tikzpfeile: a LaTeX package for drawing arrows using PGF/TikZ

Copyright (C) 2011--2012 Jonathan Zachhuber, Michael F��tterer
E-mail: jonathan.zachhuber@gmail.com, michaelfuetterer@gmail.com

tikzpfeile.ins  Batch file, run through LaTeX
tikzpfeile.dtx  Docstrip archive, run through (Xe)LaTeX
tikzpfeile.sty  LaTeX package, generated by tikzpfeile.ins from tikzpfeile.dtx
tikzpfeile.pdf  Package documentation; can also be generated from tikzpfeile.dtx
README          This file

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the
details of that license.

For more information on the package, see the documentation in tikzpfeile.pdf.