% !TeX root = ./test.tex
% This is the TikZbricks package
% A package to draw bricks with tikz
% Maintained by samcarter
% Project repository and bug tracker:
% https://github.com/samcarter/TikZbricks
% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
\ProvidesPackage{tikzbricks}[2024/04/26 version v0.5 Drawing bricks with TikZ]


% setting a default viewpoint

% setting default values



% counter to dermine the position of a brick in a wall

% draw a standalone brick
% 1: optional argument
% 2: lenght
% 3: width

% draw a brick in a wall
% 1: optional argument
% 2: lenght
% 3: width

% envrinoment to arange the bricks in a wall
% 1: optional argument passed to the tikzpicture

  % Pass unknown keys on to tikz
  /brick/.search also={/tikz,/pgf},
  % brick options
  color/.code         = \def\brick@color{#1},
  color               = \brick@default@color,
  frontcolor/.code    = \def\brick@frontcolor{#1},
  frontcolor          = \brick@default@frontcolor,
  topcolor/.code      = \def\brick@topcolor{#1},
  topcolor            = \brick@default@topcolor,
  sidecolor/.code     = \def\brick@sidecolor{#1},
  sidecolor           = \brick@default@sidecolor,  
  studcolor/.code     = \def\brick@studcolor{#1},
  studcolor           = \brick@default@studcolor,    
  brickheight/.code   = \def\brick@height{#1},
  brickheight         = \brick@default@height,
  bricklength/.code   = \def\brick@length{#1},
  bricklength         = \brick@default@length,
  brickwidth/.code    = \def\brick@width{#1},
  brickwidth          = \brick@default@width,    
  studradius/.code    = \def\brick@radius{#1},
  studradius          = \brick@default@radius,
  studheight/.code    = \def\brick@studheight{#1},
  studheight          = \brick@default@studheight,
  studtext/.code      = \def\brick@text{#1},
  studtext            = \brick@default@text,

  % store the current scale factor
  % from https://github.com/samcarter/tikzlings/issues/3#issuecomment-461373494
  % Drawing the brick
    % Drawing faces
      % Right
        -- ++(0,0,\brick@height) 
        -- ++(0,\brick@width*#2,0) 
        -- ++(0,0,-\brick@height) 
        -- cycle;
      % Left
        -- ++(0,0,\brick@height) 
        -- ++(0,\brick@width*#2,0) 
        -- ++(0,0,-\brick@height) 
        -- cycle;       
      % Front
        -- ++(\brick@length*#1,0,0) 
        -- ++(0,0,\brick@height) 
        -- ++(-\brick@length*#1,0,0) 
        -- cycle;
      % Back   
        -- ++(\brick@length*#1,0,0) 
        -- ++(0,0,\brick@height) 
        -- ++(-\brick@length*#1,0,0) 
        -- cycle;

    % Top 
      -- ++(0,\brick@width*#2,0) 
      -- ++(\brick@length*#1,0,0) 
      -- +(0,-\brick@width*#2,0) 
      -- cycle;

    % Drawing studs
    \foreach \x in {1,...,#1}{
      \foreach \y in {1,...,#2}{
        % Bottom circle
          circle [radius=\brick@radius]; 
        % Rectangular stem
          ++(canvas cs:x=-\brick@radius/0.35*10) 
          -- ++(canvas cs:y=\brick@studheight*17.8) 
          -- ++(canvas cs:x=\brick@radius/0.35*20) 
          -- ++(canvas cs:y=-\brick@studheight*17.8);
        % Top circle with text
          ++(canvas cs:y=\brick@studheight*17.8) 
          circle [radius=\brick@radius] 
          node[\brick@color,scale=\scalingfactor*0.5, font=\sffamily] {\brick@text};
