%%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package.
%%% draw write_preamble write_postamble find_BB set_BB fill_C draw_C
%%% draw fix_fill_cmyk fix_draw_cmyk roex_default
% RO-04.MF, ``EOFILL'':
%  Removing overlaps performed in two stages: first stage removes overlaps
%  using even-odd filling rule, the second stage restores default meanings
%  of |good_colors| and |touch_path| and performs ``traditional'' removing
%  overlaps on the result of stage 1 and a positively oriented rectangle.
% ---
input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1;
% ---
 path A,B,C,D,E,F;
 A=fullcircle scaled 1w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
 B=fullcircle scaled 4/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
 C=fullcircle scaled 3/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
 D=fullcircle scaled 2/5w shifted (1/2w,1/2h);
 E=unitsquare xscaled 1/5w yscaled 9/10h shifted (2/5w,1/20h);
 F=unitsquare xscaled 7/5w yscaled 1/5h shifted (-1/5w,2/5h);
% STAGE 1: remove overlaps for |A|, |B|, |C|, |D| and |E| using
% the `eofill' rule (the re-definition of |touch_path| is superfluous here,
% but recommended in a general case):
 vardef good_colors(expr i,o) = odd(i) and odd(o+1) enddef;
 vardef touch_path(expr p) = pos_turn(p) enddef;
 remove_overlap (A,B,C,D,E) () R;
% STAGE 2: remove overlaps for |F| and the paths resulting from the stage 1:
 roex_default good_colors, touch_path;
 remove_overlap (F,make_list(1,R.num) R) () R;
 find_BB make_list(1,R.num) R;
 write_preamble jobname;
 fix_fill_cmyk 0,0,0,1/10;
 fill_C make_list(1,R.num) R;
 for i:=1 upto R.num:
  fix_draw_cmyk if check_turn(R[i])>0: 0,1,1,0 else: 1,1,0,0 fi;
  draw_C R[i];
  if proofing>0:
   for j:=0 upto length(R[i])-1:
    makelabel(decimal(j) & "/" & decimal(i),point j of R[i]);