pstricks.tex --------
versions like 2.47a have only changes in other files, but not
in this main package.

3.14  2022-08-30  - bugfix for \psdots* in pstricks-dots.tex
3.13a 2022-08-27  - define \colorlet, if used with etex
3.13  2022-01-09  - revert presetting "dimen=inner" for circle/ellipse
                    and set it again to "outer", like for rectangles and other
3.12  2021-12-29  - added code for guessing box coordinates for pspicture
                  - added optional arguments showframe and calcframe
3.11a 2021-11-16  - fix for GS in
3.11  2021-10-01  - added the missing filled dots
                  - fix for (delete one dup)
                  - fix for trailing space before second pspicture
                  - added SolidOctogon for a dot
3.10a 2021-09-25  - fix introduced bug in
3.10  2021-09-23  - move dot macros into a separate file pstricks-dots.tex
                  - use the internal Type1 version of PSTricksDotFont for 
                    latex and the OpenType version for lualatex
                  - fix for rotation with \rput
3.09  2021-09-15  - fix for \uput and lualatex
3.08  2021-09-10  - moved the color stuff into a separate file 
                  - added macros to get the color values without the color model name
3.07  2021-09-05  - fix for vee arrows in pstricks-arrows
                  - with optional argument "gsfonts" for PSTricks, one
                    can use GS fonts from URW, like StandardSymL, NimbusRomNo9L-Regu,
                    NimbusRomNo9L-Bold, ...                  
                    Default is using the PS fontnames, like Symbol, Times-Roman, Times-Bold,
                    Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, ...
                  - fixed default setting for linewidth and color
                  - fix for \pst@rotate and lualatex, which has another y direction
                  - use ifPSTlualatex for the rotation shortcut definitions 
                  - fix for \pst@rotlist
3.06  2021-08-27  - added support for experimental use of lualatex with luapstricks.lua
                  - enabled .setblendmode again in
3.05  2021-08-25  - bug fix for Penrose fill style
                  - put tbasic arrows code into new pstricks-arrow.tex
3.04  2021-08-24  - moved complete arrow stuff into pst-arrow. Its hardcore macros
                    are loaded by default by pstricks.tex
3.03  2021-08-23  - LaTeX option gsfonts=false (default) now uses URW font Symbol instead 
                    of GhostScript's StandardSymL->s050000l.pfb
3.02  2021-05-31  - added arrow type T<->T, similar to TikZ
3.01a 2021-03-30  - fix bug for intro to Ghostscript >9.52 in
3.01  2020-09-18  - make it compatible to Ghostscript >9.52 for strokeopacity
3.00  2020-06-11  - added package pstricks-pdf for using auto-pst-pdf
2.99  2020-06-09  - added two optional arguments for \psgrid: griddx and griddy
2.97  2019-05-11  - fix for trailing space with \pscustom
2.96  2019-02-23  - use \ifx\pgfkeysloaded\relax for the test
2.95  2019-01-22  - preset dimen=inner for a circle 
2.94  2019-01-07  - added \psLine which can have only one or two pair of 
                    coordinates which are tested for a distance zero
2.93  2019-01-07  - fix for changes in pgffor.code.tex
2.92  2018-12-24  - revert chnages for \psarc (don't work for nodes as angle)
2.91  2018-12-24  - bugfix for identical angles and \psellipticatc(n)
2.90a 2018-12-22  - added optional argument xetex for pstricks.sty
2.90  2018-12-17  - undocumented feature for x|y-offset of gridlabels
2.89  2018-12-16  - allow keysetting for \rput only for valid options
2.88  2018-12-13  - fix an introduced trailing space
2.87  2018-12-11  - allow key/value setting for \rput[key=vale,...](...)
2.86a 2018-11-14  - fix for latext Ghostscript, added PS function Power
                    which can be used instead of exp 
2.86  2018-08-23  - fix for trailing space in showgrid (#1f) 
2.85  2018-08-22  - fix for trailing space in \radians 
2.84  2018-05-01  - use \long\def\@fornoop  from recent LaTeX 
2.83a 2018-02-08  - changes in pstricks.sty
2.82  2018-01-06  - allow ! notation in \psRing for the two radii
2.81  2018-01-01  - disable engine check (defined in pstricks.sty)
2.80a 2017-12-30  - added some PS functions for conversion of angles
2.80  2017-12-08  - fix for \radians
2.79  2017-11-27  - fix rounding error in \pscircle for a big linewidth
2.78  2017-11-26  - fix for a trailing space in oefill
2.77  2017-10-04  - fix bug with wrong position for catcode change of @
                    (debian bug 877682)
                  - created new file pstricks-tex.def for the additional
                    latex macros when running tex
                  - define \ifpst@psfonts for the TeX part 
2.76a 2017-09-23  - revert the changes for PtoC: PtoC360->PtoC (old meaning)
                    PtoC->PtoCrel (relativ)
2.76  2017-09-17  - use an optional argument to switch between
                    original PostScript or URW fonts (Nimbus)
                    default is URW 
2.75a 2017-09-12  - modifications in 
2.75  2017-08-24  - use always URW fonts instead of PostScript, 
                    eg Helvetica->NimbusSanL
2.74a 2017-07-16  - modified pstricks.sty 
2.74  2017-06-15  - added a randomcolor for gray, rgb, cmyk and hsb
2.73a 2017-05-22  - revert unneeded changes in pst-fp
2.73  2017-05-18  - "understandable" error message when using pdflatex
                    without loading auto-pst-pdf
2.72b 2017-04-19  - uploaded wrong version
2.72a 2017-04-18  - fix bug with unicode-math in pst-doc.cls
2.72  2017-04-06  - load pgf related macros only when
                    not done by tikz itself
2.71  2016-12-23  - added optional argument to \newpsstyle
2.70  2016-09-23  - use strokeopacity for doubleline, too
2.69  2016-09-16  - use option draft instead of overfullrule
2.68  2016-06-09  - test for \overfullrule depending to latex
2.67  2016-05-28  - fix bug for \psCirclebox@ii. depth must be negative
2.66  2016-05-19  - do the allocation stuff only for
                    the original TeX and not eTeX
2.65a 2016-04-22  - fix in
2.65  2016-02-07  - fix bug with pst@refangle
2.64b 2015-11-14  - fix bug in pstricks.sty
2.64a 2015-11-11  - new  package pstricks-pdf.sty
2.64  2015-10-09  - fix for xetex and \psput@special
2.63  2015-09-11  - fix for xetex and \psput@special
2.62a 2015-07-27  - upload the correct pstricks.sty
2.62  2015-07-24  - added optional argument bgcolor
2.61  2015-06-28  - added optional arguments precode and postcode
2.60  2014-10-25  - make it compatible for using it with ConTeXt
2.57  2014-08-27  - take option correctAngle into account for \psellipticwedge
2.56  2014-07-31  - added gridstyleA and fixed bug with Ellipse and move
                    to start point
2.55  2014-07-28  - added \psellipseAB: draw an ellipse between two given points
2.54a 2014-05-19  - fixed introduced bug in
2.54  2014-05-19  - allow circle and ellipse in \pscustom with moving
                    the currentpoint to the start point and not the center.
2.53a 2014-03-30  - changes in
2.53  2014-03-12  - added cubic splines
2.52  2014-03-01  - allow rot=.. for all elliptic macros
                  - enable \SpecialCoor as default
2.51  2014-02-03  - make strokeopacity available for dots
2.50  2014-01-16  - added experimental fillstyle oefill, the inverse of eofill
                  - allow PostScript notation for \pst@checknum
2.49c 2013-12-27  - moved overlay functions into an own package 
2.49b 2013-12-21  - moved overlay functions into an own dictionary 
2.49a 2013-12-09  - changes in pstricks.sty 
2.49  2013-12-09  - added \reversepath 
2.48  2013-11-29  - fixed trailing space for !! 
2.47a 2013-11-28  - changes in pst-ovl
2.47  2013-11-26  - added special coor type !! for Postfix notation
                    in user coordinates
2.46  2013-08-13  - fixed bug with \pstcustomize (delete a line)
2.45  2013-07-08  - moved the overlay part into pst-ovl
                  - added \@tfor macros if used without \LaTeX
2.44  2013-06-24  - add macros \pssetMonochrome and \pssetGrayscale
                  - added coor option ** for (f(y) y) 
2.43  2013-05-12  - allow option ! to the labelsep of \uput
2.42  2013-04-26  - add option + for coordinates to allow
                    (+{x} {f(x)}) both in algebraic notation where
                    x must be expanded to a value.
2.41  2013-04-17  - add option for using the pgf PS functions.
                    in some cases they are missing. They are
                    defined in which is loaded
                    by default.
2.40  2013-04-05  - fix for showgrid=top. Uses now the
                    same units as showgrid=bottom
                  - added \psRing 
2.39  2013-04-04  - fix for introduced bug for showgrid
2.38  2013-04-03  - fix for showgrid=true
2.37  2013-03-12  - fix for \uput@vii#1#2
2.36  2013-02-09  - fix for introduced bug for pst@dotFill
2.35  2012-12-21  - fix for introduced bug with missing
                    definition for \@width
2.34  2012-11-18  - make package pgffor available
2.33  2012-09-23  - fix a trailing space in \pst@Pyth
2.32  2012-09-20  - added more blendmodes for distiller
2.31  2012-08-24  - fixed bug with the star version of \psellipticarc
                    and the additional setting of showpoints
2.30  2012-08-13  - fixed bug with the star version of \psellipticarc
                  - added fillstyle options eovlines, eohlines, 
                                            eovlines*, and eohlines* 
2.29  2012-06-04  - fixed itroduced trailing space with boolkey
2.28  2012-05-24  - added \add@psCode, which uses \pstVerb
                    instead of \pstverb
2.27  2012-03-11  - activate \tx@strokeopacity for \psgrid
2.26  2012-02-19  - showgrid=top is now possible
2.25  2012-02-12  - modifications to the code of curveticks
2.24  2012-02-09  - add option for curveticks with option symbol
2.23  2011-09-04  - change also \psx|ylabelsep for pst-plot
2.22  2011-07-09  - added fillstyle dots
2.21  2011-06-07  - fix bug with a trailing space in \psForeach
2.20  2011-04-23  - load
2.19  2011-03-25  - fixed a bug with missing coordinates for pspicture
2.18  2011-02-15  - fixed a bug with correctAngle and showpoints of
                  - fixed introduced bug with arrowscale=...
2.17  2011-01-30  - added \psLoop for loops without a defined counter
2.16  2010-12-18  - added optional argument dashcolor and new linestyle
2.15  2010-11-25  - bugfix for using \pstCheckCoorType
2.14  2010-11-14  - bugfix for using \pst@pyth. Now \pst@Pyth, which uses
                    no dimen registers
2.13  2010-11-01  - new macro and counter for the type of read coordinates
                    \pstCheckCoorType{#1} sets the macro \pst@C@@rType
% \pst@C@@rType = 0 cartesian (x,y)
%               = 1 polar     (r;phi)
%               = 2 PS        (! x y)
%               = 3 mixed     ((x,y)|(x,y))
%               = 4 algebraic (*x f(x))
%               = 5 node      (A)
%               = 6 special node ([...]A)
%               = 7 node      (>A) 
2.12  2010-09-16  - new optional argument for setflat  
                  - fix bug with doubled linecap definition
                  - fix bug with missing linejoin in \psls@solid
2.11  2010-09-09  - new optional arguments for setting a variable  
                    linewidth and variable color
2.10  2010-08-27  - new optional argument noCurrentPoint, which is
                    preset to false. 
2.09  2010-07-28  - fix bug with rotation values like *0 (ms) 
2.08  2010-06-06  - fix bug with uput@vii 
2.07  2010-05-24  - fix bug with uput and node setting (ms)
2.06  2010-04-27  - fix bug with trailing space in \pst@isnum 
2.05  2010-04-26  - fix bug with missing \psk@rot for Ellipse 
2.04  2010-04-24  - take \psk@rot into account for \psellipse (hv)
                  - new version of \pst@divide (ms)
2.03  2010-04-12  - add keyword correctAngle=true to get an
		    elliptic arc with correct bow length
2.02  2010-02-23  - fix a spurious blank in \NormalCoor
2.01  2010-02-15  - fix problem with nonlinear angles for
                  - fix problem with tex: pst-xkey must be loaded
                    after we are sure having all latex macros 
2.00  2010-02-11  - use pst-xkey to get rid of dependencies with
                    other packages
1.33  2009-12-22  - add linestyle symbol
1.32  2009-12-14  - fixed bug with \hskip and fnode in psmatrix
                    with a new \pshspace#1
                  - moved the algebraic option from pstricks-add
                    to the main pstricks.tex
1.31  2009-11-27  - fixed introduced problem with \pst@def
1.30  2009-10-25  - revert the changes for the \pst@object, it now
                    use \def\pst@par{}
1.29  2009-05-19  - new option pType for a parabola with two points
1.28  2009-03-17  - fix spurious blank for \SpecialCoor
1.27  2009-01-25  - updated \pssetlength to check for special coor
	          - renamed internal \next to \ps@next to prevent problems
                    with other packages
                  - added \psPline(p1)(p2)(p3) for the shortest distance 
                    of P1 to the line p2p3
                  - added \psarcAB and \psarcnAB for arcs with a given
                    center and two points
1.26  2008-07-31  - fixed bug with double arrow and arrowscale 
		  - fix bug with arrows longer than the arc/line ...
		  - fix bug with pst@theheaders
		  - fix bug with trailing spaces
1.25  2008-06-17  added fill style penrose
1.24  2008-06-17  added \psDEBUG[#1]#2 for better dubugging
1.23  2008-05-23  - add octogon symbol (hv)
		  - fix bug with D>-<D (hv) 
1.22  2008-04-14  - added shift=* option to get vertically centered
		    pspicture box. It is the old \pspciture[0.5] option
		  - add \pscircleOA(center)(point on the circle)
1.21  2008-01-24  - changed code for transparency making distiller work 
1.20  2008-01-01  - added opacity for normal stroke operation (lines)
	          - added the arrowtype <D-D> and <D<D-D>D>, which draws the
		    sides as betier curves (ArrowD type in
                  - add special coor type (*x f(x)), which invokes the
                    algebraic parser for f(x) before using the default
		    (!x y) coor type
		  - add option linejoin=0,1,or 2 for connecting lines
		  - add option linecap=0,1,or 2 for line ends
		  - small tweaks to psellipticarc x y -> xOrig yOrig
		  - fix introduced bug with \newpsstyle: \pst@tempa->\pst@tempA
    		  - add PS subroutines /UserCoor and /ScreenCoor for easy
		    transforming into user or screen coordinates
		  - changed wrong name of \psk@shift to \pst@shift
		  - fix bug with pst-node and \\[name=...]. It now uses
		    \ps@ifnextchar for scanning the next token
		  - fix bug with pst@tempg in \polar@coor. It was already used in
		  - new option gridfont for the label font of \psgrid
		    can now be any of the PS-fonts Helvetica (Default),
		    Times-Roman, Palatino-Roman, ... 
1.15a 2007-01-05  - \parabola->\psparabola (old name still valid) (hv) 
1.15  2006-12-19  - add support for more dot styles (from Etienne Riga) 
1.14c 2006-04-29  - add option linecap for dashed lines 
1.14b 2006-04-20  - fix a bug in \psset@linetype 
1.14a 2006-02-06  - revert the changes for pslongbox (introduced bug)
1.14  2005-12-17  - make the color part compatible to color/xcolor
1.13  2005-12-15  - fix bug of \psdot*
1.12  2005-10-25  - spurious blank for \multirput
                  - shift only for an absolute length
		  - add the missing arrows ]-[)-(
1.11  2005-09-08  - rename \rotateleft | right | down to 
                    \psrotateleft | right | down to be consistant to the
		    other PSTricks macro names
		  - new fillstyle options
		  - move the code for arcs of an ellipse into
1.10  2005-08-13  - fix bug with \multips (spurious blank) (hv)
                  - allow empty optional arrow argument \psline[..]{}(2,2)
		  - redefined \psarc@iv for negative loops of \nccircle
		  - introduce new options shift and showgrid for the
		    main pspicture environment
                  - rename \scalebox and \scaleboxto to 
                    \psscalebox(to) to be consistant to the
		    other PSTricks macro names
1.08  2005-06-02  fix bug with \multips (spurious blank) (hv)
1.07  2005-05-06  make \nccircle working for counter-clockwise
                  orientation (hv)
1.06  2005-02-24  fix spurious blank in doublestroke (hv)

pstricks-pdf.sty -------------(hv)
0.02 2020-08-18	  - set ps2pdf=-dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY as default
0.01 2020-06-11	  - first CTAN version

pst-fp.tex ----------- (hv)
 v 0.06  2010-05-14 delete catcode change of @
 v 0.05  2010-01-17 add \pst@Int
		    add \pst@int
 v 0.04  2009-11-24 add \pstFPadd
 v 0.03  2009-11-14 add \pstFPmul
 v 0.02  2009-04-02 initial version

xdvipdfmx.con ------
0.07 2021-09-05   - fix for ps: -> pst: 
0.06 2021-08-21   - small changes in the code 
0.05 2015-09-11	  - move the fix into pstricks.tex
0.04 2015-09-11	  - fix bug with wrong scaling for \psput@cartesian
0.03 2011-11-23	  - fix bug with wrong scaling for nodes
0.02 2010-08-02	  - uncomment redefinition of \pst@starbox
0.01 2007-03-11	  - first CTAN version, must be renamed to pstricks.con
                    when used with XeTeX

vtex.con ------
0.02 2008-01-01	  - disable transparent color setting

pstricks-doc -----------
2021-08-25  - updated news2021 
2021-08-21  - added news2021 
2015-11-11  - updated news2015 
2015-07-25  - updated news2015 
2015-06-29  - new news2015 
2014-08-28  - updated news2014 
2014-07-28  - updated news2014 
2013-12-09  - updated news2009 and news2013
2013-11-26  - updated news2013
2013-04-17  - updated news2013
2011-04-30  - extensions to pst-doc.cls v 0.19
2011-04-20  - extensions to pst-doc.cls v 0.18
2010-11-03  - extensions to pst-doc.cls v 0.16
2010-05-15  - extensions to pst-doc.cls v 0.15
2010-01-04  - extensions to pst-doc.cls v 0.14
2009-12-08  - extensions to pst-doc.cls 
              v 0.11 (package paralist)
2009-09-27  - extensions to pst-doc.cls
2009-08-17  - extensions to pst-doc.cls
2009-03-17  - update pst-doc.cls
2009-01-31  - update pst-doc.cls
2009-01-30  - update pst-doc.cls
            - new file
            - new file pst-news09.tex|pdf
2008-11-14  new file pst-doc.cls
2008-05-23  new files pst-news2008.tex|pdf
                      pst-news.sty for the doc
2005-12-22  new files pstnews1-14.tex|pdf
2006-12-19  new files pstnews1-15.tex|pdf

1.39  2021-09-09  - run OpenCurve in a dictionary 
1.38  2021-09-05  - increase memory for PenroseFill and PenrodeFillA 
1.37  2021-08-27  - revert fix for .setblendmode 
1.36  2021-08-25  - fix for function Penrose and PenroseA 
1.35  2021-08-21  - fix for new version > 9.53 
1.34  2021-03-30  - fix bug for intro to Ghostscript >9.52 
1.33  2020-09-21  - suppress Ghostscript warning
1.32  2020-09-18  - make .setopacityalpha compatible to Ghostscript >9.52
1.31  2020-06-09  - added support for griddx and griddy
1.30  2018-12-17  - added offset parameter for Grid
1.29  2018-11-14  - added /Power function
1.28  2017-12-30  - /AnytoDeg, /DegtoAny, /AnytoRad and /RadtoAny
                  - (see documentation)
1.27  2017-12-08  - P2CRel
1.26  2017-09-17  - do not load any font, leave it to the packages
                  - change the order for /Rect from right to left
1.25  2017-09-12  - take \ps@angleunit into account for PtoC
                  - PtoC360 for the original version 
1.24  2016-04-22  - fixed an empty line 
1.23  2014-07-31  - fixed bug with Ellipse and move to start point
1.22  2014-03-12  - added cubic spline stuff (Christoph Bersch)
1.21  2013-11-28  - deleted the overlay stuff 
1.20  2013-11-26  - fix for Rand 
1.19  2013-11-08  - do not put /Uput in a local dictionary 
1.18  2013-11-05  - put /UUput and /Uput in local dictionaries 
1.17  2013-07-08  - move the overlay part into
1.16  2013-05-22  - save color functions
1.15  2012-10-16  - modified Div operator
                  - take eofill into account
                  - moved some helper stuff into
1.14  2012-08-13  - add eoclip for linefill and dotfill
1.13  2012-07-01  - add PenroseFillA
1.12  2012-02-12  - add option tickAngle and symbolLinewidth
1.11  2012-02-09  - fix bug
1.10  2012-02-09  - add option for curveticks with option symbol
1.09  2011-10-31  - take values Ox and Oy into account for 
                    plot styles LineToXAxis and LineToYAxis
1.08  2011-07-09  - added sibroutine DotFill
1.07  2010-04-30  - take \psk@rot into account for \psellipse
                  - new helper function concatstring
1.06  2009-01-30  - cosmetic changes to the code
1.05  2008-08-02  - commented out empty lines
1.04  2008-05-11  - added Rand for a real random 0<=Rand<=1
1.03  2008-04-15  - only some cosmetics to the code
1.02  2008-01-01  - added the arrowtype D>, sides as curves (ArrowD)
		  - added the whole algebraic parser stuff
		  - added function tan := sin cos div
		  - added function Tan := sin cos Div
		  - added Pyth2 for 2 points given by xA yA xB yB 
		  - change variable names from x,y to xOrig, yOrig for
		  - move font setting for \psgrid into pstricks.tex
1.01  2006-01-11  (vg) fix a bug with ArcAdjust when both angles ares negative
                  add Sqrt sunction
1.00  2005-09-19  move the code for arcs of an ellipse from
                       the main pstricks.tex into this pro
97, patch 7  2005-09-11  added new fillstyles
97, patch 6  2005-05-17  added some helper stuff
                         RadtoDeg, DegtoRad, Pi, TwoPi, ATAN
97, patch 5  2005-03-08  bugfix for DashLine

2.02  2008-04-19  add octogon symbol (hv) 
2.01  2008-04-18  add some comments to the code (hv) 
2.00  2006-12-19  add more dot symbols from Etienne Riga (hv) 

 -- file moved into package pst-tools --

0.06  2014-05-19  - fixed bug in TrigoFunc 
0.05  2014-03-30  - added floor function 
0.04  2011-10-31  - add !/fact/Fact for the factorial function
0.03  2010-10-10  - cosmetics
0.02  2008-08-02  - commented out empty lines
                  - add EXP func ( same as exp )
0.01  2008-01-01  initial version (hv) 

Version 97 patch 3, 98/06/01

pstricks.sty --------
0.71  2021-08-23  - added optional argument gsfonts 
0.70  2020-06-11  - added optional argument xetex 
0.69  2018-12-22  - added optional argument xetex 
0.68  2018-02-08  - make grayscale and monochrome option 
                    use the global dictionary
0.67  2018-01-06  - small changes
0.66  2018-01-01  - new switch for engine
0.65  2017-09-17  - new switch for PS versus URW fonts
0.64  2017-07-16  - modified Blendmode for option distiller
0.63  2017-03-17  - remove auto-pst-pdf support, which is now possible
                    with package pstricks-pdf
0.62  2015-11-14  - set distiller option adter loadung pstricks
0.61  2015-11-11  - move auto-pst-pdf to a new package
0.60  2013-12-12  - test, if babel was loaded for \shorthandoff
0.59  2013-10-21  - fix for introduced bug with ifpdf
0.58  2013-10-20  - fix for \usepackage[pdf]{pstricks} when using
                    documentclass beamer
0.57  2013-05-22  - add option grayscale
0.56  2013-05-21  - add option monochrome
0.55  2013-04-05  - pass option pdfcrop=--hres to auto-pst-pdf
0.54  2013-04-05  - revert setting of the fillcolor, see 0.33
0.53  2012-08-24  - update version number for pro files
0.52  2011-10-31  - update version number for pro files
0.51  2011-08-01  - revert test for pdflatex / lualatex
0.50  2011-04-23  - message for
0.49  2011-03-26  - test for pdflatex/lualatex
0.48  2010-11-26  - cgode changes
0.47  2010-09-18  - fix bug with option 97, load and 
0.46  2010-08-28  - fix bug with auto-pst-pdf
0.45  2010-06-17  - add option pdf for using auto-pst-pdf together
                    with pdflatex (needs an option -shell-escape
                    for TeXLive or -enable-write18 for MiKTeX)
0.44  2010-04-24  - change version number of
0.43  2010-03-20  - rename \pst@tempa to \pst@sty@tempa to prevent
                    problems with pst-fill
0.42  2010-03-16  - load pst-fp only once by pstricks-tex
                    write only a message for a LaTeX run
0.41  2010-02-11  - message for loading pst-fp
0.40  2009-01-30  - typeout an error message if the user named his
                    TeX source file pstricks.tex (rn)
                  - updated versions for the pro files
0.39  2008-10-31  - define \psDEBUG, if the old version is loaded
0.38  2008-10-19  - add new option for loading the old version from '97
0.37  2008-01-24  - add option distiller for transparent colors
0.36  2008-01-22  - Better error message, when the document
                    has the same name than a PSTricks file. (RN)
0.35  2008-01-01  - add message for loading
	          - add option vtex to disable opacity values
0.34  2007-09-13  - add message for loading
	          - and  (hv)
0.33  2007-02-18  set initial color  (hv)
0.32  2006-08-10  message for loading the pro file (hv)
0.31  2005-12-19  one more step to a better color support (hv)
0.30  2005-11-15  drop test for pstcol
                  fix bug with xcolor (hv)
0.24  2005-08-30  drop support for \sclabox check, it is now renamed 
                  in pstricks.tex (hv)
0.23  2005-06-02  Option DIA to prevent a clash with \scalebox (hv)
0.22  2005-02-25  changes were done in the wrong version
0.21  2005-02-21  fix problem with \newrgbcolor (RN,hv)
pst-all.sty  --------
 2008-01-01  load pstricks-add
 2007-09-13  change order of the packages
 2006-12-19  do not load pst-char, it is now part of pst-text