% -----------------------------------------------------------
% This is TikZ Osci package
% It allows you to produce oscilloscope "screen shots".
% It is based on TikZ and pgfplots and is a replacement can-
% didate to the pstricks pst-osci package which is not main-
% tained anymore.
% Author: Thibault Giauffret
% Date: 2023/10/24
% Version: 0.4.0
% Licence : Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txtf
% Not an expert... Just doing it for fun.
% -----------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesPackage{tikz-osci}[2023/10/24 0.4.0 Tikz Osci package]

% Required packages

% Raised text

% The main command

  % Init the keys and get the values and add the user's values
    scale/.store in=\scale,
    rounded corners/.store in=\roundedCorners,
    rounded corners=10,
    second channel/.store in=\secondChannel,
    second channel=0,
    screen offset one/.store in=\screenOffsetOne,
    screen offset one=0,
    screen offset two/.store in=\screenOffsetTwo,
    screen offset two=-0,
    time div/.store in=\timeDiv,
    time div=20,
    voltage div one/.store in=\voltageDivOne,
    voltage div one=1,
    voltage div two/.store in=\voltageDivTwo,
    voltage div two=1,
    sample rate/.store in=\sampleRate,
    sample rate=200,
    xy mode/.store in=\xyMode,
    xy mode=0,
    math mode/.store in=\mathMode,
    math mode=0,
    math mode hide source/.store in=\mathModeHideSource,
    math mode hide source=0,
    func one/.store in=\funcOne,
    func one=2*sin(2*180/0.020*x),
    func two/.store in=\funcTwo,
    func two=0.6*sin(2*180/0.020*x)+0.2*sin(2*180/0.040*x),
    indicators/.store in=\indicators,
    vertical cursor one/.store in=\verticalCursorOne,
    vertical cursor one=false,
    vertical cursor two/.store in=\verticalCursorTwo,
    vertical cursor two=false,
    horizontal cursor one/.store in=\horizontalCursorOne,
    horizontal cursor one=false,
    horizontal cursor two/.store in=\horizontalCursorTwo,
    horizontal cursor two=false,
    cursor precision/.store in=\cursorPrecision,
    cursor precision=1,
    color one/.store in=\colorOne,
    color one=D62626,
    color text one/.store in=\colorTextOne,
    color text one=FFFFFF,
    color two/.store in=\colorTwo,
    color two=1053AF,
    color text two/.store in=\colorTextTwo,
    color text two=FFFFFF,
    color three/.store in=\colorThree,
    color three=2E8B73,
    color text three/.store in=\colorTextThree,
    color text three=FFFFFF,
    graph back color/.store in=\graphBackColor,
    graph back color=FFFFFF,
    info back color/.store in=\infoBackColor,
    info back color=D6D6D6,
    info text color/.store in=\infoTextColor,
    info text color=000000,
    main axis color/.store in=\mainAxisColor,
    main axis color=000000,
    grid color/.store in=\gridColor,
    grid color=AAAAAA,
    horizontal cursor color/.store in=\horizontalCursorColor,
    horizontal cursor color=FFA500,
    vertical cursor color/.store in=\verticalCursorColor,
    vertical cursor color=800080,
    smooth one/.store in=\smoothOne,
    smooth one=0,
    smooth two/.store in=\smoothTwo,
    smooth two=0,
    smooth three/.store in=\smoothThree,
    smooth three=0,

  % Set the scale of the picture
    % Begin the picture

      % Set the colors

      % Draw the info box
      \draw[black,thick, fill= infoBackColor]
      (0,0) --
      ++(10,0) {[rounded corners=\roundedCorners] --
        ++(0,-1.5) --
        ++(-10,0)} --

      % Add time/div label
      \draw (5,-0.15) node[anchor=north, color= infoTextColor] {\timeDiv\ ms/div};

      % Test if smoothOne is enabled
        % set \smoothOne to smooth
        % set \smoothOne to empty

      % Test if smoothTwo is enabled
        % set \smoothTwo to smooth
        % set \smoothTwo to empty

      % Test if smoothThree is enabled
        % set \smoothThree to smooth
        % set \smoothThree to empty

      % Add XY mode indicator
      % Lissajou mode

        \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
        \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextThree] {XY mode};


        % Add mode

          \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
          \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextThree] {Add};


          % Substract mode

            \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
            \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextThree] {Substract};


            % Multiply mode

              \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
              \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextThree] {Multiply};


              % Divide mode

                \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
                \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextThree] {Divide};


      % Add voltage/div label for the first channel
      \draw[firstcolor,fill=firstcolor] (0.5,-0.15) rectangle (1.5,-0.6);
      \draw (1,-0.1) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextOne] {CH1};
      \draw (1,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color= infoTextColor] {\voltageDivOne\ V/div};

      % Add voltage/div label for the second channel
        \draw[secondcolor,fill=secondcolor] (8.5,-0.15) rectangle (9.5,-0.6);
        \draw (9,-0.1) node[anchor=north, color=colorTextTwo]{CH2};
        \draw (9,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color= infoTextColor] {\voltageDivTwo\ V/div};

      % Draw the oscilloscope screen border
      \draw[black,thick, fill= graphbackcolor]
      (0,0) --
      ++(10,0) {[rounded corners=\roundedCorners] --
        ++(0,8) --
        ++(-10,0)} --

      % Draw the oscilloscope screen graduations

        % Remove the border
        \clip (0.05,0.05) rectangle (9.95,7.95);

        \begin{axis}[xmin=-5*(\timeDiv/1000), xmax=5*(\timeDiv/1000), ymin=-4, ymax=4, xtick distance = \timeDiv/1000,
            axis x line=middle, axis y line=middle,
            axis line style={-},
            % Draw major grid
            % Add sub ticks for the x axis
            minor tick num=4,
            % Remove minor grid
            minor grid style={line width=0pt, draw=white, draw opacity=0},
            major grid style={thick,dashed,draw=gridColor},
            every major tick/.append style={very thick, major tick length=6pt, color=mainAxisColor},
            every minor tick/.append style={thick, minor tick length=4pt, color=mainAxisColor},

          % Change plot width
          \pgfplotsset{width=11.58cm, height=9.58cm}
          % Change tick label style
          \pgfplotsset{ every non boxed x axis/.append style={x axis line style=-},
            every non boxed y axis/.append style={y axis line style=-}}

          % Lissajous mode
              samples=200,very thick,color=thirdcolor, \smoothThree]
            \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
            \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=white] {XY mode};


            % Show source signals
              % Draw each channel separately
              % First channel plot
              \addplot[color=firstcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000),samples=\sampleRate,\smoothOne]{(\funcOne)/\voltageDivOne+\screenOffsetOne};

              % If the second channel is enabled, draw it
                % Draw the second channel
                \addplot[color=secondcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000), samples=\sampleRate,\smoothTwo]{(\funcTwo)/\voltageDivTwo+\screenOffsetTwo};


            % Add mode
              \addplot[color=thirdcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000),
                smooth, samples=\sampleRate, \smoothThree]{(\funcOne)/\voltageDivOne + (\funcTwo)/\voltageDivTwo};


              % Substract mode
                \addplot[color=thirdcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000), samples=\sampleRate, \smoothThree]{(\funcOne)/\voltageDivOne - (\funcTwo)/\voltageDivTwo};
                \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
                \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=white] {Substract};


                % Multiply mode
                  \addplot[color=thirdcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000) ,samples=\sampleRate, \smoothThree]{(\funcOne)/\voltageDivOne * (\funcTwo)/\voltageDivTwo};
                  \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
                  \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=white] {Multiply};


                  % Divide mode
                    \addplot[color=thirdcolor,very thick,domain=-5*(\timeDiv/1000):5*(\timeDiv/1000), samples=\sampleRate, \smoothThree]{(\funcOne)/\voltageDivOne / (\funcTwo)/\voltageDivTwo};
                    \draw[thirdcolor,fill=thirdcolor] (4,-0.78) rectangle (6,-1.28);
                    \draw (5,-0.75) node[anchor=north, color=white] {Divide};


          % Show the channel indicators
            % Draw the first channel's screen marker
            \draw[firstcolor,fill=firstcolor] (0.4, \screenOffsetOne+4) -- (0, \screenOffsetOne+4+0.3) -- (0, \screenOffsetOne+4-0.3) -- cycle;
            \draw (-0.04, \screenOffsetOne+4) node[anchor=west, color=colorTextOne,font=\fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont] {1};

            % Draw the second channel's screen marker
              \draw[secondcolor,fill=secondcolor] (0.4, \screenOffsetTwo+4) -- (0, \screenOffsetTwo+4+0.3) -- (0, \screenOffsetTwo+4-0.3) -- cycle;
              \draw (-0.04, \screenOffsetTwo+4) node[anchor=west, color=colorTextTwo,font=\fontsize{8}{10}\selectfont] {2};

          % Draw the vertical cursors

          % Define the false value

          % Set the value of \verticalCursorOne

          % If the first vertical cursor is enabled
            % Draw the first vertical cursor with \verticalCursorOne value
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick,dashed] (\verticalCursorOne+5,0) -- (\verticalCursorOne+5,8);
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick,fill=verticalCursorColor] (\verticalCursorOne+5-0.25,7.5) rectangle (\verticalCursorOne+5+0.25,8);

            % Draw the indicator
            \draw[white,very thick] (\verticalCursorOne+5,7.45) node[anchor=south, color=white,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {A};

            % Draw the legend
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick] (0.25,0.5) node[anchor=west, color=verticalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurA \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\verticalCursorOneValue}\ ms}};

            % If the second vertical cursor is enabled
              % Draw the time difference between the two vertical cursors
              \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick] (0.25,1.5) node[anchor=west, color=verticalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurB - CurA \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\verticalCursorDiffValue}\ ms}};


          % Set the value of \verticalCursorTwo

          % If the second vertical cursor is enabled
            % Draw the second vertical cursor with \verticalCursorTwo value
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick,dashed] (\verticalCursorTwo+5,0) -- (\verticalCursorTwo+5,8);
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick,fill=verticalCursorColor] (\verticalCursorTwo+5-0.25,7.5) rectangle (\verticalCursorTwo+5+0.25,8);

            % Draw the indicator
            \draw[white,very thick] (\verticalCursorTwo+5,7.45) node[anchor=south, color=white,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {B};

            % Draw the legend
            \draw[verticalCursorColor,very thick] (0.25,1) node[anchor=west, color=verticalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurB \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\verticalCursorTwoValue}\ ms}};


          % Draw the horizontal cursors

          % Set the value of \horizontalCursorOne

          % If the first horizontal cursor is enabled
            % Draw the first horizontal cursor with \horizontalCursorOne value
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick,dashed] (0,\horizontalCursorOne+4) -- (10,\horizontalCursorOne+4);
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick,fill=horizontalCursorColor] (9.5,\horizontalCursorOne+4-0.25) rectangle (10.5,\horizontalCursorOne+4+0.25);
            % Draw the indicator
            \draw[white,very thick] (10,\horizontalCursorOne+4) node[anchor=east, color=white,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {A};

            % Draw the legend
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick] (5.25,0.5) node[anchor=west, color=horizontalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurA \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\horizontalCursorOneValue}\ V}};

            % If the second horizontal cursor is enabled
              % Draw the voltage difference between the two horizontal cursors
              \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick] (5.25,1.5) node[anchor=west, color=horizontalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurB - CurA \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\horizontalCursorDiffValue}\ V}};

          % Set the value of \horizontalCursorTwo

          % If the second horizontal cursor is enabled
            % Draw the second horizontal cursor with \horizontalCursorTwo value
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick,dashed] (0,\horizontalCursorTwo+4) -- (10,\horizontalCursorTwo+4);
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick,fill=horizontalCursorColor] (9.5,\horizontalCursorTwo+4-0.25) rectangle (10.5,\horizontalCursorTwo+4+0.25);

            % Draw the indicator
            \draw[white,very thick] (10,\horizontalCursorTwo+4) node[anchor=east, color=white,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {B};

            % Draw the legend
            \draw[horizontalCursorColor,very thick] (5.25,1) node[anchor=west, color=horizontalCursorColor,font=\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont] {\raisedtext{CurB \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=\cursorPrecision, assume math mode=true,fixed zerofill]{\horizontalCursorTwoValue}\ V}};


          % End xyMode test

