THIS DIRECTORY contains a Makefile and test files for the MetaPost
output of dpic, resulting in a .dvi file and then a .ps file.

1.  On a Unix-like system, typing "make" processes the examples file
  and the diagrams it includes to produce  Each diagram is
  passed through m4, dpic, and MetaPost, and then is imported into
  examplesmpost.tex by the \includegraphics macro.  On MikTeX, check the MKDIM
  definition in the Makefile before typing "make".
  The current version truncates the input near the end to avoid
  a "Tex capacity exceeded error".

2.  To work on a single file, copy the source into test.m4 in this directory
  and type make tst.  The files test.pic,, test.1, tst.dvi, and
  will be created.