\symbol{44}}}%        '054
%% L-type shapes:
\def\tildel{{\ipa\symbol{45}}}%      '055
\def\barl{{\ipa\symbol{46}}}%        '056
\def\latfric{{\ipa\symbol{47}}}%     '057
\def\taill{{\ipa\symbol{48}}}%       '060
\def\lz{{\ipa\symbol{49}}}%          '061
\def\nilambda{{\ipa\symbol{50}}}%    '062
\def\crossnilambda{{\ipa\symbol{51}}}% '063
%% M-type shapes:
\def\invm{{\ipa\symbol{53}}}%        '065
\def\legm{{\ipa\symbol{54}}}%        '066
%% N-type shapes:
\def\nj{{\ipa\symbol{55}}}%          '067
\def\eng{{\ipa\symbol{56}}}%         '070
\def\tailn{{\ipa\symbol{57}}}%       '071
\def\scn{{\ipa\symbol{58}}}%         '072
%% O-type shapes:
\def\clickb{{\ipa\symbol{59}}}%      '073
\def\baro{{\ipa\symbol{60}}}%        '074
\def\openo{{\ipa\symbol{61}}}%       '075
\def\niomega{{\ipa\symbol{62}}}%     '076
\def\closedniomega{{\ipa\symbol{63}}}% '077
\def\oo{{\ipa\symbol{64}}}%          '100
%% P-type shapes:
\def\barp{{\ipa\symbol{65}}}%        '101
\def\thorn{{\ipa\symbol{66}}}%       '102
\def\niphi{{\ipa\symbol{67}}}%       '103
%% R-type shapes:
\def\flapr{{\ipa\symbol{68}}}%       '104
\def\legr{{\ipa\symbol{69}}}%        '105
\def\tailr{{\ipa\symbol{70}}}%       '106
\def\invr{{\ipa\symbol{71}}}%        '107
\def\tailinvr{{\ipa\symbol{72}}}%    '110
\def\invlegr{{\ipa\symbol{73}}}%     '111
\def\scr{{\ipa\symbol{74}}}%         '112
\def\invscr{{\ipa\symbol{75}}}%      '113
%% S-type shapes:
\def\tails{{\ipa\symbol{76}}}%       '114
\def\esh{{\ipa\symbol{77}}}%         '115
\def\curlyesh{{\ipa\symbol{78}}}%    '116
\def\nisigma{{\ipa\symbol{79}}}%     '117
%% T-type shapes:
\def\tailt{{\ipa\symbol{80}}}%       '120
\def\tesh{{\ipa\symbol{81}}}%        '121
\def\clickt{{\ipa\symbol{82}}}%      '122
\def\nitheta{{\ipa\symbol{83}}}%     '123
%% U-type shapes:
\def\baru{{\ipa\symbol{84}}}%        '124
\def\slashu{{\ipa\symbol{85}}}%      '125
\def\niupsilon{{\ipa\symbol{86}}}%   '126
\def\scu{{\ipa\symbol{87}}}%         '127
\def\barscu{{\ipa\symbol{88}}}%      '130 
%% V-type shape:
\def\scriptv{{\ipa\symbol{89}}}%     '131
%% W-type shape:
\def\invw{{\ipa\symbol{90}}}%        '132
%% X-type shape:
\def\nichi{{\ipa\symbol{91}}}%       '133
%% Y-type shapes:
\def\invy{{\ipa\symbol{92}}}%        '134
\def\scy{{\ipa\symbol{93}}}%         '135
%% Z-type shapes:
\def\curlyz{{\ipa\symbol{94}}}%      '136
\def\tailz{{\ipa\symbol{95}}}%       '137
\def\yogh{{\ipa\symbol{96}}}%        '140
\def\curlyyogh{{\ipa\symbol{97}}}%   '141
%% ?-type shapes:
\def\glotstop{{\ipa\symbol{98}}}%    '142
\def\revglotstop{{\ipa\symbol{99}}}% '143
\def\ejective{{\ipa\symbol{101}}}%   '145
\def\reveject{{\ipa\symbol{102}}}%   '146
%% AND that should be it, as far as actual characters go.
%% THE following is the set of diacritics. Please try to get
%% the 4 t-bars lined up above the 4 pointers, so you may
%% have to reshuffle things a bit. Not to worry too much. I
%% think the diacritics can be grouped more according to
%% shape, so comma-like things are together, etc.
          \hidewidth{\ipa\symbol{103}}\hidewidth}}% '147
\def\upt{{\ipa\symbol{108}}}%        '154  These are IPA pointers
\def\downt{{\ipa\symbol{109}}}%      '155
\def\leftt{{\ipa\symbol{110}}}%      '156
\def\rightt{{\ipa\symbol{111}}}%     '157
         %  These are American versions of t-bars
\def\upp{{\ipa\symbol{116}}}%        '164
\def\downp{{\ipa\symbol{117}}}%      '165
\def\leftp{{\ipa\symbol{118}}}%      '166
\def\rightp{{\ipa\symbol{119}}}%     '167
\def\stress{{\ipa\symbol{104}}}%     '150    primary stress
\def\secstress{{\ipa\symbol{105}}}%  '151  secondary stress
\def\syllabic{{\ipa\symbol{106}}}%   '152    syllabic marker
\def\corner{{\ipa\symbol{107}}}%     '153
         % American equivalent: raised dot
\def\halflength{{\ipa\symbol{112}}}% '160
         %     American equivalent: colon
\def\length{{\ipa\symbol{113}}}%     '161
\def\underdots{{\ipa\symbol{114}}}%  '162
         %       ``reversed apostrophe'', p. 216
\def\ain{{\ipa\symbol{115}}}%        '163
\def\overring{{\ipa\symbol{120}}}%   '170
\def\underring{{\ipa\symbol{121}}}%  '171
\def\open{{\ipa\symbol{122}}}%       '172
\def\midtilde{{\ipa\symbol{123}}}%   '173
\def\undertilde{{\ipa\symbol{124}}}% '174
\def\underwedge{{\ipa\symbol{125}}}% '175
\def\polishhook{{\ipa\symbol{126}}}% '176
          \hidewidth{\ipa\symbol{127}}\hidewidth}}% '177
%% AND that's it for the diacritics.

%% End of file `ipa.sty'.