Available Hebrew Fonts.
Hebrew fonts come in three versions, according to the letters'
positions in the ASCII sequences. 

   Old Code (= 7-bits fonts), also called oldcode. Aleph is ASCII 96,
   Bet is ASCII 97 etc. That is, Hebrew letters take the positions
   of lower case English letters. 

   New Code (=The 8-bits fonts), also called newcode. Aleph is ASCII 224,
   Bet is ASCII 225 etc. Used in Unix, VMS, PC MS-windows.

For DOS PC the font names are sometimes shorter because of
DOS necessities.

Jerusalem, TelAviv, OldJaffa, DeadSea 
Those are the "regular" fonts in most applications.

Jerusalem is the default.
Jerusalem_newcode is the 8 bit version (Aleph in Ascii 224)
Jer_pc is the DOS version (Aleph in Ascii 128).
DeadSea is a darker font.
DeadSea_newcode is the 8 bit version (Aleph in Ascii 224)
Dead_pc is the DOS version (Aleph in Ascii 128).
TelAviv is a sort of sans-serif font.
TelAviv_newcode is the 8 bit version (Aleph in Ascii 224)
Tel_pc is the DOS version (Aleph in Ascii 128).
OldJaffa is a narrow font.
OldJaffa_newcode is the 8 bit version (Aleph in Ascii 224)
Old_pc is the DOS version (Aleph in Ascii 128).

Those four fonts are available also as PostScript files,
in the subdirectory /ps.

Frank_Ruehl - new 8 bits fonts
A Frank Ruehl font, written in Metafont in three versions:
fr - regular,  frbx - bold  and  frsl - slanted. 
redis8, redis9, redis10, redis12, redis17, rediss8,9,10, redisbx10
Those fonts have been created by Prof. Jacques J. Goldberg of the
Technion, Haifa.

This font contains a full set of Hebrew letters in a "sans-serif"
style, and selected punctuation.

Those fonts are available in 8-bit also, in files called *_newcode.mf

hclassic, hcaption
Those fonts have been created By Joel M. Hoffman.
They are meant for old style Hebrew text. hcaption is slanted.
Vowels (=NIKUD) is included. 
Usage is explained in fonts/doc/classic_guide.ps
An example of an input file is included in the file 

ShalomScript10, ShalomStick10, ShalomOldStyle10
Those fonts have been created By Jonathan Brecher.

These are three variations of a Hebrew font with "vowels". Three fonts +
vowels are available - ShalomScript10.mf, ShalomStick10.mf  and  
ShalomOldStyle.mf .  "script" here means KTAV (= handwriting style).
Usage is described in fonts/doc/Shalom.readme. 
A sample is available in fonts/doc/shalom.ps .
An example of an input file is included in the file 

crml10, crmlsl10 
Those two fonts, carmel and carmel slanted, are bold fonts.
They have been written by Dr. Samy Zafrany of the Technion, Haifa,
with the intention of making nice fonts for headers and for
emphasized text.