# tikzcodeblocks

|Package:    | tikzcodeblocks ��� typesetting blockwise graphic programming languages|
|author:     |Adrian Salamon                                              |
|email:      |adriansalamon@gmail.com                                     |
|date:       |2020-04-06                                                  |
|licence:    |LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c                           |

## What is tikzcodeblocks?
tikzcodeblocks is a LaTeX package for typesetting blockwise graphic programming languages like scratch, nepo or pxt.

## How to use tikzcodeblocks?
Just load the package via  `\usepackage{tikzcodeblocks}` and use `\begin{tikzpicture}[codeblocks]` in the document. For details have a look in the documentation.

### Features

- align colored blocks
- change the color scheme
- use jigsaw decorations to see vertical and horizontal relations
- use predefined structures like loops and branches
- print LED matrices
- partly multi-language via babel
- disable colors for printing
- ...

### Planed features

- better multi-language / english support