%    tikz-qtree-compat.tex
%    Version 1.1, 25 Dec 2009


\def\Tree{\automath \qtreeprimes@internal \orig@Tree}

\def\qsetw#1{\message{\noexpand\qsetw is not supported, sorry!}}
\def\faketreewidth#1{\message{\noexpand\faketreewidth is not supported, sorry!}}
\def\qbalance{\message{\noexpand\qbalance is not supported, sorry!}}
\def\qframesubtree{\message{\noexpand\qframesubtree is not supported, sorry!}}

% Implement \qroof as a fancy leaf node

% since we are putting the qroof inside a node, we already have an inner sep
% so for the purposes of defining our bounding box, we must eliminate inner sep
\node [inner sep=0pt] {\the\@qrooflabel};% 
\pgfusepath{use as bounding box}%
\node (qrooftop) {\the\@qrooflabel};
\draw \roof@edge{qrooftop}{qroofbot};%
\def\@@qroof#1{\expandafter\@qrooflabel\expandafter{\the\@qrooflabel #1}\@qroof}

%%% This is lifted straight from qtree.sty

% and another odd convenience:
% Make _, ^ go into math mode automatically in the scope of \automath
{ % Temporarily change catcodes 

\def\automath@two#1#2#3#4{\ensuremath{#1{#2}\relax #3{#4}}}
% Restore default catcodes for ^, _
\def\noautomath{\catcode`\_=8 \catcode`\^=7 }

% Let \0, \1, \2 produce ^0, $'$, $''$
% The \rlap results in better centering of the label (ignoring the
%  superscript)
  \def\0{\ifmmode ^0\else \rlap{$^0$}\fi}%
  \def\1{\ifmmode '\else \rlap{$'$}\fi}%
  \def\2{\ifmmode ''\else \rlap{$''$}\fi}%

% Same commands, but without the \rlap feature