The tikz library optics is designed to easily draw optical setups with tikz. It provides shapes for lens, mirror, etc. The geometrically (in)correct computation of light rays through the setup is left to the user. When installed, the library can then be loaded through the command `\usetikzlibrary{optics}` in any tex file. To install it, the file `tikzlibraryoptics.code.tex` should be placed wherever TeX can find it, for example in your `TEXMFHOME` folder (see the documentation for details). Alternatively, you can directly `\input` it in your tex file.

The library is subject to either the LaTeX Project Public Li��cense (LPPL 1.3) or the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL 2). 
The documentation is subject toeither the LaTeX Project Public Li��cense (LPPL 1.3) or the GNU Free Documentation License (GNU FDL 1.3).