% Start of pgf-umlsd.sty
% Some macros for UML Sequence Diagrams.
% Home page of project: http://pgf-umlsd.googlecode.com/
% Author: Xu Yuan <xuyuan.cn@gmail.com>, Southeast University, China
% Contributor: Nobel Huang <nobel1984@gmail.com>, Southeast University, China
% History:
% v0.7 2012/03/05
%      - unify interface of call and callself
%      - non-instantaneous message
%      - bugfix: conflits with tikz library backgrounds
% v0.6 2011/07/27
%      - Fix Issue 6 reported by frankmorgner@gmail.com
%        - diagram without a thread
%        - allows empty diagram
%      - New manual
% v0.5 2009/09/30 Fix Issue 2 reported by vlado.handziski
%      - Nested callself is supported
%      - Rename sdloop and sdframe to sdblock
% v0.4 2008/12/08  Fix Issue 1 reported by MathStuf:
%      Nested sdloop environment hides outer loop
% v0.3 2008/11/10 in Berlin, fix for the PGF cvs version:
%      - the list items in \foreach are not evaluated by default now,
%      the `evaluate' opinion should be used
% v0.2 2008/03/20 create project at http://pgf-umlsd.googlecode.com/
%      - use `shadows' library
%      Thanks for Dr. Ludger Humbert's <humbert@uni-wuppertal.de> feedback!
%      - reduce the parameter numbers, the user can write the content
%      of instance (such as no colon)
%      - the user can redefine the `inststyle'
%      - new option: switch underlining of the instance text
%      - new option: switch rounded corners
% v0.1 2008/01/25 first release at http://www.fauskes.net/pgftikzexamples/

\ProvidesPackage{pgf-umlsd}[2011/07/27 v0.6 Some LaTeX macros for UML
Sequence Diagrams.]



% Options
% ? the instance name under line ?
% ? the instance box with rounded corners ?

% new counters
\newcounter{seqlevel} % level

% new an instance
% Example:
% \newinst[edge distance]{var}{name:class}
  \path (inst\thepreinst.east)+(#1,0) node[inststyle] (inst\theinstnum)
  \path (inst\theinstnum)+(0,-0.5*\unitfactor) node (#2) {};

% new an instance thread
% Example:
% \newinst[color]{var}{name}{class}
  \node[below of=inst\theinstnum,node distance=0.8cm] (thread\thethreadnum) {};

% draw running (thick) line, should not call directly
    \draw[threadstyle] (#1.west) -- (#1.east) -- (#2.east) -- (#2.west) -- cycle;

% a function call
% Example:
% \begin{call}[height]{caller}{function}{callee}{return}
% \end{call}

% function call to another instance
% interal use only
  \stepcounter{callevel} % push
  (#2)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (cf\thecallevel) {}
  (#4.\threadbias)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (ct\thecallevel) {};
  \draw[->,>=triangle 60] ({cf\thecallevel}) -- (ct\thecallevel)
  node[midway, above] {#3};
  (\f\thecallevel)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (rf\thecallevel) {}
  (\t\thecallevel.\threadbias)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (rt\thecallevel) {};
  \draw[dashed,->,>=angle 60] ({rt\thecallevel}) -- (rf\thecallevel)
  node[midway, above]{\returnvalue};
  \addtocounter{callevel}{-1} % pop

% a function do not need call others
% interal use only
% Example:
% \begin{callself}[height]{caller}{function}{return}
% \end{callself}
  \stepcounter{callevel} % push

  (#2)+(\thecallselflevel*0.1-0.1,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (sc\thecallevel) {}
  ({sc\thecallevel}.east)+(0,-0.33*\unitfactor) node (scb\thecallevel) {};

  \draw[->,>=triangle 60] ({sc\thecallevel}.east) -- ++(0.8,0)
  node[near start, above right] {#3} -- ++(0,-0.33*\unitfactor)
  -- (scb\thecallevel); 
  \path (\f\thecallevel)+(\thecallselflevel*0.1-0.1,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.33*\unitfactor) node
  (sct\thecallevel) {};

  \draw[dashed,->,>=angle 60] ({sct\thecallevel}.east) node
  (sce\thecallevel) {} -- ++(0.8,0) -- node[midway, right]{\returnvalue} ++(0,-0.33*\unitfactor) -- ++(-0.8,0);
  \addtocounter{callevel}{-1} % pop

% message between threads
% Example:
% \mess[delay]{sender}{message content}{receiver}
  (#2)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (mess from) {};
  (#4)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (mess to) {};
  \draw[->,>=angle 60] (mess from) -- (mess to) node[midway, above]

  \node (#3 from) at (mess from) {};
  \node (#3 to) at (mess to) {};

  \stepcounter{callevel} % push
  (#2)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (cf\thecallevel) {}
  (#4.\threadbias)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (ct\thecallevel) {};
  \draw[->,>=angle 60] ({cf\thecallevel}) -- (ct\thecallevel)
  node[midway, above] {#3};
  (\f\thecallevel)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.7*\unitfactor) node (rf\thecallevel) {}
  (\t\thecallevel.\threadbias)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.3*\unitfactor) node (rt\thecallevel) {};
  \addtocounter{callevel}{-1} % pop

% In the situation of multi-threads, some objects are called at the
% same time. Currently, we have to adjust the bias of thread line
% manually. Possible parameters are: center, west, east

% This function makes the call earlier.

% This function makes the call later.

% a block box with caption
% \begin{sdblock}[caption background color]{caption}{comments}
% \end{sdblock}
  \stepcounter{blocklevel} % push
  \coordinate (blockbeg\theblocklevel) at (0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-\unitfactor);
  \coordinate (blockend) at (0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-2*\unitfactor);
  \path (current bounding box.east)+(0.2,0) node (boxeast) {}
  (current bounding box.west |- {blockbeg\theblocklevel}) + (-0.2,0)
  node (nw) {};
  \path (boxeast |- blockend) node (se) {};

  % % title
  \node[blockstyle] (blocktitle) at (nw) {\blockname\theblocklevel};
  \path (blocktitle.south east) + (0,0.2) node (set) {}
  (blocktitle.south east) + (-0.2,0) node (seb) {}
  (blocktitle.north east) + (0.2,0) node (comm) {};
  \draw[fill=\blockcolor\theblocklevel] (blocktitle.north west) -- (blocktitle.north east) --
  (set.center) -- (seb.center) -- (blocktitle.south west) -- cycle;
  \node[blockstyle] (blocktitle) at (nw) {\blockname\theblocklevel};
  \node[blockcommentstyle] (blockcomment) at (comm) {\blockcomm\theblocklevel};

  \coordinate (se) at (current bounding box.south east);

  \draw (se) rectangle (nw);

  \addtocounter{blocklevel}{-1} % pop

% the environment of sequence diagram
  % declare layers

    \tikzstyle{inststyle}=[rectangle, draw, anchor=west, minimum
    height=0.8cm, minimum width=1.6cm, fill=white, 
    drop shadow={opacity=1,fill=black}]
    \tikzstyle{inststyle}+=[rounded corners=3mm]
    \tikzstyle{blockstyle}=[anchor=north west]
    \tikzstyle{blockcommentstyle}=[anchor=north west, font=\small]
    \tikzstyle{dot}=[inner sep=0pt,fill=black,circle,minimum size=0.2pt]
    % reset counters

    % origin
    \node[coordinate] (inst0) {};
    \ifnum\c@instnum > 0
    \foreach \t [evaluate=\t] in {1,...,\theinstnum}{
      \draw[dotted] (inst\t) -- ++(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-2.2*\unitfactor);
    \ifnum\c@threadnum > 0
    \foreach \t [evaluate=\t] in {1,...,\thethreadnum}{
      \path (thread\t)+(0,-\theseqlevel*\unitfactor-0.1*\unitfactor) node (threadend) {};

%%% End of pgf-umlsd.sty