% CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
% Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Paolo Brasolin <paolo.brasolin@gmail.com>
% SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
% This file is part of CoDi 1.1.2, released on 2024/04/22 under MIT license.


\PackageWarningNoLine{kodi}{this package is only a compatibility layer
to help you migrate from 'kodi' to 'commutative-diagrams'. It is NOT
intended for production use. Please solve all other warnings and then
switch to 'commutative-diagrams'}

% TikZ keys: /kodi/**/* -> /codi/**/*

        \PackageWarning{kodi}{automatically remapped key '\pgfkeyscurrentkey'
        to key '\tmp'. Please switch to the latter}
        % NOTE: this is the default /handlers/.unknown/.code
        \def\pgf@marshal{\pgfkeysvalueof{/errors/unknown key/.@cmd}}%

% TikZ key: /tikz/kodi -> /tikz/codi

    \PackageWarning{kodi}{automatically remapped key '/tikz/kodi'
    to key '/tikz/codi'. Please switch to the latter}%

% Environment: kodi -> codi

  \PackageWarning{kodi}{automatically remapped environment 'kodi'
  to environment 'codi'. Please switch to the latter}%
