Readme.TamilFont 91.2.22

If you are looking for the Tamil font "Palladam", please go down to
Tamil/Palladam2.1 (i.e., /pub/Tamil/Palladam2.1) for the most recent
version. The older version can be found in Tamil/Palladam.Old.

All files are text files. You need BinHex4.0 to decode the files with
the hqx extension (bitmap.hqx, keymap.hqx, and palla.hqx). Instructions
for installation are provided in the Readme file.

Please do not ask me for help in installing the font. Please ask your
local Mac expert for help. Also, I cannot mail the fonts at this time.

If you would like to use the font on the NeXT machines, and if you
can install them yourself, I can gladly provide the font. The Mac
version is not usable directly since different key mappings are

I do not know when "Palladam" will be ready for other machines and/or
operating systems. I shall post a news article when other versions
become usable.

I hope you find the font useful and relatively easy to use. If you use
the font and like it and/or have any suggestions for improvement, you
may want to mail me a note.

T. Govindaraj		+1 404 894 3873 (voice)
Associate Professor	+1 404 894 2301 (fax)	tg@chmsr.uucp;

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
765 Ferst Drive, ISyE-0205, Atlanta, GA 30332-0205, USA