README.ETH                  V. 1.0                              January, 1994

* Introduction
  The EthTeX Package is a bundle of many people's work--TeX by Donald Knuth,
  emTeX ported to personal computer by Eberhard Mattes, LaTeX by Laslie
  Lamport, and many more.

  In addition to standard features of TeX, the package provides suitable 
  environment for the Ethiopian Script users.  More than anything else, the
  purpose of the package is to open up the world of TeX to the users who until
  now lack the means to produce beautiful books or documents with Ethiopian
  Script beyond a word processor's scope.  

  Books, the users may want to explore are:
  [1] The TeXbook;  Donald Knuth

      A principal guide for TeX typesetting system.

  [2] LaTeX: A Document Preparation System;  Laslie Lamport

      A guide for producing books, reports, articles, letters, and so on.

  [3] The METAFONTbook; Donald Knuth

      A reference manual for designing font with a METAFONT system.    
  [4] Mestahafe eLaTeX (written in Amharic); Abass Alamnehe

      An Amharic guide for producing books, reports, articles, letters, 
      and so on with Ethiopian script in eLaTeX.  


* The EthTeX Package

  The system comes with ten 5.25" floppy diskettes and it is also available
  in a number of archive sites through FTP (File Transfer Protocol.)
  To get it via ftp, you must have an access to a network with an ftp
  service.  If you don't have one, you may get the package from me,
  but you must cover the expense--material and shipping & handling; and also 
  it is available from TeX User Group office.

* Hardware Requirement

  IBM pc or compatible with 8086, 80286, 80386, or 80486
  640MB RAM
  EGA, or VGA display adapter
  About 8MB hard disk space

* The System features

  emTeX : TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, and others stuff.
  eLaTeX--a modified version of LaTeX featuring Amharic commands
  Ethiopian fonts
  MicroEMACS that includes EthioME for Ethiopic editing.

* Documents

  All the following documents are included in distribution and can be
  processed and printed. They are located in "C:\EMTEX\DOC\AMHARIC"

   README.ETH   :  This file
   READ1ST.TEX  :  Introduction and installation guide (Amharic--TeX file)
   VIEWER.TEX   :  Users guide for dvi file viewing (Amharic--TeX file)
   PRTDVR.TEX   :  Users guide for printing dvi files (Amharic--TeX file)
   TEXSHELL.TEX :  Introductory TeXshell users guide (Amharic--TeX file)
   ETHIOME.TEX  :  An Amharic reference manual for ETHIOME (a TeX file)

*  The EthTeX Package on floppy diskettes: There are ten minimum high density
   diskettes labeled as shown below.

   1. emTeX DISK 1 of 8
   2. emTeX DISK 2 of 8
   3. emTeX DISK 3 of 8
   4. emTeX DISK 4 of 8
   5. emTeX DISK 5 of 8
   6. emTeX DISK 6 of 8
   7. eLaTeX DISK 7 of 8
   8. EthioME DISK 8 of 8
   9. TeXfonts  DISK 1 of 2      (for a single specified printer)
  10. TeXfonts  DISK 2 of 2

*  Optional

   An Amharic Guide for eLaTeX document preparation Guide for sale.

*  Distribution

   The package is available from three sources:
   1.  Archive site in which the system can be retrieved using a ftp services.
       The sites includes:

       ftp.shsu.edu     []   tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex
       ftp.tex.ac.uk    []   tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex
       ftp.dante.de     []     tex-archive/languages/ethiopia/ethtex

   2.  It can be ordered directly from TUG (TeX Users Group) office. For more
       information write or call the office.

       TeX Users Group
       P.O. Box 869
       Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA
       Phone:  +1 (805)963-1338
       FAX:    +1 (805)963-8358
       email:  tug@tug.org

    3. It can be obtained directly from me also. For more information write 
       or call to:

       EthiO Systems 
       P.O. Box 36921
       Houston, TX 77236
       Phone: +1 (713)995-4360
       email: abassa@neosoft.com

* Installing the EthTeX Package

  There are two ways of installing the EthTeX package---automatic
  installation with an installer program or else manual using
  PKUNZIP program.

  *  With Installer

     The installer will allow you to install a minimum pre-configured system.
     To do so follow the instruction below:

     1. It is always a good practice to make a back copy of all original
        diskettes; therefore, before you install the system, backup the

     2. Insert the diskette labeled "emTeX DISK 1 of 8" into the floppy disk

     3. While you are on floppy disk drive type "install" and press
        <enter>.  For example,

                 A:\>install <enter>

        then follow the program instruction until it tells you that the
        installation is complete.  Incase, if you want to quit installing
        just press <Esc>, but the installation part that was done until the
        time of the "quit" command is given will not be undo.

     NOTE: The installer program will not install every component of the
           package; therefore, it will skip a number diskettes during

   *  Using PKUNZIP:

      Here, you should be familiar with TeX, LaTeX, and METAFONT in general.
      You must know what part of the system you want to install.

      README.ENG (Disk #1): Read this file for more information on emTeX.

      README.INS (Disk #7): Read this file for more information on eLaTeX,
                            TeXshell, EthioME, and fonts.

      PKUNZIP.EXE (Disk #1) can be used to decompress the necessary files.


   The installer program knows how to update these files.  However, if you
   have preferred to install the system with PKUNZIP,  you should check
   and make an update to AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS yourself.

   * Defining the environment:

     TeX and METAFONT must know  where some part  of files are located.  There
     is a file called "set-tex.bat" which will take care of this for you.
     However, in order to use the system, either you have to run it every time
     you turn on the machine, or you should make a call from your AUTOEXEC
     file so that whenever the machine is turned on, it automatically set the
     environment.  To call from AUTOEXEC:

     1. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file with your favorite editor

     2. And, insert "call set-tex" at the end of the file, at least
        below the "PATH" definition.

   * Setting the PATH:

     If you want to run TeX from  other directories other than "c:\emtex"
     directory, you need to specify the	directory in the PATH section of
     AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  You should also includes other related directories
     to the PATH.  Here is what exactly should be added to the path


    * Modifying CONFIG.SYS

      This system file among other things specify how many files DOS can open
      at the same time.  At least, number of "files" and "buffers" has to be or
      above as shown below


      To insure that enough environment space is available, you need also to
      include at the first line of this file:

              		SHELL=command.com /E:1000 /P

*  Getting Started

   There are a number of ways of invoking TeX.  The easy one might be to
   use TeXshell.  TeXshell is a menu driven environment to edit, compose,
   view, and print TeX's documents.  TeXshell is set to suit eLaTeX, but
   you can change this configuration yourself whenever you want.

   It is good to invoke TeXshell in "c:\mytex" directory since this
   directory serve you to organize your documents.  Here is what you

        1. Type "cd c:\mytex"

        2. Type "texshell sample.tex"

        3. Now you are in TeXshell environment.  Press F4

        4. You should be now in EthioME mode with "sample.tex".  Examine the
           file, but don't make a change.  For more information on EthioME,
           please retrieve "ETHIOME.TEX", compose it, and print it.  It is
           an Amharic reference manual for EthioME (EthioMicroEmacs.)

        5. When you finish looking at the "sample.tex", press F10 to exit from
           EthioME.  By this time you are back to TeXshell environment.

        6. To process "sample.tex", press F6.  TeX now reads "sample.tex" and
           produce a final version of "sample.tex", which is "sample.dvi".
           This is the file used to view or print.  While TeX is working
           on the document, it displays information on screen telling you what
           it is really doing. If it encounters an error, it will stop and
           tell where the error has occurred.

        7. To view the document that TeX has produced, press F8.  This will
           take you to a previewer.  The previewer displays the first page of
           the document zoomed at higher level.  You can reduce the zoom
           by pressing "-" or increase by pressing "+".  For more information,
           compose and print VIEWER.TEX.

        8. When you finish viewing the document, press "q", then you are back
           to TeXshell environment.

        9. The final act of this process is to print the document on your

           a. Press F9

           b. Press <enter>.

           The driver now sends the document to the printer one
           page at a time until the entire document is printed.

Abass B. Alamnehe
P.O. Box 36921
Houston, TX 77236
e-mail: abassa@neosoft.com