%%%% %%%% This file belongs to the ROEX package. %%%% %%% draw find_BB fill_C fix_fill_cmyk write_preamble write_postamble %%% length cycle join %%% / // % ROES-04.MF, ``STAR FLOWERS'': % An example of removing overlaps of a single self-intersecting curve; % the sample curves (separate EPS files are generated for different % curves) are based upon a regular star polygon backbone; % the first curve is just such a polygon, the remaining two are % smooth variations (observe setting |epsil.time:=1/500| in the third case); % after removing overlaps objects are repositioned in such a way that % the lower left corner of the bounding box coincides with the origin % of coordinate system. %%%% %% % an innocent formatting trick: the underscore character ending a name %% % will be typeset as an superscript asterisk %% \let\oriunderscore\_ %% \newif\ifbgroupopen\bgroupopenfalse %% \def\altdblbackslash#1{\bgroup\bgroupopentrue\it#1} %% \def\optegroup{\ifbgroupopen\egroup\fi} %% \def\underscoreasasterisk#1{% %% \ifx#1\relax\optegroup^*\else\oriunderscore#1\fi} %% \def\\#1{% %% \let\_\underscoreasasterisk %% \altdblbackslash{#1\relax}\optegroup %% \let\_\oriunderscore} % --- input mftoeps; eps_mode_setup; input roex; tracingremoving:=1; max_idx:=500; % better increase the default value % --- primarydef i // n = (if n=0: 0 else: i/n fi) % why not to divide by 0? enddef; % --- h#=1in#; w#=1in#; % --- beginchar("0",w#,h#,0); pickup pencircle scaled 1; for case:=0,1,2: path p, V[\\][\\]; pair R; save x,y; numeric N, K, A, twirl; twirl:=180; % star polygons should fullfil |GCC(K,N)=1|, |1<K<N/2| % (|N| is the number of nodes, |K| is a `leap') if case=0: % A N=9; K=4; def join = -- enddef; twirl:=0; elseif case=1: % B N=7; K=2; def join = .. tension 3 .. enddef; elseif case=2: % C N=13; K=4; def join = .. tension 3 .. enddef; epsil.time:=1/500; fi A=180-(360/N)*K; R=1in*right; z0=origin; for i:=1 upto N-1: z[i]=z[i-1]+R; R:=R rotated (180-A); endfor p:=z0 for i:=1 upto N-1: join z[i] endfor join cycle; if twirl<>0: p:=z0{(direction 0 of p) rotated twirl} for i:=1 upto N-1: join {(direction i of p) rotated twirl}z[i] endfor join cycle; fi remove_overlap (p)()R; % dummy recombining col_min:=infinity; col_max:=-infinity; for i:=-EDGE_.num upto EDGE_.num: if i<>0: col_min:=min(EDGE_.col[i],col_min); col_max:=max(EDGE_.col[i],col_max); fi endfor; find_BB p; for k:=col_min upto col_max: if k<>0: vardef good_colors(expr i,j) = (i=k) enddef; message "recombine_edges: color=" & decimal(k); recombine_edges(V[k]); for l:=1 upto V[k]num: V[k][l]:=V[k][l] shifted -llxy; endfor fi endfor; xh_crd:=xh_crd-xl_crd; xl_crd:=0; yh_crd:=yh_crd-yl_crd; yl_crd:=0; write_preamble jobname & char(ASCII("a")+case); for k:=col_min upto col_max: if k<>0: if V[k]num>0: if k>0: fix_fill_cmyk 0,3/4(((k-1)//(col_max-1))**1/2)[1,0],1,0; else: fix_fill_cmyk 3/4(((1+k)//(1+col_min))**1/2)[1,0],1,0,0; fi fill_C make_list(1,V[k]num)V[k]; fi fi endfor % |for k| write_postamble; endfor % |for case| endchar; % --- end. %%\end