%% This is file 'bxjaprnind.sty'.
%% Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
%%   GitHub:   https://github.com/zr-tex8r
%%   Twitter:  @zr_tex8r
%% This package is distributed under the MIT License.

%% package declaration
\ProvidesPackage{bxjaprnind}[2021/06/18 v0.4a]

%% code guards
\catcode33=12 % <!>
\catcode34=12 % <">
\catcode39=12 % <'>
\catcode45=12 % <->
\catcode46=12 % <.>
\catcode47=12 % </>
\catcode58=12 % <:>
\catcode59=12 % <;>
\catcode60=12 % <<>
\catcode62=12 % <>>

%--------------------------------------- prologue

%% packages

%% variables

%--------------------------------------- options

%% force
%% dispatch

%--------------------------------------- set the paragraph hook

%% Checks if everyhook package is available

  % if everyhook is available...

  % register the hook

  % otherwise...
  % makes a hook to \everypar for myself

      Option 'force' is not supported because\MessageBreak
      package 'everyhook' is not available%
\endlinechar=-1 %
%--------------------------------------- the newline hook

%% adds hooks to (subcommands of) \\

%--------------------------------------- helpers

%% \bxpi@inhibitglue
    Command \string\inhibitglue\space
    unavailable in current settings;\MessageBreak
    the package may not work properly

%--------------------------------------- main

%% \bxpi@parhead
%% \bxpi@linehead
%% \bxpi@dialogue
%% \bxpi@lineheadforce
%% switch bxpi@d@parprnind
%% switch bxpi@d@lineprnind
%% switch bxpi@diaprnind
%% switch bxpi@prnind
%% switch bxpi@forceind
%% \bxpi@choice
%% \bxpi@special

%%<*> \useparheadparenindent

%%<*> \nouseparheadparenindent

%%<*> \uselineheadparenindent

%%<*> \nouselineheadparenindent

%%<*> \usedialogueparenindent

%%<*> \nousedialogueparenindent

%%<*> \parheadparenindentamount
% Sets the value of \bxpi@parhead.

%<*> \lineheadparenindentamount
% Sets the value of \bxpi@linehead.

%<*> \lineheadforceindentamount
% Sets the value of \bxpi@lineheadforce.

%<*> \dialogueparenindentamount
% Sets the value of \bxpi@dialogue.

%%<*> \prnind

%% \bxpi@init@param
% Initializes the parameters.
% (Invoked at every \\.)

%% \bxpi@parse@arg{<str>}
% Parses the option argument of \\. It reads the prefix > and !
% and sets the switches bxpi@forceind and bxpi@prnind, then
% sets the remaining string to \bxpi@res, which is passed to
% the original argument parser (\@newline).
    \ifbxpi@prnind \bxpi@prnindfalse
    \else \bxpi@prnindtrue

%% \bxpi@par@hook

%% \bxpi@paren@indent
    % empty boxes never warn undefhull
      \if m\bxpi@choice \else
          \if p\bxpi@choice
\bxDebug{cancel parindent}
  \ifdim \bxpi@dima<\z@

%% \bxpi@put@special

%% \bxpi@if@open@paren

%% \bxpi@if@dia@open@paren

%% \bxpi@prnind@pardflt
%% \bxpi@prnind@linedflt

%--------------------------------------- character table

%% \[bxpi@P/<char>]

%% \[bxpi@DP/<char>]

%--------------------------------------- 'force' option

%% re-attach the hook at begin-document

%--------------------------------------- all done
%% EOF