%% pmat.sty, version 0.1
%% Tom\'as Oliveira e Silva, January 1996
%% Partitioned matrix code. Works under TeX and LaTeX (all versions)
%% Unfortunately, the syntax of pmat is much closer to that of TeX
%% than to that of LaTeX.
% Avoid loading this file more than once
\expandafter\ifx\csname pmat@iter\endcsname\relax\else\endinput\fi
% Make @ a letter
\expandafter\edef\csname pmat@catcode\endcsname
  {\catcode`\string @=\the\catcode`\@}
% How to select the dash shape
%     cross (A): horizontal and vertical dash lines cross each other
%   nocross (B): horizontal and vertical dash lines do not cross each other
\pmatcross %The default
% Debug flag
% Extra facilities are provided under LaTeX2e
  \ProvidesPackage{pmat}[1996/01/01 v0.1]
  \DeclareOption{debug}{\pmat@debugtrue}%Undocumented feature
% Debug code. If enabled it draws a bounding box around each matrix entry.
    \hrule height#1 depth#2 \kern-#2}
    \advance\dimen0 by#2\vrule width\dimen0}\kern-#2}
    \kern-#1 \hbox to \wd0{\pmat@hidevrule{#1}{#2}%
    \raise\ht0\vbox to #1{}%
    \lower\dp0\vtop to #1{}%
% All pmat internal parameters can be accessed/changed externaly through
% the macros \pmatget and \pmatset (to hide the names of the parameters).
% Currently there are 7 parameters defined:
%   0  pmat@dashwidth ------- length of one dash ``unit''
%   1  pmat@dashheight ------ thickness of the dash lines
%   2  pmat@minlinegap ------ the minimum gap between lines
%   3  pmat@mincolumngap ---- the minimum gap between columns
%   4  pmat@minentrywidth --- minimum width of each entry of the matrix
%   5  pmat@minentryheight -- minimum height of each entry of the matrix
%   6  pmat@minentrydepth --- minimum depth of each entry of the matrix
%% 2.88 and .36pt correspond to an integral number of pixels at
%%     400dpi and 600 dpi.
%% minentrydepth+0.5(minlinegap+dashheight) should be smaller than dashwidth
% Some useful macros
\def\pmat@roundup#1{\advance\dimen#1 by \pmat@dashwidth
  \advance\dimen#1 by -1sp
  \divide\dimen#1 by \pmat@dashwidth
  \multiply\dimen#1 by \pmat@dashwidth}
  \advance\dimen0 by.5\pmat@mincolumngap\advance\dimen0 by\pmat@dashheight
  \advance\dimen2 by.5\pmat@minlinegap\advance\dimen2 by.5\pmat@dashheight
  \advance\dimen4 by.5\pmat@minlinegap\advance\dimen4 by.5\pmat@dashheight
  \pmat@roundup0\advance\dimen0 by-\wd0\pmat@roundup2\pmat@roundup4%
  \hbox{\vrule width 0pt height\dimen2 depth\dimen4%
\def\pmat@hdashA{\cleaders\hbox to \pmat@dashwidth{\hss\vrule
  width .5\pmat@dashwidth height .5\pmat@dashheight depth .5\pmat@dashheight
\def\pmat@hdashB{\cleaders\hbox to \pmat@dashwidth{\vrule
  width .25\pmat@dashwidth height .5\pmat@dashheight depth .5\pmat@dashheight
  width .25\pmat@dashwidth height .5\pmat@dashheight depth .5\pmat@dashheight
\def\pmat@vdashA{\cleaders\vbox to \pmat@dashwidth{\vss\hrule
  width \pmat@dashheight height .5\pmat@dashwidth depth 0pt\vss}\vfill}
\def\pmat@vdashB{\cleaders\vbox to \pmat@dashwidth{\hrule
  width \pmat@dashheight height .25\pmat@dashwidth depth 0pt\vss\hrule
  width \pmat@dashheight height .25\pmat@dashwidth depth 0pt}\vfill}
% The main pmat macros
  \setbox0=\hbox{$\left#1 TEST \right#3$}%To test delimiters
  \everycr{}\def\-{\noalign{\penalty 1}}%
  \dimen0=\ht0\advance\dimen0 by\dp0%
  \setbox2=\vbox to \dimen0{\kern.5\pmat@dashwidth
  \setbox4=\hbox to \wd0{\kern.5\pmat@dashwidth
%% Unpack and process last hbox of alignment (generated by \pmat@omit)
%% Place dashed lines where requested between the lines of the alignment
%  \delimmiterfactor=975
%  \delimitershortfall=2pt
% restore catcode of @
% That's all, folks!