% Postscriptbox and psbox macros for use with dvips and pstex.
% Neil Hunt, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research.
% hunt@spar.slb.com
% $Log:	postscript.sty,v $
% Revision 1.5  89/01/09  13:05:38  hunt
% Updated to use a single .psz file per job rather than a .tps file
% for each included figure.
% Revision 1.4  88/09/20  13:12:18  hunt
% Cosmetic changes
% Revision 1.3  88/08/04  12:33:19  hunt
% A new psbox feature has been added for use with pstex:
% This replaces the old psbox, and simplifies things a lot.
% Revision 1.2  88/08/04  09:50:46  hunt
% Added RXB's psbox hacks:
% {1}	18-Apr-88  Rafael Bracho (rxb) at Schlumberger Austin Systems Center
% 	The postscriptbox macros were created by Neil Hunt at SPAR, I've
% 	added the psbox ones to use the InsertFile special.  Since I
% 	fixed InsertFile, I don't know if we still need the postscriptbox
% 	special, though.
% Revision 1.1  88/08/04  09:41:01  hunt
% Initial revision - useful with early embed program versions.

% Primitive: postscriptbox macros.
% ===============================
% \postscriptbox{w}{h}{file}		Box of size w, h.
% \postscriptbox(w,h){file}		Picture env. box of size w, h.

\def \postscriptbox{\@ifnextchar ({\@postscriptpicbox}{\@postscriptbox}}

\def \@postscriptpicbox(#1,#2)#3{%

\def \@postscriptbox#1#2#3{%	<width> <height> <file>
\@xdim=#1\divide\@xdim 1000\multiply\@xdim\mag%
\@ydim=#2\divide\@ydim 1000\multiply\@ydim\mag%
\mbox{\vbox to #2{\vfil\hbox to #1%
{\special{postscriptbox {\the\@xdim}{\the\@ydim}{#3}}\hfil}}}}

% Higher level macros.
% ===================
% \psbox[dimensions-options]{psfile}
% 1	\psbox writes to .aux ``\psboxaux[dimensions-options]{psfile}''
% 2	pstex reads .aux files, writes \pssize macros to .psz file.
% 3	.psz file is input, defines size macros by figure name.
% 4	\psbox invokes size macros for each figure.

% Counters to disambiguate multiple references to the same figure.
% t@psctr counts multiple occurrences of psboxaux's in .aux file.
% f@psctr counts multiple occurrences of pssize's in .psz file.

\def\psbox{\@ifnextchar [{\@psbox}{\@psbox[]}}

% First we write an entry on the aux file: psboxaux[args]{filename}
% Next we generate the handle f@name used for this figure:
% we check whether the tag `t@<filename>' is defined:
%	If not, this is the first time PS file <filename> has been used,
%	so we def \f@name = f@<filename>, and define the tag t@<filename>.
%	Otherwise, this filename has been used before, and we will add
%	a unique number to the name to disambiguate:
%	we def \f@name = fN@<filename> where N is the value of t@psctr++.
% Now we try to access the \postscriptbox macro which is the expansion
% of \f@name.  If \f@name is undefined, we write a warning, and a placeholder.

{\def\f@name{f@#2}\global\@namedef{t@#2}{\relax}}%	% t@#2 undef'ed
{\def\f@name{f\arabic{t@psctr}@#2}\stepcounter{t@psctr}}% t@#2 defined
\framebox[2in]{Figure {\tt #2}\rule[-1in]{0in}{2in}}%	% \f@name undef
\@warning{Figure `#2' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname \f@name \endcsname}}				% \f@name def'd

% Prepare to read the .aux file:
%	Define psboxaux as null; it is only used as a flag for pstex.


% Prepare to read the .psz file:
%	Define \pssize as a macro to build f@name in an identical manner to
%	above, and then define \f@name as the proper \postscriptbox macro.

{\def\f@name{f@#3}}%					% f@#2 undef'ed
{\def\f@name{f\arabic{f@psctr}@#3}\stepcounter{f@psctr}}% f@#2 defined

% Read the .psz file to define the sizes for each figure.
