%% This is file `bnf.sty', generated on <1993/2/16> 
%% with the docstrip utility (2.0r).
%% The original source file was `bnf.doc'.
%% Included options: `style'.
%% You are not allowed to distribute this file.
%% For distribution of the original source see
%% the copyright notice in the file bnf.doc.
\def\filedate{09 Feb 1993 15:16:48 BST}
\def\docdate{09 Feb 1993 15:16:48 BST}
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-file{
%%%     filename        = "BNF.DOC",
%%%     version         = "1.05",
%%%     date            = "09 Feb 1993",
%%%     time            = "15:16:48 BST",
%%%     author          = "Mike Piff",
%%%     address         = "Dr M. J. Piff
%%%                        University of Sheffield
%%%                        Department of Pure Mathematics
%%%                        Hicks Building
%%%                        Hounsfield Road
%%%                        SHEFFIELD S3 7RH
%%%                        England",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     telephone       = "+44 742 824431",
%%%     email           = "M.Piff@shef.ac.uk (Janet)",
%%%     keywords        = "Backus,Naur,syntax,grammar",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     checksum        = "15432 526 2399 20401",
%%%     docstring       = "A style option to LaTeX for producing
%%%                        Backus-Naur Form syntax notation.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
%% This is BNF.DOC
%% Copyright (C) 1993 Mike Piff
%% All rights reserved.
%% Copying of this file is authorized only if
%% you make absolutely no changes to your copy.
%% Usage:
%% \documentstyle[bnf]{article} %% in LaTeX
 %<+driver>   \DocInput{BNF.DOC}
\typeout{Backus-Naur Form style option for LaTeX, (c) Mike Piff, \filedate}
\def\NonTerminalStyle{\fam0 }
{\obeyspaces\gdef\ControlSpaces{\let =\ }}
\def\Star{\,\left\{}  \def\endStar{\right\}\,}
\def\Optional{\,\left[} \def\endOptional{\right]\,}
\def\Bracket{\,\left(} \def\endBracket{\right)\,}
 \gdef\TerminalFont{\tt \catcode96\active
   \def`{\leavevmode\kern\z@\char96 }}
      \ifmmode \hbox \else \leavevmode\null \fi
      \def~{\egroup\@latexerr{Terminal string ended by
                              end of line.}\@ehc}%
    \let\do\@makeother \dospecials
\def\PreTerminal{} \def\PostTerminal{}
\mathchardef\lt="313C \mathchardef\gt="313E
   \mathchardef\HYPHEN="2D  \mathchardef\MINUS="2200
   \mathchardef\Relbar="303D  \def\relbar{\mathrel{\smash{\MINUS}}}
   \mathcode`[=\mathactive \mathcode`\]=\mathactive
   \mathcode`(=\mathactive \mathcode`\)=\mathactive
   \mathcode`|=\mathactive \mathcode`-=\mathactive
   \mathcode`<=\mathactive \mathcode`\>=\mathactive
   \mathcode`@=\mathactive \mathcode`==\mathactive
   \mathcode96 \mathactive
\def\NotInNonTerminal{\errmessage{Not allowed in a non-terminal}}
   \catcode`[\active \catcode`\]\active
   \catcode`(\active \catcode`\)\active
   \catcode`|\active \catcode`-\active
   \catcode`<\active \catcode`>\active
   \catcode`@\active \catcode`=\active
   \catcode96 \active
   \NotNTdef[\Optional        \NotNTdef]\endOptional
   \NotNTdef(\Bracket         \NotNTdef)\endBracket
   \NotNTdef|\OR              \NotNTdef<\NonTerminal
   \gdef@{% either an escape char or a star group

%% End of file `bnf.sty'.