%% wheelchart.sty
%% Copyright 2022-2024 Matthias Flor��
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Matthias Flor��.
% This work consists of the files wheelchart.pdf, wheelchart.sty,
% wheelchart.tex and README.md.
\ProvidesExplPackage{wheelchart}{2024/07/28}{4.0}{Diagrams with circular or other shapes using TikZ and LaTeX3}

%%> \subsection{Variables}

\newcounter { g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter }

\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_contour_bool
\bool_new:N \g__wheelchart_def_angle_radius_shift_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_etoc_use_name_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_legend_only_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_legend_row_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_middle_fill_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_pie_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_bool
\bool_new:N \l__wheelchart_wheel_lines_bool

\box_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_box
\box_new:N \g__wheelchart_if_text_box

\clist_new:N \l__wheelchart_header_clist
\clist_new:N \g__wheelchart_slice_range_for_loop_clist
\clist_new:N \l__wheelchart_slice_range_local_clist

\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_xsep_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_ysep_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_around_line_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_end_factor_center_fp { 0.5 }
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_end_factor_left_fp { 1 }
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_end_factor_right_fp { 0 }
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_line_sep_factor_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_lines_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_lines_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_arc_data_slice_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_start_angle_plot_false_fp
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_center_fp { -0.5 }
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_left_fp { 0 }
\fp_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_right_fp { -1 }
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_total_angle_plot_false_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_def_angle_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_factor_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_sum_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_start_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_end_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_start_length_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_gap_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_def_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_gap_polar_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_gap_radius_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_data_angle_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_data_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_data_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_data_sep_fp
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner~end_x_fp }
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner~end_y_fp }
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner~start_x_fp }
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner~start_y_fp }
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_angle_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dirsep_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fixed_left_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fixed_right_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer~end_x_fp }
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer~end_y_fp }
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer~start_x_fp }
\fp_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer~start_y_fp }
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_samples_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_abs_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_coord_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_rotate_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_B_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_inner_end_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_inner_start_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_new_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_outer_end_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_outer_start_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_sep_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_total_count_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_wheel_data_angle_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_wheel_data_angle_shift_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_wheel_data_pos_fp
\fp_new:N \l__wheelchart_wheel_data_sep_fp

\int_new:N \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_second_index_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int
\int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int { -1 }
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_etoc_count_total_pages_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_bottom_dir_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int
\int_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_left_int { -1 }
\int_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_right_int { 1 }
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_top_dir_int
\int_new:N \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int

\regex_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_braces_regex { \{(.+)\} }
\regex_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_key_braces_regex { [\w\s]+\{(.+)\} }

\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_seq
\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_second_seq
\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_list_seq
\seq_new:N \l__wheelchart_list_items_seq

\tl_new:N \WClegend
\tl_const:Nn \c__wheelchart_arc_around_text_aux_tl
    sign ( \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp ) *
        \cs:w c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_\l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl _fp \cs_end:
        + \cs:w c__wheelchart_arc_data_end_factor_\l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl _fp \cs_end:
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_data_anchor_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_etoc_level_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_expand_list_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_expand_list_items_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_inner_plot_variable_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_key_range_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_legend_row_tl
\tl_new:N \g__wheelchart_name_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_outer_plot_variable_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_slice_range_index_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_slices_tl
\tl_new:N \g__wheelchart_totalcount_tl
\tl_new:N \l__wheelchart_type_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_type_tl { default }

%%> \subsection{Functions}

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { Nen , Neo , Nnf }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_build_put_right:Nn { NV }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_false:nn #1#2
    \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp
          { \WCcount }
          { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_pos_fp }
            ( 0.5 * \c__wheelchart_arc_around_text_aux_tl + #2 - 0.5 ) * \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp
            + \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_shift_fp
          { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
          { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
      [ draw , / wheelchart / arc_style , / wheelchart / arc_#1_half ]
      ( \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp \c_colon_str \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp )
          start~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp ,
          end~angle =
              { \WCcount }
              { 0 }
              { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
              { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp } ,
          radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_true:nnn #1#2#3
      { draw , / wheelchart / arc_style , / wheelchart / arc_#1_half }
      { 1 }
      { 0 }
        \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl *
            \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_pos_fp + 0.5 * \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp *
              ( \c__wheelchart_arc_around_text_aux_tl + #2 )
        + (#3) * ( 1 - \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl )
      { \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_shift_fp }
      { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
      { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_caption_and_title:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
    \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn {#1} { o }
        \node [ anchor = #2 , align = #3 , / wheelchart / #1_style ]
          at ( $ (#4) + ( 0 , { #5 * ( \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #1~sep } ) } ) $ )
          { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #1 } } ;

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_aux:n #1 { (#1) }

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_aux:n { o }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_def:nnnn #1#2#3#4
                ( 1 - (#1) ) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                + (#1) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * (#2)
          { \fp_eval:n { \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: - (#4) } }
      ! { \fp_eval:n {#3} } !
                ( 1 - (#1) ) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_outer_start_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                + (#1) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_outer_end_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * (#2)
          { \fp_eval:n { \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: + (#4) } }
    $%note the () around the #i's to keep these contents together

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_plot_aux:nnnn #1#2#3#4
    \path [#1] plot
        domain = {#2} \c_colon_str {#3} ,
        samples = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_samples_\WCcount _fp } ,
        variable = \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl
      ( {#4} ) ;

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_plot_aux:nnnn { nnno }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_plot:nnnnnnn #1#2#3#4#5#6#7
    \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_plot_aux:nnno {#1} {#2} {#3}
      { \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_def:nnnn {#4} {#5} {#6} { \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp + (#7) } }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_angle_aux:
    \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_def_angle_angle_fp
              \pgf@xx * ( \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } )
              - \pgf@xy * ( \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } )
            / \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp ,
              \pgf@yy * ( \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } )
              - \pgf@yx * ( \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } )
            / \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp
      }%\pgf@xx and so on are necessary if an option such as [x={(-0.5,0)},y={(0,0.5)}] is given to the tikzpicture

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_angle:nnnn #1#2#3#4
    \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
        \path let
          \p { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } = \__wheelchart_point_plot_true:nnnnn { \WCcount } {#1} {#2} { 0 } {#4} ,
          \p { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } = \__wheelchart_point_plot_true:nnnnn { \WCcount } {#1} {#2} { 1 } {#4}
              / utils / exec =
                  \bool_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_def_angle_radius_shift_bool
                          \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \y { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } == 0
                          \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } - \x { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } == 0
                  \bool_if:NF \g__wheelchart_def_angle_radius_shift_bool
                    { \__wheelchart_def_angle_aux: }
        \bool_if:NT \g__wheelchart_def_angle_radius_shift_bool
            \path let
              \p { l__wheelchart_def_angle_1 } =
                \__wheelchart_point_plot_true:nnnnn { \WCcount } {#1} {#2} { 0 }
                  { \fp_eval:n { (#4) + 1 / \cs:w g__wheelchart_samples_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: } } ,
              \p { l__wheelchart_def_angle_2 } =
                \__wheelchart_point_plot_true:nnnnn { \WCcount } {#1} {#2} { 1 }
                  { \fp_eval:n { (#4) + 1 / \cs:w g__wheelchart_samples_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: } }
              in [ / utils / exec = { \__wheelchart_def_angle_aux: } ]
        \pgfmathparse { Mod ( \fp_use:N \g__wheelchart_def_angle_angle_fp , 360 ) }
        \pgfmathparse { Mod ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false:nnnnn { \WCcount } {#1} {#2} {#3} {#4} , 360 ) }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn #1#2
    ( 1 - (#2) ) *
        \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_outer_start_angle_#1_fp \cs_end:
        - \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_#1_fp \cs_end:
    + (#2) * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_outer_end_angle_#1_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_#1_fp \cs_end: )

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
        \fp_compare:nNnTF { \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} } = { 0 }
          { 0 }
                      ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: + \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: ) ^ 2
                      - \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: * \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: *
                          2 + 2 * cosd ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} )
                          + \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: * \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end:
                                  sind ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} )
                                  / \__wheelchart_def_radius:nnn {#1} {#4} {#5}
                                ^ 2
                  + \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: *
                      \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end:
                      - \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end:
                        * cosd ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} )
                    / \__wheelchart_def_radius:nnn {#1} {#4} {#5}
                * \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: * sind ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} )
                  ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: + \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: ) ^ 2
                  - 2 * \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: * \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end:
                    * ( 1 + cosd ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false_aux_angle:nn {#1} {#2} ) )
        + ( 1 - (#2) ) * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_#1_fp \cs_end: )
        + (#2) * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_#1_fp \cs_end: )
        + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * (#3)

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_coord:nnnn #1#2#3#4
    \path let \p { l__wheelchart_coord } =
      ( \cs:w __wheelchart_#2_plot:nn \cs_end: {#4} { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_#2_radius_\WCcount _fp } } )
          / utils / exec =
              \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_#1_x_fp }
                  ( \pgf@yy * \x { l__wheelchart_coord } - \pgf@yx * \y { l__wheelchart_coord } ) / \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp
              \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_#1_y_fp }
                  ( \pgf@xx * \y { l__wheelchart_coord } - \pgf@xy * \x { l__wheelchart_coord } ) / \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp
        coordinate ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#2~#3_coordinate ) at ( \p { l__wheelchart_coord } )

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn #1#2
    \pgfmathparse { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #2 } }
    \fp_set:cn { l__wheelchart_#1_fp } { \pgfmathresult }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_gap:nn #1#2
    \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_#1_gap_\WCcount _fp }
        (#2) * sind ( min ( \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp , \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_def_fp ) )
        min ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: , \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_def_fp )
        asind ( min ( \l__wheelchart_gap_fp / ( (#2) + 1 - sign (#2) ) , 1 ) ) + \l__wheelchart_gap_polar_fp
        %note the min ( ... , 1 ) so that the asind is always defined
        %also note the + 1 - sign (#2) so that the denominator is also nonzero if #2 = 0

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_inner_radius:
    \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_pie_bool
      { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp { 0 } }
        \pgfmathparse { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / inner~radius } }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp { \pgfmathresult + \l__wheelchart_gap_radius_fp }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_orientation:
  {%determine the orientation, this is necessary even if no plot is used, for example if
  %inner radius > outer radius then \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp is different from
    \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_new_angle_fp
        \g__wheelchart_angle_fp +
          \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp == \g__wheelchart_angle_fp
          \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
          \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp - \g__wheelchart_angle_fp
        / \cs:w g__wheelchart_samples_1_fp \cs_end:
    \path let
      \p { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_1 } =
            { \fp_use:N \g__wheelchart_angle_fp }
            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_1_fp } }
        ) ,
      \p { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_2 } =
            { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_new_angle_fp }
            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_1_fp } }
        ) ,
      \p { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_3 } =
            { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_new_angle_fp }
            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_1_fp } }
        ) ,
      \p { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_4 } =
            { \fp_use:N \g__wheelchart_angle_fp }
            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_1_fp } }
          / utils / exec =
              \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp
                      0.1 * \y { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_1 }
                      * ( \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_4 } - \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_2 } )
                      + 0.1 * \y { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_2 }
                      * ( \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_1 } - \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_3 } )
                      + 0.1 * \y { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_3 }
                      * ( \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_2 } - \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_4 } )
                      + 0.1 * \y { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_4 }
                      * ( \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_3 } - \x { l__wheelchart_slices_orientation_1 } )
                  * sign ( \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp )
    ;%the terms are multiplied with 0.1 to try to avoid an overflow
    \fp_compare:nNnT { \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp } = { 0 }
      { \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_outer_radius:
    \pgfmathparse { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / outer~radius } }
    \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp { \pgfmathresult - \l__wheelchart_gap_radius_fp }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_def_radius:nnn #1#2#3
        ( 1 - (#2) ) * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: - (#3) )
        + (#2) * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_#1_fp \cs_end: + (#3) )

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_slice_angle:nnnn #1#2#3#4
    \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_slice_#1_#2_angle_\WCcount _fp }
    \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
        \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_slice_#1_#2_angle_\WCcount _fp }
            \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3angle_fp \cs_end: +
                \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp *
                  ( (#4) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_#1_gap_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: + \cs:w l__wheelchart_slices_#1_#2_angle_shift_fp \cs_end: )
        \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_slice_#1_#2_angle_\WCcount _fp }
            \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3angle_fp \cs_end: +
                \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp *
                    (#4) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_#1_gap_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: + \cs:w l__wheelchart_slices_#1_#2_angle_shift_fp \cs_end:
                    - asind
                        \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                        * sind ( \cs:w l__wheelchart_slices_#1_#2_angle_shift_fp \cs_end: )
                        / \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_slice_keys:n #1
    {%note the double braces {{...}} so that the contents is in a group
    %and in particular, pgfkeys which are specific to the current slice are local for this slice
      \clist_if_in:NVT \l__wheelchart_slice_range_local_clist \WCcount
          \pgfkeys { / wheelchart , slice_final /. expanded = { \exp_not:v { l__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _keys_clist } } }
          \pgfkeys{ / wheelchart , slice_final_style }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_def_WClegend:
    \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int
      { \fp_eval:n { ceil ( \WCtotalcount / ceil ( \WCtotalcount / ( \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / legend~columns } ) ) ) } }
    \tl_build_begin:N \WClegend
      \int_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int } = { 1 }
        { \int_step_inline:nnn { 2 } { \WCtotalcount } { \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn {##1} { \\ } } }
          \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int
            { \fp_eval:n { ceil ( \WCtotalcount / \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int ) } }
          \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int - 1 }
              \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int - 2 }
                { \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn { ##1 + \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int * ####1 } { & } }
              \int_compare:nNnF { ##1 + ( \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int - 1 ) * \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int } > { \WCtotalcount }
                    { ##1 + ( \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int - 1 ) * \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int }
                    { & }
              \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn { ##1 + 1 } { \\ }
          \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int - 2 }
            { \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn { \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int * ( ##1 + 1 ) } { & } }
          \int_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int * \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int } > { \WCtotalcount }
            { \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn { \l__wheelchart_legend_columns_int * \l__wheelchart_legend_rows_int } { & } }
      \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn { 1 } { \\ }%at the moment it is unnecessary to set g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter to 1
      %but this is done to be future-proof if the contents of \WClegend would be parsed in a way that prohibits the value for
      %g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter to be larger than \WCtotalcount
    \tl_build_end:N \WClegend
    \cs_set:Npn \WCcount { \theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter }
    \cs_set:Npn \WCpercentage { \cs:w l__wheelchart_WCpercentage_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
    \cs_set:Npn \WCpercentagerounded { \cs:w l__wheelchart_WCpercentagerounded_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
    \str_if_eq:eeTF { \l__wheelchart_type_tl } { etoc }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthelinkedname
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_name_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthelinkednumber
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_number_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthelinkedpage
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_page_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthename
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_name_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthenumber
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_number_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthepage
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_page_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \cs_set:Npn \WCetocthenumberofpages
          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_number_of_pages_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
        \clist_if_empty:NTF \l__wheelchart_header_clist
            \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int }
                \cs_set:cpn { WCvar\int_to_Alph:n {##1} }
                  { \cs:w l__wheelchart_item_WCvar\int_to_Alph:n {##1}_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter \cs_end: }
            \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int }
                \cs_set:cpn { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / header~prefix } \clist_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {##1} }
                      l__wheelchart_item_\pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / header~prefix }
                      \clist_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {##1}_\theg__wheelchart_WCcount_counter
    \setcounter { g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter } { 1 }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn #1#2#3#4
            \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp *
                    \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_y_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_y_fp \cs_end: ,
                    \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_x_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_x_fp \cs_end:
                - atand
                    \cs:w g__wheelchart_#1_y_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#2_y_fp \cs_end: ,
                    \cs:w g__wheelchart_#1_x_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#2_x_fp \cs_end:
      )%note the Mod 360 because for example cos(90/2)\neq cos(-270/2)

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_discrete_algorithm:
    \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { discrete_factor } { discrete~factor }
    \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { gap_radius } { gap~radius }
    \int_compare:nNnT { \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int } = { -1 }
            / errors / boolean~expected /. expanded =
              { discrete~space~at~borders }
              { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / discrete~space~at~borders } }
    \seq_clear:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
    \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
        \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { samples } { samples }
        \fp_zero:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
        \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn { outer } { 0 }
        \int_step_inline:nn { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_samples_fp - 1 }
            \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn { outer } {##1}
            \fp_add:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
                    ( \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp ) ^ 2
                    + ( \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp ) ^ 2
        \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn { inner } { \l__wheelchart_samples_fp - 1 }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp
                ( \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp ) ^ 2
                + ( \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp ) ^ 2
        \fp_zero:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
        \int_step_inline:nnnn { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_samples_fp - 2 } { -1 } { 0 }
            \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn { inner } {##1}
            \fp_add:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
                    ( \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp ) ^ 2
                    + ( \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp ) ^ 2
        \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn { outer } { 0 }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_start_length_fp
                ( \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp ) ^ 2
                + ( \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp - \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp ) ^ 2
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
          { abs ( \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp * deg * \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp ) }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp { abs ( \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp - \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp ) }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
          { abs ( \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp * deg * \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp ) }
        %note the abs ( ... ) because \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp can be negative
        %and \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp can be smaller than \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp
        \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_start_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp
    \str_case:enF { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / discrete~partitioning } }
        { radius }
            \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int { 1 }
            \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_second_index_int { 2 }
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_start_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_start_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_end_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp
        { angle }
            \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int { 2 }
            \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_second_index_int { 1 }
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_start_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_end_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_start_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_inner_length_fp
            \fp_set_eq:NN \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_end_length_fp \l__wheelchart_discrete_outer_length_fp
            \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int { 3 - \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int }
            / errors / unknown~choice~value /. expanded =
              { discrete~partitioning }
              { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / discrete~partitioning } }
    \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int
                          ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_start_length_fp + \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevel_end_length_fp )
                          * \l__wheelchart_discrete_factor_fp
                          / ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp + \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp )
                        * \WCtotalnum
    \int_gzero:N \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int
    \fp_zero:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_sum_fp
    \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int - 1 }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
            ( ##1 - 0.5 * ( 1 + \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int ) )
            / ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int - \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int )
        \fp_add:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_sum_fp { \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp }
        \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int
                        ( ##1 ) * \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp
                        + \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_sum_fp
                        * ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp - \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp )
                        \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int * 0.5
                        * ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_start_length_fp + \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_end_length_fp )
                    * \WCtotalnum - \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int
        \int_gadd:Nn \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int }
        \int_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int } = { 1 }
            \seq_put_right:Ne \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
                \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
            \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int }
                \seq_put_right:Ne \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
                        ( ####1 - 0.5 * ( 1 + \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int ) )
                        / ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int - \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int )
                    %the denominator is 0 if \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int = \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int = 1
                    %thus the case when \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int = 1 is treated separately above
                    \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
    \int_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int } = { 1 }
      { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp { 0.5 } }
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
            1 - 0.5 * ( 1 - \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int )
            / ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_levels_int - \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int )
    \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int { \fp_eval:n { round ( \WCtotalnum - \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int ) } }
    \int_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int } = { 1 }
        \seq_put_right:Ne \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
            \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
        \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int }
            \seq_put_right:Ne \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
                    ( ##1 - 0.5 * ( 1 + \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int ) )
                    / ( \l__wheelchart_discrete_sublevels_int - \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int )
                \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_level_fp
    \seq_sort:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq
        \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq { / } {##1}
        \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_second_seq { / } {##2}
          { \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int } }
          { \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_second_seq { \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int } }
          { \sort_return_swapped: }
          { \sort_return_same: }
    \int_gzero:N \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int
        \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / before~slices }
        \int_step_inline:nn { \fp_eval:n { round ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: ) } }
        %note that \fp_eval:n { round ( ... ) } is necessary even when the value is an integer because pgfmath
        %could have added .0 and then \int_step_inline:nn { \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: } would give the messages
        %Missing character: There is no . in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 0 in font nullfont!
            \int_gincr:N \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int
            \cs_set:Npe \WCcountdiscrete { \int_use:N \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int }
            \seq_set_split:Nne \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq { / }
              { \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_points_seq { \g__wheelchart_discrete_count_int } }
            %Naturally, an error occurs if the sum of the rounded values of the key value is
            %greater than the rounded value of \WCtotalnum.
            %For example if there are 2 values 1.6 and 1.7 then these numbers are 4 and 3 and then there is no 4-th item in the list.
            %However only positive integer values make practical sense for this diagram.
            \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                \coordinate ( g__wheelchart_slice_##1_####1_coordinate ) at
                                \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp *
                                    \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
                                      { \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int }
                          { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp }
                          \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
                            { \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_second_index_int }
                                \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp *
                                    \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
                                      { \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int }
                          { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp }
                  ) ;
                \coordinate ( g__wheelchart_slice_##1_####1_coordinate ) at
                        \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp *
                            \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
                              { \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_first_index_int }
                        + \seq_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_coefficients_first_seq
                          { \l__wheelchart_discrete_partitioning_second_index_int }
                          * ( \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp - \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp )
                  ) ;
            \pic [ / wheelchart / slices_style ] at ( g__wheelchart_slice_##1_####1_coordinate )
              { code = { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / discrete~pic } } } ;
        \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / after~slices }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_discrete_def_coord:nn #1#2
    \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_x_fp \g__wheelchart_coord_x_fp
    \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_previous_coord_y_fp \g__wheelchart_coord_y_fp
      { coord }
            \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp + ( ( #2 ) / ( \l__wheelchart_samples_fp - 1 ) )
            * \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_for_loop:n #1
            \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCpercentage { l__wheelchart_WCpercentage_\WCcount }
            \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCpercentagerounded { l__wheelchart_WCpercentagerounded_\WCcount }
            \cs_set:Npe \WCdataangle
              { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_WCdataangle_\WCcount _fp } }
            \cs_set:Npe \WCmidangle
              { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_WCmidangle_\WCcount _fp } }
            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / for~loop~start }%this must be placed after the definition of macros such as \WCpercentage
            %so that these macros can be used in the key for loop start
            \begin { scope }
                shift = { ( \WCmidangle \c_colon_str \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_explode_\WCcount _fp } ) } ,
                / wheelchart / slices_scope
            \end { scope }
            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / for~loop~end }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_for_loop_initial:n #1
    \str_case:en { \l__wheelchart_type_tl }
        { default }
            \clist_if_empty:NTF \l__wheelchart_header_clist
                \int_step_inline:nn { \WCtotalcount }
                    \cs_set:Npe \WCcount {##1}
                    \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int }
                      { \cs_set_eq:cc { WCvar\int_to_Alph:n {####1} } { l__wheelchart_item_WCvar\int_to_Alph:n {####1}_##1 } }
                \int_step_inline:nn { \WCtotalcount }
                    \cs_set:Npe \WCcount {##1}
                    \int_step_inline:nn { \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int }
                          { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / header~prefix } \clist_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {####1} }
                            l__wheelchart_item_\pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / header~prefix }
                            \clist_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {####1}_##1
        { totalcount }
            \int_step_inline:nn { \WCtotalcount }
                \cs_set:Npe \WCcount {##1}
        { etoc }
            \int_step_inline:nn { \WCtotalcount }
                \cs_set:Npe \WCcount {##1}
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthelinkedname { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_name_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthelinkednumber { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_number_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthelinkedpage { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_linked_page_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthename { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_name_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthenumber { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_number_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthepage { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_page_##1 }
                \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCetocthenumberofpages { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _the_number_of_pages_##1 }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn #1#2
    \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_#1_\WCcount _fp }
    \pgfmathparse { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #2 } }
    \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_#1_\WCcount _fp } { \pgfmathresult }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn #1#2#3
    \begin { pgfinterruptpicture }
      \DeclareDocumentCommand \\ {#2} {}
      %for arc data, \\ is used with seq_set_split so has no optional argument thus then #2 is empty
      %otherwise, #2 is o
      %no s because an optional star does not apply in a node
      %no ! because a space between \\ and its optional argument is allowed in a node
      \hbox_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_if_text_box { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #1 } }
    \end { pgfinterruptpicture }
    \dim_compare:nNnT { \box_wd:N \g__wheelchart_if_text_box } > { 0 pt }
      { {#3} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_initial:n #1
    \str_case:en { \l__wheelchart_type_tl }
        { default }
            \tl_if_empty:nTF {#1}
              { \cs_set:Npn \WCtotalcount { 0 } }
                \cs:w seq_set_split:Ne\l__wheelchart_expand_list_tl \cs_end:
                  { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / separator~rows } }
                \cs_set:Npe \WCtotalcount { \seq_count:N \l__wheelchart_list_seq }
                \int_zero:N \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int
                \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l__wheelchart_list_seq
                    \cs:w seq_set_split:Ne\l__wheelchart_expand_list_items_tl \cs_end:
                      { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / separator~columns } }
                    \int_compare:nNnT { \seq_count:N \l__wheelchart_list_items_seq } > { \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int }
                      { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_max_list_items_int { \seq_count:N \l__wheelchart_list_items_seq } }
                    %make sure that the namespace l__wheelchart_item_ below is unique
                    \clist_if_empty:NTF \l__wheelchart_header_clist
                        \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l__wheelchart_list_items_seq
                          { \cs_set:cpn { l__wheelchart_item_WCvar\int_to_Alph:n {####1}_##1 } {####2} }
                        \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l__wheelchart_list_items_seq
                                l__wheelchart_item_\pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / header~prefix }
                                \clist_item:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {####1}_##1
        { totalcount }
            \cs_set:Npe \WCtotalcount { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_total_count_fp }
            \cs_set:Npn \WCvarA { 1 }
            \cs_set:Npn \WCvarB {}
            \cs_set:Npn \WCvarC {}
        { etoc }
            \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_etoc_use_name_bool
                \int_if_exist:cTF { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                  { \cs_set:Npe \WCtotalcount { \int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int } } }
                  { \cs_set:Npn \WCtotalcount { 0 } }
                \IfPackageLoadedTF { etoc } {}
                  { \PackageError { wheelchart } { The~package~etoc~must~be~loaded~to~use~the~key~etoc~level } {} }
                \etocsetlevel { part } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { chapter } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { section } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { subsection } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { subsubsection } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { paragraph } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { subparagraph } { 0 }
                \etocsetlevel { \l__wheelchart_etoc_level_tl } { -1 }%these level changes are local to the current group
                \etocsetnexttocdepth { -1 }%only for the next toc
                \etocsetstyle { \l__wheelchart_etoc_level_tl } {} {}
                    \int_compare:nNnT { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int \cs_end: } > { 0 }
                            _the_number_of_pages_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                                \etocthepage -
                                    _the_page_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                    \int_gincr:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_linked_name_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_linked_number_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_linked_page_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_name_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_number_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                        _the_page_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                \int_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / etoc~code }
                \int_compare:nNnT { \cs:w g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int \cs_end: } > { 0 }
                        _the_number_of_pages_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                            \l__wheelchart_etoc_count_total_pages_int + 1 -
                              _the_page_\int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int }
                \cs_set:Npe \WCtotalcount { \int_use:c { g__wheelchart_etoc_item_\l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl _count_int } }
    \cs_set:Npn \WCtotalnum { 0 }
          { \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { value } { value } }
        \cs_set:Npe \WCtotalnum { \fp_eval:n { \WCtotalnum + \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: } }
    \int_step_inline:nn { \WCtotalcount }
        \cs_set:cpe { l__wheelchart_WCpercentage_##1 }
          { \fp_eval:n { \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_##1_fp \cs_end: / ( \WCtotalnum / 100 ) } }
        \cs_set:cpe { l__wheelchart_WCpercentagerounded_##1 }
          { \fp_eval:n { round ( \cs:w l__wheelchart_WCpercentage_##1 \cs_end: , \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / perc~precision } ) } }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_inner_and_wheel_data:n #1
    \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn { #1~data } { o }
        \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { #1_data_angle_pos } { #1~data~angle~pos }
        \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { #1_data_angle_shift } { #1~data~angle~shift }
        \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { #1_data_pos } { #1~data~pos }
        \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { #1_data_sep } { #1~data~sep }
        \node [ align = left , / wheelchart / #1_data_style ] at
          \cs:w __wheelchart_point_plot_\bool_to_str:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool :nnnnn \cs_end:
            { \WCcount }
            { \cs:w l__wheelchart_#1_data_angle_pos_fp \cs_end: }
            { \cs:w l__wheelchart_#1_data_angle_shift_fp \cs_end: }
            { \cs:w l__wheelchart_#1_data_pos_fp \cs_end: }
            { \cs:w l__wheelchart_#1_data_sep_fp \cs_end: }
          { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / #1~data } } ;

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_inner_plot:nn #1#2
  { {#1} \c_colon_str {#2} }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_legend_append:nn #1#2
    \tl_build_put_right:NV \WClegend \l__wheelchart_legend_row_tl%note the V specifier so that \WClegend can also be combined
    %with an S column of the package siunitx and so that \WClegend can be used in a tblr environment of the package tabularray
    %and then the option expand=\WClegend needs to be given to the tblr environment
    \tl_build_put_right:Nn \WClegend { \protect \setcounter { g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter } }%note the \protect for in case that
    %\WClegend would be parsed in a particular way
    %note that the counter g__wheelchart_WCcount_counter is defined globally and at the end of the previous \l__wheelchart_legend_row_tl
    %so that this value is defined and has the right value at the start of the next \l__wheelchart_legend_row_tl
    %if \WClegend is used in a tblr environment of the package tabularray then \UseTblrLibrary{counter} is required
    \tl_build_put_right:Ne \WClegend { { \int_eval:n {#1} } }
    \tl_build_put_right:Nn \WClegend {#2}

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_mod:n #1
        \int_mod:nn { (#1) - \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} > { 0 } { 1 } { 0 } } { \g__wheelchart_totalcount_tl }
        + \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} > { 0 } { 1 } { \g__wheelchart_totalcount_tl }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_outer_plot:nn #1#2
  { {#1} \c_colon_str {#2} }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_point_plot_false:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
  { ( \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false:nnnnn {#1} {#2} {#3} {#4} {#5} \c_colon_str \__wheelchart_def_radius:nnn {#1} {#4} {#5} ) }

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_point_plot_true:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
  { \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_aux:o { \__wheelchart_convex_comb_coord_def:nnnn {#2} {#3} {#4} {#5} } }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_slices_arc:nnnnnn #1#2#3#4#5#6
        / utils / exec =
            \pgfmathparse {#1}
            \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { \pgfmathresult }
            \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_abs_fp { abs ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp ) }
            \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_abs_fp } < { 0.01 }
                \pgfmathparse {#2}
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp { \pgfmathresult }
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_rotate_fp
                        \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_y_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_y_fp \cs_end: ,
                        \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_x_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_x_fp \cs_end:
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_coord_fp
                    \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp < 0 && \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp < 0
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_angle_fp
                    \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp < 0 && \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp < 0
                        2 /
                            ( min ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp , 0 ) - 1 )
                            * ( ( 1 / \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp ) + \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp )
                    atand ( ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp - ( 1 / \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp ) ) / 2 )
                  }%note the min ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp , 0 ) so that the acosd is always defined
      \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_abs_fp } < { 0.01 }
          \fp_compare:nNnT { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp } < { 1 }
              \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_coord_fp } = { 0 }
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#3_coordinate )
                        ! { \fp_eval:n { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_coord_fp / 2 } } !
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#4_coordinate )
                  start~angle =
                          - \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp * \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_angle_fp
                    } ,
                  end~angle =
                          \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_rotate_fp + \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp *
                          ( sign ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp ) * 180 + \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_angle_fp )
                    } ,
                  radius =
                          0.25 * ( 1 - \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_B_fp )
                          * abs ( ( 1 / \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp ) + \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp )
                          * sqrt
                              ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_x_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_x_fp \cs_end: ) ^ 2
                              + ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_y_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_y_fp \cs_end: ) ^ 2
          \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_coord_fp } = { 0 }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__wheelchart_slices_arrow:nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
        / utils / exec =
            \pgfmathparse {#1}
            \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp { \pgfmathresult }
            \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp } = { 0 }
                \pgfmathparse {#2}
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_B_fp { \pgfmathresult }
                \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp
                    \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp < 0 && \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_B_fp < 0 ? 0 : \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_B_fp
      \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp } = { 0 }
          \fp_compare:nNnT { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_B_fp } < { 1 }
              \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp } = { 0 }
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#3_coordinate )
                        ! { \fp_eval:n { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp / 2 } } !
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#4_coordinate )
                        \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_x_fp \cs_end: + \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_x_fp \cs_end: +
                            \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp * ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp - 1 )
                            * \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp
                            * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_y_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_y_fp \cs_end: )
                      / 2
                        \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_y_fp \cs_end: + \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_y_fp \cs_end: +
                            \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp * ( \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp - 1 )
                            * \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_A_fp
                            * ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_#4_x_fp \cs_end: - \cs:w g__wheelchart_#3_x_fp \cs_end: )
                      / 2
              \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp } = { 0 }
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#4_coordinate )
                        ! { \fp_eval:n { \l__wheelchart_slices_arrow_coord_fp / 2 } } !
                        ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _#3_coordinate )

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_slices_to:nn #1#2
        out = { \fp_eval:n { - \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp * sign ( \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp ) * (#1) } } ,
        in = { \fp_eval:n { \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp * sign ( \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp ) * ( (#2) - 180 ) } } ,

\cs_new:Npn \__wheelchart_wheel_lines_aux:nn #1#2
        ( 1 - (#1) / max ( round ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: ) , 1 ) )
          * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_#2_start_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
        + (#1) * \cs:w g__wheelchart_slice_#2_end_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
          / max ( round ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: ) , 1 )

%%> \subsection{Pgfkeys}

    / wheelchart /. is~family ,
    / wheelchart ,
    after~slices /. initial = {} ,
    anchor~xsep /. initial = 5 ,
    anchor~ysep /. initial = 5 ,
    arc /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_arc_bool ,
        arc_style /. style = {#1}
      } ,
    arc_style /. style = {} ,
    arc~around~line /. initial = 1 ,
    arc~around~text /. default = true ,%this key is not set up with /.is choice or \bool_set:Nn
    %so that for example \WCvarA can be used as value for this key
    arc~around~text /. initial = false ,
    arc~data /. initial = {} ,
    arc~data~align /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl {#1} } ,%this key is not set up with /.is choice
    %so that for example \WCvarA can be used as value for this key
    arc~data~align = center ,
    arc~data~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    arc~data~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    arc~data~dir /. initial = 1 ,
    arc~data~expand /. initial = n ,
    arc~data~line~sep~factor /. initial = 1 ,
    arc~data~lines~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    arc~data~lines~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    arc~data~pos /. initial = 1 ,
    arc~data~sep /. initial = 1 ex / 1 cm ,
    arc~data~style /. style = { arc_data_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    arc_data_style /. style = {} ,
    arc~first~half /. style = { arc_first_half /. style = {#1} } ,
    arc_first_half /. style = {} ,
    arc~pos /. initial = 1 ,
    arc~second~half /. style = { arc_second_half /. style = {#1} } ,
    arc_second_half /. style = {} ,
    arc~sep /. initial = 1 ex / 1 cm ,
    at /. initial = { ( 0 , 0 ) } ,
    before~slices /. initial = {} ,
    bool_set_true /. code = \bool_set_true:N #1 ,
    caption /. initial = {} ,
    caption~left /. initial = {} ,
    caption~left~sep /. initial = 0.5 ,
    caption~left~style /. style = { caption~left_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    caption~left_style /. style = {} ,
    caption~sep /. initial = 0.5 ,
    caption~style /. style = { caption_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    caption_style /. style = {} ,
    contour /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_contour_bool ,
        contour_style /. style = {#1}
      } ,
    contour_style /. style = {} ,
    counterclockwise /. is~choice ,
    counterclockwise / false /. code = { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp { -1 } } ,
    counterclockwise / false /. value~forbidden ,
    counterclockwise / true /. code = { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp { 1 } } ,
    counterclockwise / true /. value~forbidden ,
    counterclockwise /. default = true ,
    counterclockwise = false ,
    data /. initial = { \WCvarC } ,
    data~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    data~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    data~pos /. initial = 1 ,
    data~sep /. initial = 0.2 ,
    data~style /. style = { data_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    data_style /. style = {} ,
    discrete /. is~choice ,
    discrete / false /. code = \bool_set_false:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_bool ,
    discrete / false /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete / true /. code = \bool_set_true:N \l__wheelchart_discrete_bool ,
    discrete / true /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete /. default = true ,
    discrete = false ,
    discrete~factor /. initial = 1 ,
    discrete~partitioning /. initial = radius ,
    discrete~pic /. initial = {} ,
    discrete~sort /. is~choice ,
    discrete~sort / angle /. code = { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int { 1 } } ,
    discrete~sort / angle /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete~sort / radius /. code = { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_sort_int { 2 } } ,
    discrete~sort / radius /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete~sort = angle ,
    discrete~space~at~borders /. is~choice ,%this key is not set up with /.is if because an initial value is unwanted for this key
    discrete~space~at~borders / false /. code = { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int { 1 } } ,
    discrete~space~at~borders / false /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete~space~at~borders / true /. code = { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_discrete_space_at_borders_int { 0 } } ,
    discrete~space~at~borders / true /. value~forbidden ,
    discrete~space~at~borders /. default = true ,
    domain /. style~args /. expanded = { ##1 \c_colon_str ##2 }
        counterclockwise ,
        start~angle = {##1} ,
        total~angle = { (##2) - (##1) }
      } ,
    etoc~code /. initial = { \tableofcontents } ,
    etoc~count~total~pages /. code = { \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_etoc_count_total_pages_int {#1} } ,
    etoc~level /. code =
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_type_tl { etoc }
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_etoc_level_tl {#1}
      } ,
    etoc~name /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl {#1} } ,
    etoc~name = {} ,
    etoc~use~name /. code =
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_etoc_name_tl {#1}
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_type_tl { etoc }
        \bool_set_true:N \l__wheelchart_etoc_use_name_bool
      } ,
    expand~list /. is~choice ,
    expand~list / false /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_tl { n } } ,
    expand~list / false /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list / once /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_tl { o } } ,
    expand~list / once /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list / true /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_tl { e } } ,
    expand~list / true /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list = once ,
    expand~list~items /. is~choice ,
    expand~list~items / false /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_items_tl { n } } ,
    expand~list~items / false /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list~items / once /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_items_tl { o } } ,
    expand~list~items / once /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list~items / true /. code = { \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_expand_list_items_tl { e } } ,
    expand~list~items / true /. value~forbidden ,
    expand~list~items = false ,
    explode /. initial = 0 ,
    explode /. default = 0.2 ,
    for~loop~end /. initial = {} ,
    for~loop~start /. initial = {} ,
    gap /. initial = 0 ,
    gap /. default = 0.05 ,
    gap~max~angle /. initial = 180 ,
    gap~polar /. initial = 0 ,
    gap~polar /. default = 1 ,
    gap~radius /. initial = 0 ,
    gap~radius /. default = 0.05 ,%the same default value as for gap
    header /. code = { \clist_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_header_clist {#1} } ,
    header~prefix /. initial = WC ,
    inner~data /. initial = {} ,
    inner~data~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    inner~data~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    inner~data~pos /. initial = 0 ,
    inner~data~sep /. initial = 0.2 ,
    inner~data~style /. style = { inner_data_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    inner_data_style /. style = {} ,
    inner~plot /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_plot_bool ,
        / utils / exec = { \cs_set:Npn \__wheelchart_inner_plot:nn ##1##2 {#1} } ,
        slices~inner =
            -- plot
                domain =
                  \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
                samples = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_samples_\WCcount _fp } ,
                variable = \l__wheelchart_inner_plot_variable_tl ,
                / wheelchart / inner_plot_style
                  { \l__wheelchart_inner_plot_variable_tl }
                  { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp } }
      } ,
    inner~plot~style /. style = { inner_plot_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    inner_plot_style /. style = {} ,
    inner~radius /. initial = 2 ,
    legend /. initial = {} ,
    legend~columns /. initial = 1 ,
    legend~entry /. initial = {} ,
    legend~only /. code = \bool_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_legend_only_bool { \cs:w c_#1_bool \cs_end: } ,
    legend~only /. default = true ,
    legend~only = false ,
    legend~row /. code =
        \bool_set_true:N \l__wheelchart_legend_row_bool
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_legend_row_tl {#1}
      } ,
    lines /. initial = 0 ,
    lines /. default = 1 ,
    lines~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    lines~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    lines~ext /. initial = 0 ,
    lines~ext /. default = 0.5 ,
    lines~ext~bottom~dir /. code = { \int_set_eq:Nc \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_bottom_dir_int { c__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_#1_int } } ,
    lines~ext~bottom~dir = right ,
    lines~ext~dir /. code =
        \bool_set_true:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_bool
        \int_set_eq:Nc \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int { c__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_#1_int }
      } ,
    lines~ext~dirsep /. initial = 0 ,
    lines~ext~fixed /. default = true ,%this key is not set up with /.is choice or \bool_set:Nn
    %so that for example \WCvarA can be used as value for this key
    lines~ext~fixed /. initial = false ,
    lines~ext~fixed~left /. initial =
            \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int *
              \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: + \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp
              + \l__wheelchart_lines_fp + \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp
      } ,
    lines~ext~fixed~right /. initial =
            \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int *
              \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: + \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp
              + \l__wheelchart_lines_fp + \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp
      } ,
    lines~ext~left~anchor /. initial = mid~east ,
    lines~ext~right~anchor /. initial = mid~west ,
    lines~ext~top~dir /. code = { \int_set_eq:Nc \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_top_dir_int { c__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_#1_int } } ,
    lines~ext~top~dir = right ,
    lines~pos /. initial = 1 ,
    lines~sep /. initial = 0.2 ,
    lines~style /. style = { lines_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    lines_style /. style = {} ,
    middle /. initial = {} ,
    middle~fill /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_middle_fill_bool ,
        middle_fill /. style = {#1}
      } ,
    middle_fill /. style = {} ,
    middle~style /. style = { middle_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    middle_style /. style = {} ,
    name /. code = { \tl_gset:Ne \g__wheelchart_name_tl {#1} } ,
    name = wheelchart@name ,
    outer~plot /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_plot_bool ,
        / utils / exec = { \cs_set:Npn \__wheelchart_outer_plot:nn ##1##2 {#1} } ,
        slices~outer =
            -- plot
              domain =
                \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_start_angle_\WCcount _fp }
                \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_end_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
              samples = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_samples_\WCcount _fp } ,
              variable = \l__wheelchart_outer_plot_variable_tl ,
              / wheelchart / outer_plot_style
                { \l__wheelchart_outer_plot_variable_tl }
                { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp } }
      } ,
    outer~plot~style /. style = { outer_plot_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    outer_plot_style /. style = {} ,
    outer~radius /. initial = 3 ,
    perc~precision /. initial = 0 ,
    pie /. code = \bool_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_pie_bool { \cs:w c_#1_bool \cs_end: } ,
    pie /. default = true ,
    pie = false ,
    plot /. style =
        inner~plot = {#1} ,
        outer~plot = {#1}
      } ,
    plot~style /. style =
        inner~plot~style = {#1} ,
        outer~plot~style = {#1}
      } ,
    radius /. style~2~args =
        inner~radius = {#1} ,
        outer~radius = {#2}
      } ,
    samples /. initial = 25 ,%the same number as /tikz/samples
    separator~columns /. initial = / ,
    separator~rows /. initial = { , } ,
    slice_final /. style = { slice_final_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    slice_final_style /. style = {} ,
    slices /. code =
        \bool_set_true:N \l__wheelchart_slices_bool
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_tl {#1}
      } ,
    slices~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    slices~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~arc /. style~2~args =
        slices~start~arc = { - (#1) } {#2} ,
        slices~end~arc = {#1} {#2}
      } ,
    slices~arc~inner~end /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~inner~end / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~inner~end / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~end / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { inner } { 1 } { -1 } { 1 } { inner~end } { inner~start } { outer~end } } ,
    slices~arc~inner~end / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~end /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~inner~end /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { inner } { 1 } { 1 } { 1 } { inner~end } { inner~start } { outer~end } } ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~inner~end~start /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~inner~start /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~inner~start / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~inner~start / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~start / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { inner } { 1 } { -1 } { -1 } { inner~start } { inner~end } { outer~start } } ,
    slices~arc~inner~start / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~start /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~inner~start /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { inner } { -1 } { -1 } { -1 } { inner~start } { inner~end } { outer~start } } ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~inner~start~end /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~match /. style~n~args = { 7 }
        slices~end~arc = { (#2) * tan ( \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn {#7} {#6} {#5} {#6} / 2 ) } { 0 } ,
        slices~start~arc = { (#3) * tan ( \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn {#7} {#6} {#5} {#6} / 2 ) } { 0 } ,
        slices~#1~arc = { (#4) * tan ( \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn {#5} {#7} {#6} {#7} / 2 ) } { 0 }
      } ,
    slices~arc~outer~end /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~outer~end / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~outer~end / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~end / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { outer } { -1 } { 1 } { -1 } { outer~end } { outer~start } { inner~end } } ,
    slices~arc~outer~end / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~end /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~outer~end /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { outer } { -1 } { -1 } { -1 } { outer~end } { outer~start } { inner~end } } ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~outer~end~start /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~outer~start /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~outer~start / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~outer~start / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~start / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { outer } { -1 } { 1 } { 1 } { outer~start } { outer~end } { inner~start } } ,
    slices~arc~outer~start / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~start /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~outer~start /. default = true ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end /. is~choice ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end / false /. style = {} ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end / true /. style =
      { slices~arc~match = { outer } { 1 } { 1 } { 1 } { outer~start } { outer~end } { inner~start } } ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end /. initial = false ,
    slices~arc~outer~start~end /. default = true ,
    slices~Arrow /. style =
        slices~end =
            -- ( \WCpoint { 1 } {#1} { 0.5 } { 0 } )
            -- ( \WCpoint { 1 } { 0 } { 0 } { 0 } )
          } ,
        slices~start =
            -- ( \WCpoint { 0 } {#1} { 0.5 } { 0 } )
            -- cycle
      } ,
    slices~arrow /. style~2~args =
        slices~start~arrow = { - (#1) } {#2} ,
        slices~end~arrow = {#1} {#2}
      } ,
    slices~end /. initial = { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~end_coordinate ) } ,
    slices~end~arc /. style~2~args =
        slices~end =
              { outer~end }
              { inner~end }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~end_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~end~arrow /. style~2~args =
        slices~end =
              { outer~end }
              { inner~end }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~end_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~end~to /. style~2~args =
        slices~end =
            \__wheelchart_slices_to:nn {#2} {#1}
            ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~end_coordinate )
      } ,
    slices~inner /. initial =
        \fp_compare:nNnT { \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: } > { 0 }
              { \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_gap_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
              { \cs:w g__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                    start~angle = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
                    end~angle = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
                    radius = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp }
      } ,
    slices~inner~angle~reduce /. style =
        slices~inner~end~angle~shift = { - (#1) } ,
        slices~inner~start~angle~shift = {#1}
      } ,
    slices~inner~angle~shift /. style =
        slices~inner~end~angle~shift = {#1} ,
        slices~inner~start~angle~shift = {#1}
      } ,
    slices~inner~arc /. style~2~args =
        slices~inner =
              { inner~end }
              { inner~start }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~start_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent /. is~choice ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent / false /. code = {} ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent / true /. style =
        slices~inner =
              { \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn { outer~start } { inner~start } { outer~end } { inner~end } }
              { 0 }
              { inner~end }
              { inner~start }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~start_coordinate ) }
                \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp } > { 359.99 }
                  { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { 1 } }
                  { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { tand ( 45 - \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp / 4 ) } }
      } ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent /. initial = false ,
    slices~inner~arc~tangent /. default = true ,
    slices~inner~arrow /. style~2~args =
        slices~inner =
            { inner~end }
            { inner~start }
            { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~start_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~inner~end~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~inner~start~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~inner~to /. style~2~args =
        slices~inner =
            \__wheelchart_slices_to:nn {#2} {#1}
            ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _inner~start_coordinate )
      } ,
    slices~outer /. initial =
            start~angle = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_start_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
            end~angle = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_end_angle_\WCcount _fp } ,
            radius = \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp }
      } ,
    slices~outer~angle~reduce /. style =
        slices~outer~end~angle~shift = { - (#1) } ,
        slices~outer~start~angle~shift = {#1}
      } ,
    slices~outer~angle~shift /. style =
        slices~outer~end~angle~shift = {#1} ,
        slices~outer~start~angle~shift = {#1}
      } ,
    slices~outer~arc /. style~2~args =
        slices~outer =
              { outer~start }
              { outer~end }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _outer~end_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent /. is~choice ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent / false /. code = {} ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent / false /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent / true /. style =
        slices~outer =
              { \__wheelchart_diff_atan:nnnn { outer~start } { inner~start } { outer~end } { inner~end } }
              { 0 }
              { outer~start }
              { outer~end }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _outer~end_coordinate ) }
                \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp } > { 359.99 }
                  { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { 1 } }
                    \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp } = { 180 }
                      { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { 0 } }
                      { \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp { cotd ( 45 - \l__wheelchart_slices_arc_A_fp / 4 ) } }
      } ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent / true /. value~forbidden ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent /. initial = false ,
    slices~outer~arc~tangent /. default = true ,
    slices~outer~arrow /. style~2~args =
        slices~outer =
              { outer~start }
              { outer~end }
              { -- ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _outer~end_coordinate ) }
      } ,
    slices~outer~end~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~outer~start~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~outer~to /. style~2~args =
        slices~outer =
            \__wheelchart_slices_to:nn {#1} {#2}
            ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _outer~end_coordinate )
      } ,
    slices~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    slices~scope /. style = { slices_scope /. style = {#1} } ,
    slices_scope /. style = {} ,
    slices~sep /. initial = 0 ,
    slices~start /. initial = { -- cycle } ,
    slices~start~arc /. style~2~args =
        slices~start =
              { inner~start }
              { outer~start }
              { -- cycle }
      } ,
    slices~start~arrow /. style~2~args =
        slices~start =
              { inner~start }
              { outer~start }
              { -- cycle }
      } ,
    slices~start~to /. style~2~args = { slices~start = { \__wheelchart_slices_to:nn {#1} {#2} cycle } } ,
    slices~style /. style = { slices_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    slices_style /. style = {} ,
    slices~style = { \WCvarB } ,
    slices~to /. style~2~args =
        slices~end~to = {#1} {#2} ,
        slices~start~to = { - (#1) } { - (#2) }
      } ,
    start~angle /. initial = 90 ,
    start~half /. style =
        start~angle =
            (#1) -
                \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_1_fp \cs_end: * 0.5
                * ( \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp / \WCtotalnum )
      } ,
    start~half /. default = 90 ,
    title /. initial = {} ,
    title~left /. initial = {} ,
    title~left~sep /. initial = 0.5 ,
    title~left~style /. style = { title~left_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    title~left_style /. style = {} ,
    title~sep /. initial = 0.5 ,
    title~style /. style = { title_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    title_style /. style = {} ,
    total~angle /. initial = 360 ,
    total~count /. code =
        \tl_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_type_tl { totalcount }
        \pgfmathparse {#1}
        \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_total_count_fp { \pgfmathresult }
      } ,
    triangle~proportional~area /. style~2~args =
        domain /. expanded = 0 \c_colon_str 1 ,
        plot = { { (##2) * sqrt ( 1 - (##1) ) * (#1) / 2 } , { - sqrt ( 1 - (##1) ) * (#2) } } ,
        radius = { -1 } { 1 } ,
        samples = 2 ,
        wheel~data~pos = 0.5
      } ,
    triangle~proportional~height /. style~2~args =
        domain /. expanded = 0 \c_colon_str 1 ,
        plot = { { (##2) * ( 1 - (##1) ) * (#1) / 2 } , { ( (##1) - 1 ) * (#2) } } ,
        radius = { -1 } { 1 } ,
        samples = 2 ,
        wheel~data~pos = 0.5
      } ,
    value /. initial = { \WCvarA } ,
    WC_list /. code~2~args =
        \cs_set:cpn {#1}
          { \use:e { \clist_item:nn {#2} { \int_mod:nn { \WCcount - 1 } { \clist_count:n {#2} } + 1 } } }
          %note the \use:e so that \WClist<name> also works when given as an argument to pgfmath
          %if the list contains a macro, for example
          %  value=\WClistA,
          %  WClistA=\n
      } ,
    wheel~data /. initial = {} ,
    wheel~data~angle~pos /. initial = 0.5 ,
    wheel~data~angle~shift /. initial = 0 ,
    wheel~data~pos /. initial = 0.66 ,
    wheel~data~sep /. initial = 0 ,
    wheel~data~style /. style = { wheel_data_style /. style = {#1} } ,
    wheel_data_style /. style = {} ,
    wheel~lines /. style =
        bool_set_true = \l__wheelchart_wheel_lines_bool ,
        wheel_lines /. style = {#1}
      } ,
    wheel_lines /. style = {} ,
    xbar /. style~2~args =
        domain /. expanded = 0 \c_colon_str {#1} ,
        plot = { {##1} , {##2} } ,
        radius = { 0 } {#2} ,
        samples = 2 ,
        wheel~data~pos = 0.5
      } ,
    ybar /. style~2~args =
        domain /. expanded = 0 \c_colon_str {#2} ,
        plot = { {##2} , {##1} } ,
        radius = { 0 } {#1} ,
        samples = 2 ,
        wheel~data~pos = 0.5
      } ,

    / wheelchart /. unknown /. code =
        \tl_set:Ne \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl { \pgfkeyscurrentname }%it is necessary to define \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl
        %because \pgfkeyscurrentname will be overwritten by / errors / unknown~key /. expanded
        \regex_match:NVTF \c__wheelchart_braces_regex \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl
            \tl_set:Ne \l__wheelchart_key_range_tl { \pgfkeyscurrentname }
            \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__wheelchart_braces_regex {} \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl
            \regex_replace_all:NnN \c__wheelchart_key_braces_regex { \1 } \l__wheelchart_key_range_tl
            \str_if_eq:eeTF { \l__wheelchart_key_range_tl } { list }
                \pgfkeys { / wheelchart , WC_list = { l__wheelchart_list_\l__wheelchart_key_name_tl } {#1} }
                    / wheelchart ,
                    \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl /. expand~once = { \cs:w l__wheelchart_list_\l__wheelchart_key_name_tl \cs_end: }
                \clist_gclear:N \g__wheelchart_slice_range_for_loop_clist
                \foreach \l__wheelchart_slice_range_index_tl [ parse = true ] in \l__wheelchart_key_range_tl
                    \clist_gput_right:Ne \g__wheelchart_slice_range_for_loop_clist
                      { \fp_eval:n { \l__wheelchart_slice_range_index_tl } }
                \clist_map_inline:Nn \g__wheelchart_slice_range_for_loop_clist
                    \clist_if_in:NnF \l__wheelchart_slice_range_local_clist {##1}
                      { \clist_put_right:Nn \l__wheelchart_slice_range_local_clist {##1} }
                    \clist_if_exist:cF { l__wheelchart_slice_##1_keys_clist }
                      { \clist_new:c { l__wheelchart_slice_##1_keys_clist } }
                    \str_if_eq:eeTF { \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl } { slice }
                      { \clist_put_right:cn { l__wheelchart_slice_##1_keys_clist } {#1} }
                        \clist_put_right:ce { l__wheelchart_slice_##1_keys_clist }
                          { \exp_not:V \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl \exp_not:n { = {#1} } }
            \str_if_eq:eeTF { \str_range:Nnn \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl { 1 } { 6 } } { WClist }
              { \pgfkeys { / wheelchart , WC_list = { \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl } {#1} } }
              { \pgfkeys { / errors / unknown~key /. expanded = { \l__wheelchart_key_name_tl } {#1} } }
  }%this gives an error message if a key of the form <unknown key for wheelchart>{<range>} is given

%%> \subsection{Additional commands}

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \WCangle { O { \WCcount } m m m m }
  { \__wheelchart_def_angle_plot_false:nnnnn { \__wheelchart_mod:n {#1} } {#2} {#3} {#4} {#5} }

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \WCcoordinate { O { \WCcount } m }
  { g__wheelchart_slice_\__wheelchart_mod:n {#1}_#2_coordinate }

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \WCpoint { O { \WCcount } m m m m }
  { \WCangle [#1] {#2} {#3} {#4} {#5} \c_colon_str \WCradius [#1] {#4} {#5} }

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand \WCradius { O { \WCcount } m m }
  { \__wheelchart_def_radius:nnn { \__wheelchart_mod:n {#1} } {#2} {#3} }

%%> \subsection{The command \textbackslash wheelchart}

\NewDocumentCommand \wheelchart { O {} m }
    {%note the double braces {{...}} so that the contents is in a group and so that & can be used in pgfmath in a tabular
      \pgfkeys { / wheelchart , #1 }
      \IfPackageLoadedTF { siunitx }
        { \cs_set:Npn \WCperc { \qty { \WCpercentagerounded } { \percent } } }
        { \cs_set:Npn \WCperc { \WCpercentagerounded \, \% } }%the definition of \WCperc is placed inside the command \wheelchart
        %so that \WCperc is not defined outside this command
      \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_legend_only_bool
          \__wheelchart_initial:n {#2}
          \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_legend_row_bool
            { \__wheelchart_def_WClegend: }
          \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / legend }
          \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp { \pgf@yy * \pgf@xx - \pgf@yx * \pgf@xy }
          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { total_angle } { total~angle }
          \__wheelchart_initial:n {#2}
          \tl_gset:Ne \g__wheelchart_totalcount_tl { \WCtotalcount }%\WCtotalcount is local and \g__wheelchart_totalcount_tl is global
          %because it is used in commands such as \WCangle thus must be available after the command \wheelchart
          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { start_angle } { start~angle }
          \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_angle_fp \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp
                  \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCpercentage { l__wheelchart_WCpercentage_\WCcount }
                  \cs_set_eq:Nc \WCpercentagerounded { l__wheelchart_WCpercentagerounded_\WCcount }
                  \fp_compare:nNnTF { \WCcount } = { \WCtotalcount }
                      \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp
                        { \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp }
                      \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp
                          \g__wheelchart_angle_fp +
                              \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                              * ( \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp / \WCtotalnum )
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { data_angle_pos } { data~angle~pos }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { gap } { gap }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { gap_max_angle } { gap~max~angle }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { gap_polar } { gap~polar }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { gap_radius } { gap~radius }
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { samples } { samples }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_inner_start_angle_shift } { slices~inner~start~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_inner_end_angle_shift } { slices~inner~end~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_outer_end_angle_shift } { slices~outer~end~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_outer_start_angle_shift } { slices~outer~start~angle~shift }
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gset_eq:cN { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp } \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gset_eq:cN { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp } \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_\WCcount _fp }
                    { abs ( \g__wheelchart_angle_fp - \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp ) / 2 }
                  \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp
                    { \cs:w g__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: - \l__wheelchart_gap_polar_fp }
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_outer_gap_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_inner_gap_\WCcount _fp }
                  \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                      \fp_gset_eq:cN { g__wheelchart_outer_gap_\WCcount _fp } \l__wheelchart_gap_polar_fp
                      \fp_gset_eq:cN { g__wheelchart_inner_gap_\WCcount _fp } \l__wheelchart_gap_polar_fp
                      \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_def_fp
                          \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: > 0
                            sind ( \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp ) < 0.001
                              90 < \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_fp && \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_fp < 180
                              \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_fp < 90 || \l__wheelchart_gap_max_angle_fp > 180
                      \__wheelchart_def_gap:nn { outer } { \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                      \__wheelchart_def_gap:nn { inner } { \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                      \fp_compare:nNnT { \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp } > { 0.01 }
                          \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp }
                                  / sind
                                          \l__wheelchart_abs_half_angle_minus_new_angle_minus_gap_polar_fp ,
                                  \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                  \__wheelchart_def_slice_angle:nnnn { inner } { end } { new_ } { -1 }
                  \__wheelchart_def_slice_angle:nnnn { inner } { start } {} { 1 }
                  \__wheelchart_def_slice_angle:nnnn { outer } { end } { new_ } { -1 }
                  \__wheelchart_def_slice_angle:nnnn { outer } { start } {} { 1 }
                  \__wheelchart_def_angle:nnnn { 0.5 } { 0 } { 0.5 } { 0 }
                  \cs_set:Npe \WCmidangle { \pgfmathresult }
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { data_angle_shift } { data~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { data_pos } { data~pos }
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { data_sep } { data~sep }
                    { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                    { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_shift_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                    { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                    { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_sep_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                  \cs_set:Npe \WCdataangle { \pgfmathresult }
                  \__wheelchart_gdef_count_fp:nn { explode } { explode }
                  \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / for~loop~start }%this must be placed after the definition of macros such as
                  %\WCpercentage so that these macros can be used in the key for loop start
                  \int_compare:nNnT { \WCcount } = { 1 }
                      \begin { scope }
                          shift = { ( \WCmidangle \c_colon_str \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_explode_\WCcount _fp } ) } ,
                          / wheelchart / slices_scope
                      \end { scope }
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_WCdataangle_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_WCdataangle_\WCcount _fp } { \WCdataangle }
                  \fp_gzero_new:c { g__wheelchart_WCmidangle_\WCcount _fp }
                  \fp_gset:cn { g__wheelchart_WCmidangle_\WCcount _fp } { \WCmidangle }
                  \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_angle_fp \g__wheelchart_new_angle_fp
                  \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / for~loop~end }
          \begin { scope } [ shift /. expanded = { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / at } } ]
            \begin { scope } [ local~bounding~box /. expanded = \g__wheelchart_name_tl ]
              \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_middle_fill_bool
                  \bool_if:NF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                      \fill [ / wheelchart / middle_fill ]
                        \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp } = { 360 }
                          { ( 0 , 0 ) circle [ radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp ] }
                            ( 0 , 0 )
                            -- ( \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp \c_colon_str \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp )
                                start~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp ,
                                end~angle =
                                      + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
                                radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp
                            -- cycle
              \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_discrete_bool
                { \__wheelchart_discrete_algorithm: }
                      \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / before~slices }
                      \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_slices_bool
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_angle_pos } { slices~angle~pos }
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_angle_shift } { slices~angle~shift }
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_pos } { slices~pos }
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { slices_sep } { slices~sep }
                            { \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_pos_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_shift_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_slices_pos_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_slices_sep_fp }
                          \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_fp { \pgfmathresult }
                          \begin { scope }
                              shift /. expanded =
                                  \cs:w __wheelchart_point_plot_\bool_to_str:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool :nnnnn \cs_end:
                                    { \WCcount }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_shift_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_slices_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_slices_sep_fp }
                                } ,
                              rotate = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_slices_angle_fp
                            \fill [ / wheelchart / slices_style ] \l__wheelchart_slices_tl
                          \end { scope }
                          %We do not use the let operation in the path \fill[/wheelchart/slices_style] ... because then
                          %\n, \p, \x and \y can not be used as macro names inside the argument of a key which is applied
                          %on this path such as the key slices inner arc.
                          \__wheelchart_def_coord:nnnn { inner~end } { inner } { end }
                            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_end_angle_\WCcount _fp } }
                          \__wheelchart_def_coord:nnnn { inner~start } { inner } { start }
                            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_inner_start_angle_\WCcount _fp } }
                          \__wheelchart_def_coord:nnnn { outer~end } { outer } { end }
                            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_end_angle_\WCcount _fp } }
                          \__wheelchart_def_coord:nnnn { outer~start } { outer } { start }
                            { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_slice_outer_start_angle_\WCcount _fp } }
                          \fill [ / wheelchart / slices_style ]
                            ( g__wheelchart_slice_\WCcount _outer~start_coordinate )
                            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / slices~outer }
                            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / slices~end }
                            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / slices~inner }
                            \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / slices~start }
                      \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / after~slices }
                  \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_wheel_lines_bool
                  %this is placed inside \__wheelchart_for_loop:n so that wheel lines can be applied for specific slices
                      \int_step_inline:nnn { 0 } { \fp_eval:n { round ( \cs:w g__wheelchart_value_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: ) } }
                      %note the \fp_eval:n { round ( ... ) } to avoid the messages Missing character: There is no ... in font nullfont!
                          \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                              \draw [ / wheelchart / wheel_lines ]
                                    { \__wheelchart_wheel_lines_aux:nn {####1} { inner } }
                                    { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp } }
                                    { \__wheelchart_wheel_lines_aux:nn {####1} { outer } }
                                    { \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp } }
                              \draw [ / wheelchart / wheel_lines ]
                                  \__wheelchart_wheel_lines_aux:nn {####1} { inner }
                                  \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp }
                                  \__wheelchart_wheel_lines_aux:nn {####1} { outer }
                                  \fp_use:c { g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp }
              \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_contour_bool
                  \bool_if:NF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                      \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp } = { 360 }
                          \draw [ / wheelchart / contour_style ]
                            ( 0 , 0 ) circle [ radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp ] ;
                          \draw [ / wheelchart / contour_style ]
                            ( 0 , 0 ) circle [ radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp ] ;
                          \draw [ / wheelchart / contour_style ]
                            ( \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp \c_colon_str \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp )
                                start~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp ,
                                end~angle =
                                      + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
                                radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_inner_radius_fp
                                    + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
                                \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp
                                start~angle =
                                      + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_total_angle_fp
                                end~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_start_angle_fp ,
                                radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_outer_radius_fp
                            -- cycle ;
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines } { lines }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_angle_pos } { lines~angle~pos }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_angle_shift } { lines~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_ext } { lines~ext }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_pos } { lines~pos }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_sep } { lines~sep }
                  \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp } = { 0 }
                      \bool_if:NF \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_bool
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_ext_dirsep } { lines~ext~dirsep }
                          \int_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int
                                    \WCdataangle < 90 - \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dirsep_fp
                                      \WCdataangle <= 90 + \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dirsep_fp
                                        \WCdataangle < 270 - \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dirsep_fp
                                          \WCdataangle <= 270 + \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dirsep_fp
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_ext_fixed_left } { lines~ext~fixed~left }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { lines_ext_fixed_right } { lines~ext~fixed~right }
                  \fp_compare:nF { \l__wheelchart_lines_fp == 0 && \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp == 0 }
                      \draw [ / wheelchart / lines_style ] let \p { l__wheelchart_lines_1 } =
                        \cs:w __wheelchart_point_plot_\bool_to_str:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool :nnnnn \cs_end:
                          { \WCcount }
                          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_shift_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                          { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                          { \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp + \l__wheelchart_lines_fp }
                          \cs:w __wheelchart_point_plot_\bool_to_str:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool :nnnnn \cs_end:
                            { \WCcount }
                            { \l__wheelchart_lines_angle_pos_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_lines_angle_shift_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_lines_pos_fp }
                            { \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp }
                          -- ( \p { l__wheelchart_lines_1 } )
                      \fp_compare:nNnF { \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp } = { 0 }
                          \str_case:enF { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / lines~ext~fixed } }
                              { true }
                                            \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int == 1
                                      \y { l__wheelchart_lines_1 }
                              { false }
                                { --++ ( { \fp_eval:n { \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int * \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp } } , 0 ) }
                                  / errors / boolean~expected /. expanded =
                                    { lines~ext~fixed }
                                    { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / lines~ext~fixed } }
                              shift =
                                          \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int * \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_sep_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                                    } ,
                            ( g__wheelchart_data_coordinate )
                  \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn { data } { o }
                      \fp_compare:nNnTF { \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_fp } = { 0 }
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { anchor_xsep } { anchor~xsep }
                          \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { anchor_ysep } { anchor~ysep }
                              ( \WCdataangle == 0 ? "west" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle == 90 ? "south" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle == 180 ? "east" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle == 270 ? "north" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle <= \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_ysep_fp ? "west" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle < 90 - \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_xsep_fp ? "south~west" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle <= 90 + \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_xsep_fp ? "south" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle < 180 - \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_ysep_fp ? "south~east" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle <= 180 + \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_ysep_fp ? "east" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle < 270 - \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_xsep_fp ? "north~east" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle <= 270 + \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_xsep_fp ? "north" \c_colon_str
                              ( \WCdataangle < 360 - \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_anchor_ysep_fp ? "north~west" \c_colon_str
                          \tl_set:Ne \l__wheelchart_data_anchor_tl { \pgfmathresult }
                              at =
                                \cs:w __wheelchart_point_plot_\bool_to_str:N \l__wheelchart_plot_bool :nnnnn \cs_end:
                                  { \WCcount }
                                  { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                                  { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_angle_shift_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                                  { \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_pos_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: }
                                    \cs:w g__wheelchart_data_sep_\WCcount _fp \cs_end: +
                                      \l__wheelchart_lines_fp == 0
                                      \l__wheelchart_lines_sep_fp + \l__wheelchart_lines_fp
                            ( g__wheelchart_data_coordinate ) ;
                          \pgfmathparse { \int_use:N \l__wheelchart_lines_ext_dir_int == 1 ? "right" \c_colon_str "left" }
                          \tl_set:Ne \l__wheelchart_data_anchor_tl
                            { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / lines~ext~\pgfmathresult \c_space_tl anchor } }
                      \node [ anchor = \l__wheelchart_data_anchor_tl , align = left , / wheelchart / data_style ]
                        at ( g__wheelchart_data_coordinate )
                        { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / data } } ;%a separate \node and not at the end of the \draw with lines_style
                        %so that the key lines style is not passed to this \node
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_around_line } { arc~around~line }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_angle_pos } { arc~data~angle~pos }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_angle_shift } { arc~data~angle~shift }
                  \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_dir } { arc~data~dir }
                  %these are needed for arc data and arc
                    \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp { 0.5 ex / 1 cm }%
                  \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp { 0 }
                  \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn { arc~data } {}
                      \cs_set:Npn \WCperc { \WCpercentagerounded { \, } { \% } }%so that \WCperc follows the arc if used in arc data
                      %this redefinition of \WCperc is local to the group of arc data
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_pos } { arc~data~pos }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_sep } { arc~data~sep }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_line_sep_factor } { arc~data~line~sep~factor }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_lines_pos } { arc~data~lines~pos }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_data_lines_shift } { arc~data~lines~shift }
                      \cs:w seq_set_split:Nn\pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~data~expand } \cs_end:
                        { \\ }
                        { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~data } }
                      \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_seq
                          \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp
                              \l__wheelchart_arc_data_pos_fp + 4 * \g__wheelchart_slices_orientation_fp *
                                  ####1 - 1 - \l__wheelchart_arc_data_lines_pos_fp * ( \seq_count:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_seq - 1 )
                                  + \l__wheelchart_arc_data_lines_shift_fp
                                * sign ( \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp )
                                * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_line_sep_factor_fp * \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp
                                  \cs:w g__wheelchart_outer_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                                  - \cs:w g__wheelchart_inner_radius_\WCcount _fp \cs_end:
                                  + 2 * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp
                            }%the sign is needed because \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp is not necessarily 1 or -1
                          \hbox_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_box
                            { \pgfinterruptpicture {####2} \endpgfinterruptpicture }
                          \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_slice_length_fp { 1 }%this is necessary if the value is 0
                          \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                                  overlay ,
                                  decorate ,
                                  decoration =
                                      text~along~path ,
                                      text =
                                        { {} { \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_slice_length_fp { \pgfdecoratedpathlength } } } ,
                                      raise = -0.5 ex ,
                                      text~align = \l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl ,
                                      / wheelchart / arc_data_style
                                }%get the length of the path
                                %note the option overlay so that this does not increase the bounding box
                                %note the {} at the start of text and the braces around \fp_gset:Nn ...
                                %so that the compilation does not stall
                                { 0 }
                                { 1 }
                                { \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl }
                                { 0 }
                                { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp }
                                { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp }
                                  decorate ,
                                  decoration =
                                      text~along~path ,
                                      text =
                                          { { \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp { \the \pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance } } }
                                              \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp
                                                  ( \the \pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance - \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp )
                                                  / \g__wheelchart_arc_data_slice_length_fp
                                        } ,
                                      raise = -0.5 ex ,
                                      text~align = \l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl ,
                                      / wheelchart / arc_data_style
                                }%note the double braces around \fp_gset:Nn ...
                                %so that for example arc data=text {\qty{5}{\percent}} is allowed
                                %note that \def\mytext{}\path[decorate,decoration={text along path,text={\mytext}}] (0,0)--(1,1);
                                %gives the message Missing character: There is no ... in font nullfont!, then
                                %text={\pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~data }{}} can be used
                                %if the \fp_gset:Nn ... would not be present
                                { \fp_use:c { c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_\l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl _fp } }
                                { \fp_use:c { c__wheelchart_arc_data_end_factor_\l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl _fp } }
                                  \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp * 1.1
                                  * ( \dim_to_fp:n { \box_wd:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_box } / \g__wheelchart_arc_data_slice_length_fp )
                                  + \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_pos_fp
                                { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_shift_fp }
                                { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp }
                                { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp }
                              \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp
                                    { \WCcount }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
                              \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_total_angle_plot_false_fp
                                  \box_wd:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_box * 1.1 /
                                      sqrt ( abs ( \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp ) )%this is necessary if an option such as
                                      %[x={(-0.5,0)},y={(0,0.5)}] is given to the tikzpicture
                                      * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp * deg
                              \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_data_start_angle_plot_false_fp
                                    { \WCcount }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_angle_shift_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_text_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_data_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
                                  + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp
                                    * \cs:w c__wheelchart_arc_data_start_factor_\l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl _fp \cs_end:
                                    * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_total_angle_plot_false_fp
                                  decorate ,
                                  decoration =
                                      text~along~path ,
                                      text =
                                          { { \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp { \the \pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance } } }
                                              \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp
                                                  ( \the \pgfdecoratedcompleteddistance - \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp )
                                                  / \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp
                                        } ,
                                      raise = -0.5 ex ,
                                      text~align = \l__wheelchart_arc_data_align_tl ,
                                      / wheelchart / arc_data_style
                                  \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_start_angle_plot_false_fp
                                  \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp
                                    start~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_start_angle_plot_false_fp ,
                                    end~angle =
                                          + \l__wheelchart_counter_or_clockwise_fp * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_dir_fp
                                          * \l__wheelchart_arc_data_total_angle_plot_false_fp
                                    radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_data_radius_plot_false_fp
                          \fp_compare:nNnF { \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp } > { 0 }
                              \PackageWarning { wheelchart }
                                  The~arc~data~in~slice~\WCcount \c_space_tl did~(possibly)~not~fit.~
                                }%refer to \WCcount and not to \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~data }
                                %because the latter is not necessarily unique
                          \int_compare:nNnT {####1} = { \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_around_line_fp }
                            { \fp_gset_eq:NN \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_i_fp }
                  \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_arc_bool
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_pos } { arc~pos }
                      \__wheelchart_def_fp:nn { arc_sep } { arc~sep }
                      \str_case:enF { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~around~text } }
                          { true }
                              \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                                  \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_true:nnn { first } { -1 } { 0 }
                                  \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_true:nnn { second } { 1 } { 1 }
                                  \fp_gset:Nn \g__wheelchart_arc_data_aux_ii_fp
                                      / ( sqrt ( abs ( \l__wheelchart_coord_determinant_fp ) ) * deg )
                                  \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp
                                        { \WCcount }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
                                  \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_false:nn { first } { 0 }
                                  \__wheelchart_arc_around_text_plot_false:nn { second } { 1 }
                          { false }
                              \bool_if:NTF \l__wheelchart_plot_bool
                                    { draw , / wheelchart / arc_style }
                                    { 0 }
                                    { 1 }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_plot_variable_tl }
                                    { 0 }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
                                    { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp }
                                  \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp
                                        { \WCcount }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
                                  \fp_set:Nn \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp
                                        { \WCcount }
                                        { 0 }
                                        { 0 }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
                                        { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp }
                                    [ draw , / wheelchart / arc_style ]
                                    ( \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp \c_colon_str \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp )
                                        start~angle = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_start_angle_fp ,
                                        end~angle =
                                            { \WCcount }
                                            { 1 }
                                            { 0 }
                                            { \l__wheelchart_arc_pos_fp }
                                            { \l__wheelchart_arc_sep_fp + \g__wheelchart_half_ex_over_one_cm_fp } ,
                                        radius = \fp_use:N \l__wheelchart_arc_radius_fp
                              / errors / boolean~expected /. expanded =
                                { arc~around~text }
                                { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / arc~around~text } }
                  \__wheelchart_inner_and_wheel_data:n { inner }
                  \__wheelchart_inner_and_wheel_data:n { wheel }
                  \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / legend~entry }
              \bool_if:NT \l__wheelchart_legend_row_bool
                { \__wheelchart_def_WClegend: }
              \__wheelchart_if_text:nnn { middle } { o }
                { \node [ align = center , / wheelchart / middle_style ] at ( 0 , 0 ) { \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / middle } } ; }
              \pgfkeysvalueof { / wheelchart / legend }
            \end { scope }
              { caption~left } { north~west } { left } { \g__wheelchart_name_tl .south~west } { -1 }
              { caption } { north } { center } { \g__wheelchart_name_tl .south -| 0 , 0 } { -1 }
              { title~left } { south~west } { left } { \g__wheelchart_name_tl .north~west } { 1 }
              { title } { south } { center } { \g__wheelchart_name_tl .north -| 0 , 0 } { 1 }
          \end { scope }
