% orkern.mf -- kerning table for Oriya metafont
% Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Jeroen Hellingman
% Note:
%   we can't use kerning tables to position the matra's correctly, as that
%   will shift all following characters as well, we can, however, use kerning
%   and ligatures to change or join matras to the characters -- making the
%   preprocessor much simpler. For this need to create various, differently
%   positioned, copies of of the matras, but that we will have to do anyway, 
%   when we create a PostScript version of the font for use in applications
%   that assume all glyphs are on the same line.
% History:
%   20-JUN-1999 Added j+ja, j+jha (JH)
%   16-JUN-1999 Added s+tu
%   29-MAY-1999 Added k+tta, t+pa (JH)
%   31-MAY-1998 Added h+ma (JH)
%   30-MAY-1998 Added ni, n+ti, etc. (JH)
%   07-SEP-1997 Added d+ga (JH)
%   27-APR-1997 Added bhu combination (JH)
%   18-NOV-1996 Added centered matras under some letters (JH)
%   23-SEP-1996 Added flag to disable consonant-matra ligatures (JH)

% define macros for variants of the vowel signs.

% end of orkern.mf